Last night, I went to the Durham, North Carolina protest. It was very well organized and structured by local teenagers. Street medics were handing out masks and making sure people stayed hydrated. I saw a couple of people moved to the shade as they were baking in the sun. The legal observers were clearly visible and circulating around the edges of the crowd. Durham police had an extremely light touch; a couple of cruisers were a block away for traffic control. Half a dozen motorcycle cops were in a parking lot five or six blocks away as an on-call local response unit. There was no violence, nor confrontations as no one was looking for that to happen. The speakers were powerful and the nine minutes of silence as everyone sat on the plaza’s ground was profound.
I got home about half an hour before my 11 year old daughter’s bed time. I took a shower and threw on a t-shirt and shorts for the rest of the evening. My daughter gave me a hug and asked if I was okay and if I was safe. We had talked about the concept of a blue-riot earlier this week and that opened her eyes. I told her that I was fine as the Durham cops were not looking for a dominance display. She relaxed until she saw my wife’s and her mother’s phone number on the inside of my left fore-arm.
“Dad, why is Mom’s cell number on your arm?”
“In case I got hurt and someone needed to get in touch with mom, I wanted her number to be easy to find…”
“Ohh….” and at that my daughter was silent as she started to process that her dad was taking precautions in case he was beaten.
I held the silence for a minute, and then another one as her brain was working on overdrive.
“That’s not right. That’s wrong.”
“Yep, and I’m trying to help make things slightly more right”
“What can I do, Dad?”
You can’t see or hear me, but I am giving you a standing ovation. And crying a little.
Stories like this make me hope we are seeing a real change in how police are viewed in this nation. Thanks for sharing it.
Joining you with both tears and a wave of applause
David Hunt
Sir, you are well within your rights to take pride in having raised a child who gave that response with confronted with that information. She makes me a little more hopeful.
Cheers, Dave.
The kids need to know.
If anything ever deserved to be a rotating tag, it’s this.
hedgehog mobile
Damn onions….
The kids are alright.
Mary G
I’m so sorry she has to learn how ugly the world can be at such a young age. She got right to the heart of the matter:
I hope we can get things closer to right by the time she has her own children American reality will match our founders’ ideals.
The Athens Anti-discrimination Movement is having a rally downtown tomorrow. There has been a concerted campaign to sabotage it with “antifa sent a message that the are going to burn down Athens” and saying that the fire department has told their people they won’t be sent downtown. I know lots of folks who intend to take their kids down there and I’ll be holding my breath because I put nothing past these fuckers.
Having a hard time lately with my eyes tearing up for some reason. Does hope make you tear?
This story brought tears to my eyes.
@wvng: I sure hope so!
O/T, but Trump is on right now and he’s giving Sarah Cooper a month’s worth of material. I can hardly wait.
@SiubhanDuinne: Speaking of the amazing Sarah, have you noticed that she uses a subtle orange makeup when she does these videos? I first noticed that yesterday.
@Rob: And then I was reading the exchange between David and his daughter to my wife, and I started to cry.
Bravo. It gives you the warmest kind of feeling inside to know that your kids are good people.
patrick II
Speaking of proud fathers. My 40-year-old daughter was put on unemployment in NYC (she delivers artworks between galleries) at the beginning of the crisis. Ah, good, I thought she’ll stay at home and mostly self-isolate. I hate that she lives in NYC anyway. So, anyway, later I find that she had taken a volunteer job delivering medicine to older people who couldn’t leave their apartment during the worst of the pandemic. She has grown up to be such a fine person, but still terrorizes her dad.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
What really should be done with these protests is the amount of violence reported collected into a data base, I will bet that will show which police force are in the Occupation Army mentality.
OMG, she gives me hope. You are raising a wonderful child. Bravo!
Good for you, and good for your daughter.
My sons all attended integrated schools. When my middle son was in third grade, he and I were watching some TV program about the early days of integrating schools. They showed footage of the little African American girl being escorted to a white elementary school amid the protests by white people, screaming and yelling at her.
My son asked me why those people were so angry and I told them that some people don’t believe that brown people are the same as white people and that they aren’t as smart or good. He looked at me in utter astonishment and said, “But Mom, that isn’t true!” And I told him of course it isn’t true. And that he should always remember that.
Racism is taught. We aren’t born with it.
This made me cry.
Her realizing what it meant for you to have to write that name and phone number.
Beautiful story and your daughter will remember this all her life.
one of my adult children posted on social media that she was grateful her dad and I talked about these issues at home when she was young.
Fair Economist
What a great daughter, which means great parents. Congratulations.
TaMara (HFG)
Damn, second time I’ve cried this morning (first time was Biden giving his flag pin away). That was beautiful.
I know people wish she didn’t have to learn that..this early or ever. But the best gift my parents gave me was a sense of fighting for injustice. I remember the first time – I was 6 and my parents stood up and said, ‘that’s not how we treat people, everyone is equal.’
I hold onto those lessons, now that my parents have been brainwashed by FOX and Rush. I remember who raised me and hope they’ll remember someday, too.
@wvng: Thing about Sarah’s Trump is that it’s soooo girly. She gets it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m glad things were peaceful, Dave. Explaining all this to children must be difficult when people’s actions are sometimes incomprehensible to us.
Omnes Omnibus
All I can say is that Dick Mayhew never would have done this.
“Big Bird and Elmo will address the demonstrations and racial justice issues in a virtual CNN town hall this weekend.“
I plan to watch this with my granddaughters.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: when I heard him babbling about inspecting the bunker, I thought, “it’s like he’s intentionally writing a script for Sarah Cooper…”
and she deserves to be go-funded for going back to 2016 for “How to Bible“. I think it’s her best one yet.
@wvng: No, I hadn’t! Good catch! I’ll go back and have a look. I think she’s brilliant, and so much of the brilliance is in the subtleties.
Mike in NC
In contrast, read an article where in lovely Asheville, NC a bunch of cops trashed a small stand that doctors, nurses, and paramedics had set up with water and medical supplies in the event protesters needed them. Waiting to find out what the mayor and police chief did in response.
J R in WV
David, you’ve got a good one there… congratulations! Smart, too, didn’t take her a minute to put all that together.
Thanks for sharing!!
The Epoch Times is sending free paper to boxholders around the country. We know a liberal who got one in his mailbox in northern MN, nonprofit org postage paid. I’d like to know who funds that group.
I’m impressed how you allowed your daughter the space to process the info. She’s gonna be one of the helpers Mr. Rogers told us to look for when times are hard!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I adored “How to Bible.” When she’s asked whether she prefers Old or New Testament, look at her panicky eyes darting from one side to the other. Sheer genius.
Salty Sam
Reading this post to my wife just now. I couldn’t get that last line out for choking up…
I heard that the Durham PD and the Durham organizers did a lot better job than what happened in Raleigh. Thanks for teaching your daughter well.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@TaMara (HFG):
Got one a couple weeks ago and it was so strident I had to look it up–funded by Falun Gong, who I’d like to support in light of their horrid persecution by the CCP, but they should not have crawled in bed with the Republicans.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Mike in NC: The mayor and police chief issued formal apologies; his is on youtube (hopefully I didn’t screw up the link).
This police chief is very new here. I’m interested to see whether he can contain some of the thugs on APD.
In the Post, by Lilun Li (head and neck surgery resident at George Washington University Hospital in DC).
Betty Cracker
Watch out, man. In 10 years, your college-student daughter will send you video clips of her getting chased out of a public park by cops firing tear-gas and rubber bullets. It’s one of the shitty side-effects of raising conscientious kids that no one tells you about! :)
@rikyrah: MAKES ME SMILE.
You are a wonderful Dad. Just wonderful.
David Anderson
@Betty Cracker:I’ll deal with my gray hair and ulcers then with both pride and fear.
Gin & Tonic
As a practical matter, rather than writing the number(s) on your arm, you could get one of these. I’m just a customer, no other affiliation, but I always wear mine when I’m skiing or cycling.
TaMara (HFG)
@rikyrah: Well that made my day.
TaMara (HFG)
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: [[hugs]]
TaMara (HFG)
@rikyrah: That entire thread is amazing. I’ll try and front page it if no one else gets to it.
And: Andrew Cuomo has had to pivot to police violence in what used to be his daily COVID press conference.
@Gin & Tonic: Take off one dogtag and tie it on your shoelace×256.jpg
I love it ?
David Anderson
BTW — the teenagers and young adults these days are absolutely amazing as a cohort — they put my generation to shame.
@rikyrah: Love it. I am loving the pushback against our Orange bunker inspector in chief.
As painful as Trump’s “electoral college victory” has been, I have always held out hope that it might be a crucible that results in even better and more far-reaching change. Recovering is going to require way more than “incremental” actions. This has been a dumpster fire.
The Republicans are electorally endangered. You cannot make a better case for voting by mail than allowing citizens to participate in democracy during a deadly pandemic that has killed over 100,000 in a few long months.
People of color have borne the worst of Trump’s actions, and of his outright negligence and sabotage WRT his pandemic “response.” But almost all of us have suffered, and a majority of us are willing to acknowledge that.
This has come at an immeasurable cost, particularly to the African American community. Lives.
But they are leading the way to fighting back. With more than words.
It’s incredible that protest in the streets has come into vogue. But look what it took. I don’t see us going home and just shutting up.
@David Anderson:
This thread has given me much needed optimism.
Thank you.
Libby’s Person
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. You must be a great father to have raised such an awesome daughter! I’m proud of Durham, where I also live. I went to the downtown protest Tuesday afternoon and was encouraged by the peaceful but intense passion of the diverse crowd and the relatively unobtrusive and non-provocative police presence. Raleigh got trashed that night; Durham stayed calm. When protesters closed the Durham Freeway later in the week, Durham’s Police and Sheriff’s Departments and city government reps talked with the protest leaders and set up a meeting to discuss policing in our city, and the protesters peacefully left the highway. Good for Durham.
@Gin & Tonic: Numbers written on your arm cannot be removed by those who would rather you just disappeared.
No, you aren’t “radicalizing” your daughter. To raise a child to understand the systemic racism in our society isn’t to “radicalize” him/her; it’s to raise her to see the world as it really is.
We won’t make true, significant progress on systemic racism until it is commonly understood and accepted as true to the point that it isn’t considered “radical” to do so.
This is such a touching story David. For anyone with kids it’s impossible to read and not be moved.
Thanks for relaying it — a little uplifting goes a long way these days :)
Kids. They get you every time with their laser-like distillation of the stakes… Thanks for sharing.
Cheryl from Maryland
@patrick II: Congratulations on such an upstanding daughter. I might have worked with her company in NYC – Atelier, Crozier, Box Art, Artemis?
Victor Matheson
The 14- and 15-year old have joined me for protests twice this week. I am just happy they are for once protesting true injustice rather than the perceived injustice of having to practice their trumpet before getting more screen time or protesting having to finished all of their green beans before they get another brownie.
Late to the party as usual, and probably already been said, but you and your wife have done a super job raising this child! We just need a few million more like her.
I knew the name Epoch Times rang a bell, a paper that sounded like a crackpot outfit. Flipped through it and yes, it was what I had read about awhile ago, all in for trump too.
This morning I read about Linda Tirado, author of Hand to Mouth, Living in Bootstrap America, covering protest in Minneapolis believed she was hit with a rubber bullet and now has no sight in left eye, permanently doctors think.
Sister Golden Bear
@Gin & Tonic: @Raven: Wrist bands and shoes can be forcibly removed. Just sayin’…
And Sharpie an ACLU hot-line number on your arm too.
@David Anderson: I like to think that it’s partly because they grew up under President Obama.
@Lavocat: Me too.