Bleargh. What a day. Shutdown of all non-critical research work is due for tomorrow, Friday at absolute latest. I’ve got a half-finished umpteen page checklist to get through to make sure that nothing burns, explodes, falls over, poisons someone, gets stolen, etc. etc. etc. Favorite item on the list, which thankfully I was able to tag as Not Applicable: “Request immediate waste disposal of all peroxide-forming compounds”. For the chemistry-ignorant, peroxides have this nasty tendency over time to become very unstable. Explosively unstable. Definitely glad that one is Somebody Else’s Problem.
Talked to a friend of mine tonight who was a poll judge for the primary in Illinois yesterday. Way too many people in a small space. She said this:
We all tried to keep distance but… we’ll see what happens in a couple of weeks. We are waiting. We are writing down our farewell letters which reveal details to our kids of where to find things and how to proceed should we join the old people who die.
In fact, all the state’s poll judges are now waiting.
She is over 65, but not by that much. Democracy is dangerous this year.
Bernie Sanders signaled Wednesday that he was open to ending his presidential run after another round of landslide losses to Joe Biden, and new signs emerged of communication between the two camps as some Democrats hoped for a swift end to a bruising primary.
Sanders campaign officials said the senator from Vermont planned to leave Washington and return home, where he and his wife, Jane, would talk to supporters and determine the future of his presidential run. The campaign also suspended its Facebook ads and, uncharacteristically, made no request for donations in an email to backers updating them on the situation.
Biden deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said that aides to the two candidates have been in touch regularly to discuss the public health crisis that has gripped the country, disclosing talks that could form the basis of a broader agreement on policies and might make Sanders more comfortable leaving the race.
Definitely will be filed under “I will believe it only once I hear it from Sanders himself”, but a good sign.
My local library is closed as part of my county’s shelter at home order. So I’m getting library emails about all of their free digital services. I found out that I can read the NYT online without a subscription through a link that the library sent me. Plus, I can keep the physical books I checked out until the order lifts, without incurring fines.
I went to the hospital (U of Malaya Medical Centre) this morning to give blood and pee samples ahead of next week’s regular appointments — which are still on. A much lighter crowd than usual, almost everyone masked (including me); I was done and out in just fifteen minutes instead of the usual hour or so.
Self-quarantine day 1: I didn’t do squat. Yay! (I guess.)
I got back from Las Vegas last night, went to the grocery as soon as I got home to pick up a few things. Stayed up way late decompressing, then slept in this morning. Puttered around all day and took a long jet-lag nap in the early evening.
At some point in the next three to five days I need to do a more substantial grocery run to get me through a longer stretch of time. And I need to pick up the housecat in the next day or two from the friend who kept her while I was out of town. Other than that I don’t have a reason to be out and about.
I have been considering rolling the dice and going to get a haircut tomorrow. I’m overdue for one, and I thought I would pay my barber ahead for the next few and get her to give me coupons for the future ones. Her income has to be taking a big hit. I’ll call ahead to make sure the place is even open. It’s a small shop, just her and two others who work different shifts so that there’s never more than two of them present at one time. (Not a coronavirus thing, just their usual routine.)
@Eljai: Happiest email I’ve received recently is from a bibliophile: “all my library books were just renewed for the next 63 days. Score!”
I have a swollen tooth.
Is there anything other than hoping Pabst helps that I can do until I somehow manage to see a dentist?
We need a topic to discuss, Linda. :)
Donald Sutherland was on The Saint a while ago (from 1967). Supposedly that got him his shot in The Dirty Dozen. The episode also had Jean Marsh (Upstairs, Downstairs).
Now catching up on Rachel Maddow’s show from earlier.
@dmsilev: Last night David Plouffe was on MSNBC saying that Biden should hire some of Sander’s campaign staff, for unity’s sake or something. It’s possible there are some really hard-working, competent people working for Bernie. But all I could think of was Briahna Joy Gray, Nina Turner and David Sirota and I yelled “OH HELL NO!” at my TV. Just today, Briebrie was on Twitter claiming that Trump was to the left of Biden.
In my few shipping experiences since this started, Costco customers today were the worst at social distancing. The store was doing a good job – a lane of cones to keep incoming and outgoing carts separate, handing out disinfecting wipes for the cart handle at the door, reminding people to stay six feet apart. But people would just not do it. It wasn’t crowded, but people were doing “I’ll stand in the middle of the wide aisle so you can’t pass by six feet away” and “I’ll completely ignore that you’re waiting for an opening,” “I must come up behind you in the checkout and start unloading,” and more.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@HumboldtBlue: warm salt water rinse might help with the swelling, IIRC from my several adventures with the dentist, they’ll prescribe antibiotics to get the swelling down before they’ll do anything.
The Dangerman
I heard in passing (I forget where) someone said this could have an 18 month cycle or something of that nature; I think it got attributed to Trump. I almost hate to google it as I don’t listen to him, I don’t read what he says, he’s a complete non-entity to me. Well, I try to avoid him at all costs (I was really, REALLY good with this with Bush the Lesser’s second time around; I completely tuned him out).
Also, can I just give props to the MD that shows up on Cuomo’s show as 6p my time? Amy Compton Philips, I think. She is clear, concise, and I’m confident she knows her shit (OK, she’s an MD, who the hell am I to question her). The show must like her, too, because she’s been on 2 consecutive nights now (and may have been on previously that I didn’t see). With all the bullshit flying, listening to her or Fauci is about as much joy as I’m getting these days (Damn, the Dodgers would have ROCKED this year; grumble, grumble, grumble).
Yeah I saw that. But what’s coming out of committee is pretty good. The guy who shared that, looked at the tweet I shared and thought it was a pretty good start.
Fuck people like Sirota, toxic assholes. Having this guy is in itself is why I don’t have much faith in Bernie’s decision makingl
Today was my nephews birthday, but it was really sedate and what not. Kids are having a hard time figuring out that Mom at home does not mean that you can go and bug her, it’s not a free day. Fun stuff.
I’m trying to adopt two kitties, but I keep feeling kinda ill because of this cold. (no fever or headaches) Also my gf is not thrilled with pets, she just doesn’t understand them. But she didn’t make any “me or them” kind of thing but now I feel like maybe I should be taking her feelings on this, but I told her at the beginning that I was a pet person and that I love cats and animals.
I have a VA appointment on Monday and called today to insure that it was or wasn’t still on. It’s on and the girl on the phone was pretty upbeat. I’m scared now
Also I found two new unused masks at home and they say N95 on them. Wonder if I should take one with me?
Here’s a topic: where is the sweet spot on the “quarantine spectrum”? I have seen recommendations for everything from near total isolation—stay at home, don’t go out, order groceries delivered, etc.—to the much less draconian, possibly inadequate guidelines to avoid crowds, maintain personal distance, wash and disinfect hands and don’t touch your face. What are you guys doing?
I could tend either way, but I have made two cross-country plane trips in the last week. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m trying to figure out a middle path, if that’s possible or advisable.
Caution noted that that site recommends mixing a hydrogen peroxide solution of equal parts water and peroxide (the 3% kind, which is what is sold off the shelf at the druggist).
All recommendations I’m previously familiar with stress a more dilute solution, 2 parts water to one part peroxide.
Extra precautions:
Avoid inhaling hydrogen peroxide fumes when mixing the solution.
DO NOT swallow any of the solution.
When spitting out after done swishing in the mouth, take care not to have any accidentally splash back on or near the eyes.
Jay Noble
I think I’m going to be so shaggy before I get my next already overdue haircut that they may send me to a groomer first.
One thing you might try as a stopgap is to make a cup of tea using a teabag, then remove the bag, squeeze out excess liquid (but keep it damp) and let it cool just enough until you can apply it as a compress on the swollen area.
I think that it’s nearly impossible to avoid all contact, unless you’ve already hoarded every single thing you might need for a month. I’d say keep it to a minimum, keep your distance when you do go out, make a list so you don’t forget something (if the store even has it) and hunker down for 2-4 weeks. As we get farther along more and more people will probably be off work and a routine will be established. Along with probably some family bloodshed……
@Steeplejack: I’m on the ‘go to pharmacy, go to store, not much else’ scale of isolation. My daughter went to the store to get chocolate chips for baking, which seemed essential in some way. I want to get a walk in tomorrow, but that’s been difficult for other medical reasons. Stupid Heart
From Department of WTF –
Sister-in-law is a radiologist. Has been an excellent excellent source of overall info, including that state information on covid-19 incidence rates was complete horseshit – last Friday state info was that there were fifteen cases statewide. Same Friday she diagnosed four cases at one of three general hospitals in the county in which I reside. Do the math, as the kids say….but I digress.
Was told today she is going to be off two weeks and then work one week at hospitals, because the group she works in usually has 600 scans/x-rays/whatever per day to be read and interpreted, and they are currently running at 30 – no elective procedures, no routine trips to docs, clinics, etc. So, she’s a doc and she’s being sent home? Granted she’s a specialist, but my understanding is that in Italy there are no more surgeons, radiologists, endocrinologists for the moment…just docs trying to keep people alive.
Does anyone with more expertise in this area than me (which would not take much) have any ideas as to why this makes sense?
My eyebrows look like squirrels. My nails are broken. My feet look like I AM the horse with no name that walked thru the desert. I’d forgotten I have frizzy, gray hair under all of this. My pocket’s way thinner. My butt is not.
But, I’m grateful to be healthy & relatively sane.
Today was my day off. I spent the whole day in bed. Barely did anything. Felt exhausted going back to work after my sickness. I go back to again tomorrow. Wondering what’s new at the hospital. Don’t expect it to be anything good. As my daughter says “go away COVID-19, you suck”
In all seriousness – having had some unfortunate experiences with afflictions like this, you need to see a dentist posthaste. If you have a regular dentist, get him or her to phone in a scrip for antibiotics and (if he/she will do it) serious pain medication. Failing that, try remedies like those mentioned here plus whatever, um, palliative measures you choose. You have a dental abscess, most likely, and you’ll know if it drains on its own – immediate pain relief plus a really nasty taste in your mouth. Downside is that you’ll have an infected hole in your jaw which can get really serious really quickly.
I too called ahead. I was told the clinics were open as usual, and appointments were still on unless the clinic called/emailed/snailmailed you to cancel. Anyway, today at the blood sample centre I was handed a contact info update form to fill, so that’s good
La Nonna
Still surviving the Italian lockdown, neighbors picked up the mail for us yesterday, we have a whatsapp circle to check on each other daily (average age 65). For anyone looking to make facemasks, youtube has a few good tutorials for making masks with a filter pocket, I used cut pieces of hepa vacuum filter bags as the filter, cute cotton prints for the masks themselves. Cannot convince Il Nonno to shave that goatee. We are taking long walks in the fresh air every day, catching up on spring cleaning chores, gardening, reading, and a daily dose of opera. Stay well, stay home everyone.
@Eljai: It is almost definite that there are some excellent people on Sanders’ staff, but yeah, all the most prominent members should be on the “no way in hell” list.
Youse are very kind and thanks to all for your suggestions.
I don’t see (solitary) exercise as a problem. Just keep your distance from other people. I am going to try to make walking part of my own daily routine. I need to do it for health and fitness reasons anyway.
@Eljai: I used to like Plouffe when he was on Obama’s team. I met him, bought his book, and he signed it. Now, I don’t think much of him. I prefer Robert Gibbs from the Obama campaign days. Gibbs doesn’t seem so arrogant.
@Steeplejack: Yeah, solitary exercise is always gonna be allowable even when “shelter in place” is in effect. Lots easier in a less dense urban area, of course.
Slightly hazardous is doing takeout; minimal waiting around and cleaning your hands, wallet and credit card afterward. But you could kiss that goodbye if needed….
But I’m guessing 3-4 months of this…a break for late summer…and then six months again of restrictions (if Trump would ever get his ass in gear on testing).
I’ve been cutting my own hair for a while. Easy, given my current hairstyle: set the clipper on the 3mm spacer, run it all over my scalp and whiskers until no hair is longer than 3mm. Way cheaper than the barbershop. Your hairstyle may vary, tho.
Fair Economist
@La Nonna: Sounds like a great coping system to me. I’ll add some opera to my Alexa rotation.
Today was my last day in the office; from now on it’s WFH until told otherwise. I was the only person there most of the time. One of the doctors came in for a while, and a 2-person crew was down the hall for a while working on the chair’s new office.
I got some good brownie points today. We were resigned to just letting the faxes pile up and dealing with them when we’re able to go in again. My brother suggested I find out if the University’s IT department can install a fax-to-email thingie. Well, I know they can; I’ve used that in previous jobs at the University. Was chagrined I hadn’t thought of it myself.
I passed the suggestion on to the Dept Admin, who said “Yes! Tell IT to please do so!” She was very pleased with me for thinking of it (I did tell her my brother made the suggestion).
Good points. I will increase my use of credit/debit card when I’m out and about. I tend to pay in cash at restaurants and especially for tips, but cash is icky. And I’ll be doing more takeout/delivery.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@dmsilev: Bernie wants to go home and relax at his private lake while his wife and kids want more money and egg him on.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: That would be his wife and her kids. IIRC, Bernie didn’t even endorse his only child when he ran for office and they don’t appear to be on good terms.
@Steeplejack: I don’t know where that sweet spot is. We didn’t leave the property for a week, but had all sorts of interaction with the neighbors, from a distance.
Today we went out at 7am to pick up a few things. I can’t tell our daughter because she’ll be furious, but she’s caught something and probably won’t be able to do the shopping for us.
We tried Instacart but the delivery day kept being moved back, and then it all arrived this morning after we bought some of the same stuff.
Tomorrow night will be pizza, because now we have mushrooms. Lots of mushrooms.
I do the same, but may one setting lower and I have a full beard, because I hate shaving and I itch way more than enough without stubble. Forty seven years with a beard now, it’s almost like it belongs. Now on the head there is so little to trim that it’s almost, what’s that word, starts with a b, 4 letters, means shiny?
@HumboldtBlue: Possible abscess can be very dangerous. Our dentist has stopped all standard work, but is still doing emergency work on cases like yours. Call your dentist or find one who will take care of you. Tooth infection threatens health of the entire body. Aside from the fact that it can hurt like Hell.
@Ruckus: you should ask if you can have your visit by phone or video instead. the VAs have Video Connect (FaceTime for medical appointments) if it’s a safe substitute for your appointment type. You may want to download the app now – VA Video Connect.
and for toothaches- don’t let those go. Many dental offices are on call for emergencies.
Call your dentist asap during business hours. If they’re not running standard practice, there will probably be an answering service, but I would expect someone in the office to answer emergency calls.
Infection in your mouth is a big deal, can cause infection on joint replacement, causing removal of joint until infection is resolved. Was warned before first surgery years ago. Also can cause heart valve infection with obvious negative consequences
ETA: I see I am not the first to point this out. Good luck HumboldtBlue ~!!~
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So far, so good. I’m hoping you are all good, too.
If nothing else we have mudic.
Bleargh. What a day. Shutdown of all non-critical research work is due for tomorrow, Friday at absolute latest. I’ve got a half-finished umpteen page checklist to get through to make sure that nothing burns, explodes, falls over, poisons someone, gets stolen, etc. etc. etc. Favorite item on the list, which thankfully I was able to tag as Not Applicable: “Request immediate waste disposal of all peroxide-forming compounds”. For the chemistry-ignorant, peroxides have this nasty tendency over time to become very unstable. Explosively unstable. Definitely glad that one is Somebody Else’s Problem.
Talked to a friend of mine tonight who was a poll judge for the primary in Illinois yesterday. Way too many people in a small space. She said this:
She is over 65, but not by that much. Democracy is dangerous this year.
On a cheerier note,
Campaign signals Sanders may be open to exit
Definitely will be filed under “I will believe it only once I hear it from Sanders himself”, but a good sign.
And with that happy thought, I am going to bed.
My local library is closed as part of my county’s shelter at home order. So I’m getting library emails about all of their free digital services. I found out that I can read the NYT online without a subscription through a link that the library sent me. Plus, I can keep the physical books I checked out until the order lifts, without incurring fines.
#myquarantineinsixwords #herface
Amir Khalid
I went to the hospital (U of Malaya Medical Centre) this morning to give blood and pee samples ahead of next week’s regular appointments — which are still on. A much lighter crowd than usual, almost everyone masked (including me); I was done and out in just fifteen minutes instead of the usual hour or so.
Self-quarantine day 1: I didn’t do squat. Yay! (I guess.)
I got back from Las Vegas last night, went to the grocery as soon as I got home to pick up a few things. Stayed up way late decompressing, then slept in this morning. Puttered around all day and took a long jet-lag nap in the early evening.
At some point in the next three to five days I need to do a more substantial grocery run to get me through a longer stretch of time. And I need to pick up the housecat in the next day or two from the friend who kept her while I was out of town. Other than that I don’t have a reason to be out and about.
I have been considering rolling the dice and going to get a haircut tomorrow. I’m overdue for one, and I thought I would pay my barber ahead for the next few and get her to give me coupons for the future ones. Her income has to be taking a big hit. I’ll call ahead to make sure the place is even open. It’s a small shop, just her and two others who work different shifts so that there’s never more than two of them present at one time. (Not a coronavirus thing, just their usual routine.)
@Eljai: Happiest email I’ve received recently is from a bibliophile: “all my library books were just renewed for the next 63 days. Score!”
I have a swollen tooth.
Is there anything other than hoping Pabst helps that I can do until I somehow manage to see a dentist?
We need a topic to discuss, Linda. :)
Donald Sutherland was on The Saint a while ago (from 1967). Supposedly that got him his shot in The Dirty Dozen. The episode also had Jean Marsh (Upstairs, Downstairs).
Now catching up on Rachel Maddow’s show from earlier.
@dmsilev: Last night David Plouffe was on MSNBC saying that Biden should hire some of Sander’s campaign staff, for unity’s sake or something. It’s possible there are some really hard-working, competent people working for Bernie. But all I could think of was Briahna Joy Gray, Nina Turner and David Sirota and I yelled “OH HELL NO!” at my TV. Just today, Briebrie was on Twitter claiming that Trump was to the left of Biden.
“Home Remedies for Toothache.”
No. Also no no no no no.
It is not democracy that is dangerous this year. Democracy is never dangerous.
Having a virus running around with a Soviet shitpile mobster manchild in charge is what’s dangerous.
@Steeplejack: My barbershop is closed, so I’m thinking I will work on my shelter-in-place hair style…
In my few shipping experiences since this started, Costco customers today were the worst at social distancing. The store was doing a good job – a lane of cones to keep incoming and outgoing carts separate, handing out disinfecting wipes for the cart handle at the door, reminding people to stay six feet apart. But people would just not do it. It wasn’t crowded, but people were doing “I’ll stand in the middle of the wide aisle so you can’t pass by six feet away” and “I’ll completely ignore that you’re waiting for an opening,” “I must come up behind you in the checkout and start unloading,” and more.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@HumboldtBlue: warm salt water rinse might help with the swelling, IIRC from my several adventures with the dentist, they’ll prescribe antibiotics to get the swelling down before they’ll do anything.
The Dangerman
I heard in passing (I forget where) someone said this could have an 18 month cycle or something of that nature; I think it got attributed to Trump. I almost hate to google it as I don’t listen to him, I don’t read what he says, he’s a complete non-entity to me. Well, I try to avoid him at all costs (I was really, REALLY good with this with Bush the Lesser’s second time around; I completely tuned him out).
Also, can I just give props to the MD that shows up on Cuomo’s show as 6p my time? Amy Compton Philips, I think. She is clear, concise, and I’m confident she knows her shit (OK, she’s an MD, who the hell am I to question her). The show must like her, too, because she’s been on 2 consecutive nights now (and may have been on previously that I didn’t see). With all the bullshit flying, listening to her or Fauci is about as much joy as I’m getting these days (Damn, the Dodgers would have ROCKED this year; grumble, grumble, grumble).
Yeah I saw that. But what’s coming out of committee is pretty good. The guy who shared that, looked at the tweet I shared and thought it was a pretty good start.
Fuck people like Sirota, toxic assholes. Having this guy is in itself is why I don’t have much faith in Bernie’s decision makingl
Today was my nephews birthday, but it was really sedate and what not. Kids are having a hard time figuring out that Mom at home does not mean that you can go and bug her, it’s not a free day. Fun stuff.
I’m trying to adopt two kitties, but I keep feeling kinda ill because of this cold. (no fever or headaches) Also my gf is not thrilled with pets, she just doesn’t understand them. But she didn’t make any “me or them” kind of thing but now I feel like maybe I should be taking her feelings on this, but I told her at the beginning that I was a pet person and that I love cats and animals.
@Amir Khalid:
I have a VA appointment on Monday and called today to insure that it was or wasn’t still on. It’s on and the girl on the phone was pretty upbeat. I’m scared now
Also I found two new unused masks at home and they say N95 on them. Wonder if I should take one with me?
You can try a waterpik with 1/2 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and 1/2 warm water.
@HumboldtBlue: Got a nurses’ hotline you can call on your insurance card?
No, not, “Helloooooooo nurse!” :)
Clove oil if you can get it.
Here’s a topic: where is the sweet spot on the “quarantine spectrum”? I have seen recommendations for everything from near total isolation—stay at home, don’t go out, order groceries delivered, etc.—to the much less draconian, possibly inadequate guidelines to avoid crowds, maintain personal distance, wash and disinfect hands and don’t touch your face. What are you guys doing?
I could tend either way, but I have made two cross-country plane trips in the last week. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m trying to figure out a middle path, if that’s possible or advisable.
The Dangerman
Works great.
@RandomMonster: Buzzzzz..
Caution noted that that site recommends mixing a hydrogen peroxide solution of equal parts water and peroxide (the 3% kind, which is what is sold off the shelf at the druggist).
All recommendations I’m previously familiar with stress a more dilute solution, 2 parts water to one part peroxide.
Extra precautions:
Avoid inhaling hydrogen peroxide fumes when mixing the solution.
DO NOT swallow any of the solution.
When spitting out after done swishing in the mouth, take care not to have any accidentally splash back on or near the eyes.
Jay Noble
I think I’m going to be so shaggy before I get my next already overdue haircut that they may send me to a groomer first.
One thing you might try as a stopgap is to make a cup of tea using a teabag, then remove the bag, squeeze out excess liquid (but keep it damp) and let it cool just enough until you can apply it as a compress on the swollen area.
I think that it’s nearly impossible to avoid all contact, unless you’ve already hoarded every single thing you might need for a month. I’d say keep it to a minimum, keep your distance when you do go out, make a list so you don’t forget something (if the store even has it) and hunker down for 2-4 weeks. As we get farther along more and more people will probably be off work and a routine will be established. Along with probably some family bloodshed……
@Steeplejack: I’m on the ‘go to pharmacy, go to store, not much else’ scale of isolation. My daughter went to the store to get chocolate chips for baking, which seemed essential in some way. I want to get a walk in tomorrow, but that’s been difficult for other medical reasons. Stupid Heart
From Department of WTF –
Sister-in-law is a radiologist. Has been an excellent excellent source of overall info, including that state information on covid-19 incidence rates was complete horseshit – last Friday state info was that there were fifteen cases statewide. Same Friday she diagnosed four cases at one of three general hospitals in the county in which I reside. Do the math, as the kids say….but I digress.
Was told today she is going to be off two weeks and then work one week at hospitals, because the group she works in usually has 600 scans/x-rays/whatever per day to be read and interpreted, and they are currently running at 30 – no elective procedures, no routine trips to docs, clinics, etc. So, she’s a doc and she’s being sent home? Granted she’s a specialist, but my understanding is that in Italy there are no more surgeons, radiologists, endocrinologists for the moment…just docs trying to keep people alive.
Does anyone with more expertise in this area than me (which would not take much) have any ideas as to why this makes sense?
“Ana, it’s been like five days.”
Today was my day off. I spent the whole day in bed. Barely did anything. Felt exhausted going back to work after my sickness. I go back to again tomorrow. Wondering what’s new at the hospital. Don’t expect it to be anything good. As my daughter says “go away COVID-19, you suck”
@Steeplejack: Oh for fuck’s sake. ?
In all seriousness – having had some unfortunate experiences with afflictions like this, you need to see a dentist posthaste. If you have a regular dentist, get him or her to phone in a scrip for antibiotics and (if he/she will do it) serious pain medication. Failing that, try remedies like those mentioned here plus whatever, um, palliative measures you choose. You have a dental abscess, most likely, and you’ll know if it drains on its own – immediate pain relief plus a really nasty taste in your mouth. Downside is that you’ll have an infected hole in your jaw which can get really serious really quickly.
Amir Khalid
I too called ahead. I was told the clinics were open as usual, and appointments were still on unless the clinic called/emailed/snailmailed you to cancel. Anyway, today at the blood sample centre I was handed a contact info update form to fill, so that’s good
La Nonna
Still surviving the Italian lockdown, neighbors picked up the mail for us yesterday, we have a whatsapp circle to check on each other daily (average age 65). For anyone looking to make facemasks, youtube has a few good tutorials for making masks with a filter pocket, I used cut pieces of hepa vacuum filter bags as the filter, cute cotton prints for the masks themselves. Cannot convince Il Nonno to shave that goatee. We are taking long walks in the fresh air every day, catching up on spring cleaning chores, gardening, reading, and a daily dose of opera. Stay well, stay home everyone.
@Eljai: It is almost definite that there are some excellent people on Sanders’ staff, but yeah, all the most prominent members should be on the “no way in hell” list.
Youse are very kind and thanks to all for your suggestions.
I’ve plenty to try.
I don’t see (solitary) exercise as a problem. Just keep your distance from other people. I am going to try to make walking part of my own daily routine. I need to do it for health and fitness reasons anyway.
Please to adjust humor detector.
@Eljai: I used to like Plouffe when he was on Obama’s team. I met him, bought his book, and he signed it. Now, I don’t think much of him. I prefer Robert Gibbs from the Obama campaign days. Gibbs doesn’t seem so arrogant.
@La Nonna:
Thanks for the update! Stay safe.
@Steeplejack: Yeah, solitary exercise is always gonna be allowable even when “shelter in place” is in effect. Lots easier in a less dense urban area, of course.
Slightly hazardous is doing takeout; minimal waiting around and cleaning your hands, wallet and credit card afterward. But you could kiss that goodbye if needed….
But I’m guessing 3-4 months of this…a break for late summer…and then six months again of restrictions (if Trump would ever get his ass in gear on testing).
Amir Khalid
I’ve been cutting my own hair for a while. Easy, given my current hairstyle: set the clipper on the 3mm spacer, run it all over my scalp and whiskers until no hair is longer than 3mm. Way cheaper than the barbershop. Your hairstyle may vary, tho.
Fair Economist
@La Nonna: Sounds like a great coping system to me. I’ll add some opera to my Alexa rotation.
Today was my last day in the office; from now on it’s WFH until told otherwise. I was the only person there most of the time. One of the doctors came in for a while, and a 2-person crew was down the hall for a while working on the chair’s new office.
I got some good brownie points today. We were resigned to just letting the faxes pile up and dealing with them when we’re able to go in again. My brother suggested I find out if the University’s IT department can install a fax-to-email thingie. Well, I know they can; I’ve used that in previous jobs at the University. Was chagrined I hadn’t thought of it myself.
I passed the suggestion on to the Dept Admin, who said “Yes! Tell IT to please do so!” She was very pleased with me for thinking of it (I did tell her my brother made the suggestion).
Good points. I will increase my use of credit/debit card when I’m out and about. I tend to pay in cash at restaurants and especially for tips, but cash is icky. And I’ll be doing more takeout/delivery.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@dmsilev: Bernie wants to go home and relax at his private lake while his wife and kids want more money and egg him on.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: That would be his wife and her kids. IIRC, Bernie didn’t even endorse his only child when he ran for office and they don’t appear to be on good terms.
@Steeplejack: I don’t know where that sweet spot is. We didn’t leave the property for a week, but had all sorts of interaction with the neighbors, from a distance.
Today we went out at 7am to pick up a few things. I can’t tell our daughter because she’ll be furious, but she’s caught something and probably won’t be able to do the shopping for us.
We tried Instacart but the delivery day kept being moved back, and then it all arrived this morning after we bought some of the same stuff.
Tomorrow night will be pizza, because now we have mushrooms. Lots of mushrooms.
@Amir Khalid:
I do the same, but may one setting lower and I have a full beard, because I hate shaving and I itch way more than enough without stubble. Forty seven years with a beard now, it’s almost like it belongs. Now on the head there is so little to trim that it’s almost, what’s that word, starts with a b, 4 letters, means shiny?
@HumboldtBlue: Possible abscess can be very dangerous. Our dentist has stopped all standard work, but is still doing emergency work on cases like yours. Call your dentist or find one who will take care of you. Tooth infection threatens health of the entire body. Aside from the fact that it can hurt like Hell.
@Ruckus: you should ask if you can have your visit by phone or video instead. the VAs have Video Connect (FaceTime for medical appointments) if it’s a safe substitute for your appointment type. You may want to download the app now – VA Video Connect.
and for toothaches- don’t let those go. Many dental offices are on call for emergencies.
J R in WV
Call your dentist asap during business hours. If they’re not running standard practice, there will probably be an answering service, but I would expect someone in the office to answer emergency calls.
Infection in your mouth is a big deal, can cause infection on joint replacement, causing removal of joint until infection is resolved. Was warned before first surgery years ago. Also can cause heart valve infection with obvious negative consequences
ETA: I see I am not the first to point this out. Good luck HumboldtBlue ~!!~