Sigh. Adds “Energy” to “list of things Trump doesn’t understand”.
My wife a minute ago: “Look at doofus on the left.” Seems like a weirder expression than usual.
fums from making wind mills?
what the fuck is he talking about?
I’m glad Trumpov is running on saving the whale oil industry. Solid plan.
Nothing about huge manly dumps stuck in the toilet, very strongly, because no water… did I miss that?
Emma from FL
Why is everyone so het up about this? The cake is baked. The loons, racists, and greedheads aren’t going to have a road to Damascus conversion. The rest of us are voting Biden.
All Biden has to do is repeat facts and keep himself from strangling the dimwit.
I’m gonna blame Trump for the power going out in Boston’s Back Bay and South End (basically the length of Mass Ave, including the Pru and Copley).
Joe looked at his effing watch! NO NO NO Joe —-!
Where do I apply for my teeny, tiny windows?
Is it over? Please tell me it’s over…
It’s not over…
Sweet meteor of death please end this cavalcade of mendacity. And that manic dance of the hands…..
@ant: Fumes? Windmills run on air currents, air currents are fumes. Fums from windmills.
It’s basic physics, a genius like Trump can do it on the fly in his head.
Still waiting to be given the gift of the “Cloak of Invisibility’ for purposes I won’t divulge here in order not to implicate my fellow BJrs in any imagined or actual crime that cloak would enable….
Trumps judgement on India is going to be piss off all the Modi people. After all, India cannot do wrong – and this attack on their pollution is going to piss them off.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
judging from the center-right Daniel Drezner’s twitter feed, full of very serious people, Biden is winning
trump is not bite-the-head-off-the-chicken crazy, but Biden is turning in his best performance of the last two years
Marc Ambinder @marcambinder 21m This is the Biden of 8-12 years ago. And the Biden who has waited four years to say all this to Trump.
@ant: It’s a common fallacy that right-wingers like to throw around, claiming that the cost of manufacturing wind turbine and solar panels results in more carbon emissions than burning fuel does. It’s false; people have done “lifecycle carbon cost” calculations that have showed it, but you need numbers and graphs to debunk, so the conservatives like it.
Omnes Omnibus
Joe understands each one of these issues. Trump… …does not.
@Elie: Yes he did. But the better interpretation is “How much longer do I have to deal with this fucking guy?” as opposed to “I’m getting tired and it’s time for bed.”
@cain: Are Modi supporters as touchy as Trump supporters? Does that one little thing, which accidentally, from Trump, is a fact, make them close the iron door on Trump?
I do kind’a wish Joe had managed to work in Foxconn.
Dump: I will say “Fuck you, losers!” to everyone who didn’t vote for me.
@Emma from FL: All Biden has to do is repeat facts and keep himself from strangling the dimwit.
The second part is the real challenge.
I wish Joe had told him it was time to stop huffing the bronzer he slathers on.
Amir Khalid
When they do these debates in 2024, the moderator should have the mute button in front of her. And she should warn both/all candidates that, if they speak out of turn or run over their allotted time, she will use it.
@Ella in New Mexico: Just gonna say, I’m available. Any time, any place. I’m retired with plenty of time on my hands… for whatever. You know… whatever.
Terrible statement by Biden about shutting down the oil industry, total own goal.
Trump doing the lying cloud like the end of a fireworks session.
Hums from wind turbines…. windmill sound cancer he’s talked about?
@Amir Khalid: Can we upgrade to an electric shock collar?
Joe is ending it well.
Mai Naem mobile
Does anybody use the term plague for COVID19 like El Dumpo does? I’ve heard it called Rona, the Virus and even China Virus by RWNJs but not the Plague. Its such an old fashioned term for a disease.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Didn’t watch, but Biden raised $3,353,000 in the last hour. That’s a LOT of points on the score board, so I assume he did well.
@mrmoshpotato: I bought the T shirt from the last debate. Love it.
This was supposed to end at 10:30 ET.
mad citizen
Just had a thought: Does the WAPO Trump lie counter add his lies in these debates. It’s a LOT.
Trump is DUMB. There are energy companies, not so many plain old oil exclusive companies. Has he never learned why British Petroleum became BP?
It’s over. Glad we didn’t get the Say a nice thing about your opponent (at least the part I saw, missed an hour in the middle. )
The quality of the questions tonight was, shall we say, less than first rate.
@Yutsano: It’ll be interesting to watch Biden drop kick him off the Inauguration Podium, and the Secret Service just watch it happen…
Is it just me or my tv, or does Trump have the color of one of those hotdogs that have been on the rolling heat things at the 7/11 for the last six years?
I’m glad Joe got the last word here. He ended really strong.
And once again the Third Lady just stands next to him like a lump.
@Mai Naem mobile: Maybe Trump wants to remind people of the Black Death. It’s a hoax, but also Trump controlled it so strongly, billions of lives were saved from the plague.
A wag at LGM: “Well, he is the color of a Lincoln Log…”
You all probably knew this but…:
Marc Ambinder
· 1h
So I read @KimStrassel op-ed. It reads out one direct alleged quote from the former VP about some version of a proposed deal with the Chinese company. The word is “NO.” This is from the testimony of someone who thinks he got a raw deal and was mad at Hunter. No there there
@khead: Of course it is not going away, so why say it. He was supposedly tied in TX, he wasn’t going to win it but this inured thta he won’t
@evodevo: The Danes did a study with their first offshore windfarms: there was a 1 season jump in seabird deaths (theorized as “killing the stupid birds, who the predators woulda gotten anyway”), and then back to the previous average.
Do NOT mock those 7-11 roll-y hotdog things. Sure, the one you picked up may have been there for 4 days, but it is some protein, salt and grease, and with some cheap mustard and some onions is a fine treat.
When did ActBlue roll over 7 billion? Wasn’t it last Saturday?
It’s now $7,398,050,000 and rolling over rapidly.
Mary G
The new tone folks are on their 1000th Lucy and football. I mean tiny windows? What?— Neera -Vote Early- Tanden (@neeratanden) October 23, 2020
I have some channel on with Jon Karl, who said Twitler might have been better, but Joe Biden was excellent. Another lady says he did great. Another guy very positive about Biden on pandemic.
@FlyingToaster: The birds probably figured out they needed to stay away from those things. A whole farm probably doesn’t kill as many birds as one glass tower does.
Villago Delenda Est
@Leto: This assumes Donald will show up at the inauguration. Huge assumption.
My lasting impression will be the statement in defense of child separation is that the carcereal conditions were very nice. Only a monster could make an argument that a clean floor and a fresh mylar blanket is preferable to the arms of a mother and a father.
Patricia Kayden
Anyone who has to say “I am the least racist person in this room” over and over again— Vanita Gupta (@vanitaguptaCR) October 23, 2020
mad citizen
Chuck Todd: Trump stopped the bleeding, but didn’t do anything to bring back the middle, mythical suburban woman. He also pointed out trump was speaking “evening Fox viewer” and everyone else would have no idea what trump was talking about.
Mrs Greenspan says best debate she’s ever seen from Biden.
This is exactly what Melania said on that tape that should have been front-page news for a while but has gone virtually unnoticed by everyone.
John S.
@SenyorDave: Maybe. But even the oil companies know they have to eventually transition to renewable energy. This is not a controversial or taboo subject.
@laura: They polish the wire on the cages every day. Very classy. Soft towels.
Mary G
Chris Wallace: "First of all, I'm jealous. I would've liked to have been able to moderate that debate and get a real exchange of views instead of hundreds of interruptions."— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) October 23, 2020
I’m with you. I don’t know why birther Melania gets a pass when Michelle Obama got endless shit for everything.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
As of 9 PM Eastern, at least 48,583,126 votes have been cast (including 5.9 million in Texas).
There will be one last update around 1 AM and the early vote could go over a staggering 50 million tonight, with 11 days left to go.
As a point of reference, there were 137 million votes, including 9 million in Texas, for the 2016 election (turnout 60.1%).
@SenyorDave: Agreed that it was an own goal. He should have just said something like we need to continue to transition to renewable resources and not mentioned oil and gas specifically. It would have sounded better.
But he’s not wrong. We DO need to transition to renewables to reduce our carbon emissions (and we really need to reduce fracking as well).
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I’m listening to this turkey from the next room. My wife has CBS on I think. Reince Preibus is on, saying Trump was “charming” tonight.
He has a weird idea of charm.
@TS (the original):Rachel just said the moderator was wonderful. Best debate ever.
who is the woman on MSNBC who is not rachel and not joy reid?
Mrs. Greenspan just said, “the fact-checkers are having a field day” and “the facts are with Joe Biden”.
Trump was much more coherent tonight, but Joe was excellent. My mother, who constantly grumbles that Joe seems old and slow, felt he cleaned Trump’s clock.
@John S.: My final thought on this is that it was a statement that served no purpose, it couldn’t do anything but hurt him. Probably no big deal but should have been said.
Omnes Omnibus
@TS (the original): Rachel got into Chris Matthews’ old dressing room and started drinking his “medicine?”
Why does anybody allow Hugh Hewitt to come on their network?! He’s such a fucking dickhole.
Shock collars for both candidates. The first time the moderator has to mute you activates your shock collar; thereafter, whenever you get muted you get shocked too.
Bottom line?
I don’t think this debate changed the course of the race in any way. And that’s good for Biden.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
@jl: wind goes in, wind goes out, no one can explain that.
Villago Delenda Est
@mad citizen: Chuckles the Toddler is a fuckhaid. No two ways about it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m surprised Biden has never (that I’ve seen) given Nicolle Wallace a half hour or so one-on-one interview. If I were him, I still would
Glad people are talking about the kids again, I hope it sticks this time.
Wind turbines are actually very lunch-buckety. Trump is just wrong about this. His demo loves them. I have a wind turbine installer in my neighborhood. He’s never home, travelling installing wind turbines, which is how I became friends with his GF. Because she’s stuck in the middle of nowhere, alone :)
I think he won too but that’s the thing with the low quality hires- they get points just for not tripping over their shoelaces. It’s unfair. Biden did great.
@mad citizen: To give kids a joke about where bees go to the bathroom – the BP station.
Oh, yeah, there were probably *other* reasons, I suppose.
@Kay: One of the other aspects of the green energy field is that it’s not boom/bust like oil. Green jobs, while slightly lower paying, are steady revenue. It’s a reliable income source. That’s valuable.
mad citizen
@David ?Booooooo!? Koch: Saw the end of Nate Silver on abc predebate. He said they are projecting 155 million votes
Solar alone and Solar/storage projects are now dominant in the grid interconnection queues. Heard a speaker the other day say the cost of building and producing energy from solar is less that the production cost of existing coal. An amazing statement. Have not heard it anywhere else, but solar cost has been falling dramatically.
@jl: a genius like Trump can do it on the fly in his head.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thanks. I haven’t watched MSNBC or CNN etc for years, so I didn’t know who she was. But I know folks here like the 3 women together, so I am listening.
From Rachel I expect truth and she usually obliges. She could have simply said the moderation improved because of the threat of trump being silenced. She could have mentioned trump getting extra time.
Mary G
Again, an absolute avalanche of lying from Trump tonight.— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) October 23, 2020
Doug R
@laura: In good news, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm is already out on Amazon Prime. Good fun.
Dump is a pile of shit, but he didn’t say “Good.” about the kidnapped migrant kids before they changed topics from immigration. He said, “Go ‘head.” to the moderator.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
@Ruckus: It hit 7 big ones on Oct 7. So it raised nearly $400 billion in 15 days
All Biden has to do is repeat facts and keep himself from strangling the dimwit.
I’d have been sorely tempted, well, maybe not strangling. Inducing a stroke or heart attack, perhaps.
Fun thing was I was able to real-time fact check Trump’s lies, mostly. Had to look up a few statements to see exactly how he was lying; one could safely assume that every sentence was a lie or at least willfully misleading. was excellent. I hope he does one of his patented high speed yet very long fact checks.
@FlyingToaster: And I’d like to thank Joe Biden for turning the power back ON in Boston’s Back Bay and South End.
Reince Preibus is on, saying Trump was “charming” tonight.
Just remember take the vowels out of his name and you’re left with, RNC PR BS.
@Kay: Renewable energy lunch buckity and technician jobs require more skills than most fossil fuel energy work, at least that is what I heard on a recent local news ‘explainer’ segment.
Maybe why community college tech programs are so big o renewable energy agriculture and power grid certificates. Get higher pay.
He looked disheveled and his body language was defensive and weird.
Amir Khalid
Biden’s absolutely right that the oil industry will have to be phased out over time. That is already happening to coal. Oil will be trickier. I think one could start by phasing it out of consumer use, and then moving on to electricity generation and industrial use and then finally transportation.
The election in Texas is not going to turn on a throwaway comment in the third debate.
@dmsilev: i did it “multi media ” listen on radio and watch the video with sound off. The time lapse was interesting. It was easier to listen to that thing tell his lies and then watch his marionette gestures a second or two later. In our Punch & Judy stories the bad guy always loses.
@L85NJGT: Which is how he always looks when someone who isn’t Donald Trump is talking.
The Thin Black Duke
@Emma from FL: Thank you. It annoys me when folks burden themselves with the delusion that if Biden comes up with an Aaron Sorkinesque one-liner, Trump’s bigoted supporters with see the error of their ways. We don’t need them.
@ant: My guess is he was referring to the embodied energy in the manufacturing process and his reference shows he doesn’t understand it. Someone probably tried to explain it to him.
I think anybody who really listened to their answers, Biden kicked his ass. To those who only wanted to hear the answers from their own guy, I don’t think Stump moved any of them to back him more strongly. I think that he still made some statements that, even to his own people, would make him seem like a fruitcake, mostly because he is a fruitcake. I think that Biden solidified his lead. I think anybody leaning away from Joe, but were already at least a little more for Joe than the other guy, would be brought in. I think as far as this was Biden’s to win, I think he did that; and as far as it was Stumps to lose, I think he did a wishy washy job of that, but he did no job of winning it.
They’re all over the place in Ohio and western Michigan. Does he look out the window when he travels? They’re not exotic anymore. They’re not even remotely “Lefty” either. It’s like sneering at power lines. He’s this odd 1980’s person.
I actually think his relative coherence made his lies stand out more.
West of the Cascades
@SenyorDave: What state in the US has the most installed MW capacity of wind energy?
Texas! 30,217 MW (of 109,795 MW installed capacity in the whole US — Texas’s installed capacity is three times as great as the next largest, Iowa). So renewables are a big employer in Texas, and Biden will win some voters with his answers about re-regulating industries that explode and otherwise poison people living near them. I don’t think the “oil industry will go away over time” is a killer in Texas with regular votes.
Windmills “kill all the birds??!!” This I did not know…
Trump knows very little about windmills. He just objected to them off coast near a golf course in Scotland, and that interested him enough to absorb a little anti-windmill propaganda.
Not my field in any way, and I’ve read a good 12+ scientific papers directly on windmills including on bird kills, reducing bird kills, etc. Trump knows no field at even an advanced beginner level.
Adam L Silverman
Good news everybody! We never have to see or hear the President debate ever again!!!!!
@SenyorDave: He didn’t say shut it down, he said ramp it down over time. It being a finite resource what other approach makes any sense.
If only this were about making sense.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: actually I’m not brave enough to eat a hotdog that’s been on one of hotdog rolly things. I’ve only watched the hypnotic spin of the rolling hotdog for a few minutes on occasion.
Thank you. It annoys me when folks burden themselves with the delusion that if Biden comes up with an Aaron Sorkinesque one-liner, Trump’s bigoted supporters with see the error of their ways. We don’t need them.
Sometimes I wonder how badly the West Wing colored peoples’ understanding of politics
Mai Naem mobile
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I don’t think Reince gives a shit. There was an article about him a few months after he got kicked out of the WH. He was on the golf course making several thousand bucks ‘consulting’ daily and had a bunch of companies on retainer at $5K/mo. He got his winning jackpot lottery ticket.
@Kay: They’re starting to pop up in central PA. I like that. Let the Trumper’s see them, get used to them, start working on them. Makes it easier to get away from fracking, makes it easier to transition on over to renewables. It’s a booming industry that needs so many smart/technical people and has a chance to keep the youngins in those communities. I thought that was part of what they wanted?
The only reason the Shiatgibbon gives the tiniest crap about windmills is because they wanted to build some near his Scottish golf course, “ruining the view”, and he never lets go of a grudge. EDIT: I see I wasn’t fast enough, but the point stands. And I agree that he’ll never agree to attend Biden’s inaugural. But then, I hope they don’t do a big one due to the pandemic.
Trump is a property developer, or at least a wannabe, and he sees wind turbines as eyesores that bring down the value of his fancy but bedbug-ridden hotels.
Me, I think they don’t look at all bad, certainly way nicer than a power plant that burns coal or LNG.
@jl: no he was being very presidential at this debate.
And no one call them “windmills” unless they’re wearing wooden shoes in a movie about Holland. They’re called “wind turbines”. They’re modern.
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind!
@mad citizen: Warren Buffett said in his last annual meeting that Iowa is now generating more wind power than Iowa’s total electricity consumption (he owns MidAmerican)
Roller grill. The travel marts in Texas have an insane amount of options.
Just from reading the threads I see that the only thing that I missed was the massive spike in my blood pressure.
@Baud:I actually think his relative coherence made his lies stand out more.
I think that’s a great take. He was calm-ish and people still had to be wondering, “where’s the ACA replacement, trumpov? Joe is ‘in the basement’ and half-asleep or the head of a vast criminal conspiracy – which is it?” and so on.
New research shows painting one blade black prevents a lot of bird deaths.
When I was in Denmark in 2007, they were doing that already, and our guide said it was for that exact reason. But the Danish were way ahead of the game on wind power.
Okay, Brian Williams played a short clip in which Welker said she was going to give Trump 10 seconds to respond to something and then they would move on. I timed 30 seconds of Trump bullshit, and he was still going when BriWi cut the clip. Grr! Really want to see the talk-time statistics fir this debate.
@Jeffro: Trump’s charge: ‘IF he’s committed crimes, then he’s not so innocent… many people are saying…’ is ironclad. Biden can’t answer that one.
I was shocked by them at first- they are HUGE. The first time I saw a blade on the back of a truck I almost wrecked trying to figure out what this giant, futuristic sleek thing was. But it shifted in western Michigan- the only people who oppose them now are wealthy tourists. That’s the divide- between the people who make them and install them and the people who don’t want to look at them.
@Yarrow: Something like 2/3 of Texas has already voted, not counting however many ballots are in transit in the mail. Even if you think that was a hugely damaging statement, the damage is limited because of how many people have already recorded their votes.
The election in Texas is not going to turn on a throwaway comment in the third debate.
I spent a decade and a half in Texas. A very small number of people actually work in the oil industry and they are mostly Republicans. The vast majority of Texans have the same ordinary jobs as everyone else and live in the same cities and suburbs.
Just throw some molecules and electrons into the bin, instead of wheat and rye. Windmills they were, and windmills they are, and windmills they will always be.
@jl: it is difficult to disprove a completely speculative and hypothetical charge backed up by, um, Rudy G and Steve Bannon’s fabricated laptop/emails, true.
It was funny watching trumpov flail in real time about FoxBubble stuff, I have to admit.
Back in the day, when an American acquaintance was worried about the President, I would always reassure them that they had a thoughtful and conscientious leader in Josiah Bartlet.
“Biden will immediately outlaw every BBQ joint in the land!”
mad citizen
@West of the Cascades: Excellent point! Texas spent about 5 billion dollars building transmission lines to help get all that wind connected. And are always enabling more. It’s economics that will doom oil and gas
Many years ago there was a cable show following the wind turbine workers called Turbine Cowboys. Always loved that title.
@Jeffro: Does anyone know what the pillow and sheet Biden scandal is about? I kind of tuned out Trump’s babble and didn’t catch the whole thing.
She let Trump run on and gave him the last word 9 times out of 10, no matter whose turn it was. It was better, but nobody controls the beast.
Welker was C+ at best.
@Kay: the first time I saw them, in person, was traveling in Germany. They’re all over the landscape there. I was like… omg, they’re f’ing huge! Yeah, wealthy NIMBY’s don’t want to see them but won’t question where they get their electricity. I mean they’ll gladly look at shitty oil tankers/shipping vessels loitering 2-3 miles off the coast, plainly visible for most of the day, but lord forbid there’s a wind turbine even further off the coast… the horror!
I was laughing listening to him, thinking of those pictures of the big creaky wooden ones with tulips around them. That’s what he thinks they are!
In Michigan they create the energy with the turbines and then store it by pumping water up and into this giant dam. It’s miles and miles. A whole system.
Omnes Omnibus
@catclub: Not on a hotdogesque food-like substance. What are you, a monster?
@jl: I think he was referring to the ‘non-lethal aid’ or whatever that Obama authorized be sent to Ukraine (Crimea?) Which was most certainly not just bedding.
Last I heard, Timken, HQ’d in Canton, Ohio, is one of the leading producers of the gearboxes for wind turbines.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): At this point it’s about close margins and turnout. Remember how close some states were in 2016? If Texas is a close as people say then yes, something like that could have an impact.
The content of what Biden was fine said but how he said it was clumsy and created an unneeded soundbite for ads. Guess we’ll see what happens.
They have an entire jerky bar inside, because…Texas.
@NotMax: “Biden will immediately outlaw every BBQ joint in the land!”
With instantaneous hi res social media graphics, it is impossible now, and forever more, for candidates to hide their betrayal and treachery regarding regional BBQ styles. Glop it up and smile in SC, TN sees it the same damned day.
Covid prevented that this year. Some silver linings to covid… many people have said that to me, privately, weeping.
David Brooks is tweeting about having a “moral core” sweet mother of fuckery.
@Jeffro: Noel Harrison, song was used in The Thomas Crown Affair. I have a Dusty Springfield version I play when we drive through windmill farms.
Tonight’s take from my niece, who is clearly voting for Biden but is not involved with politics the way we all are. She is the one who felt Biden clearly won the first debate and thought Trump came off like a crazy person in the first debate.
Her comments tonight were not so reassuring:
I think they were both actually better tonight.
I think trump didn’t totally bomb this one.
Trump probably reassured a lot of people.
Essentially i think he stopped the massive flooding of people leaving his side. But i don’t think he’ll win back many of the people he already pushed away.
Trump didnt help himself by showing zero compassion for the kids separated from their parents.
I think biden shouldn’t have let the door open on oil. Don’t think he helped himself there.
I think trump didn’t totally bomb this one.
Biden definitely pulled voters needing health insurance options.
It was a HUGE point scored for biden on those with covid who have pre-existing issues.
i came around to them. They’ve gotten better at siting them too- people used to object to the shadow patterns which doesn’t sound bad, but is if it’s going on in your house. It cycles. Light/darker/light/darker. I think you could go insane. Anyway. They fixed it.
Sounds fair. We can’t count on Trump always face planting.
mad citizen
@Kay: Ludington Pumped Storage, 1875 MWs. It came online in 1973 way before the MI wind, which started 2012 or 2013 IIRC. Ludington was recently offline for a year but still earned capacity credit. A bit of a kerfuffle in my world. It was off for refurbishing, so now is good to go for a long time. The wind energy basically goes into the grid as it’s produced, but you are right in that Ludington uses energy at night to move water up then produces energy the next afternoon pesk.
@WaterGirl: To be fair, to be realistic, Biden couldn’t do anything to force Trump to bite the heads off of live kitty cats, fling poo, and strangle canaries with his bare hands, like he did last time.
@HumboldtBlue: David Brooks can fuck right off with any discussions of anyone having a “moral core” since he doesn’t seem to know what one is.
@Baud: “We can’t count on Trump always face planting.”
Another way Baud 2032!! betters Trump: consistency.
Replacing BBQ with doner kababs will be fine with me.
@Baud: Spraying beer and biting the heads off of chocolate bunnies goes over better, appeals to wider audience, as your rallies have clearly demonstrated.
You guys are right, these three women do have great chemistry together. “And now we’re gonna hand this back to Brian Williams.”
mad citizen
I think anyone in the oil industry knows they still have enough political clout to prevent any terminal legislation. Their enemy is economics, not politicians.
@Kay: When I saw turbines for the first time between Boulder and Denver, I thought I had stumbled onto the set of a sci-fi film.
@Kay: When we drove east through Kansas last spring I was surprised seeing that the wind turbines were *everywhere*!!! The Dakotas made the wrong bet on fracking. I read a few years ago that the Plains states were the Saudi Arabia of wind. We need to tap that resource and expand the grid to distribute it. (Now I don’t know this for sure) but it should be a good supplemental income for farmers.
Omnes Omnibus
@cain: In Baud’s America, we will be able to get our brisket in a pita.
@Baud: COVID-19 was the 800 lb gorilla in the room tonight, so people aren’t going to care that Trump pretended (badly) to be a human being and didn’t foul his Depends; people are going to care that Trump still has no idea what to do about the pandemic. What’s worse, he doesn’t care. The only way out is through Trump, and Biden is the choice this country has. And the voters standing in lines for hours know this.
@frosty: my theory that the Bernie Sanders phenomenon is mostly explained by a generation raised on Harry Potter books is not popular with the demographic in question
Fuck the Orangina. I am going to complete my mail-in-ballot tomorrow and take it to the drop box.
I am feeling homesick for the navaratri (nine nights) celebrations of my childhood. It is a celebration of the various manifestations of Parvati. We would all gather at my maternal uncle’s place. Every night we would all sing aartis. It was a lot of fun when my grandfather was alive and my aunt’s mom used to be there too. Then one day on the weekend all the women in the extended family (my maternal grandmother had 9 brothers and two sisters so the extended family was huge) would gather for a feast.
This is one of the aartis we used to sing, with clapping, cymbals and bells, each stanza describes what the goddess does every day of the nine nights and ten days.
@Ruckus: Nope. Usually disgusting shitshow. Even more disgusting because he was “calm.”
@Yarrow:Agreed. Texas will hear that. He didn’t need to say it that way. I expect it to be in some ads in Texas.
Assuming the Trump campaign has any money left to make and air ads.
Dan B
@Leto: Thank you for “It’s not boom bust like oil…” I wish people would stop saying renewable energy. It’s the future of energy. It’s modern. When you say that people who are skeptical, or violently opposed to change, are put on the defensive. Their responses are met with the numbers. Jobs in solar and wind are already greater than fossil fuels. Battery and other energy storage technologies are poised to go through the roof.
It’s the future man! If the Fossil fuel companies can’t cope give them a little hand up and a clear message that they can get on board fast or go under like lumbering dinosaurs.
@tam1MI: PACs are paying for a lot of ads in Texas atm.
@Yutsano: yes, you wait and see. Tomorrow they will be saying that bad thing saved it last minute with a slam dunk of presidential behavior and brilliant policies that will help all Americans.
They are going to say- oh look he really can be president, he represents our values. He can talk!
I will probably get banned for saying this, but i have known and lived with dogs, actual dogs, that are more human than that thing.
@Other MJS: yep. It puts Texas out of reach probably. Republicans will just jump on that statement. Unfortunate, but I’m not disappointed in Mr. Biden. Debating Trump and working against the barrage of lies was a very perilous exercise, and he did a good job.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
@Baud:The classic tall windmill of Midwestern farms pumped water from the aquafer for both human and animal use. As a child I visited relatives whose farms had working windmills; the rhythmic creak they make when the wind is powering them is one of those unforgettable sounds, like the distant whistle of a freight train.
Miss Bianca
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dead thread, but I’ll never forget a T-shirt I saw at the 2016 state Democratic convention in CO that depicted Bernie Sanders as Dumbledore. As you say, it explains a lot.
Now, what the old hippie demographic was thinking of when they saw him, I can’t explain to you. Abbie Hoffman all grown up?
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So who’s going to drop their thread first?
trump is full of shit.
it’s obvious.
“Tiny little windows”?
“AOC plus 3” is my new ska-fusion jazz band name.
The bug eyed glance directly into the camera.
Sigh. Adds “Energy” to “list of things Trump doesn’t understand”.
My wife a minute ago: “Look at doofus on the left.” Seems like a weirder expression than usual.
fums from making wind mills?
what the fuck is he talking about?
I’m glad Trumpov is running on saving the whale oil industry. Solid plan.
Nothing about huge manly dumps stuck in the toilet, very strongly, because no water… did I miss that?
Emma from FL
Why is everyone so het up about this? The cake is baked. The loons, racists, and greedheads aren’t going to have a road to Damascus conversion. The rest of us are voting Biden.
All Biden has to do is repeat facts and keep himself from strangling the dimwit.
I’m gonna blame Trump for the power going out in Boston’s Back Bay and South End (basically the length of Mass Ave, including the Pru and Copley).
Joe looked at his effing watch! NO NO NO Joe —-!
Where do I apply for my teeny, tiny windows?
Is it over? Please tell me it’s over…
It’s not over…
Sweet meteor of death please end this cavalcade of mendacity. And that manic dance of the hands…..
@ant: Fumes? Windmills run on air currents, air currents are fumes. Fums from windmills.
It’s basic physics, a genius like Trump can do it on the fly in his head.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: “Call me Ishmael…”
Windmills “kill all the birds??!!” This I did not know…
@Emma from FL:
I honestly think his polling would go up 10 points if he did it.
@jl: “Joe takes little baby dumps!”
I think it’s ok during the endless bs session.
@Emma from FL: seconded
Biden has been just awesome. Unfortunately, it may have only moved 5 votes, but we’ll take it!
Patricia Kayden
Ella in New Mexico
Still waiting to be given the gift of the “Cloak of Invisibility’ for purposes I won’t divulge here in order not to implicate my fellow BJrs in any imagined or actual crime that cloak would enable….
Trumps judgement on India is going to be piss off all the Modi people. After all, India cannot do wrong – and this attack on their pollution is going to piss them off.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
judging from the center-right Daniel Drezner’s twitter feed, full of very serious people, Biden is winning
trump is not bite-the-head-off-the-chicken crazy, but Biden is turning in his best performance of the last two years
You’re getting your wish, damn it.
Adam L Silverman
@Emma from FL: Why you gotta ruin everyone’s fun?//
@ant: It’s a common fallacy that right-wingers like to throw around, claiming that the cost of manufacturing wind turbine and solar panels results in more carbon emissions than burning fuel does. It’s false; people have done “lifecycle carbon cost” calculations that have showed it, but you need numbers and graphs to debunk, so the conservatives like it.
Omnes Omnibus
Joe understands each one of these issues. Trump… …does not.
Would you shut up, man?
@Elie: it was a glance ;)
zhena gogolia
It’s okay if it isn’t a town hall. GHWB was in a town hall being bored by the lower classes.
Will you shut him the fuck up?
Emma from FL
@Adam L Silverman: Oops?
John S.
@Elie: Yes he did. But the better interpretation is “How much longer do I have to deal with this fucking guy?” as opposed to “I’m getting tired and it’s time for bed.”
@cain: Are Modi supporters as touchy as Trump supporters? Does that one little thing, which accidentally, from Trump, is a fact, make them close the iron door on Trump?
I do kind’a wish Joe had managed to work in Foxconn.
Dump: I will say “Fuck you, losers!” to everyone who didn’t vote for me.
Omnes Omnibus
The second part is the real challenge.
I wish Joe had told him it was time to stop huffing the bronzer he slathers on.
Amir Khalid
When they do these debates in 2024, the moderator should have the mute button in front of her. And she should warn both/all candidates that, if they speak out of turn or run over their allotted time, she will use it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Translation: suburban voters are going to flee in droves.
@Patricia Kayden:
The wind in his pants?
Joe’s packing up to end the meeting.
@Ella in New Mexico: Just gonna say, I’m available. Any time, any place. I’m retired with plenty of time on my hands… for whatever. You know… whatever.
@Adam L Silverman: “Call me Fishmeal.”
MAD magazine, late-50s parody
Fidelity is moving to Hell, Michigan?
Terrible statement by Biden about shutting down the oil industry, total own goal.
Trump doing the lying cloud like the end of a fireworks session.
Hums from wind turbines…. windmill sound cancer he’s talked about?
@Amir Khalid: Can we upgrade to an electric shock collar?
Joe is ending it well.
Mai Naem mobile
Does anybody use the term plague for COVID19 like El Dumpo does? I’ve heard it called Rona, the Virus and even China Virus by RWNJs but not the Plague. Its such an old fashioned term for a disease.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Didn’t watch, but Biden raised $3,353,000 in the last hour. That’s a LOT of points on the score board, so I assume he did well.
@patroclus: It’s a favorite with right wingers to claim wind power kills “all the birds” – I hear it over and over from one of our winger friends…has no basis in fact lol Cats kill billions of birds every year…cell and radio towers kill millions…wind towers kill a few thousand…
@David ?Booooooo!? Koch: Nice.
And we’re done.
Not nearly as big a clusterfuck as Debate #1; doubt it will move the needle much in either direction.
Meh. No one thinks oil and gas are going away.
@mrmoshpotato: I bought the T shirt from the last debate. Love it.
This was supposed to end at 10:30 ET.
mad citizen
Just had a thought: Does the WAPO Trump lie counter add his lies in these debates. It’s a LOT.
Trump is DUMB. There are energy companies, not so many plain old oil exclusive companies. Has he never learned why British Petroleum became BP?
It’s over. Glad we didn’t get the Say a nice thing about your opponent (at least the part I saw, missed an hour in the middle. )
The quality of the questions tonight was, shall we say, less than first rate.
@Yutsano: It’ll be interesting to watch Biden drop kick him off the Inauguration Podium, and the Secret Service just watch it happen…
Is it just me or my tv, or does Trump have the color of one of those hotdogs that have been on the rolling heat things at the 7/11 for the last six years?
I’m glad Joe got the last word here. He ended really strong.
And once again the Third Lady just stands next to him like a lump.
@Mai Naem mobile: Maybe Trump wants to remind people of the Black Death. It’s a hoax, but also Trump controlled it so strongly, billions of lives were saved from the plague.
A wag at LGM: “Well, he is the color of a Lincoln Log…”
You all probably knew this but…:
@khead: Of course it is not going away, so why say it. He was supposedly tied in TX, he wasn’t going to win it but this inured thta he won’t
The moderator had just mentioned time.
Sorry, Rachel. Welker was a little intimated.
@evodevo: The Danes did a study with their first offshore windfarms: there was a 1 season jump in seabird deaths (theorized as “killing the stupid birds, who the predators woulda gotten anyway”), and then back to the previous average.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Do NOT mock those 7-11 roll-y hotdog things. Sure, the one you picked up may have been there for 4 days, but it is some protein, salt and grease, and with some cheap mustard and some onions is a fine treat.
@David ?Booooooo!? Koch:
When did ActBlue roll over 7 billion? Wasn’t it last Saturday?
It’s now $7,398,050,000 and rolling over rapidly.
Mary G
I have some channel on with Jon Karl, who said Twitler might have been better, but Joe Biden was excellent. Another lady says he did great. Another guy very positive about Biden on pandemic.
@FlyingToaster: The birds probably figured out they needed to stay away from those things. A whole farm probably doesn’t kill as many birds as one glass tower does.
Villago Delenda Est
@Leto: This assumes Donald will show up at the inauguration. Huge assumption.
My lasting impression will be the statement in defense of child separation is that the carcereal conditions were very nice. Only a monster could make an argument that a clean floor and a fresh mylar blanket is preferable to the arms of a mother and a father.
Patricia Kayden
mad citizen
Chuck Todd: Trump stopped the bleeding, but didn’t do anything to bring back the middle, mythical suburban woman. He also pointed out trump was speaking “evening Fox viewer” and everyone else would have no idea what trump was talking about.
Mrs Greenspan says best debate she’s ever seen from Biden.
TS (the original)
Rachel just said the moderator was wonderful. Best debate ever.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: if you saw the way Welker’s friends/peers are describing her performance on twitter…. well, this is not unrepresentative
the curmudgeonly paleo-con Tom Nichols and the dyspeptic Kos front-pager Armando are rather less complimentary
@jl: That’s why I turn up the tunes to 11 when I drive through windmill country.
zhena gogolia
This is exactly what Melania said on that tape that should have been front-page news for a while but has gone virtually unnoticed by everyone.
John S.
@SenyorDave: Maybe. But even the oil companies know they have to eventually transition to renewable energy. This is not a controversial or taboo subject.
@laura: They polish the wire on the cages every day. Very classy. Soft towels.
Mary G
zhena gogolia
@TS (the original):
Oh, what BS. She let Trump have the last word every time.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Think I know of a hole in the wall stand in the bowels of the NYC subway beneath Grand Central where the same ones have been sitting there since 1948.
zhena gogolia
@Patricia Kayden:
mad citizen
@different-church-lady: New research shows painting one blade black prevents a lot of bird deaths.
Hugh Hewitt on my screen. Ewwwww!
I think the windmill fums scandal is the October surprise. I don’t think Biden can explain that.
@zhena gogolia:
I’m with you. I don’t know why birther Melania gets a pass when Michelle Obama got endless shit for everything.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
As of 9 PM Eastern, at least 48,583,126 votes have been cast (including 5.9 million in Texas).
There will be one last update around 1 AM and the early vote could go over a staggering 50 million tonight, with 11 days left to go.
As a point of reference, there were 137 million votes, including 9 million in Texas, for the 2016 election (turnout 60.1%).
@SenyorDave: Agreed that it was an own goal. He should have just said something like we need to continue to transition to renewable resources and not mentioned oil and gas specifically. It would have sounded better.
But he’s not wrong. We DO need to transition to renewables to reduce our carbon emissions (and we really need to reduce fracking as well).
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I’m listening to this turkey from the next room. My wife has CBS on I think. Reince Preibus is on, saying Trump was “charming” tonight.
He has a weird idea of charm.
They are colleagues who work for the same boss.
What do you expect?
Bill Arnold
Need some help here. Was Biden joking when he called the “Proud Boys” the “Poor Boys”?
A po’ boy (also po-boy, po boy or poor boy) is a traditional sandwich from Louisiana. It almost always consists of meat, which is usually roast beef or fried seafood, often shrimp, crawfish, fish, oysters or crab. The meat is served on New Orleans French bread, known for its crisp crust and fluffy center.
who is the woman on MSNBC who is not rachel and not joy reid?
Mrs. Greenspan just said, “the fact-checkers are having a field day” and “the facts are with Joe Biden”.
Trump was much more coherent tonight, but Joe was excellent. My mother, who constantly grumbles that Joe seems old and slow, felt he cleaned Trump’s clock.
@John S.: My final thought on this is that it was a statement that served no purpose, it couldn’t do anything but hurt him. Probably no big deal but should have been said.
Omnes Omnibus
@TS (the original): Rachel got into Chris Matthews’ old dressing room and started drinking his “medicine?”
Why does anybody allow Hugh Hewitt to come on their network?! He’s such a fucking dickhole.
Amir Khalid
Shock collars for both candidates. The first time the moderator has to mute you activates your shock collar; thereafter, whenever you get muted you get shocked too.
Bottom line?
I don’t think this debate changed the course of the race in any way. And that’s good for Biden.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
@jl: wind goes in, wind goes out, no one can explain that.
Villago Delenda Est
@mad citizen: Chuckles the Toddler is a fuckhaid. No two ways about it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m surprised Biden has never (that I’ve seen) given Nicolle Wallace a half hour or so one-on-one interview. If I were him, I still would
Glad people are talking about the kids again, I hope it sticks this time.
Wind turbines are actually very lunch-buckety. Trump is just wrong about this. His demo loves them. I have a wind turbine installer in my neighborhood. He’s never home, travelling installing wind turbines, which is how I became friends with his GF. Because she’s stuck in the middle of nowhere, alone :)
@Villago Delenda Est: true, but a man can dream…
@Bill Arnold: I don’t think it was any clever slur. I think he just mis-spoke.
James E Powell
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
You have to use the chili & cheese sauce out of the machine. That’s the gourmet touch.
TS (the original)
@zhena gogolia:
agreed, disappointing to hear Rachel say that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@WaterGirl: Nicolle Wallace, who was Palin’s handler in the McCain campaign, played by Sarah Paulson in the HBO movie
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Mai Naem mobile: I’ve noticed he started doing that when he got the rona.
I agree. But we’ll see what the normies think tomorrow.
zhena gogolia
@TS (the original):
I suppose she was better than Wallace or Page, but that’s a low bar.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Damn, Tom Nichols was not pleased.. he felt our moderator didn’t do a good job at all. He’s worse than I am.
I think he won too but that’s the thing with the low quality hires- they get points just for not tripping over their shoelaces. It’s unfair. Biden did great.
@zhena gogolia:
Thank You! Whewww…
@mad citizen: To give kids a joke about where bees go to the bathroom – the BP station.
Oh, yeah, there were probably *other* reasons, I suppose.
@Kay: One of the other aspects of the green energy field is that it’s not boom/bust like oil. Green jobs, while slightly lower paying, are steady revenue. It’s a reliable income source. That’s valuable.
mad citizen
@David ?Booooooo!? Koch: Saw the end of Nate Silver on abc predebate. He said they are projecting 155 million votes
Solar alone and Solar/storage projects are now dominant in the grid interconnection queues. Heard a speaker the other day say the cost of building and producing energy from solar is less that the production cost of existing coal. An amazing statement. Have not heard it anywhere else, but solar cost has been falling dramatically.
But the fly hates it when he does.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thanks. I haven’t watched MSNBC or CNN etc for years, so I didn’t know who she was. But I know folks here like the 3 women together, so I am listening.
James E Powell
Oh! Oh! I know! I know! [Arnold Horshack voice]
TS (the original)
From Rachel I expect truth and she usually obliges. She could have simply said the moderation improved because of the threat of trump being silenced. She could have mentioned trump getting extra time.
Mary G
Doug R
@laura: In good news, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm is already out on Amazon Prime. Good fun.
Dump is a pile of shit, but he didn’t say “Good.” about the kidnapped migrant kids before they changed topics from immigration. He said, “Go ‘head.” to the moderator.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
@Ruckus: It hit 7 big ones on Oct 7. So it raised nearly $400 billion in 15 days
Bill Arnold
@Emma from FL:
I’d have been sorely tempted, well, maybe not strangling. Inducing a stroke or heart attack, perhaps.
Fun thing was I was able to real-time fact check Trump’s lies, mostly. Had to look up a few statements to see exactly how he was lying; one could safely assume that every sentence was a lie or at least willfully misleading. was excellent. I hope he does one of his patented high speed yet very long fact checks.
@FlyingToaster: And I’d like to thank Joe Biden for turning the power back ON in Boston’s Back Bay and South End.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Just remember take the vowels out of his name and you’re left with, RNC PR BS.
@Kay: Renewable energy lunch buckity and technician jobs require more skills than most fossil fuel energy work, at least that is what I heard on a recent local news ‘explainer’ segment.
Maybe why community college tech programs are so big o renewable energy agriculture and power grid certificates. Get higher pay.
Has anyone checked on the bat?
He looked disheveled and his body language was defensive and weird.
Amir Khalid
Biden’s absolutely right that the oil industry will have to be phased out over time. That is already happening to coal. Oil will be trickier. I think one could start by phasing it out of consumer use, and then moving on to electricity generation and industrial use and then finally transportation.
The election in Texas is not going to turn on a throwaway comment in the third debate.
@dmsilev: i did it “multi media ” listen on radio and watch the video with sound off. The time lapse was interesting. It was easier to listen to that thing tell his lies and then watch his marionette gestures a second or two later. In our Punch & Judy stories the bad guy always loses.
@L85NJGT: Which is how he always looks when someone who isn’t Donald Trump is talking.
The Thin Black Duke
@Emma from FL: Thank you. It annoys me when folks burden themselves with the delusion that if Biden comes up with an Aaron Sorkinesque one-liner, Trump’s bigoted supporters with see the error of their ways. We don’t need them.
@ant: My guess is he was referring to the embodied energy in the manufacturing process and his reference shows he doesn’t understand it. Someone probably tried to explain it to him.
I think anybody who really listened to their answers, Biden kicked his ass. To those who only wanted to hear the answers from their own guy, I don’t think Stump moved any of them to back him more strongly. I think that he still made some statements that, even to his own people, would make him seem like a fruitcake, mostly because he is a fruitcake. I think that Biden solidified his lead. I think anybody leaning away from Joe, but were already at least a little more for Joe than the other guy, would be brought in. I think as far as this was Biden’s to win, I think he did that; and as far as it was Stumps to lose, I think he did a wishy washy job of that, but he did no job of winning it.
They’re all over the place in Ohio and western Michigan. Does he look out the window when he travels? They’re not exotic anymore. They’re not even remotely “Lefty” either. It’s like sneering at power lines. He’s this odd 1980’s person.
@Mary G:
I actually think his relative coherence made his lies stand out more.
West of the Cascades
@SenyorDave: What state in the US has the most installed MW capacity of wind energy?
Texas! 30,217 MW (of 109,795 MW installed capacity in the whole US — Texas’s installed capacity is three times as great as the next largest, Iowa). So renewables are a big employer in Texas, and Biden will win some voters with his answers about re-regulating industries that explode and otherwise poison people living near them. I don’t think the “oil industry will go away over time” is a killer in Texas with regular votes.
@Suzanne: I think Martin had the explanation, he shows up on time and generally sober.
@The Thin Black Duke: If you’ve met any of those people, we don’t want them, either.
@Kay: Good. I hope this helps Joe then.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
“Mmmm. I’d like a hot dog, please.”
“No, no you wouldn’t. Trust me on this, bub.”
@zhena gogolia
It’s necessarily not that she was better, it’s that the parameters under which she was operating were better.
West of the Cascades
@jl: Plus, you’re less likely to die maintaining wind turbines than in an oil refinery explosion.
@SenyorDave: He didn’t say shut it down, he said ramp it down over time. It being a finite resource what other approach makes any sense.
@NotMax: Shudder. Thinking of the closeup of the hot dogs in Apus Kiwki-Mart.
@West of the Cascades:
Hmm. Now I’m starting to think Joe was being sly with his answer.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Diner Lobster.
Bill Arnold
Trump knows very little about windmills. He just objected to them off coast near a golf course in Scotland, and that interested him enough to absorb a little anti-windmill propaganda.
Not my field in any way, and I’ve read a good 12+ scientific papers directly on windmills including on bird kills, reducing bird kills, etc. Trump knows no field at even an advanced beginner level.
Adam L Silverman
Good news everybody! We never have to see or hear the President debate ever again!!!!!
Agreed. Texas will hear that. He didn’t need to say it that way. I expect it to be in some ads in Texas.
Regardless of whether it was brilliant or a gaffe, Joe’s line about oil is not something to spend time on IMHO.
@West of the Cascades
Jimmy Cagney atop a windmill screaming “Top o’ the world, Ma!” isn’t nearly as pungent and effective an image, though.
Other MJS
If only this were about making sense.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: actually I’m not brave enough to eat a hotdog that’s been on one of hotdog rolly things. I’ve only watched the hypnotic spin of the rolling hotdog for a few minutes on occasion.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@The Thin Black Duke:
Sometimes I wonder how badly the West Wing colored peoples’ understanding of politics
Mai Naem mobile
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I don’t think Reince gives a shit. There was an article about him a few months after he got kicked out of the WH. He was on the golf course making several thousand bucks ‘consulting’ daily and had a bunch of companies on retainer at $5K/mo. He got his winning jackpot lottery ticket.
@Kay: They’re starting to pop up in central PA. I like that. Let the Trumper’s see them, get used to them, start working on them. Makes it easier to get away from fracking, makes it easier to transition on over to renewables. It’s a booming industry that needs so many smart/technical people and has a chance to keep the youngins in those communities. I thought that was part of what they wanted?
The only reason the Shiatgibbon gives the tiniest crap about windmills is because they wanted to build some near his Scottish golf course, “ruining the view”, and he never lets go of a grudge. EDIT: I see I wasn’t fast enough, but the point stands. And I agree that he’ll never agree to attend Biden’s inaugural. But then, I hope they don’t do a big one due to the pandemic.
Amir Khalid
Trump is a property developer, or at least a wannabe, and he sees wind turbines as eyesores that bring down the value of his fancy but bedbug-ridden hotels.
Me, I think they don’t look at all bad, certainly way nicer than a power plant that burns coal or LNG.
@jl: no he was being very presidential at this debate.
@Bill Arnold:
You could have shortened that to “at any level.”
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Will it really affect anything? It’s just one throwaway line from a debate. Besides, most people’s minds are made up at this point anyway
@laura: This
@laura: Agreed. Creepy af.
And no one call them “windmills” unless they’re wearing wooden shoes in a movie about Holland. They’re called “wind turbines”. They’re modern.
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind!
He’s definitely in the George Hamilton tan zone.
Hell yeah, gonna be the next title of my self-produced album.
@Adam L Silverman: Untrue, we will have to the President debate, just not this one.
@dmsilev: make it so
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The West Wing was a welcome respite from W’s White House.
At least she was wearing a mask.
@delk: Thanks. So Trump meant ‘hums’.
@mad citizen: Warren Buffett said in his last annual meeting that Iowa is now generating more wind power than Iowa’s total electricity consumption (he owns MidAmerican)
Roller grill. The travel marts in Texas have an insane amount of options.
Just from reading the threads I see that the only thing that I missed was the massive spike in my blood pressure.
I think that’s a great take. He was calm-ish and people still had to be wondering, “where’s the ACA replacement, trumpov? Joe is ‘in the basement’ and half-asleep or the head of a vast criminal conspiracy – which is it?” and so on.
randy khan
@mad citizen:
When I was in Denmark in 2007, they were doing that already, and our guide said it was for that exact reason. But the Danish were way ahead of the game on wind power.
Do they even mill anything anymore?
@Ruckus: We can find a YouTube link for you. :)
Okay, Brian Williams played a short clip in which Welker said she was going to give Trump 10 seconds to respond to something and then they would move on. I timed 30 seconds of Trump bullshit, and he was still going when BriWi cut the clip. Grr! Really want to see the talk-time statistics fir this debate.
@Jeffro: Trump’s charge: ‘IF he’s committed crimes, then he’s not so innocent… many people are saying…’ is ironclad. Biden can’t answer that one.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Baud: I think we do that with oxen now.
I was shocked by them at first- they are HUGE. The first time I saw a blade on the back of a truck I almost wrecked trying to figure out what this giant, futuristic sleek thing was. But it shifted in western Michigan- the only people who oppose them now are wealthy tourists. That’s the divide- between the people who make them and install them and the people who don’t want to look at them.
@delk: Rush (the band) lyric?
@Yarrow: Something like 2/3 of Texas has already voted, not counting however many ballots are in transit in the mail. Even if you think that was a hugely damaging statement, the damage is limited because of how many people have already recorded their votes.
I spent a decade and a half in Texas. A very small number of people actually work in the oil industry and they are mostly Republicans. The vast majority of Texans have the same ordinary jobs as everyone else and live in the same cities and suburbs.
@Baud: “Do they even mill anything anymore?”
Just throw some molecules and electrons into the bin, instead of wheat and rye. Windmills they were, and windmills they are, and windmills they will always be.
@jl: it is difficult to disprove a completely speculative and hypothetical charge backed up by, um, Rudy G and Steve Bannon’s fabricated laptop/emails, true.
It was funny watching trumpov flail in real time about FoxBubble stuff, I have to admit.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Back in the day, when an American acquaintance was worried about the President, I would always reassure them that they had a thoughtful and conscientious leader in Josiah Bartlet.
“Joe and I would have the same low character of Joe were just like me.”
@Kent: it’s like trumpov campaigning for coal miners’ votes…all 10 of them at this point.
“Biden will immediately outlaw every BBQ joint in the land!”
mad citizen
@West of the Cascades: Excellent point! Texas spent about 5 billion dollars building transmission lines to help get all that wind connected. And are always enabling more. It’s economics that will doom oil and gas
Many years ago there was a cable show following the wind turbine workers called Turbine Cowboys. Always loved that title.
@Jeffro: Does anyone know what the pillow and sheet Biden scandal is about? I kind of tuned out Trump’s babble and didn’t catch the whole thing.
so no catsup, or ketchup, I see the lgm anti-catsup cabal has you.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
One comment on that thread:
Welker was C+ at best.
@Kay: the first time I saw them, in person, was traveling in Germany. They’re all over the landscape there. I was like… omg, they’re f’ing huge! Yeah, wealthy NIMBY’s don’t want to see them but won’t question where they get their electricity. I mean they’ll gladly look at shitty oil tankers/shipping vessels loitering 2-3 miles off the coast, plainly visible for most of the day, but lord forbid there’s a wind turbine even further off the coast… the horror!
I was laughing listening to him, thinking of those pictures of the big creaky wooden ones with tulips around them. That’s what he thinks they are!
In Michigan they create the energy with the turbines and then store it by pumping water up and into this giant dam. It’s miles and miles. A whole system.
Omnes Omnibus
@catclub: Not on a hotdogesque food-like substance. What are you, a monster?
Yup. That’s the grist of it.
@jl: I think he was referring to the ‘non-lethal aid’ or whatever that Obama authorized be sent to Ukraine (Crimea?) Which was most certainly not just bedding.
Total RWNJ talking point.
Heirloom frankfurter! Just needs good marketing.
James E Powell
Last I heard, Timken, HQ’d in Canton, Ohio, is one of the leading producers of the gearboxes for wind turbines.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): At this point it’s about close margins and turnout. Remember how close some states were in 2016? If Texas is a close as people say then yes, something like that could have an impact.
The content of what Biden was fine said but how he said it was clumsy and created an unneeded soundbite for ads. Guess we’ll see what happens.
You haven’t seen a gas station until you’ve seen a Buc-ee’s station and travel mart in Texas.
They have an entire jerky bar inside, because…Texas.
@NotMax: “Biden will immediately outlaw every BBQ joint in the land!”
With instantaneous hi res social media graphics, it is impossible now, and forever more, for candidates to hide their betrayal and treachery regarding regional BBQ styles. Glop it up and smile in SC, TN sees it the same damned day.
Covid prevented that this year. Some silver linings to covid… many people have said that to me, privately, weeping.
David Brooks is tweeting about having a “moral core” sweet mother of fuckery.
@Jeffro: Noel Harrison, song was used in The Thomas Crown Affair. I have a Dusty Springfield version I play when we drive through windmill farms.
Tonight’s take from my niece, who is clearly voting for Biden but is not involved with politics the way we all are. She is the one who felt Biden clearly won the first debate and thought Trump came off like a crazy person in the first debate.
Her comments tonight were not so reassuring:
@Bill Arnold:
Give it a rest. It was an oral typo.
i came around to them. They’ve gotten better at siting them too- people used to object to the shadow patterns which doesn’t sound bad, but is if it’s going on in your house. It cycles. Light/darker/light/darker. I think you could go insane. Anyway. They fixed it.
I prefer it when Trump lies in state
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Also now a longtime MSNBC anchor, and a good one.
Sounds fair. We can’t count on Trump always face planting.
mad citizen
@Kay: Ludington Pumped Storage, 1875 MWs. It came online in 1973 way before the MI wind, which started 2012 or 2013 IIRC. Ludington was recently offline for a year but still earned capacity credit. A bit of a kerfuffle in my world. It was off for refurbishing, so now is good to go for a long time. The wind energy basically goes into the grid as it’s produced, but you are right in that Ludington uses energy at night to move water up then produces energy the next afternoon pesk.
@WaterGirl: To be fair, to be realistic, Biden couldn’t do anything to force Trump to bite the heads off of live kitty cats, fling poo, and strangle canaries with his bare hands, like he did last time.
@HumboldtBlue: David Brooks can fuck right off with any discussions of anyone having a “moral core” since he doesn’t seem to know what one is.
@Baud: “We can’t count on Trump always face planting.”
Another way Baud 2032!! betters Trump: consistency.
But. He. Didn’t. Even. Try.
J R in WV
I think that’s Nicole Wallace…
Okay, I’m reaching my BriWi limit. Over to Perry Mason (“The Case of the Haunted Husband”) in a few minutes, but I’ll keep reading this thread.
@Baud: Her son turned 26 this month, so he is on his own insurance-wise at the end of the month. So I’m sure she is thinking about that.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: As close As Preibus is to human, Stump is that close to charm.
@WaterGirl: I’m pretty much in agreement with your niece.
So that’s what David Fucking Brooks calls the gaping void at the center of his being. Good to know.
Dems are pushing that hard, so it’s good to hear that people are listening.
Adam L Silverman
Nice clean post debate open thread is up. Bonus: I make significant fun of the most ammosexual to have ever ammosexualed!
Replacing BBQ with doner kababs will be fine with me.
@Baud: Spraying beer and biting the heads off of chocolate bunnies goes over better, appeals to wider audience, as your rallies have clearly demonstrated.
You guys are right, these three women do have great chemistry together. “And now we’re gonna hand this back to Brian Williams.”
mad citizen
I think anyone in the oil industry knows they still have enough political clout to prevent any terminal legislation. Their enemy is economics, not politicians.
@Kay: When I saw turbines for the first time between Boulder and Denver, I thought I had stumbled onto the set of a sci-fi film.
@Kay: When we drove east through Kansas last spring I was surprised seeing that the wind turbines were *everywhere*!!! The Dakotas made the wrong bet on fracking. I read a few years ago that the Plains states were the Saudi Arabia of wind. We need to tap that resource and expand the grid to distribute it. (Now I don’t know this for sure) but it should be a good supplemental income for farmers.
Omnes Omnibus
@cain: In Baud’s America, we will be able to get our brisket in a pita.
ActBlue $7,400,300,000 and counti
@David ?Booooooo!? Koch:
Close to 2 1/2 million since my last post.
@Bill Arnold:
Kill the birds, tuppence a bag …
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Whew! I never watched West Wing!! My view of politics is unclouded by anything but B-J.
@Omnes Omnibus
Just so long as it isn’t Tofisket in a kale wrap.
The Thin Black Duke
@Baud: COVID-19 was the 800 lb gorilla in the room tonight, so people aren’t going to care that Trump pretended (badly) to be a human being and didn’t foul his Depends; people are going to care that Trump still has no idea what to do about the pandemic. What’s worse, he doesn’t care. The only way out is through Trump, and Biden is the choice this country has. And the voters standing in lines for hours know this.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: I think that’s a second term goal.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@frosty: my theory that the Bernie Sanders phenomenon is mostly explained by a generation raised on Harry Potter books is not popular with the demographic in question
Fuck You Very Much!
IOW, a very impolite no thanks. I see I didn’t miss anything whatsoever. shitforbrains is still shitforbrains and I’ve already voted.
@Kent: Buc-ees!! I counted 100 gas pumps when we went through Texas! And yes, the food options are overwhelming.
Fuck the Orangina. I am going to complete my mail-in-ballot tomorrow and take it to the drop box.
I am feeling homesick for the navaratri (nine nights) celebrations of my childhood. It is a celebration of the various manifestations of Parvati. We would all gather at my maternal uncle’s place. Every night we would all sing aartis. It was a lot of fun when my grandfather was alive and my aunt’s mom used to be there too. Then one day on the weekend all the women in the extended family (my maternal grandmother had 9 brothers and two sisters so the extended family was huge) would gather for a feast.
This is one of the aartis we used to sing, with clapping, cymbals and bells, each stanza describes what the goddess does every day of the nine nights and ten days.
Lata Mangeshkar singing the first (always for Ganesha) and the last aartis. These aartis are in Marathi written about 400 to 700 years ago. When the Bhakti movement tried to break the stranglehold of Sanskrit (whose study was only open to Brahmin males) in liturgy.
@Ruckus: Nope. Usually disgusting shitshow. Even more disgusting because he was “calm.”
Assuming the Trump campaign has any money left to make and air ads.
Dan B
@Leto: Thank you for “It’s not boom bust like oil…” I wish people would stop saying renewable energy. It’s the future of energy. It’s modern. When you say that people who are skeptical, or violently opposed to change, are put on the defensive. Their responses are met with the numbers. Jobs in solar and wind are already greater than fossil fuels. Battery and other energy storage technologies are poised to go through the roof.
It’s the future man! If the Fossil fuel companies can’t cope give them a little hand up and a clear message that they can get on board fast or go under like lumbering dinosaurs.
@tam1MI: PACs are paying for a lot of ads in Texas atm.
@Yutsano: yes, you wait and see. Tomorrow they will be saying that bad thing saved it last minute with a slam dunk of presidential behavior and brilliant policies that will help all Americans.
They are going to say- oh look he really can be president, he represents our values. He can talk!
I will probably get banned for saying this, but i have known and lived with dogs, actual dogs, that are more human than that thing.
Blessings on your memories.
@Other MJS: yep. It puts Texas out of reach probably. Republicans will just jump on that statement. Unfortunate, but I’m not disappointed in Mr. Biden. Debating Trump and working against the barrage of lies was a very perilous exercise, and he did a good job.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
@Baud:The classic tall windmill of Midwestern farms pumped water from the aquafer for both human and animal use. As a child I visited relatives whose farms had working windmills; the rhythmic creak they make when the wind is powering them is one of those unforgettable sounds, like the distant whistle of a freight train.
Miss Bianca
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dead thread, but I’ll never forget a T-shirt I saw at the 2016 state Democratic convention in CO that depicted Bernie Sanders as Dumbledore. As you say, it explains a lot.
Now, what the old hippie demographic was thinking of when they saw him, I can’t explain to you. Abbie Hoffman all grown up?