The four needles curse this all.
— Caucus Error Reporter. (@CascadianSolo) February 4, 2020
I liked it better when that was the midwestern joke term for a cheap, filling casserole that included canned water chestnuts along with the tater tots and cream-of-mushroom soup.
From our NYT story tonight: no indication the app to tally votes in Iowa was hacked/breached.
What happened appears to be much more mundane and commonplace: people didn’t understand how to use the technology, and bugs in internet speed/connectivity led to a lot of malfunctions.— Sheera Frenkel (@sheeraf) February 4, 2020
Instead this app was kept a secret until a few weeks ago. Precincts were given little to no training. It didn’t help that phone lines to call in votes were also recently changed.
— Sheera Frenkel (@sheeraf) February 4, 2020
Iowa is supposed to vault candidates. Instead it vaulted the entire caucus ritual high off a diving board—and into an empty pool. @harrispolitico
— Christopher Cadelago (@ccadelago) February 4, 2020
…Buttigieg’s speech amounted to a weird capstone to a very weird night.
He said, “By all indications we are going on to New Hampshire victorious.” Perhaps he has some indications but by no means does he have “all indications.” Nor does anyone else.
By the time people get those indications, it’s not clear that they will matter. The very theory of the Iowa caucus was strained by Monday night’s vote-counting debacle. The idea, stretching back to Jimmy Carter’s coming-from-nowhere victory in 1976, is that a small-state could have large impact by going first and leveraging the power of theatrics. A win in Iowa is supposed to vault people to some new orbit in the public mind—the elusive force called momentum—and produce more victories ahead.
But the theatrics of Iowa have been ruined. The crowning of a winner Monday did not happen. Tuesday is Donald Trump’s State of the Union address. Wednesday is the day Trump is supposed to win acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial. Friday is another Democratic debate in New Hampshire, where voters cast primary ballots in a week. Iowa momentum may prove perishable—if it is ever there to harvest in the first place.
The only thing clearly indicated from Monday night’s event was fiasco. At the time of this writing—middle of the night East Coast time—even the dimensions of this fiasco are unclear…
If you think the #IACaucus delays are bad, wait until you hear about what happens in black or brown precincts across the country. We’re used to waiting.
— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) February 4, 2020
Sensibly, every candidate with a reasonable argument stepped up to explain how the real winner was the friends we made along the way.
From what I was seeing early in the evening, Mayor Pete actually did seem to be doing better than predicted… and that means a lot to a lot of people, so I can’t hate it:
Pete Buttigieg: “So we don’t know all the results. But we know by the time it’s all said and done—Iowa, you have shocked the nation!”
Buttigieg is one of several candidates to rally supporters as technical issues have delayed results of Iowa caucuses.— ABC News (@ABC) February 4, 2020
Tonight, Mayor Pete made history! His groundbreaking performance in Iowa sends a message to #LGBTQ+ young people across the country — from Sioux City to San Francisco, Waterloo to Bakersfield — that their voices matter. #WinTheEra #TeamPete
— Equality California (@eqca) February 4, 2020
Elizabeth Warren, no surprise, praised all the people who’ve worked to get her here, and who will hopefully keep working as the parade moves on to New Hampshire…
HAPPENING NOW: Elizabeth Warren speaks to supporters while awaiting the delayed #IowaCaucuses results
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 4, 2020
Elizabeth Warren: “Americans do big things. That’s who we are. We don’t settle. We don’t back down. We meet big problems with even bigger solutions. So I’m here tonight because I believe that big dreams are still possible in America.” #cnnelection
— CNN (@CNN) February 4, 2020
For the last couple weeks, the rumors have been that Biden wasn’t gonna win Iowa. The partial preliminaries apparently looked even worse than predicted, so political lifer Uncle Joe did what any professional in his circumstances would do: Prepare to litigate, or at least argue, the eventual results. This might not have been the best year to do the absolutely predictable conventional-wisdom thing, though — the optics have changed.
Joe Biden: “Well, the Iowa Democratic Party is working to get this result straight. And I want to make sure they’re very careful in their deliberations.”
“We don’t know exactly what it is yet, but we feel good about where we are,” Biden added.— ABC News (@ABC) February 4, 2020
Joe Biden spoke to supporters while awaiting #IowaCaucuses results. His campaign sent a letter to the Iowa Democratic Party about “considerable flaws” in the reporting system
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 4, 2020
Klobuchar and Yang concede nothing. As is their right!
Amy Klobuchar speaks amid the delay in Iowa results: “We know one thing: We are punching above our weight. … Somehow, some way I’m going to get on a plane tonight to New Hampshire” #cnnelection
— CNN (@CNN) February 4, 2020
Andrew Yang and the other Democratic presidential candidates gave modified victory speeches late Monday night as reporting “inconsistencies” delayed Iowa caucus results
— POLITICO (@politico) February 4, 2020
And Bernie Sanders, who is nothing if not consistent, made a half-hearted feint towards ‘optimism’… while his closest aides and surrogates immediately started ginning up conspiracy theories.
Bernie Sanders: “I have a strong feeling that at some point the results will be announced and when those results are announced, I have a good feeling we’re going to be doing very, very well here in Iowa.”
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) February 4, 2020
The lack of clarity out of the Iowa caucuses may have thrown a lifeline to Joe Biden and delivered a blow to Bernie Sanders
— POLITICO (@politico) February 4, 2020
If last night was a disaster for any particular campaign, it’s probably Sanders. They had a cunning plan: If the patented Bernista brand of ‘yelling at people until they conceded out of exhaustion’ didn’t work, and the backup ‘if we don’t win, we refuse to vote for anyone else, so you Warren voters better submit or you’ll be responsible for Trump getting reelected’ plan failed to impress the ladykin, his team would boost his stature by releasing raw first-round data to bring in the undecideds and bandwagoneers. Omlettes, eggs, not beanbag, dudes. The lack of crisp totals leaves them… well, there’s always the warm damp comfort-blanket of RIGGGED!!!!
The Sanders subreddit has gone headlong into conspiracy theories about the DNC manipulating the reporting app to make Buttigieg look stronger.
— Caucus Error Reporter. (@CascadianSolo) February 4, 2020
Hi Peter. It was Bernie people who fought hardest to keep the caucus system during the Unity Commission, and they did it because they dominated the caucuses in 2016 and wanted a repeat in 2020. Don't come complaining to anyone now.
— ??Dante Atkins?? (@DanteAtkins) February 4, 2020
the least conspiratorial version is the accurate version, which is that caucuses are archaic and stupid and they appear to have screwed up.
Everyone *did not* think Sanders would win. Everyone thought it was up in the air, except for maybe Sanders hardcore partisans.
— Noah Berlatsky (@nberlat) February 4, 2020
Jeff Weaver counted up 40% of precincts, and you're not gonna believe this folks, but Bernie is the clear winner. Boom. It's over.
— Iowasca Tripper (@agraybee) February 4, 2020
.@edokeefe points out that the delay in #IowaCaucuses results comes from new rules that were intended to add more transparency after the 2016 race: “What is happening tonight is exactly what Bernie Sanders asked for”
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 4, 2020
“The idea of the caucus itself has failed to meet the viability threshold,” says CNN’s Van Jones, reacting to the delay in reporting results in Iowa. “…You only have one job, Iowa.” #cnnelection
— CNN (@CNN) February 4, 2020
I *hate* having to agree with a RINO, but…
Let’s be serious for a moment: this is what should happen. I’m not saying that IA has to cede its priority in the calendar (which only dates back to 1972, incidentally, and look at what it gave the Dems back then), just that caucuses have to go. Primaries. Vote and go home.
— Esoteric Jeff (@EsotericCD) February 4, 2020
The Revolutionaries seem easily demoralized and alienated.
Seems like Bloomberg is the real winner here.
Chyron HR
It’s just the caucus count, Amy, it’s not the aliens from Independence Day.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
As someone who hated the caucus system, last night seems like poetic justice??
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Steeplejack (phone)
Good morning. ?
Mary G
All those pork chops on a stick 25 different candidates gnawed through at the Iowa State Fair last summer wasted. Sad!
They must switch to a primary. This is undemocratic.
Betty Cracker
Reposting from obsolete thread:
Top line results:
Sanders 30.54%
Warren: 26.48%
Buttigieg: 21.67%
Klobuchar: 13.49%
Biden: 6.57%
Other: 1.26%
This tally is incomplete and therefore arguably meaningless, but I trust it more than Jeff Weaver’s press release.
David Fud
Wow, glad I gave it up at 10pm. Couldn’t have happened to a more archaicly counted state. Now, if we can get the manipulateable machine marked ballots to crash out the same way in Georgia, we might get everyone back to hand marked, machine scanned paper ballots and get the hackers out of the cracks of our voting systems.
@Chyron HR:
Escape from Des Moines is an underrated movie.
Andrew Gillum’s tweet [shades of OH in 2004!] is an interesting bookend for any number of the others collected here. I breathlessly await more Daou-esque pronouncements re: how the DNC rigged the system in favor of
HitlaryABB*.*Anyone But Bernie
Steeplejack (phone)
Eh, not Kurt Russell’s best work, but the shootout at the grain elevator was epic.
Is the primary over yet? Do we have a challenger to Trump?
The most anti-climatic primary, I can remember. I feel like whoever wins, we all lose.
Betty Cracker
I wonder if the caucus reporting face-plant will satisfy the Beltway pundits who usually demand a blood sacrifice from among the candidates to liven things up after Iowa? It’s been 16 years since the “Dean Scream.” Looks like a 538 editor is trying Buttigieg’s “victorious” statement on for size:
Okay then.
Being that “On The Road” is hiatus, what to see some pretty pictures?
Biff Baxter
How a candidate and their staff/advocates react to all this is and will be revealing. Spouting off conspiracy theories is not a good sign.
@Betty Cracker:
Bronner gets paid for that level of inanity? Damn, I should see if 538 will hire me. “Well, Jim, Candidate X’s ground game gave 110 percent today, and on any given quadrennial first Monday in February in I-o-way, that can make all the difference in the
horse racegame! CoachBelichick’sDevine’s magic still seems to work!” (or not, depending)OzarkHillbilly
@Baud: Yeah but Escape TO Des Moines just sucked.
Nice. You always seem to find the best pictures on the Intertoobz.
@SFAW: Find? I took all those pictures.
As a follow-up to a random recipe conservation from last week: I was able to find canned Great Northern beans. Unfortunately, they were Bush’s, but I bought a couple of cans anyway. When I get a chance to try the Black Bean Cake recipe, I’ll let you know, but I’m looking forward to it.
@SFAW: Careful, the Bush’s beans may start a war.
Yes, Bill, I know, as I’ve commented on them before. The “best pictures” was the important part.
Betty Cracker
Not sure what to make of the reports that Iowa turnout this year was about the same as in 2016. It’s probably a crap result for Sanders. Even if you take Weaver’s numbers as gospel (and I most definitely do not), this means Sanders lost a lot of voters from 2016 and failed to bring new people in. But I saw a recent poll showing that voter enthusiasm is off the charts nationwide, which led me to expect turnout would be higher. Maybe it’s just Iowa’s onerous process…
Must see TV: McMillions: the bizarre story of how one man stole $24m from McDonald’s
I’m on the East Coast, not in the Middle East.
And, not that anyone cares, but the reason for my animus is that Bush’s got the FDA (or maybe FTC? Don’t recall) to declare that their steamed beans were OK to be labeled as “baked beans,” unlike B & M which actually are baked. No, I’m not Sicilian, why do you ask?
Chris Johnson
I’m very pleased the strong Left turnout didn’t all go to Sanders in spite of everything he, Twitter, and probably Putin tried to do to make it be ALL his.
Yoink! Nope. This is a good time to reexamine that ‘unity candidate’ thing Warren’s offering. She ain’t taking votes from Bloomberg. She is an alternative to Sanders (I would say, a greatly superior one, but I would say that here and not in more Bernier places)
@Betty Cracker: It is Orwellian to speak of caucuses as pure democracy when they are structured to make it so complex to cast a vote. Local primaries here have moved to ranked choice voting, which doesn’t require hours of your time. (Not for presidential races I should add, but schoolboard and such.)
@Betty Cracker:
MSNBC’s live reports at caucus sites said turnout was up, so the reports that it was at 2016 level are confounding.
I wouldn’t hang my hat on that, Bush attacked the wrong county before. I didn’t know about the whole baked beans controversy.
Those are gorgeous ?
And the Grifter-in-Chief just asked Shill Barr to find out why HE (i.e., the G-i-C) did not get any of that action.
@Baud: Sounds like the media is making shit up cause they don’t have the results RIGHT NOW!
@rikyrah: Thanks, the last one was taken at Vasquez Rocks which has been in a number of movies(Blazing Saddles) and TV Shows(Star Trek).
Right. You don’t learn the real news anymore until the news cycle has moved on.
I take it the caucus screwup also affected the republican caucus (to the extent that anyone was even paying attention to it)?
@SFAW: Didn’t Trump tell us he was “really rich”? Though he also told us he was “really smart”.
Yes, and thank you! Where was that interior “rotunda” shot taken?
@trnc: Counting the votes in the Republican caucus was like counting the votes in a DPRK election, Trump got 105% of the vote.
@trnc: Not necessarily, since the GOP might have made different choices about how to vote/report. On the other hand, the only results I’ve seen have a cartoon character getting over 90% of the vote, so yeah, chaos.
@HinTN: That’s the interior of the “Pavilion of Three Friends” in the Chinese Garden at The Huntington.
True, but they were all in the same approximate region.
[Re: Bush’s: that whole thing occurred 20-plus years ago, and probably didn’t get a lot of play on the Left Coast. Especially since B & M is in the real Portland, not that West Coast pretender.]
Apparently no news is good news for Joe Biden.
Matt McIrvin
@Betty Cracker: Is it that Iowa is old and white? These people are the most reliable voters, but they may not be the ones with heightened enthusiasm this year, unless it’s for Trump.
I made the mistake of having Morning Joe on. Geist and Scarborough were talking like the Democratic party had just committed suicide, apocalyptic, this is the end. Had to turn it off. Maybe the Iowa Caucuses committed did kill themselves, but everyone else will move on from this by evening.
Oh nooooooes… That brown man challenged the inherent superiority of my whiteness.
Heck, tech can crash and burn with real testing, which I gather this piece did not get.
Caucuses always seemed horse and buggy to me, anyway. And they certainly are buggy.
Fuck Iowa. They do not deserve their first slot.
@Betty Cracker: There’s no way Biden got 6% of the vote.
That said, I am pleased as punch that Iowa completely fucked this up. All the easier to take away their status as the first voters. Now nobody will have meaningful momentum into NH. Bloomberg must be having a ball – completely skipped the whole thing, and they can’t even count the results right.
Betty Cracker
@Barbara: Ranked choice voting seems like a sane and logical alternative.
@Baud: Huh. That is odd. I think the comparison to 2016 turnout levels I heard came from an IDP source, but I’m not 100% sure. Of course, 2016 was a race with no incumbent. Maybe that accounts for the difference?
The exterior of The Pavilion of Three Friends from the April 17, 2019 OTR.
@Betty Cracker:
I guess I was assuming the numbers reflected Dem turnout only. I can see why the GOP turnout would be really low.
I’ve been saying he is legit a thousandaire for a few years now. Although with all his emoluments/grifting since 500 million persons attended his coronation, his net worth might have topped the $ 1 Mil mark.
@Betty Cracker:
Not according to Rethugs in Maine, it ain’t.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Bloomberg missed a golden opportunity to get some rent free space in trump’s head after being called Mini Mike. He should have replied, “Yes I’m shorter than you, but my billions stand 5 times higher than yours.”
Probable more like 20 times higher.
Betty Cracker
@PsiFighter37: I’d be shocked if Biden got less than 10%, but several campaigns (not just Bernie, and yeah, they’ve all got a motive to fudge) say he came in a “distant” fourth by their counts. That’s a terrible result for Biden, if true, so this massive reporting fuckup could be a godsend for him.
@OzarkHillbilly: I was going to say, I think you’re selling Bloomberg short(pun intended).
Betty Cracker
@Baud: Here’s the statement I saw:
But you’re right — reporters on-scene are saying it’s high. Hmmm.
No linkee but headline at the Guardian: Trophy hunting event to auction ‘dream hunt’ of Donald Trump Jr
Ooops, wait a minute, that’s “with”, not “of”. My bad. Sorry if I got the jackals’ hopes up.
Whatever Mark Cuban’s other faults, he nailed it in 2016 when he said/implied that Trump wasn’t a billionaire. Bloomberg’s net worth is something like $50+ B? That might be 100 times that of the Liar-in-Chief’s.
In a not-quite-rational world, Bloomberg would buy Trump Tower, have it razed because of not-up-to-code construction, and then not pay the Grifter-in-Chief because of the G-i-C’s fraudulent (mis)representation of its condition. Hilarity would ensue.
Dammit! I just wasted a nitro pill, because that got my heart racing.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Considering how Duetsche Bank has to keep trump afloat, I may well be, even at the x20 mark.
Matt McIrvin
So, my understanding is there are paper records, and the only thing that’s broken is the tech designed to give us instant results? And people are wringing their hands about how the tech fucked this up, and we should… go back to paper and not wish for instant results?
So what are they complaining about? Wish granted.
@SFAW: I read the other day he has $21B. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if even he doesn’t know.
@Matt McIrvin:
But but but I wanna know.
Corn kernels and apps, never shall the twain meet.
OK folks here it is, only technology of the highest order is required for accurate voting and counting. It’s very expensive but must be used everywhere in order achieve true and accurate results. Now listen to me carefully and read what I write.
Paper ballots counted in public.
Think people can comprehend the difficult concept of this technology?
But the candidates don’t have “no results”. The caucuses are public events. Certainly they have people in the room who can report back whether the campaign exceeded expectations and whether other candidates were falling. Pete probably has a pretty good sense of how he did and if the results look like the partial results you showed above he’s basically looking at a 3-way tie with Klobuchar close behind and Biden tanking.
If those numbers are close to true, I’d expect Sanders to be celebrating victory (even a 3-way for first puts him at the top), Buttigieg and Warren to be celebrating a strong night. Klobuchar happy to have exceeded expectations and Biden deeply concerned about problems with the count.
After reading your note, I decided to check. I was wrong.
He’s apparently worth $60 billion. (According to Forbes.) I doubt that the Grifter-in-Chief is worth $600 M, but that’s just me opining out of my ass. [“So what else is new,” I can hear you say.]
Just once, I’d like to have a nice, quiet election.
Bwahahaha! I’m glad that story got some play outside NL. My Dutch friends were having a field day.
Iowa was just gearing up when I called it a night.
Staphylocaucus aureus
@SFAW: OK, thanx. Suffice it to say, trump’s wealth ain’t a pimple on what Bloomberg has.
Bastard! ??
Betty Cracker
@Jinchi: Sounds about right. Beltway press gotta Beltway press, though. Everyone seems to assume the news cycle will move on due to impeachment, SOTU, etc., and maybe that’s right. But if the IDP releases results today showing Biden finished a distant fourth, it’s hard to imagine that won’t be a top story. Ditto strong finishes for Buttigieg, Warren and Sanders, if that is, in fact, what happened.
I’d be happy to pretend he’s worth $10 billion when they calculate his share of Warren’s wealth tax.
Another Scott
‘morning all.
One for NotMax and Capt. Mnemo:
No relation.
So what the hell happened in Iowa. I am confused.
@SFAW: Ranked choice seems needlessly complicated to me.
@Baud: Poor Wilmeristas!
Revolutions apparently don’t happen overnight.
Matt McIrvin
@Betty Cracker: Is there high turnout near Des Moines and low turnout elsewhere? If I recall correctly, the reporters don’t like to go far.
@Baud: Sounded to me like he might be a semi trans Baud fan. Your unforced non denial denial make me wonder what other skeletons are hiding in your closet.
I can definitely relate:
@schrodingers_cat: You’re not alone. So are they.
Mr. Mack
I think I’m with Matt on this. If the results will eventually get correctly counted…what is the big issue? That the press has to wait? The cast of Morning Joe all seem to think this is the end of the world for Democrats, but the integrity of the results are far more important than the speed by which they are tallied.
Or have I missed something? And apologies…good morning everyone.
@Another Scott: There was a game where you had to guess the movie from a summary. I remember some of them were collected for a website, though I can’t track it down.
One entry for The Wizard of Oz was “A young girl travels to another country and kills the first person she meets. Then she teams up with three others to kill again.”
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: I’ve commented on this before, but in the spring of 2019, Ukraine held a Presidential election. Over 30 candidates in the first round, around 19 million voters, down to two candidates in the second, and about 18 million voters. The challenger turfed out the incumbent (who was running) 70-30. Results were available in a few hours, posted on the (well-run) site of the Central Electoral Commission, everybody accepted them, the incumbent gracefully stepped aside and the challenger was inaugurated within weeks. All internal and officially-accredited foreign observers agreed the election was clean and fair.
There was a time this would have been a ludicrous statement, but I hope this year’s US Presidential election is as fair and well-run as Ukraine’s was last year.
@OzarkHillbilly: Outstanding! Working my way through the swamp in pursuit of a feral Trump!
@Gin & Tonic:
Me too, but that’s not likely. I think the main issue is the campaign season is too damn long. That, and not sticking to technology known to be reliable.
@schrodingers_cat: They caucused; I’ll assume you’re no more confused about that process than everyone else.
Then they tried to report the totals to Caucus Central using a snazzy new app that perhaps hadn’t been as extensively tested as one might wish. So instead of results being instantly available, to the great joy of one or two candidates and a whole bunch of reporters and “analysts”, it will be a few days before the totals are in.
@schrodingers_cat: Approval voting is a lot simpler (vote for all the candidates you want, but you don’t have to rank them), and would turn out better results than first-past-the-post. AFAIK, Fargo, ND is the only place that has it here in the USA, although there’s a push to get it implemented in St. Louis,
My take after caucusing last night is Iowa needs to go to primaries. Too many can’t participate. But I didn’t mind it.
At my precinct, Bernie wasn’t selling. Amy was the most popular. The Bernie people either walked out after the first round, when Bernie wasn’t viable and they would not support anyone else or came to Warren with scowls. Though they were treated well and soon were chatting away. But there were a ton of bored kids at the back (Warren people brought crayons and coloring pages, though). My son didn’t participate..wasnt taking a 2 yr old and a baby out.
Butter Emails
@Mr. Mack:
There’s criticism to be made about the poor implementation and testing of the new app, but really this is just people stomping their feet because they want their pony and they want it now.
I think the criticism of Pete is completely fair. He has some results, but declaring victory in the current situation is ridiculous.
the best outcome would be for sanders supporters to bitch and moan for two days about dnc conspiracies and then the real results show him winning by a small margin. (Of course they’ll still complain…)
@Butter Emails: I agree. It’s not supposed to be indicative and I want the results NOW. I find the petulance sort of funny.
Mr. Mack
@Butter Emails: Yes, that is what this feels like…tantrums.
Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg or Sanders, Buttigieg, Warren
Which is what it looked like all night and what the candidates probably have on their own counts- which they all have.
What I don’t know is Biden or Klobuchar, which is 4th or 5th.
Betty Cracker
@Nelle: Was hoping you would weigh in with a first-hand account!
@Mr. Mack: The media caterwauling I’ve seen focuses on the winner of the caucus being robbed of a full news cycle bounce, etc., because of the delay. SOTU and impeachment will supposedly drive out any advantage or fail to expose a major weakness. I am skeptical. If the results are truly out of line from what was expected, we’ll hear plenty about it.
So Sanders is the new Santorum? //
Betty Cracker
@Kay: From the way the campaigns reacted, I’m gonna guess Klobuchar finished ahead of Biden.
@Butter Emails: (Whiny voice) “But the cactuses were rigged against Berrrnie!”
Well, yes. The chaos is a gift to Biden though- the story would have been he did poorly. I have to say I don’t really buy Biden’s story for why he would so so poorly in Iowa. I think he should be competitive in Iowa. I think he’s done a really good job of lowering expectations, which is fine for now, but not fine for the general.
Matt McIrvin
@Mr. Mack: The Democrats have proportional delegate allocation anyway, which means who “wins” a closely contested primary or caucus doesn’t even matter. It’s effectively a tie.
If there’s a big story here, it’s that Biden didn’t do well. That’s it.
Succulents are notoriously corrupt neoliberals.
@Baud: No. You succulent! (Sorry, what? It’s early.) :)
@Betty Cracker:
Ugh. I get that Biden is strong in South Carolina. Granted. But it’s never been the case that “strong in South Carolina” means “weak and Iowa and New Hampshire”. I’ll give him the New England thing- Sanders and Warren have an advantage there. Okay. But WTF? Why would Biden be this weak in Iowa? “Strong in South Carolina” isn’t an answer. That’s a different question.
He supposedly has labor support. They have a huge influence in caucuses. Where were they?
Hate to say it, but maybe Iowa Dems fell victim to Trump’s Ukraine propaganda.
And they don’t get televised, either!
Maybe. I only watch cable on election nights but I’m listening to these pundits tell me Biden is the strongest with “white working class” or “suburban ring in Pennsylvania” while at the same time telling me it is a given that he would tank in Iowa and New Hampshire and…that doesn’t make sense. White people in Iowa and New Hampshire aren’t incredibly and uniquely different in those states. He should be competitive there and saying “he’s very popular in South Carolina” is not an answer to my question. Popularity in South Carolina does not exclude the ability to have a respectable showing in Iowa and New Hampshire. Joe Biden has convinced pundits it does, but it doesn’t.
I don’t know. As I mentioned in the next thread, all the Iowa polling seems to have been worthless.
I think the DNC should make this a real race. Maybe the top 5 can run say, a 440, with delegates awarded for win (100), place (50) and show (25).
At least that would be good TV and done (sort of) quickly.
@Baud: Clouds
@Baud: Why are there suddenly two morning threads most days?
Dorothy A. Winsor
The R and D caucuses are completely separate, though they happen on the same night. In 2016, the Ds in the precinct I lived in at the time caucused in the UAW hall. I don’t even know where the Rs caucused, but not there.
I never went to an R caucus, but as I understand it, they don’t have the viability/two-round voting thing. And they cast paper ballots.
We’re Democrats.
@Betty Cracker:
As an aside, that “Dean Scream” was bs. His mike deadened crowd noise. If you were in the crowd, the cheers were deafening–Dean had to shout to be heard. I still remember Tweety showing both clips and wondering if the press had erred. Um, yeah.
another bright side is, if it ends up being bernie who won, we won’t immediately be subject to berners telling us ‘it’s all over, get in line’ like we would if the results were clear.
Mayor Pete is obviously a nice guy but I expect a presidential candidate to have paid some dues to us all. Mayor of a small midwestern town doesn’t qualify as dues.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Thanks to you and others who responded. I heard after I posted that it was software specifically used by the Iowa Dem Party. Really looking forward to all the crappy memes this spawns. NOT!
Can Harris get back in the race? Please?
I don’t recall Sanders demanding that Iowa hire an incompetent vendor and implement the new reporting system in the most half-assed way possible. Shows what I know, I guess.
As tempting as it is to say what happened last night was just media tantrums over not getting their results RIGHT NOW WE HAVE A DEADLINE DAMMIT, it’s worth noting that Iowa had set up a backup plan in case the new app didn’t work out, and that crashed as well.
@Steeplejack (phone): Better than the scene from Witness?
@Kay: Biden is sinking in SC too.
Just came here to say that after last night I’m completely worn out by all the Bernie supporters claiming that the only way he lost was if the DNC cheated him. Don’t they realize they sound just like Trump supporters? How about, if you lost you need to work harder to get more support rather that constantly whining about being cheated? I haven’t decided for sure who I support, but I can’t support Bernie just because his followers sound just like Trump’s supporters.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I can’t find it right now, but someone tweeted last night that the IA party skews younger than the national, bad for Biden in general and bad for him in caucuses. Add to that, Buttigieg was pretty much tied with Biden in IA, while in national polls he’s stuck in single digits. I think a bigger problem for Biden is he’s been trailing in fund-raising for pretty much the whole cycle.
Also I didn’t see it this time, but I remember in 2016, there was a nugget of conventional wisdom going around that the IA Dem party actually skewed left of the national party, too, in contrast to the state electorate as a whole. I think the fact that the two Dems who flipped congressional seats– won in a general election– sound more like Biden than Bernie speaks to that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I guess we know who the Rs want us to nominate. They must be salivating at the idea of running Trump against Bernie.
The Lodger
@OzarkHillbilly: I haven’t been this disappointed since I heard Dick Cheney and Harry Whittington went out one weekend to shoot Quayle.
I’ve been wondering about chain of custody issues for the ballots and tally sheets. Apparently many of the caucus organizers just took them home with them because they couldn’t report them at the end of the night.
I guarantee the Sandrnistas will dispute the results and this will be an issue.
Honestly, this non-result actually gives voters a better perspective on the true importance of Iowa. We were never under any obligation to treat its result as important. It’s a relatively small state, with a relatively small number of delegates. And it’s not a state anyone won by a large enough margin to get a majority share of those delegates.
People should do what they can to not contribute to any panic or conspiracy thinking about the thing. Caucuses suck, let’s agree. And move on to the larger and more important primaries.
Caucuses are a joke, and Iowa should never be first at anything again.