My employer has made Juneteenth a paid holiday for all of us going forward as part of celebrating and respecting justice and equality. They also encouraged us to use our platform to fight inequality.
Not only do they pay me well, they have been stellar in managing our anxieties and fears during these times. These are the people who took my offer, and added $50k to it as a return offer. I tried to tell them that they were doing this whole negotiating thing wrong but said that I was worth it. Damn.
Hi, I just posted a comment to the dead Ornate thread that is also awaiting moderation as well as being totally out of context anyplace else. I hope Cheryl at least sees it. Help please?
I want a sticker “All Lives Matter when Black Matter” or “When Black Lives Matter, then All Lives Really Matter”
It’s dead Jim, just put it on here and call it good.
I took the day off today, thinking I would get my cabinet lights installed. I never got to it. :( Thank goodness friday is off!
I picked up a monkfish filet that was so beautiful I gasped when I saw it.
Jesus fuck, man. How were you ever a republican?
wow you put that on your car in West Virginia?
Don’t let that CRV run low on oil John, or you’ll stretch out the timing chain from the heat. Costs about 800 to replace it.
Sure Lurkalot
I don’t do bumper stickers, not even an innocuous one a dear departed friend had made: What’s Wrong With Having a Great Society?”
But I do love monkfish. Back when we could shop a lot, I always talked it up at the fish counter, but most people took one look at it (even filleted, it is a pretty ugly fish) and passed. I’m going to go find some soon!
I’d rather see Make Racists Ashamed Again. Like your sticker though because racists need to be called out.
Republican congressman Tom Rice, who refused to wear a face mask on the House floor 2 weeks ago just announced he has coronavirus.— Bill Maxwell ? ByeDon2020 (@Bill_Maxwell_) June 15, 2020
Agree with that. I’d also like the press/media to be afraid to cover for racists and bigots with euphemisms like heartland or “values voters” or economically anxious or whatever they intended to use this time around.
Villago Delenda Est
Drive the racists back under the rocks from which they slimed out from under.
Too long for a bumper sticker, of course. John’s sticker does the trick with fewer words.
Okay, I just looked up monkfish and realized we used to catch them deep-sea fishing and throw them back. Scariest looking thing ever. I was like 12-13 at the time.
John didn’t say that he was going to put them on his car.
They’ll look great on his Republican County Chairman’s car bumper, though.
@kindness: Not me. I want to know who and what I’m dealing with. Let me know you’re an asshole up front.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@rikyrah: Rhetorically, who is Rice? It seems every R congresscritter I’ve never heard of is worse than the median R congresscritter.
I first noticed it with Ginny Fox, and It’s never failed me since. They have a deeeeep bench of mediocrity.
Monkfish? Not a bad choice. It’s what some of the New England and mid-Atlantic fishing fleets are catching now that they have wiped out most of the cod and haddock:
But no one really knows much about them. They are a really deep water fish.
@Sure Lurkalot: I scored Sturgeon yesterday. My partner’s family had a schooner they brought from California and moored on the Columbia for a few months. Sturgeon swam around the moorage. I don’t tell him that his dinner is Sturgeon, ie: Scary bumpy, whiskered, monster.
But no one really knows much about them. They are a really deep water fish.
Unfortunately that’s probably bad for sustainability like with orange roughy. Things happen slowly in the deep.
Sure Lurkalot
You can wrap the tails with prosciutto and grill. Or cur into 3/4” medallions, dust with flour and pan fry. Monkfish does have a sweetish taste and texture similar to lobster. It’s horribly underrated!
Monkfish. They call it the”poor man’s lobster. ” Can’t agree. I mean, I !like it. But it’s not lobster.
Omnes Omnibus
Not really a fan of the “Any Functioning Adult 2020” sticker.
Patricia Kayden
There’s no doubt today’s SCOTUS ruling is a major victory for LGBTQ rights.To achieve full equality in the workplace, we must fill in the gaps.Here’s what the ruling changes — and what it doesn’t change.— ACLU (@ACLU) June 16, 2020
I am tired wanting them to think
about right and wrong.
I want them to fear.
I want them to feel fear now. I want them
to know
that there is always a time
there is always a time to make right
what is wrong,
there is always a time
for retribution
and that time
is beginning.
[final lines of a poem by Susan Griffin, published in 1970: “I Like to Think of Harriet Tubman”]
@Amir Khalid: I seem to recall reading somewhere that there was a time when lobster was the poor man’s seafood.
And salmon likewise, in the Pacific Northwest.
@H.E.Wolf: Back before all the big and little dam projects cut off so much of their habitat. Development didn’t help, but choking the streams really killed the small runs.
Good point and the oyster farms on Humboldt Bay are a multi-million dollar industry and I still find a good reason why anyone eats them. But hey, they have an oyster festival and everything.
@Amir Khalid: seriously! Like, who would look at those things and go, “mmm mmm…can’t wait to um, take a bite out of OUCH one of OUCH these delectable OUCH creatures from the OUCH depths of the sea!”
Many “delicacies” cause me to wonder just how sane our ancestors were…
Lobsters were all over the damn place and were easy to catch, making them cheap. They’re not as common any longer.
They don’t keep well – they go bad within hours, unless you can keep them alive (not that easy). The tradition in new england was to cook them at the dock. They still do that – and it’s still the best way to eat lobster, as more of a street food. Transporting them to the city was expensive – way more expensive than caching the damn thing – you needed ice, and you needed immediate transportation and logistics, which didn’t exist until fairly recently. And even a lot of the recent stuff is pretty low-tech. NYC restaurants still buy truffles out of the back of a handful of vans that drive around the city supplying restaurants – handled daily.
So, because it was difficult, it became in demand by wealthy people, sort of a veblan good, as a way of advertising that you could afford to eat this utterly impractical thing.
But lobster in new england can be pretty damn cheap. it was many years ago but my dad and I took a trip up the new england coast up into Canada and we made a point to eat as much lobster as possible. 2 meals a day was easy, just by swinging by the docks and they’d point you to a boat that just came in. You could get a cooked half kilo lobster for about $3 then. Maybe $6-$8 now. But you have to spend time down by the docks with the noisy seagulls and working class guys and the smell of chum. Or you could avoid those things and pay $40 more in the city.
Compare and contrast to the Great Recession bailouts and President Obama’s/VP Biden’s disclosures and oversight, national snooze media!
@HumboldtBlue: I’d eat a lot of grass and tree bark before it would occur to me to toss a lobster into a pot, crack it open, etc etc.
And don’t even get me started on crabs. Or snails.
Hey – not meant to sound judgy or scolding. *Please* just read this as an ecologist who has studied this stuff trying to pass on some info to a crowd that I think might be receptive and also share enough concern about the environment to act on it. I probably wouldn’t even bother on another site:
Monkfish is primarily caught through an insanely destructive form of bottom scrape-trawling that destroys huge swaths of slow-growing undersea coral beds. Any given meal’s-worth of monkfish represents a creepily large area of underwater habitat destroyed and impacted for decades, for a lot of species that call these habitats their homes.
Again, *really* not trying to guilt or scold, just to inform anyone interested. There are a lot of other great-to-eat fish species that are fine to eat. My favorite, for instance, is wild salmon (it’s well-managed, but not farmed salmon). Also line-caught mahi-mahi (they mature super quickly). I should also add: lobster itself is pretty well-managed. There’s going to be some problems with climate change coming to a head for the lobster industry, but personal consumption of them isn’t the problem at all. Same goes for other New England shellfish.
@H.E.Wolf: I remember reading a story that servants in London in the mid 19th century were complaining about too much salmon on the menu. Of course within decades there was no salmon left in the Thames.
@Jeffro: i’m always impressed that one day somebody was so hungry that they decided ‘I’m going to eat that‘. And their buddies saw that they didn’t die and a new recipe was added to the list.
Off all the bad polling numbers for Trump his fall among seniors is the most important. They move slowly in polling and are not real swingy once they make their mind up. Without seniors going GOP the Congressional losses could be historic downballot. Everything is in play.
— Ben Tribbett (@notlarrysabato) June 16, 2020
(Emphasis added.)
Make it so!!
@H.E.Wolf: In the San Francisco bay way back when, the farms adjacent to the water used to pull thousands of crabs from the water and plow them into the dirt, as a fertilizer.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
you never know about people and food….
Kayleigh McEnany @kayleighmcenany· Nov 8, 2012 FUN FACT: @dominos is wayyyy better than any NYC pizza
Domino’s Pizza @dominos Replying to@kayleighmcenany That’s one heck of a compliment! Thanks for the love! #WEAPPRECIATEIT!
Before I saw that date, i thought “that’s one helluva a combination of micro targeting and cultural resentment politics”
@Another Scott: Who could have predicted that telling seniors to fuck off and literally die would dampen their support for Trump and the GOP.
I saw a truck with 12 bumper stickers: Make America Hate Again, Vote for Scumbag, We Don’t Care About Your Fucking Wall, Throw the Rascal Out, Corruption/Collusion, Separating families; Good for Nazis Bad for America, Donald, Putin wants you: Bring your knee pads, Impeachment? It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, etc. etc. Brought little twinklings to my heart. or something.
Last time I adhered anything to the bumper of my car it was my CB license number.
@HumboldtBlue: Same with “regional specialties”. You get pretty creative if the only thing you have is say seafood and rice seven days a week.
Old Dan and Little Ann
Just came across a Twitter video of this lone protester in Bethel, Kentucky getting verbally harassed by a swarm of Maga fools. He gets punched in back of head while standing next to a cop and nothing Fucking happens. Kid eventually gets an escort out by police. Scary. It ends with a USA USA chant., ugh. I’d link if I had any clue how.
@HumboldtBlue: Isn’t that where the statue of that conquistador was due to be removed, that Cheryl wrote a post about earlier today?
patrick II
So, I live in a downstairs condo — apt #2. At about 10:45 p.m. the doorbell rings. Who could be calling? I go to the door and look at where the masks are usually kept. For some reason, my wife had moved them. I open the door a crack. There is a 70-year-old lady standing with a pizza — and no mask. I hadn’t ordered a pizza.
Me: What do you want?
Unmasked Old Pizza Lady: You ordered a pizza.
Me: No, I didn’t.
UOPL: Your number 2?
Me: Yes, but I didn’t order a pizza.
She looks down at her order.
UOPL: It says right here, number 2.
Me: It’s probably for my upstairs neighbor, number 3. (They sometimes have pizza delivered).
UOPL, balefully looking up the stairs and then back at me: No, number 2, it says right here.
She holds up the order for me to see the number. I can’t see it.
Me: No, really, I didn’t order a pizza. Try upstairs.
Another unhappy look up the stairway. Just then my sharp-eared upstairs neighbor opens the door.
Upstairs neighbor lady: Hey! up here!
I closed the door.
Poor old lady. It’s sad a 70-year-old is delivering pizza. I hope my neighbor came down to get it. I wish the UOPL was wearing a mask.
Old Dan and Little Ann
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes. Thank you. Maybe I could figure it out on my Mac. Phone. No chance.
@Kent: Hi Kent, I am formally an East Coast fisherman/SCUBA Diver and general fish nerd.
The Monkfish (AKA Goosfish) is a shallow water member for the Anglerfish family. When I was a wee lad, we would occasionally find them washed up on L.I. Sound beaches. I have also seen them while diving N.E. Atlantic shipwrecks, in 90′ to 130′.
There are 2 species in shallow water on the East Coast, Lophius Americanus and Lophius Gastrophysus (AKA Black Fin Goosfish) ranging from Maine and the Maritimes to the Gulf and the Caribbean.
There are species in the N.W. and the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Old Dan and Little Ann: I don’t even like to post from my phone. My paws and stubby digits need large keyboards
I recall reading that back when household service arrangements typically included room & board, it was common in New England to include a provision in the contract limiting the number of lobster meals per week, since otherwise employers might not provide anything else.
So yes, only became a luxury food after they stopped washing up on shore by the ton.
The best part is that – it will be hard to ratfuck when the seniors are against them.. that means no matter what election shenanigans are out there it will be hard when seniors don’t show up.
Of course, they could make up ballots – anything is possible with these assholes.
Julia Child described the monkfish as like a tadpole the size of a baby grand piano
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch lists monkfish aka goosefish as a “Good Alternative“. In other words, it’s not the most sustainable, but it’s not an endangered species.
@Kent: Hi Kent, I am formally an East Coast fisherman/SCUBA Diver and general fish nerd.
The Monkfish (AKA Goosfish) is a shallow water member for the Anglerfish family. When I was a wee lad, we would occasionally find them washed up on L.I. Sound beaches. I have also seen them while diving N.E. Atlantic shipwrecks, in 90′ to 130′.
There are 2 species in shallow water on the East Coast, Lophius Americanus and Lophius Gastrophysus (AKA Black Fin Goosfish) ranging from Maine and the Maritimes to the Gulf and the Caribbean.
There are species in the N.W. and the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Interesting. Just looking at them I assumed they were deep water. I spend a decade working for NOAA fisheries in Alaska and before that did observer work on Bering Sea fisheries. I would occasionally find angler fish coming up in really deep sea pollock trawls, but never shallow water. I can get very nerdy about Alaska fisheries but my knowledge of Atlantic fisheries is extremely scant
I did hundreds and hundreds of dives in SE Alaska, both shipwreck and recreational diving and never once saw an angler fish in shallow water. So that must be an Atlantic thing.
“Whaddaya do with a monkfish? Bake it? Poach it?”
“No, silly, it’s a friar.”
My previous comment didn’t make it. I included a link to an article – I don’t know if that’s kosher and prevented it from getting published or something. I’m here to read often, but I’m an incredibly rare commenter.
Super not trying to be scolding or shaming, just passing info as an ecologist that used to meet with a whole lab full of fish biologists (my jam is amphibians), including someone who studied this:
Monkfish are primarily caught by super destructive bottom trawling – it destroys very slow-growing sea bottom habitat that takes decades or more to recover. A given meal’s worth of monkfish represents a very large area of such habitat destroyed.
Search “Impacts of bottom trawling on deep-coral ecosystems of seamounts are long-lasting” for an example of research into this.
Again, really not trying to be judgy or annoying. I love wild caught salmon (well managed) and mahi-mahi (caught correctly – they mature super quickly). Also, US lobster is well-managed. It’s going to have increasing climate change problems, but consumer purchasing of lobster isn’t harming populations. Same goes for most New England shellfish.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
I’d buy this bumper sticker if I could find it (and I don’t even own a car!)
In the 19th century, the poor lobster still suffers from a widespread negative stigma. Essayist John Rowan explains in one of his works […] that when you find empty lobster shells outside of a house, it’s often “a sign of poverty and degradation.” How kind. In 1836, the B&M company (Burnham & Morrill) no longer knows what to do with the lobster surplus in Maine and Massachusetts. They are the first to make it a canned good, and succeed in commercializing the product outside of the United States. But even if it gets made over through this novel mode of conservation, it is still held in low esteem and is sold for a fifth of the cost of a can of “Boston baked beans.” Source
Kayleigh McEnany @kayleighmcenany· Nov 8, 2012 FUN FACT: @dominos is wayyyy better than any NYC pizza
Wasn’t that around the time high school kids working there were putting cheese up the their noses before putting on the pizza, and people were saying the crust tasted like cardboard?
Another Scott
Think about how much toilet paper you'd save if you just never went to the bathroom again.
My employer has made Juneteenth a paid holiday for all of us going forward as part of celebrating and respecting justice and equality. They also encouraged us to use our platform to fight inequality.
Not only do they pay me well, they have been stellar in managing our anxieties and fears during these times. These are the people who took my offer, and added $50k to it as a return offer. I tried to tell them that they were doing this whole negotiating thing wrong but said that I was worth it. Damn.
Hi, I just posted a comment to the dead Ornate thread that is also awaiting moderation as well as being totally out of context anyplace else. I hope Cheryl at least sees it. Help please?
I want a sticker “All Lives Matter when Black Matter” or “When Black Lives Matter, then All Lives Really Matter”
It’s dead Jim, just put it on here and call it good.
I took the day off today, thinking I would get my cabinet lights installed. I never got to it. :( Thank goodness friday is off!
Jesus fuck, man. How were you ever a republican?
wow you put that on your car in West Virginia?
Don’t let that CRV run low on oil John, or you’ll stretch out the timing chain from the heat. Costs about 800 to replace it.
Sure Lurkalot
I don’t do bumper stickers, not even an innocuous one a dear departed friend had made: What’s Wrong With Having a Great Society?”
But I do love monkfish. Back when we could shop a lot, I always talked it up at the fish counter, but most people took one look at it (even filleted, it is a pretty ugly fish) and passed. I’m going to go find some soon!
I’d rather see Make Racists Ashamed Again. Like your sticker though because racists need to be called out.
Ah, good old Ohio, setting the standard once again.
You want to eat that type of fish that looks like Ted Cruz?
James E Powell
Agree with that. I’d also like the press/media to be afraid to cover for racists and bigots with euphemisms like heartland or “values voters” or economically anxious or whatever they intended to use this time around.
Villago Delenda Est
Drive the racists back under the rocks from which they slimed out from under.
Too long for a bumper sticker, of course. John’s sticker does the trick with fewer words.
@cintibud: I just approved your comment. No idea whether Cheryl will see it or not.
I’m sticking with my “BYEDON 2020” stickers
TaMara (HFG)
Okay, I just looked up monkfish and realized we used to catch them deep-sea fishing and throw them back. Scariest looking thing ever. I was like 12-13 at the time.
I didn’t know you could eat them….
@rikyrah: okay, that’s awesome. I love her expression at the end!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Renewed protests in Louisville with blocked traffic, pepperballs and flash bangs.
About 1000 people knelt in the street, arms up – LMPD backed off.
It was a powerful moment.
John, I hope you have an easy way to fix all the key marks your car doors are going to sustain in various parking lots.
I’d be happy if the haters just went back to the shadows. It sucks seeing/hearing ’em.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
John didn’t say that he was going to put them on his car.
They’ll look great on his Republican County Chairman’s car bumper, though.
@kindness: Not me. I want to know who and what I’m dealing with. Let me know you’re an asshole up front.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@rikyrah: Rhetorically, who is Rice? It seems every R congresscritter I’ve never heard of is worse than the median R congresscritter.
I first noticed it with Ginny Fox, and It’s never failed me since. They have a deeeeep bench of mediocrity.
Monkfish? Not a bad choice. It’s what some of the New England and mid-Atlantic fishing fleets are catching now that they have wiped out most of the cod and haddock:
But no one really knows much about them. They are a really deep water fish.
Love that! ???
love monkfish, but i made the mistake of telling the wife once when i made it and she googled a picture of it. never again.
@WaterGirl: Thanks!
@WaterGirl: Thanks. Apparently the quote that I couldn’t find after typing it went after my name. Fixed it now
Chetan Murthy
@rikyrah: Well, the kid -was- her nephew, after all. He just wanted to see his auntie show off, eh.
My homegirl needs to dance, rikyrah, she needs to dance!
And lyrics?
Who needs to know the damn lyrics, raise your voice and sing!
Dan B
@Sure Lurkalot: I scored Sturgeon yesterday. My partner’s family had a schooner they brought from California and moored on the Columbia for a few months. Sturgeon swam around the moorage. I don’t tell him that his dinner is Sturgeon, ie: Scary bumpy, whiskered, monster.
Fair Economist
Unfortunately that’s probably bad for sustainability like with orange roughy. Things happen slowly in the deep.
Sure Lurkalot
You can wrap the tails with prosciutto and grill. Or cur into 3/4” medallions, dust with flour and pan fry. Monkfish does have a sweetish taste and texture similar to lobster. It’s horribly underrated!
Monkfish. They call it the”poor man’s lobster. ” Can’t agree. I mean, I !like it. But it’s not lobster.
Omnes Omnibus
Not really a fan of the “Any Functioning Adult 2020” sticker.
Patricia Kayden
Amir Khalid
I seem to recall reading somewhere that there was a time when lobster was the poor man’s seafood.
@HumboldtBlue: awe ???
John Revolta
@rikyrah: Dayum. Nothin’ but net
And salmon likewise, in the Pacific Northwest.
@H.E.Wolf: Back before all the big and little dam projects cut off so much of their habitat. Development didn’t help, but choking the streams really killed the small runs.
@H.E.Wolf: Also oysters
And we’re just beginning to undo the terrible damage that has been done.
Hope things are better in your world as well.
Good point and the oyster farms on Humboldt Bay are a multi-million dollar industry and I still find a good reason why anyone eats them. But hey, they have an oyster festival and everything.
@Amir Khalid: seriously! Like, who would look at those things and go, “mmm mmm…can’t wait to um, take a bite out of OUCH one of OUCH these delectable OUCH creatures from the OUCH depths of the sea!”
Many “delicacies” cause me to wonder just how sane our ancestors were…
@Amir Khalid: Yeah, it was. A few reasons why:
But lobster in new england can be pretty damn cheap. it was many years ago but my dad and I took a trip up the new england coast up into Canada and we made a point to eat as much lobster as possible. 2 meals a day was easy, just by swinging by the docks and they’d point you to a boat that just came in. You could get a cooked half kilo lobster for about $3 then. Maybe $6-$8 now. But you have to spend time down by the docks with the noisy seagulls and working class guys and the smell of chum. Or you could avoid those things and pay $40 more in the city.
@Kent: They are uuuuuuugly!
(I am fishshaming! Shame on those ugly fish!
It wasn’t about sanity, motherfuckers were hungry.
James E Powell
The last time I had a bumper sticker on my car it said “CARTER AGAIN”
Meanwhile, one would think this story has some legs, as they say: What Has The trumpov Administration Done with a Half Trillion Dollars?
Shipped most of it to Moscow?
Sent it to its corporate crony buddies, minus a 10/20/50% cut for ‘dark money’ campaign groups?
Had EVERYTHING in trumpov tower re-plated in gold?
Why. Can’t. They. Just. Tell Us. Who. Got. Bailed Out?
Compare and contrast to the Great Recession bailouts and President Obama’s/VP Biden’s disclosures and oversight, national snooze media!
@HumboldtBlue: I’d eat a lot of grass and tree bark before it would occur to me to toss a lobster into a pot, crack it open, etc etc.
And don’t even get me started on crabs. Or snails.
Hey – not meant to sound judgy or scolding. *Please* just read this as an ecologist who has studied this stuff trying to pass on some info to a crowd that I think might be receptive and also share enough concern about the environment to act on it. I probably wouldn’t even bother on another site:
Monkfish is primarily caught through an insanely destructive form of bottom scrape-trawling that destroys huge swaths of slow-growing undersea coral beds. Any given meal’s-worth of monkfish represents a creepily large area of underwater habitat destroyed and impacted for decades, for a lot of species that call these habitats their homes.
Here’s one quick link so you don’t think I’m talking out my rear: – “Deep-sea trawling is currently carried out along large sectors of the oceans,” write the authors, “and it appears to have severe consequences on deep-sea sediment dynamics at a global scale.”
Again, *really* not trying to guilt or scold, just to inform anyone interested. There are a lot of other great-to-eat fish species that are fine to eat. My favorite, for instance, is wild salmon (it’s well-managed, but not farmed salmon). Also line-caught mahi-mahi (they mature super quickly). I should also add: lobster itself is pretty well-managed. There’s going to be some problems with climate change coming to a head for the lobster industry, but personal consumption of them isn’t the problem at all. Same goes for other New England shellfish.
@H.E.Wolf: I remember reading a story that servants in London in the mid 19th century were complaining about too much salmon on the menu. Of course within decades there was no salmon left in the Thames.
@Jeffro: i’m always impressed that one day somebody was so hungry that they decided ‘I’m going to eat that‘. And their buddies saw that they didn’t die and a new recipe was added to the list.
Rush Limbaugh’s caustic dying ass calls for the armed white boys who claimed they would stand up to the big bad government brought out a group in New Mexico. Someone got shot and several others were arrested.
@Martin: had to be the Neanderthal equivalent of “hold my beer”
Before there was even beer!
Just ordered this:
Another Scott
(Emphasis added.)
Make it so!!
@H.E.Wolf: In the San Francisco bay way back when, the farms adjacent to the water used to pull thousands of crabs from the water and plow them into the dirt, as a fertilizer.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
you never know about people and food….
Before I saw that date, i thought “that’s one helluva a combination of micro targeting and cultural resentment politics”
@Jeffro: Sorry Jeffro, that information is Classified.
@Another Scott: Who could have predicted that telling seniors to fuck off and literally die would dampen their support for Trump and the GOP.
I saw a truck with 12 bumper stickers: Make America Hate Again, Vote for Scumbag, We Don’t Care About Your Fucking Wall, Throw the Rascal Out, Corruption/Collusion, Separating families; Good for Nazis Bad for America, Donald, Putin wants you: Bring your knee pads, Impeachment? It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, etc. etc. Brought little twinklings to my heart. or something.
Developing story in Albuquerque
@James E Powell
Last time I adhered anything to the bumper of my car it was my CB license number.
@HumboldtBlue: Same with “regional specialties”. You get pretty creative if the only thing you have is say seafood and rice seven days a week.
Old Dan and Little Ann
Just came across a Twitter video of this lone protester in Bethel, Kentucky getting verbally harassed by a swarm of Maga fools. He gets punched in back of head while standing next to a cop and nothing Fucking happens. Kid eventually gets an escort out by police. Scary. It ends with a USA USA chant., ugh. I’d link if I had any clue how.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Only if by “wayyyy better” she means “not in the same food group.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
@HumboldtBlue: Isn’t that where the statue of that conquistador was due to be removed, that Cheryl wrote a post about earlier today?
patrick II
So, I live in a downstairs condo — apt #2. At about 10:45 p.m. the doorbell rings. Who could be calling? I go to the door and look at where the masks are usually kept. For some reason, my wife had moved them. I open the door a crack. There is a 70-year-old lady standing with a pizza — and no mask. I hadn’t ordered a pizza.
Me: What do you want?
Unmasked Old Pizza Lady: You ordered a pizza.
Me: No, I didn’t.
UOPL: Your number 2?
Me: Yes, but I didn’t order a pizza.
She looks down at her order.
UOPL: It says right here, number 2.
Me: It’s probably for my upstairs neighbor, number 3. (They sometimes have pizza delivered).
UOPL, balefully looking up the stairs and then back at me: No, number 2, it says right here.
She holds up the order for me to see the number. I can’t see it.
Me: No, really, I didn’t order a pizza. Try upstairs.
Another unhappy look up the stairway. Just then my sharp-eared upstairs neighbor opens the door.
Upstairs neighbor lady: Hey! up here!
I closed the door.
Poor old lady. It’s sad a 70-year-old is delivering pizza. I hope my neighbor came down to get it. I wish the UOPL was wearing a mask.
Old Dan and Little Ann
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes. Thank you. Maybe I could figure it out on my Mac. Phone. No chance.
@Kent: Hi Kent, I am formally an East Coast fisherman/SCUBA Diver and general fish nerd.
The Monkfish (AKA Goosfish) is a shallow water member for the Anglerfish family. When I was a wee lad, we would occasionally find them washed up on L.I. Sound beaches. I have also seen them while diving N.E. Atlantic shipwrecks, in 90′ to 130′.
There are 2 species in shallow water on the East Coast, Lophius Americanus and Lophius Gastrophysus (AKA Black Fin Goosfish) ranging from Maine and the Maritimes to the Gulf and the Caribbean.
There are species in the N.W. and the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Old Dan and Little Ann: I don’t even like to post from my phone. My paws and stubby digits need large keyboards
I recall reading that back when household service arrangements typically included room & board, it was common in New England to include a provision in the contract limiting the number of lobster meals per week, since otherwise employers might not provide anything else.
So yes, only became a luxury food after they stopped washing up on shore by the ton.
@Another Scott:
The best part is that – it will be hard to ratfuck when the seniors are against them.. that means no matter what election shenanigans are out there it will be hard when seniors don’t show up.
Of course, they could make up ballots – anything is possible with these assholes.
Julia Child described the monkfish as like a tadpole the size of a baby grand piano
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch lists monkfish aka goosefish as a “Good Alternative“. In other words, it’s not the most sustainable, but it’s not an endangered species.
Interesting. Just looking at them I assumed they were deep water. I spend a decade working for NOAA fisheries in Alaska and before that did observer work on Bering Sea fisheries. I would occasionally find angler fish coming up in really deep sea pollock trawls, but never shallow water. I can get very nerdy about Alaska fisheries but my knowledge of Atlantic fisheries is extremely scant
I did hundreds and hundreds of dives in SE Alaska, both shipwreck and recreational diving and never once saw an angler fish in shallow water. So that must be an Atlantic thing.
“Whaddaya do with a monkfish? Bake it? Poach it?”
“No, silly, it’s a friar.”
My previous comment didn’t make it. I included a link to an article – I don’t know if that’s kosher and prevented it from getting published or something. I’m here to read often, but I’m an incredibly rare commenter.
Super not trying to be scolding or shaming, just passing info as an ecologist that used to meet with a whole lab full of fish biologists (my jam is amphibians), including someone who studied this:
Monkfish are primarily caught by super destructive bottom trawling – it destroys very slow-growing sea bottom habitat that takes decades or more to recover. A given meal’s worth of monkfish represents a very large area of such habitat destroyed.
Search “Impacts of bottom trawling on deep-coral ecosystems of seamounts are long-lasting” for an example of research into this.
Again, really not trying to be judgy or annoying. I love wild caught salmon (well managed) and mahi-mahi (caught correctly – they mature super quickly). Also, US lobster is well-managed. It’s going to have increasing climate change problems, but consumer purchasing of lobster isn’t harming populations. Same goes for most New England shellfish.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
I’d buy this bumper sticker if I could find it (and I don’t even own a car!)
A fish in monk’s clothing. The woman was brilliant.
Late entry on the U.S. history of lobster.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Wasn’t that around the time high school kids working there were putting cheese up the their noses before putting on the pizza, and people were saying the crust tasted like cardboard?
Another Scott
See no
eviltoilet paper…Cheers,
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