Most phallic Hatch Act violation ever:
This looks like an E. D. ad
— Warren Leight (@warrenleightTV) August 28, 2020
I saw a bumper-sticker on a Prius once that summarized the underlying pathology behind these types of displays pretty well: Little Dick, Big Truck. As a member of a family who owns an F-250, I must point out that some people really do NEED big trucks. But there’s truth to the bumper-sticker insult all the same.
One of my redneckiest druncles exulted as follows after Trump’s election, “At least he has balls.”
He meant it literally on one level, which I understood. But I’ve never understood how anyone could think that about Trump in the metaphorical sense. Trump slathers on foundation like a common Tammy Faye. He talks about using hair spray in public, which would have prompted my druncle to respond with a homophobic slur from any other man. He’s a draft-dodging chickenshit who can’t even fire people to their faces despite that being the tagline from his reality TV show.
They’re all chickenshits. Here’s Rand Paul getting heckled by protesters after the rally last night:
Fox & Friends laments Rand Paul's encounter with a cop who fell backward after a crowd returned his shove: "This is what it's amounting to. Our politicians are getting bombarded by protesters. And he actually feared for his life"
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) August 28, 2020
Here’s Rand Paul describing that same incident:
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told “Fox & Friends” he believes he would have been killed if not for the police when he and his wife were surrounded and attacked by a “mob” yelling threats and pushing police upon exiting the White House after President Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) Thursday night.
“It was horrific,” the Republican senator — who had part of his lung removed due to a complication from the 2017 assault by his neighbor — told host Steve Doocy of the “unhinged” mob that continued to get bigger and bigger.
“They’re attempting to push the police over to get to me, so at one point they push a policeman backwards, he stumbles and he’s trying to catch his balance and I catch the back of his flak jacket to stabilize him to make sure he’s OK because he’s our defense,” Paul explained. “If he’s down, the mob’s loose on us.”
“I truly believe this with every fiber of my being, had they gotten at us they would have gotten us to the ground, we might not have been killed, might just have been injured by being kicked in the head, or kicked in the stomach until we were senseless,” he explained.
Good lord, what a bunch of crybaby snowflakes these macho tough guys are. This is why I’m not all that worried about violence if Trump gets kicked to the curb in November. There are nuts like the Trump-supporting Kenosha shooter and the white supremacist who killed Heather Heyer. But most of the super-fans are chickenshits with big mouths, just like Rand Paul and Trump himself. I’m pretty confident I could shoo them off my porch with a broom. Open thread!
Keith P.
Rand Paul is calling for the FBI to arrest the protestors. So here we are – conservative protestors (usually open-carrying) are patriots exercising their 1st amendment rights; liberal protestors are violent anarchists who should be arrested (and/or locked up via “automatic 10 year prison sentence”)
karen marie
This ten-minutes by @garyyounge should be required watching by everyone who asks “why can’t these protesters be civil?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
so, somebody said a swear and the sidewalks were crowded
I’ve been saying that the real reason Sarah Cooper’s Trump imitations are so funny and so effective is that she’s a young woman. Trump is a fussy little girl trapped in a big male Orange body.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Paul has obviously never tried to enter a Planned Parenthood clinic when right wingers were there.
Another Scott
Speaking of thin-skinned crybaby snowflakes…
Good, good.
Doug R
I drove a truck for over 20 years. I generally tried to get the smallest one that would fit the load: easier maneuvering and parking, plus it cuts down the temptation to put too much in it.
Trump’s supporters won’t listen, but for those who will, science used in the public good had a big win with Hurricane Laura. The NHC predicted its track and landfall time with almost perfect accuracy 80 hours out.
It means he has the courage to tell the “truth” about liberals, Democrats, and black and brown people.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
lies about his weight, almost certainly wears a girdle, quite possibly high heels, has the same basic hairstyle and coloring as his mother and his sisters….
the mileage this primped and pomaded trust-fund-baby gets out of being a malevolent and tarted up version of the self-made-lout character Rodney Dangerfield played in all his movies will never cease to amaze me
ETA: @Baud: because of that, of course, still amazes me
Sept. issue of Vanity Fair Radhika Jones, VF’s editor-in-chief, arranged with Ta-Nehisi Coates to guest edit this issue, The Great Fire.
Since our household is strictly antenna TV, we watch old shows on the sub-channels. The Rifleman is on twice every Saturday. Some of the episodes actually try to convey messages of racial and ethnic tolerance (between all the shooting).
Anyway, I just found out Johnny Crawford, who plays the Rifleman’s son, has Alzheimer’s. He’s in a care facility where his wife is an employee.
It seems very sudden, because he’d made some promotional appearances just last year.
Another Scott
Seriously…where’s the crowd?
We get more people on our downtown sidewalks during tourist season.
ETA: and you know what tourists are like, always in the way.
Rand Paul is lucky he wasn’t caught between a church and a man who wanted to hold a Bible upside down in front of one.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: My old man loved the show because his first name was the same as mine.
Rand was unhinged because Ted Cruz stole his Ayn Rand Emotional Support Doll.
@Doug R:
The TV truck commercials are always so heroic. Trucks speeding off road, conquering all terrains.
And then I look out my window and see a truck struggling to parallel park, rolling up the curb, and then down, and then up again, as he tries to squeeze into his space. Oh, and sometimes I see them sitting in the giant supermarket parking lot.
A realistic truck commercial wouldn’t look so thrilling.
@germy: Also, broken axles aren’t fun.
@raven: Sammy Davis, Jr. made a couple of appearances, showing off his skills with his guns.
All sorts of now-forgotten character actors passed through that show.
I remember the episode where Mark Twain shows up (played by Kevin McCarthy) and Lucas teaches him to overcome his grief.
I love my goddamn truck !
A Ghost to Most
For a group of people who frequently talk about running away and hiding until the unpleasantries are over, I find it hard to accept their opinion that the other side are a bunch of cowards.
Trumpublicans aren’t known for their subtlety. Why don’t they just shoot the fireworks out of the tip of the Washington monument?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Are there any figures for online watching? I know there were some gathered for the first night of the DNC but haven’t seen any since.
It’s a much harder thing to measure :(
Edmund Dantes
Two words: Timothy McVeigh
@Dorothy A. Winsor: This is a good point.
Vulnerable young women go through much worse and without police protection every day due to the rightwing thugs screaming and yelling at them. The only difference is that the people who escort those women aren’t allowed to touch the ‘protesters’ in any way, unlike what the police did here.
That was the rationale behind shitforbrains being the guy who said “You’re Fired!” The dipshit who thinks he’s The One, while he’s actually very, very close to worst.
randy khan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Getting worse ratings than Sleepy Joe Biden will trigger some pretty serious rage-tweeting.
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dunno about the girdle, but there’s no doubt at all about the lifts.
Also too, that picture last night with him and the Third Lady together? They were the same height.
Wikipedia says she’s 5’11”. Supposedly she was wearing 5″ heels –
So, she would have been 6’4″, so he must have grown yet another inch.
He’s just full of surprises!!1
Often see drivers of the manliest tough guy trucks c r e e p i n g over a parking lot speed bump lest they and their precious machine get jostled.
So, the “mob” was able to get the police officer who was protecting old Rand to fall back, and they didn’t press the advantage and tear him limb from limb?
Either that “mob” is simply incompetent or it wasn’t actually a mob.
I’m sure it was a bit scary, but being black and seeing a police officer or car is a lot scarier. Has Rand said anything about they people who have actually been killed by his KKK buddies?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MisterForkbeard: no idea, and I’m sure that’s what trump’s human pacifiers will tell him, but he’s a creature of the past, and Nielsen is what will get under his skin.
Of all the things I worry about (and I worry about lots of things…thanks, Mom), trump not physically leaving office if/when defeated is not on the list. I think he hates the job so much and he is such a physical coward that I suspect he will go. He will likely go loudly and defiantly, but he will go. Now, back to my list…
Gin & Tonic
For stupid people who say stuff like “yeah, but what can a sports league *do*” – the NBA has announced that all of its arenas (presumably only the ones their teams control, so I don’t know about, say, the Gahden) will become polling places for November.
@Another Scott: Cripes. Looking at this, the final straw was that the House had been asking for information and State had been stonewalling them. State finally responded with “We’ll give you some of this information if you open a bullshit investigation into Biden and Ukraine”.
This is not how fucking information sharing works. You don’t get to condition your response to a lawful request only if you get a partisan investigation into your opposing campaign. It’s eerily similar to Trump’s own actions extorting Ukraine and it IS a fucking outrage.
Pompeo should absolutely be held in contempt. And if he ever visits the House he needs to be temporarily held by the Sergeant At Arms for about 30 minutes while the Democrats hold an immediate press conference to get attention and then let him go.
ETA: And yes, I know that would be extremely problematic from a number of levels and they shouldn’t do it. But they need to enforce the contempt somehow. They need to get attention on it somehow.
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: Woohoo!
Little girls take a rather negative view of your comment. Big girls probably do as well.
NeverTrumper Tom Nichols had a whole piece last month in The Atlantic about the odd paradox of WWC men admiring Trump for his supposed rock-ribbed masculinity, when in reality he’s a shambling dumsterfire of verbal diarrhea, cruelty, weakness, cowardliness, and narcissism — all the things that used to be considered “unmanly”. Pro-wrestler-style braggadocio was once a clownish parody of tough-guy masculinity, but somewhere along the way, it became the real thing for a lot of esp. non-college-educated white men.
Omnes Omnibus
@A Ghost to Most: 1. Put up or shut up. Let’s see links.
2. Fuck you.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
This. It probably was scary to be in that situation. But I mean, what does Paul expect? He’s a piece of shit that a lot of people despise. If the shoe were on the other foot and prominent Dem pol was subjected to the same treatment (probably has I’m just not remembering it), would Paul complain about how that Dem was being attacked by a mob? I doubt it, honestly. No, he’d probably paint them up to be patriots expressing their righteous anger.
Right-wingers always have agency except when it’s inconvenient to their narrative and then they don’t
so the solution is to double down on attacking protestors? they really do want to reenact the fall of Saigon next January don’t they?
Alzheimer’s can present fairly slowly at first, as it did in my dad. He suffered for 20 years but it wasn’t obvious for the first 5.
Omnes Omnibus
@jonas: As you note, they admire a certain style of masculine display. They would not recognize actual toughness or courage unless it came with macho posturing. Weirdly, they seem to have that in common with A Ghost To Most. Go figure.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Why shouldn’t the Dems use contempt of Congress? If these assholes don’t comply, lock them up. I don’t understand why Pelosi doesn’t use it. The inherent contempt powers have been used by Congress before without issue and found constitutional. We need to show the Republicans we mean business
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@germy: Quite so. All cars ads that crow about the “Thrill of the open road” seem oddly hollow when you’re stuck in traffic on the daily commute.
@A Ghost to Most: Who are you talking about?
Rightwingers or Democrats? Your sentence is so sloppy and opaque you can read it either way.
@Omnes Omnibus: I cannot tell who Ghost was dissing. Might not be us, this time.
West of the Cascades
This is the doll that’s supposed to be kept in the freezer, and when you take it out for emotional support and pull its string, it tells you you’re on your own?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Lock them up where?
“injured by being kicked in the head, or kicked in the stomach until we were senseless,”
AquaBuddha’s head is already senseless — I’d say a good kick is more likely to kick some sense *into* it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Who is physically going to take them into custody? Where would they be held?
Omnes Omnibus
@Elizabelle: He has form and his current comment is consistent with it.
ETA: If he says that he was slagging the GOP and I misinterpreted him, I will apologize. I do not expect that it will be necessary.
@Kathleen: Noice!!!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Adam’s talked about it before.
There’s a problem: If you send the Sergeant at Arms after the SoS or another high official, he gets into a fight with their security team. We probably don’t want that. And he probably wouldn’t win, either.
You face a similar issue if you ‘ambush’ them at the House. Okay, now you’ve got them (in some sense, at least) but what happens when the President sends armed security to retrieve him from the ‘unlawful’ seizure by Democrats? Where do you actually hold the arrestees? Etc.
How do you deal with the extreme media tut-tutting about how Democrats took “an ordinary political discussion and went way out of line”? How do you deal with the literal years of mythical victimization that comes from Republicans and media painting Democrats as aggressive thugs and Republicans as the party that just tries to get along?
So it’s a big damn problem, and not an easily solved one. Jailing/inherent contempt is satisfying but it’s a huge escalation, and it needs to be telegraphed and set up properly beforehand if you’re going to use it. And even then – a big gamble in the PR space.
Rand Paul, master storyteller. Love the “every fiber of my being. ” phrase. We’re in dime novel territory now!?
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@thruppence: I live in an area where “off-road” really means “a beautifully maintained gravel driveway”. It’s fun watching the manly men in their 4x4s dodge potholes.
By the way, I have no idea how I was let in this neighborhood.
@raven: Hell, I love your truck! And I will likely never get a ride in it….
Meh. My teenage daughters are tougher, smarter, and have more common sense than TRump. Don’t tar them with his inadequacies. They are uniquely his.
Sister Golden Bear
The Village People were more macho—and they were singers doing cosplay.
The Thin Black Duke
Remember, Rand Paul is the guy that got his ass kicked by his next door neighbor, who is physically disabled.
@Omnes Omnibus: I cannot decide if that sentence is bad or a thing of beauty.
@germy: I always see them stuck in snow banks on the side of the highway after they tried to drive too fast in snowstorms during the mornimg commute.
@Sister Golden Bear: You know what…even though you stuck it in my head I’m not gonna link it. :P
I thought one of those ‘escape from the Mt Baker volcano’ movies was just an advertisement to tell you the only safe place is in your Jeep Cherokee, or whatever.
ETA: hauled out of dead thread
@Ruckus: @Kent: Yeah, it’s difficult to make the observation in a way that doesn’t cast shade in the wrong direction. I was trying to be positive about Ms. Cooper and negative about Trump, and apparently didn’t succeed. My bad.
How to do elections right
My home county, Clark County, WA which is the Portland suburb of Vancouver and the surrounding area just announced they are expanding the number of ballot drop-off locations to 20 in advance of the election. Total population of Clark County is just under 500,000. We get our official ballots in the mail about 30 days before the election and have until 8 pm on election day to drop them off or mail them back. I suspect most serious voters will be dropping them off in person this year.
This is how many drop boxes I have to choose from. There are three within 5 minutes of my house:
In addition, they maintain a variety of vote-in-person precinct locations with special machines for blind and disabled voters who can’t vote by mail and for people who just want to walk in and vote in person.
It just infuriates me when I read about how many places deliberately make it so much harder to vote. This should be agenda #1 for a new Biden Administration Address voting rights. Everything else follows from that.
Strange that there isn’t a sea of bodies surrounding these murderous hoodlums. Or is it just something about Rand Paul in particular that they don’t like?
Aieeeee! She’s a witch! Run away!
@Gin & Tonic:
Wow! I like this. Very creative.
A welcome bit of good news.
@Kent: No word yet if that’s a state wide initiative yet. But I always use the same box every time. So unless one gets closer then I’ll use that one. It would be nice if those expanded to the more rural areas.
EDIT: I keep saying to bring back HR 1 and rename it the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. And include resources for expanding vote by mail to as many states that want to do that. We’re up to seven states that are going to do that full time now.
Patricia Kayden
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: It is, of course, up to the local authorities to decide whether to use them. A really good gesture since it will get publicity and, if used, the facilities have a lot of space and are ADA compliant.
Yep. Every car has 4-wheel “stop”. All you get when you drive an 8,000 lb F250 instead of a 3,000 lb Prius is a vehicle with 3x the momentum and therefore 3x harder to stop on snow and ice. And mostly they don’t put actual snow tires on those big trucks because they are too expensive in those wheel sizes. This is Physics 101.
Best snow car I had during my time living and working in Juneau Alaska was an old Toyota Camry with 4 studded tires.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ouch!
Patricia Kayden
Didn’t Pence get 17? Or am I mixing up metrics.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kent: Back when I was in the army, I found I could drive my old GTI place other guys wouldn’t take their 4x4s. OTOH, part of it was a simple willingness to try.
I think it is county-by-county and not something mandated state-wide. So call your county election office if they don’t have enough boxes out.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Dump drops 5 points in Rasmussen tracking poll.
On Monday they had his approval rating at 51% positive to 47% negative
Today, they have him at 46% positive to 52% negative.
Rasmussen has always been the favorite poll of Dump, himself, and his cult.
@Kent: I have a 2016 Volkswagen Passat with all season tires. Damn if she doesn’t grip the road in icy and snowy conditions. And I’ve driven Subaru in the same.
@Kent: Thanks. Our county auditor is a Republican but she knows better than to muck with the elections. So there might be more boxes around but it hasn’t been announced or the locations haven’t been determined yet. Or she thinks the drop off locations are still adequate. We won’t know for sure until ballots get released.
Juneau gets some of the worst driving conditions in the country because it is along the ocean with lots of precipitation and gets constant freeze and thaw all winter long. So constant driving on re-frozen slush and black ice. During my time there I saw countless winter accidents. Almost always it was big SUVs and trucks sliding into intersections because they couldn’t stop. Or the same vehicles sliding off the highway when corning too fast. And because a lot of the town is essentially built on wetlands, the ditches alongside the roadways are DEEP. You slide off the roadway in many places and you about need a crane to get your vehicle out.
The vehicles that never got stuck were the little Subarus.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Let’s hope other polls show a similar drop.
Dan B
@Doug R: I drove trucks for 20+ years. My contracting company had two 3/4 ton pickups and a one ton flatbed. We rented bigger trucks as needed, plus backhoes and grading equipment. A co- worker, Ann, drove semi’s in California and enjoyed it but, like me, was glad to be over that career. Now my partner owns a half ton and we lease a Nissan Leaf. We love driving the Leaf and avoid the noisy half ton.
It seems weird that loud, fast, big, and smelly vehicles are such a turn on. Although it is fun to punch the Leaf and silently (exceptions can include burning rubber) go from zero to 60 in a couple blocks in the Leaf. Scares passengers though. I fantasize being in a sci-fi rocket, not having a bigger d**k.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Rand Paul, from AP:
“Fresh new clothes.”
J R in WV
We had a ’91 Saab 900, front wheel drive. I put 4 snow tires on that puppy and it would figuratively climb a tree. Was better than a 4×4 with all season tires in the snow. We put 250,000 miles on that car on the original clutch! Replaced shocks and brakes.
Eventually a frame member collapsed due to road salt damage, fortunately at 35 mph in a residential area, and we sold it for parts for $100. Didn’t trust the frame to take a welded repair and last. Would have been bad if it had failed at 75 on the freeway!
Good tires make all the difference in winter weather. Now that we’re retired, if it’s icy and snow, we stay home until the state road folks get to our back country roads.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@germy: I always suspected that Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” — once a star of a popular western TV show, now reduced to playing heavies — was based on Chuck Connors.
I was a big fan of “Rifleman” and his other show “Branded” as a kid. Nice to hear that “Rifleman” has aged well, not all 60s shows did.
Gin & Tonic
Motion-capture and AI produce some pretty impressive effects.
The fingers on the guitarist need work, but the dancer is pretty awesome.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Perfect! That’s exactly the convention bounce I was expecting / hoping for.
The wonderful thing about Trump, if you can put that adjective with that noun, is that you can’t stop him from being Trump. And every time he fires up the hard-core base in the room with him, people outside the room start edging away.
Now we just have to be allowed to cast our votes and have them counted.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Dan B:
Ha! We call our Kia Niro “the rocket ship.” And it is hella fun to punch it, although I always warn my passengers before doing so. There’s a scary short freeway merge near our house where you have to make a tight turn and go from 25 to 65 in a few hundred feet. The Kia luuurrrrves that.
part of the issue is “active traction control”.
sensors detect tiny amounts of wheel slip on any wheel, the onboard computer applies the wheel brake to stop the “open” diff from bleeding power from the wheel that has traction.
from a technical point of view, it is a great piece of technology.
from a driving view however, it completely robs the driver of “road feel” and their sense of conditions.
So the driver bops their way down the icy, snowy road, as fast as they can, with the computer making thousands of adjustments every minute, allowing the truck to stay greasy side down,
Right up until the conditions exceed the computer’s ability.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Wait…I thought Trumpy had fenced off a “safe” area many blocks in diameter…what were they doing on foot?
Omnes Omnibus
@Jay: No, it’s not. It is people assuming that their piece of tech makes them invulnerable.
@Omnes Omnibus: Applies whether it’s a big monster truck or a gun.
This is outrageous:
They’ve done an end run around the elected prosecutor and gotten rid of other pesky officials, including their police chief. The Virginia legislature needs to end this magistrate business. I live in Virginia and had no idea.
Earlier this week, when I heard that the National Guard had been called out in Kenosha, my groggy mind thought, “Oh, good. It’s best to get those police off the streets and let the National Guard handle public safety while the local and state government can get something in place that isn’t murdering citizens.” It took me a few minutes to realize how silly this thought was – of course the National Guard was there to protect property, not citizens from the
white militiapolice. But that’s something we really should be looking at doing.Police departments which murder and terrorize their citizens deserve the death penalty. (The departments themselves, not the officers. I’m against the death penalty for humans. Organizations though….)
@West of the Cascades: Unless you’re Ayn herself in which case you can avail yourself of Social Security and Medicare. .
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
It’s a crime to do that? Other than Eleanor Holmes Norton, that describes every member of Congress.
@Immanentize: One never knows. . .
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Baud: Being a cynic, I expect the corporate media to “ask” their pollsters to show tightening because they’re dying for a horse race and because they’re dying to deploy all the “comeback”/”pivot” articles they’ve already written.
Omnes Omnibus
@gwangung: Yep.
@sdhays: How is this not a gross violation of the first amendment?
@louc: I think the point is that it’s harassment. You have to present yourself to the magistrate, the magistrate will throw it out because it’s absurd, and you will have been taught your lesson. If you blow it off, you lose by default.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
This. Though I have to think this is going to backfire on the cops because this is going to piss off a lot of people. And I don’t think the targets of this harassment are going to learn the “lesson” that the cops intend
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It is! I think the NBA understands the direction the wind is blowing too
@Kent: Yep. I delivered mail for 23 years in a Subaru AWD with studded tires – luckily here in Ky snow doesn’t get over 8 or 10 inches, so no problem. And on ice…drove by countless pickups in the ditch on my route…only one time did I have to give up and go back to the office…rain on top of ice…even studs didn’t help…
@Jinchi: Heh, including Brave Sir Rand himself.
mad citizen
@Luciamia: Love the “every fiber of my being. ” phrase. Yes, he should throw in “laser-focused” and “let me be clear” and “make no mistake” just to get them all in (I hope Kamala has stopped saying “let me be clear”).
zhena gogolia
I hate Donald J. Trump and his entire family except for Mary. He is the Devil.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Hypothetically, if you were Trump’s campaign manager (and it could happen – he goes through them faster than Big Macs), how would you go about keeping him from speaking, tweeting, or making any public appearances until the election?
Legally, I should add.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
I am so sick of this guy.
zhena gogolia
No, he was talking about us. As usual.
No Tweeting: Use campaign funds to create a “personal” version of Twitter which would only include him and bots created by the campaign, install it on his phone, and let him tweet to his heart’s content.
No Speaking: Schedule only private events and fill them with mannequins with pre-recorded cheers, controlled by an intern. Let him speak – no recording. Get Hannity and Fox and (Dump’s Only) Friends to talk about his speech so that he can believe it actually happened.
No Public Appearances: Tell him that all of DC is protesting him and Nancy took away his tear gas, so he’s trapped. Pipe recorded protests into the Oval Office at random times to make him skitter down to his bunker.
Omnes Omnibus
@louc: It is.
Bill Arnold
I’ve noted here several times that Donald J. Trump, self-styled alpha, appears to not know how to make a fist.[1] A 5’11” 74 year old male body with 3 inch lifts, that who went to a military academy high school, does not make a proper fist, e.g. when DJT e.g. he does his trademark “fist pump”. He’s gotten slightly better; a year or two ago he would sometimes put his thumb to the side of the index finger; now he puts it over his index finger, but the hand would still break/sprain if it hit something hard.
Quaker in a Basement
So you used him as a human shield.
@Yutsano: I read something recently that WA state had a goal of one drop box per 15,000 people in a county, with at least one drop box in each incorporated town or city. There’s something like 69 boxes across King County, for example.
No worries. I start to use phrases that once upon a time were accepted and that we’ve all used without thinking about and end up having to actually think about what I’m saying. And fix it, or at least try. Language is and should change as necessary and ours needs some.
@Quaker in a Basement:
You’d expect more from chickenshit little Paulie?
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Thank you!
Uncle Cosmo
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: I testdrove a Tesla out on the Peninsula a few years back. My turn behind the wheel: About half a mile of utterly deserted asphalt in front.. I punched it. After that I’d have no worries riding a Dragon to orbit – or back down. Hoooweeee!
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: Of course he’s become a hit and run troll.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Disappointed. He was always a bit of a crank but I hate to see anyone descend into pure trolldom.
@RedDirtGirl: Thank you.
Chief Oshkosh
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Is that a +4 to a -6? Am I understanding that right? A 10 point swing to the bad due to his Hatch-et convention?
I did not know the Baby Jesus loved me that much.
@Chief Oshkosh: I don’t understand your reference to +4 and -6.
Jay Noble
@Kent: Always one of my favorite commercials (On 3rd Beetle)
It would be a short-duration display
I am astounded that Rand Paul thought that no one would think less of him, just because he’s a traitor. Of course, he hangs out with the republicans, and they don’t think less of each other…….
@Keith P.: isn’t the whole point of conservatives’ second amendment fetishization the idea that “people shouldn’t be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people?” Little Randy pisses his pants at the first sign of danger and destroys the fever dreams of countless incel basement dwellers.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: yeah, ” fresh new clothes “. As if we even give a shit, pardon my language. Out here we are suffering and this fool is talking about clothes. What an ass. Plus, his hair looks stupid, the infamous fool. Shame on him.