Joe Biden isn't afraid to be seen in public wearing a mask, a leader leads by example!
— Alex Cole (@acnewsitics) May 25, 2020
To all the members of our military and our military families, especially those who have lost their service member, thank you. We owe you. We can never lessen the magnitude of your loss, but this I can promise you: we will never forget. #MemorialDay
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 25, 2020
I love this.
— Miss T (@TaMarasKitchen) May 21, 2020
And just ’cause the cats are demanding equal time:
This is one type of writer’s block.
What’s everyone doing today? Open thread
Well, doing the weekly shopping. Its drizzling here in the Portland area so I won’t be prepping the deck for painting — this afternoon I will probably just sit and check out my favorite You Tube channels. This evening its hamburgers with corn on the cob, potato salad and (store bought) strawberries & shortcake for dessert.
Yes, we are trying to keep Memorial day as normal as possible.
So proud to see Joe and Dr. Jill out with masks. And, of course, the aviators.
Joe Biden isn’t an insecure manchild.
BoJo still flapping about trying to wave off his chief aide’s travel-happy ways.
Not looking like this is just going away. And that’s the extent of his “regret.” “Why don’t you simpletons just leave running the country to the grownups. Now be good boys and girls, and go clap at some doctors.”
@trollhattan: Yeah, that has to go down as one of the most breathtakingly useless regrets in history. Just say it BoJo, I regret we got caught.
@trollhattan: Well, that is a classic non-apology apology. “I regret that you feel bad. Now let’s change the subject.”
zhena gogolia
Ahh, just finished the draft of the Annual Report for my program (7 pages), so I’m happy to see an uplifting post when I turn to BJ.
I’m hoping the fireworks aren’t as bad tonight as last night. Since when do we commemorate the dead with fireworks?
@zhena gogolia: Well, here in Georgia ever since they made fireworks on demand legal.
zhena gogolia
I know he’s old, but he’s infinitely more attractive than Drumpf.
zhena gogolia
Same here in CT.
BoJo’s flopping worse than a goldfish that accidentally leapt out of its bowl and onto the single sunny spot on the black marble floor.
@zhena gogolia:
Talk about damning with faint praise. Abe Vigoda was infinitely more attractive than the Murderer-in-Chief. Even Bat Boy is infinitely more attractive than the Murderer-in-Chief.
Does the Grim Reaper Wear Sunscreen?
As a protest against newly opened beaches, a Florida attorney patrols the sand, warning heedless sunbathers with the words “See you soon!”
Does he worry that his shtick might frighten children? “I’m not wearing the costume at night,” he pointed out. “And I’m not in Michigan with a gun and a tactical weapon. Those people are scary.” ♦
That’s a perfect answer.
Bojo’s certainly doubling down on his Noblesse sans oblige schtick.
@SFAW: You think Rudy Guilliani is more attractive than Donald Trump? Tough call…
@clay: Maybe they mean attractive to maggots (as opposed to MAGAts).
Ohio Mom
Raven: the street theater I was thinking of involved going up to maskless people and asking them if they knew who I am: “The Mask Fairy! I give masks to good people who want to show their care and respect for others, and share their camaraderie with their fellow Americans!”
But when I saw how much masks were going for, I realized I could not afford to try to guilt-trip strangers by giving away dozens and dozens of masks on a regular basis. Still, I thought that as a 4’11” silver-haired old lady, I could get away with it.
@trollhattan: Nice non-apology apology from Bojo. It would be hard to believe they could be so clueless as to think that “but he had major child care problems!” would come across as anything but “yes, there were rules against this for all of you, but he had really important things to do!”, except for the fact that clueless entitlement is quintessential Tory.
I mean, my god, he drove his family to another city because his wife was sick, and he has the gall to claim that was “a child care issue.”
@SFAW: I take it you’re talking about Rick Scott AND Weekly World News’ Batboy. :)
Amir Khalid
Easily answered: zero cannot be more than zero.
“Writer’s Block” is a good name for a book loving cat.
@Raven: We went from not being able to buy sparklers, to do whatever you want. Disturb the neighbors.. no problem cuz of freedom.
@Hilfy: Toonces the Writing Cat?
Cheryl from Maryland
Making masks to donate to the Habitat for Humanity volunteers when the local chapter reopens (the organization volunteer service coordinator has approved my design). I think the Star Wars print, the Black Panter print, the teal Leopard Spot print, and the Marvel Superhero emblem print will be very popular. Also marinating chicken wings in hot sauce for dinner.
That cat’s expression says, “This is for your own good.”
My cats certainly possess Reader’s Block.
So Trump ordered churches to re-open yesterday. But instead of actually attending one, he goes golfing instead.
And that merits NO comment from the press?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
I just made pie crust and I’m getting ready to make JeffreyW’s Perfect Buns and planning to grill some burgers later today. But right now it’s 84 degrees in my backyard and I’m going to sit in the shade of the cherry tree with a glass of ice water and read a magazine that covers no topics later than the early 17th C.
Beautiful pics of our future president and his FLOTUS, and the servicewoman as well – Gawd, can’t people see the difference between a president that golfs on the day we remember the war dead (never mind the COVIC dead), and a former vice-president who really cares about the people he has represented, and will contiue to represent. As well as all of ‘president’ Trump’s foibles, he has NEVER had to represent anyone – he has no idea what political representation means. Even the worst Repug political entity has had to acknowledge that they represent SOMEONE,even if it’s not the majority of their constituency. This guy has NO clue.
With the exception of my beautiful black cat and total feline companion and overlady Cassie, your Gabe is the most beautiful cat I’ve ever seen – srsly! I’ve thought this since the first time you posted Gabe’s photo!
Drinking beer in the shade, avoiding all physical activity. Firing up the grill for burgers and dogs later.
And remembering those who serve, and those who served before them.
zhena gogolia
Gabe has the most unbelievable face.
Love the look on that kitteh’s face!
@zhena gogolia: I know – I have to admit that Gabe’s face sometimes comes up in my dreams – but I’ve been having weird dreams through this lockdown – not at first – but now arriving frequently. And I’m someone who works from home! But so much contact is curtailed that maybe we make up for it in our dreams – not all of it great, but maybe necessary to sort out how to get through the day. But I have adored GAbe since he first arrived on BJ – I’m a bit envious of his gorgeousness, but I am happy with my black beauty, but can’t figure out how to post of pic of her just now.
@Kent: The churches don’t care about Trump’s hypocrisy. Why should the media?
Cheryl Rofer
I recognize it’s her staff, but nice to see that someone in that family is willing to observe the niceties. And she’s an immigrant!
Miss Bianca
Went for a lovely little ride on my horse this morning. Weather was cool, intermittently cloudy, and I was a little apprehensive about taking her into the fields beyond the arena because my trainer said she had turned into a bucking bronco coming back to the barn from a trail ride the other day! So I wore my crash vest in case she decided she wanted to get jiggy with it, but we just had a very quiet, very calm walk round. I think she’s going to be a dynamite trail horse, actually.
Then a properly-social-distancing picnic at the neighbor’s later today.
@Cheryl Rofer: You have to earn respect and after her birtherism criticism of the previous president, she gets none from me. BTW where are her immigration documents..
Sorry but I’m not in a be best mood.
Biden is going to win. I know people don’t want to be cocky, but the evidence is overwhelming now, imo.
Let’s do everything we can to get a Democratic Senate as well. That’s a real toss up. But will be critical to ensuring a strong recovery for all Americans.
@cokane: Agree. I always felt uneasy about Hillary’s chances, but I don’t feel the same way now.
@Cheryl Rofer: Being able to do as she’s told is probably why she’s still married to the orange (theoretical) money spigot. I’ve a strong suspicion she’s got on her I Really Don’t Care undies all the same.
Mike in NC
As a veteran I want to puke every time I see a picture of that Fat Bastard saluting something or somebody he’s completely unworthy of.
@Cheryl Rofer: I wonder who’s the young guy behind Pompeo and how did he get away with wearing jeans and no tie?
@scav: She didn’t have to question Obama’s birth and she did that willingly.
If election was June 3, no doubt Biden wins. Alas, still scheduled for November 3, so results still really unforecastable. Don’t get me wrong, far better to be in Biden’s position, but one thing about elections, the incumbent doesn’t always win, but he/she always gets to bat last. People are incredibly change averse, especially about wrong choices they made.
Here’s a link to a speech Joe Biden made several years ago to the families of service members killed in war zones:
He said some things I wish people had told me when my mother died.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Who is also supposedly a germophobe, yet won’t publicy wear a mask and will shake people’s hands during a pandemic
It is going to be the biggest shitstorm barn burner of an election in American history. 2016 is going to look like a PTA election by comparison. This country is going to be subsumed in a tidal wave of filth and lies.
That said, I am somewhat hopeful. But not feeling quite as confident as you are. I will say this. 2020 is an absolute turning point for this country. If it chooses to stick with Trump after the past 4 years then it is utterly beyond repair. Or soon will be. This will be the most consequential election in American history I think. Or as least as consequential as Lincoln and FDR.
@Cheryl Rofer: What, she walked out the front door of the White House to stand in a pre-arranged photo-op? And she is supposed to get credit for that? That’s what normal presidents and first ladies do every single day.
Let me know when she actually does something politically challenging. Like say Michelle Obama taking on big Ag with her school lunch program. Or even Laura Bush with her early childhood education and women’s health initiatives.
If we keep focused. The biggest difference between 2016 and 2020 is us.
the Washington Post has a news article and a commentary from Paul Waldman about this.
@zhena gogolia:
The same complaint has been made by many in Humboldt. Dog owners in particular get pretty annoyed at the unexpected booms and they happen regularly.
@Annie: I don’t read him regularly, but IIRC, he’s one of the good ones.
@JPL: I’m not sure I could venture to assume how independent or willing she was. She signed up to be arm candy and a windsock for whatever blows out of the Dumpster and she does it magnificently, to the point of I’m not sure what higher order brain function there is left. The hand-slapping could be triggered further down the brain stem. Note this is not a defense. She chose to float in the vat of poison, but otherwise seems indistinguishable from plankton, So I’m not impressed by her staffs ability to use her as a cardboard cutout for memorial propriety,
Going to grill lamb chops for dinner, with a salad and green peppers cooked on the grill as well. Raspberry sorbet for dessert. Cotes de Rhone for the wine.
My grandmother sent her five sons to fight in WWII and all returned safely. They fought both in Europe and Asia. My Uncle Luke landed in Normandy. My dad was career navy and already on duty when Pearl Harbor was bombed. After that he was Lieutenant on a LST which he joked was target practice for the Japanese. Today was partially spent remembering not only my mom and aunts who waited for loves to return, but also my grandmother who sent all her sons to fight for our democracy. Trump is not stealing that from us.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’m with you two. I plan on doing those postcards to voters this year
At the moment, commencing primary caffeination.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It’s often said the media fears the Right because they viciously go after them and complain all the time. Maybe we should take a page from their playbook and relentlessly go after the MSM? Then again, the owners of these media companies might have their own agendas. Either way, I think it’s worth a try to put pressure on the editors/owners of the MSM companies
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You mean other than whining about them all day every day?
Mary G
@Cheryl Rofer: I can appreciate that she’s at least trying to do the decent thing, and that they’re at least properly spaced out, except for that ass Pompeo and who I guess is his MIchael Flynn Jr./son, but the WOMEN IN BACK AND NOT MANY OF THEM thing that the administration does just makes me want to scream. The fact that Twitler has taken to saluting all the time hurts my hair.
And it may be shallow, but seeing Dr. Biden striding along in that fabulous outfit hand in hand with her husband makes me haz a happy. She’s sending a strong “rested and ready to be FLOTUS who likes her man” message there.
I spent the afternoon trying to stack wood in between rain showers, but finally gave up. Don’t know what we’re doing tonight since evidently we now have a monsoon season in SWMO that seems to be lasting forever. I may have to start building a boat soon. At least the rain may keep people out of the COVID pools at Lake of the Ozarks. Off to change clothes and call my mom.
@Mary G: Every commander in chief salutes military members.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I keep telling folks that Tangerine Taint isn’t a germophobe. You don’t rawdog porn stars, prostitutes, and every coke whore in Studio 54 if you’re a germophobe. What he is, is afraid of blood. He couldn’t get away from the guy who was bleeding at Mar A Loco and then he just lied about it being about germs. He lies about EVERYTHING! Why should his lie about being a germophobe be taken as truth?
Also, his not drinking alcohol since his brother was an alcoholic. Given his slurred speech and unsteady gait, which people try to explain with dementia or some other lie covering justification, why not he’s a closet drinker who lies?
Pretty sure he’s been caught lying about other, more trivial stuff. Why does everyone keep buying into his lies about who he says he is. He’s not a great business man. He’s not a billionaire. He’s not a germophobe. And I don’t believe he’s a teetotaler. I think the only thing he does that’s on brand is lie.
Just One More Canuck
I really dont care. Do U?
@Mike in NC:
I’m not a veteran, but when I see him humping the American flag as is his wont, I want to reach in through the screen and throttle his fat, fat neck.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
There’s been improvement in the pushback since 2016 when it comes to the NYT. Still not enough though.
@raven: Yeah, this is true; but I’m amazed he could do it with that bone spur and all.
@Mary G:
Biden’s Secret Service is masked, which is nice to see. I wonder if Trump forbids his Secret Service from wearing them?
randy khan
Did my stint in the yard, working on what is now a multi-year project involving building dry stone walls to create raised beds and then using leftover stones to create a proper connection between the stairs that come down from the front of the house and the back of the house (which although it definitely is something I can do and will complete, nevertheless is reminding me why it’s good to hire professionals who have, at a minimum, a little less trial and error along the way). Finished laundry and ironing; tried out the fillable PDF my wife created for her job; marinating some flank steak to grill later.
Fuck Trump
And I think the lady speaks for all of us
Jim, Foolish Literalist
bird-watcher asks woman to leash her dog, aka follow the law, in a popular birding site in Central Park (The Ramble? ). He’s black, so he films the interaction just in case she turns out to be a racist willing to make crazy, racist accusations and … surprise! She is! She also abuses her dog while telling police that “an African-American man is threatening” her and her dog.
I hope everyone this woman knows sees this shit.
And they should cut it out, they’re not in uniform.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I just watched that as well. She’s going to gain some attention I believe.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Good grief, she should have just walked away.
@raven: And should not, being a civilian.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
The media is part of the establishment. Even the part of the media that is lefty or pro-union.
To say that the media fear the right is like saying that you scare yourself when you look in the mirror.
To what purpose? And how are “we” going to go after them? And who are “we?”
The whole point of being a publisher is so that you can pursue your agenda. And editors and reporters work for the publisher, not the people. This is not anything new. The New York Post was founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton and friends so that they could bash the political faction headed by Thomas Jefferson.
And keep in mind that the First Amendment protects freedom of speech. It does not insure truth and honesty.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: I would have thought that it would take years of working out regularly in order to have JeffreyW’s perfect buns?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I notice from the Twitter stream that some people claiming to be reporters were trying to get in touch. I hope they do, and this woman is publicly identified. She was caught on camera making a false police report.
@WaterGirl: I mentioned something about the title in comments to that post.
Jacinda retains title as world’s coolest head of state.
Just Chuck
@SWMBO: Trump not being a drinker has been a pretty consistently corroborated story. What he has been doing is taking amphetamines for decades now.
J R in WV
@Mike in NC:
As a vet of the US NAvy, we may have a stronger stomach than most. . . but that urge, it comes to me too. What a revolting and despicable piece of …
Like something you need to scrape off your shoe… and then throw the shoe away~!~
@HumboldtBlue: OK, I’m wrong.
Matt McIrvin
@cokane: Given the 2016 election, I would want to see a MUCH larger polling lead for Biden before feeling at all confident about his chances. He’s not running particularly far ahead of Hillary Clinton’s polling lead–and Trump now has all the advantages of incumbency, including many opportunities for cheating or sabotage. He could simply have Biden arrested if he wants to.
You weren’t wrong, it’s just the modern tradition.
These are the words of an NYC emergency room doctor. Vety moving.
That is one of the best Memorial Day speeches I’ve ever heard. It wasn’t intended as one, but it really is.
I am continually astonished at the fantasy Joe Biden who lives in the heads of the online Left. It’s not QAnon or Pizzagate, but it is distinctly not connected to the reality we live in.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I just watched that video. WHAT THE FUCK.
21st Century Carolyn Bryant Donham, right there.
Also, as an NYC dog owner, I fucking hate people who don’t obey leash laws. Watching that video I could tell right away why he had started filming her. It was reckless and he was right to call her out on it. Thank God for camera phones. She’s going to be Internet Famous very soon.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Every time now when I see his face I say, “Covid, you keep missing the target.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Feathers: it’s only in the last 48 hours that I have learned from B-Bro twitter that Biden is but a pawn of the fiendish Neera Tanden, who personally stopped single-payer and did the Iraq War and therefore deserves to have the Rona
Ronnie the traitor probably felt he needed to salute, given he broke a long string of U.S. presidents who had served in the military. (FDR did not, “merely” being Secretary of the Navy.)
It’s been a lazy Memorial Day so far. On the other hand, I had a pretty lazy pre-Memorial Day Sunday.
The rest of the week is going to be hectic.
Biden and Dr Biden looked damn good.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: And a vote for Biden is a vote to eliminate Social Security. WTF?
@jeffreyw: I confess that I have not yet looked at the post, but now it looks like I need to
edit: Looks like she is just using you. :-)
white privilege on display, when you call the fucking cops saying a black man is ‘threatening your life’ and he’s obvs not and he’s got the whole thing on video. and you do it anyways, and don’t get in the slightest lick of trouble for it.
“WTF?” suggests an element of astonishment that I think is unwarranted in 2020.
Great news! Glad to welcome you to the postcard brigade!
I just wrote 2 postcards to the self-described Possum Capitol of the World, and I drew (something meant to look like) a possum on each card, holding a “VOTE” sign in its prehensile tail.
I’m hoping it’s extra-persuasive, and not the reverse. :)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Feathers: and still demanding that Biden bend all fourteen of his knees
Bill Arnold
An example, recorded, of why one should not always believe accusations.
@Bill Arnold: Surprised she didn’t carve a backwards “B” on her cheek right then and there.
@chopper: She’s been ID’d on Twitter and people are already tweeting at her place of employment. So, maybe social justice will happen where legal justice may not.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
When we do, they gloat that this proves how independent and even-handed they are.
dude went birdwatching, didn’t know he’d end up spotting a white-hooded yellow-bellied karen. unfortunately not a rare one, that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good god, she’s in animal rescue!
I’m not sure there is really much of a connection. And Reagan was in the Army Reserve or some other branch. And I guess that “strings” depend on your starting and end point.
We had a string of presidents from Taft to FDR who did not serve in the military.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Brachiator: He’s handsome (photo)
@debbie: I saw. A former dog walker is the person who outed her.
It… does not surprise. I have known many a bigot who went googly-eyed at the sight of animals, as they apparently valued them over certain human lives.
(thank god)
@Nicole: She really did work herself up into a panic toward the end. Either that or she is a really good voice actor.
Or perhaps the was genuine indignation that the cops were. not. taking. her. seriously. enough. How dare they!?
@trollhattan: she’s pretty awesome!
NZ or Canada: which one has its act more together? Tough call
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
I cannot unsee this!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Nicole: that didn’t take long– two dog-walkers ratted her out. I’m guessing they already didn’t like very much
ETA: @WaterGirl: I picked up on that too, seemed like the 911 operator’s reaction was, “What did you just say?”
I have an ex-sister-in-law just like her. She runs a good-sized rescue around her. My brother and she eventually divorced because she cared more about and was more considerate of the many dogs and cats she’d taken in (enough to get complaints from neighbors).
Ah yes. Biden has always wanted to cut social security. This is a thing I have been told. They insist there is video of him talking repeatedly about it. That Biden having been willing to cut social security in a legislative deal is not the same as Biden *wanting* to cut social security and just looking for the chance to execute doesn’t seem to register.
@WaterGirl: Emmett Till could speak to certain white women’s abilities to go for the Oscar when making false accusations. If he hadn’t been beaten to death over it, that is.
This video- I just- I don’t- I don’t get what stopped her from doing what any sane person would have done, which is to say, “You’re right; he should be on a leash; I’m sorry.” And then put the dog on a leash. Because she was in the wrong, and he was right to call her out on it. And then he started to film her refusing to put her dog on a leash, and she, rather than thinking, “Oh shit; I’d better get my dog on a leash right this fucking second because I’m in the wrong” went full racist and escalated her wrong doing, if she did in fact, dial 911 to make a false report because she’s ON VIDEO DOING IT.
And it’s a disheartening to see the number of people fixating on her treatment of her dog in the video. The racism; they are ignoring it in favor of obsessing over how she grabbed her dog’s collar.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
This really isn’t surprising (if a bit early in an election year): Biden’s already been accused of
all while somehow still being so “sleepy” that he can barely rouse himself from the couch.
It’s kind of wild. I fully expect him to be PhotoShopped in to Fox News’ coverage of the next (and every) CARAVAN!!1! between now and November, at the head of the assault on our country, brandishing a torch and an M-60.
Sloane Ranger
General observations, I don’t know about other US media but CNN are mentioning that Trump didn’t attend church but went golfing instead about every 15 minutes on average. And there was a run of US Presidents who served in the military from Eisenhower to Carter because almost every male was called up during WWII.
What have I been doing all day? Slept in (late May Bank Holiday), went for a walk in the sunshine, did some family research into the Collins side of the family and wrote to my MP, Peter Bone, thanking him for calling for Cummings to go and urging him not to let Party loyalty change his mind (he’s a Tory and a frothing at the mouth Brexiteer, so I was shocked but pleased when he took this stand. I thought a bit of positive reinforcement wouldn’t go amiss)
This stuff is so tiresome. My reply would be, “Ya know, I will concede that every corporatist Democrat wants to cut Social Security. Every one of them. Thing is, the GOP wants to completely eliminate Social Security and Medicare. In return they will give you credit for a tiny IRA account, and their plutocrat buddies in the financial services industry will loot it and leave you with nothing. So, who you gonna vote for? Trump or Biden?”
Uncle Cosmo
Captain Harry S Truman, commander from July 1918 of Battery D, 129th Field Artillery, 35th Division; saw action in the Meuse-Argonne offensive from September 26, 1918, supported George S. Patton’s tank brigade, and fired some of the last shots of World War I. (You could look it up.)
@Nicole: I know, it’s both amazing / not surprising to see it happening.
As for this:
It could be what you say, or it could be people saying she really is a terrible person, just look at what she is doing to her dog. The thing is, her treatment of the “african american man who was threatening her” should be enough. We shouldn’t need the extra example with the dog in order to be appalled. All of which is a round about way to say you are right about this, too.
It’s like climate change – oh my god, polar bears! Yes, what’s happening to the polar bears is awful, but let’s not forget the humans. Or the pets in New Orleans during the hurricane. Yes, we need to do something about that, but there are also bloated bodies in the water in the streets. Why is it the animals tug at our heartstrings more than the humans?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’ve trained a lot of dogs…the reason this one is acting out and going nuts is because it IS NOT LEASH TRAINED, nor obedience trained. I bet she takes it out unleashed in this area MOST OF THE TIME, and it’s not used to being curbed. dogs usually don’t lie lol
Probably because they can’t talk and tell us to obey the laws. Ha!
You know, I don’t care about how she’s handling the dog in the video; having a dog myself, sometimes you have to get them under control as fast as possible by any means necessary. That said- again, I keep coming back to, why didn’t she just put the damn leash on him? She has him by the collar; she has the leash, IT WAS RIGHT THERE FOR HER. But then, I guess that would be admitting the African American man was right and she was wrong. But still- he was right, and had she done it, not only would she be complying with the law, but, bonus, she’s not dragging the dog by his collar! Win-win! Except for having to admit she was wrong, which, I guess, was a bridge too far.
@Feathers: This is one of the stances of the Bernie Bros who now run Naked Capitalism….they uniformly hate the “deep state”, Hillary, anything Obama did, and now, of course, Biden. They love Glen Greenwald and Assange. I have finally quit going there…and I used to love the site for the insight into economic doings leading up to the Great Crash. Oh, well….
People tracked down her dog’s Instagram before she shut it off and yeah, I think she’s a habitual no-leash owner. The dog tore off a toenail on a run through the park, fell into the pond, and got into a fight with another dog. These things… don’t tend to happen when a dog is on a leash.
Gin & Tonic
@Sloane Ranger: I’d write to him simply in sympathy at having to go though life (and he being a Tory, probably boarding school) with a name like “Peter Bone.”
Sloane Ranger
@Uncle Cosmo: Things have probably moved on but I did not know this, so thanks for the information. I love Balloon Juice, I always learn something.
Bill Arnold
Haven’t visited there. Do they ever have an unkind word for D.J.Trump, unadorned with a both-sides about Democrats?
(If they do not criticize D.J.Trump, then they are Republicans. )
Another Scott
@HumboldtBlue: Agreed. It’s very moving and well done.
That should be forwarded to everyone who thinks that COVID-19 is no big deal.
Another Scott
Wasn’t that a thing at some point in the winter as well??
Go Go Joe Joe!!
Sloane Ranger
@Gin & Tonic: ?. (Although, Bone doesn’t have the same meaning in UK slang as in US.
Another Scott
@Brachiator: Dunno if it’s worthwhile to engage, myself.
My J tells me that my interest in avoiding purchasing from Koch Industries companies (Georgia-Pacific (Quilted Nothern)) is pointless because the Kochs support Democrats too…
I quietly and discretely roll my eyes and let her vent, knowing that she’ll vote blue in the fall like she always does. And as she always reminds me. ;-)
@Sloane Ranger
Hey, the world’s longest running children’s TV show, from the U.K., is named Blue Peter. Which in the U.S. brings up all sorts of connotations.
Gin & Tonic
Took a quick look at Twitter, and “Amy Cooper” is trending in the US, along with “Franklin Templeton Investments.” I’ll bet the company really appreciates that.
@Gin & Tonic: I found the FB post by the guy who filmed her:
(He has the post set to Public so anyone can see it)
He gives what happened before he started filming. Apparently what set her off was he called the dog over with treats (to demonstrate why the dog needed to be leashed and not just because the dog was in a part of the park where dogs are required to be leashed at all times). Explains why she has such a tight hold on the dog’s collar.
I love that this guy carries dog treats with him when birding.