I’m tired of talking about Manchin and Sinema. Let’s play favorites.
Do you have any favorites in the new administration? Any favorite moves the administration has made? Senators you particularly admire? Which members of the cabinet are you particularly excited about? Which ones give you hope? Are there any Senators or Representatives who inspire you?
Personally, I love Jen Psaki. (“Which Americans are saying that?”) I love the straight-talking Joe Biden (“Putin is a killer, who knows if there will even be a Republican Party in 2024.”) I have been impressed by Tony Blinken.
I love that Biden is firing the democracy-hating, autocracy-loving Republican assholes who have been stuffed on boards and advisory councils by the guys who pulled Trump’s strings, thinking that they could tie Biden’s hands.
Had anyone surprised you? Chuck Schumer has been the surprise for me, and while I’d still take Harry Reid if I could, I really like Schumer’s willingness to play hardball.
Open thread.
Jen Psaki all day long.
As a Georgian, I may be a bit biased, but Senator Raphael Warnock is impressing the hell out of me every day.
randy khan
Add me to the list Psaki stans.
Big fan of our
current smacker of the mediaJen Psaki – good to see what she is doing. However, the questions being asked are just turds. Otherwise it’s kind of early nobody has been saying much.Mayor Pete though has been kind of sucking already. Left twitter is not pleased.
Kamala Harris. Reminds me of how California is always a few years in the future.
Chuck Schumer has definitely been a pleasant surprise. So has Joe Biden; would any of us in the middle of Primary Wars Summer 2019 have predicted that a guy running on a platform of ‘competent leadership, more or less continuing the policies of the Obama era’ would be angling to be the FDR or (domestic policy) LBJ of our time?
dr. bloor
I want to marry Jen Psaki and have her babies. Yeah, I know, I’m still working out the details.
You know what I really like? I can’t pick out a favorite from the feast of competent, well-related folks Biden has assembled.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes!
I ?Senator Raphael Warnock!
@beef: Yeah, hopefully we can see some performative stuff in public that we can clap for – otherwise all the hardwork is out of sight.
As someone who remembers Schumer beating Al D’Amato back in 1998 (and Ferraro in the primary, despite her being way ahead of him in name recognition), I’m happy to see him getting some appreciation. He’s smart, he works hard, and while people can mock him for his enthusiasm at being in front of a camera, the guy shows up, every time. He’s got just as much of a job herding cats as Pelosi, and he’s savvy enough to let them make their speeches disagreeing with their own party, but when time comes, he knows he has their vote.
All of them, especially the Democrats legislators that have said they are not going to play with the seditionists Republicans
randy khan
I was willing to give Schumer a chance, and I have to say that I am pretty happy with him so far. (If nothing else, you have to admire the willingness to pull the same parliamentary trick twice in three days when the Republicans gave him the chance to do it.) He seems to get that he needs to be careful with the centrist wing of his caucus, and has done a good job, in particular, of bringing Manchin along, which it certainly was possible he could have messed up.
I’m no longer surprised by Biden, not after the way he ran during the general election campaign. He’s showing the benefits of having a seasoned old pol in the job, including recognizing the need for a top-notch staff, but without the caution you often see from the old pols. It’s great.
@SFBayAreaGal: Yes! I respect the hell out of the folks, particularly in the House, who are not willing to let Jan 6 be swept under the rug.
@Nicole: The funny thing is that a lot of us didnt’ have that good of impression when he held the reigns when Obama was in charge.. but yes I guess that he did manage to pass the ACA. (or was that Harry Reid?)
With the senates in “no fucks to give” they have been working much closer as a team I think.
I didn’t realize he unseated D’Amato.
@cain: It was Harry Reid. This is Schumer’s first go as Majority Leader.
I’m so old I remember people criticizing Reid, especially after he became Minority Leader. What I keep thinking of, is an article I read about Pelosi when the ACA was passed- she was on the phone with Democratic Reps and she was honest with a lot of them, saying that yeah, they would probably lose their seats by voting for the ACA, but that it would be worth it. Reid was willing to risk losing the Senate for it, too. I’m a cynical realist about politics, and am always the first to say you don’t owe your elected representatives any loyalty and your political party should not be part of your personal identity, but it’s things like that that make me proud to be a Democrat.
@HumboldtBlue: And Schumer did it by getting right down in the gutter with D’Amato! Schumer is not a wimp; he knows how to fight dirty when the situation calls for it.
Wait until the next election day in Georgia, when he uses his Secretary of Transportation superpowers to move Georgia six time zones west, and the polls have to stay open until (what was) 11 PM.
Lest we forget what the alternative was…
(The short version, for those smart enough not to click through, is that TFG saw CNN’s story in which Birx and others tried to blame TFG as much as possible for the COVID response fuckups, and, um, he’s not happy. Or coherent.)
@randy khan:
When seasoned (white) old pols get to be president in a five way crisis there is little left for caution to do for them. Unfortunately for us, Obama had lots of reasons for caution and less of a crisis to deal with.
I am a 1000% fan of Jen Psaki. She’s a certifiable badass, and is not taking any dumb white male “some say” bullshit when she’s at the podium. She is exactly the person needed to be Press Sec at exactly the right time.
Newly minted Reverend Senator Raphael Warnock is bringing the kind of energy the Party needs. Cori Bush’s righteous anger makes me happy, and we need more people who don’t come from privilege but come from working class America serving Americans. Stacey Plaskett and Joe Neguese deserve to be rising stars after their performances as Impeachment Managers.
Yes, Joe himself has come and surprised me, because it truly appears that he has taken a lot away from his time as VP BFD with Obama and, though I may not agree with every word spoken or the lack of action on certain items (looking at you, student loan debt), his ability to not play games with a foolish press and also to say “Hey I’d love Republican votes, but if we don’t get ’em, oh well” is good.
This is not Obama 2.0. This is something different.
And, because it needs to be repeated often:
Fuck Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.
Deb Haaland. I like how she presents herself and what she represents.
Joe Falco
I too must be biased as a Georgian because I’m enjoying the fight Senator Warnock brings to the voting rights issue. With the possibility he may only have 2 years to do the job, Warnock is making an impression that I hope will last.
Mike in NC
This afternoon I again watched “Trump’s American Carnage” documentary on Frontline. What a deeply fucked up individual. We cannot rest until he is in prison or six feet under.
Omnes Omnibus
Haaland. I don’t care that she hasn’t done anything. I just love the idea that she is running Interior. Back into my bailiwick, I like the foreign policy team and I can’t wait to see what Garland does at Justice.
If I never hear Schumer repeat “Failure is not an option” ever again it will be too soon. He’s overworked it more than Gary Coleman’s “Whatchu talkin’ about, Willis?”
Mike in NC
@dmsilev: When the Fat Orange Bastard once lied about how scientists were telling him (with tears in their eyes, no doubt) in awe, “How do you know so much”? I wanted Dr Fauci to call him on his narcissistic bullshit and counter with “Nobody ever said that”.
Yet California has also graced us with Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes and Darrell Issa.
citizen dave
@dmsilev: Jeebus, stay classy Former Guy. I read some of the statement. Love that it starts our calling Brix and Fauci “self-promoters”. That is rich.
Also it will always be funny how he has to put out these written statements instead of using the twitter machine.
@dr. bloor:
This. They all have their strengths and dems for the most part, even most of the older ones have stepped up their game.
I have to say I’m a bit less than impressed with Pete though.
@Baud: He puts some bite into the administration.
What, no DiFi on that list? :-P
Otter tell y’all about the otter ambling on the bike trail today. Have ridden that trail for decades and this was a first. Cute li’l otter.
Psaki didn’t even need to be a redhead but that kind of seals the deal, doesn’t it. She’s THE point person for the administration and could not be a better choice.
Joe’s done good. Joe’s done well. I have no complaints. Okay, my corner taco truck is conspicuously absent.
Mike in NC
@NotMax: But that other Kevin McCarthy was a darn good actor, as in “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers”.
Omnes Omnibus
Christ man, you gotta leave something for the second hundred days.
Patricia Kayden
I love President Biden. He’s the breakout star of this administration. Wasn’t expecting to love him this much but whenever I see him, I am proud that he’s my President and he’s such a caring human being. He’s a hero for stepping up and running and by doing so, saving this country.
@Baud: Never mind a pony, Biden promised a cat and has so far failed to deliver.
Miss Bianca
@Patricia Kayden: I’m with you. Truly astonished at how good a job I think he’s doing so far.
The Moar You Know
I’m going to gloat as the person who was probably the first person here to support Biden. I never considered any other candidate, and he has turned out exactly as I knew he would.
So that’s what happened to D’Amato. What a bucket of smarm.
Biden, Psaki, Harland and Sec. Marcia “Good Afternoon” Fudge.
@SiubhanDuinne: I agree. Very impressed. Most especially with his great good common sense that enables him to always see the forest for the trees.
Roger Moore
FWIW, it’s a gal. Birds only use nests as a place to hatch and raise young, not as a permanent home, and only the female hummingbird is involved in that. If you see a hummingbird on a nest, it’s a female. You don’t even need to recognize their markings to know that.
@debbie: I still remember-it was either the NY Post or the Daily News- the front page, the day after the election with CHUCK! CHUCK! CHUCK! as the headline. D’Amato was the last GOP Senator from NY. I think it’ll be awhile before we have another one. (insert Grumpy Cat GOOD here)
Another Scott
They’re all pretty good.
Psaki is great.
Yellen has impressed me, above my already high regard for her.
Blinken is good.
Austin is good.
I’m expecting good things from Garland.
Biden picked a great team.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If Left Twitter were ever pleased it would be a sign to pack your bags and get out… if you can.
Another day ending in Y. Walking past the house just now–woman pushing stroller, trailed by two toddlers. In the stroller are two potted plants.
@dmsilev: fuck lbj
I absolutely agree with this.
I also like VP Harris and Treasury Secretary Yellen.
@Patricia Kayden:
You say it better than I could. Joe is proving to be who we need, even though we may not have known it.
Lauren Underwood.
All day. Everyday.
Senator Warnock
Don’t sleep on him
Looking forward to Garland, Gupta and Clarke at DOJ
@Patricia Kayden:
46is the man of this time ??
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Nerd icon Ella Emhoff (photo)
@The Moar You Know: Not going to contest who was first, but the day he announced Betty C was lamenting about how we were getting a super conservative Dem and I told her she should be prepared to be surprised by him. That a lot of people changed when they worked for Obama, always for the better, the exact opposite of what happened to Trump’s hires. And that Biden was probably the most changed.
Chris Johnson
My new favorite is THIS BLOG.
‘cos today I got my Asian spices from The Mala Market, that somebody on here mentioned. Don’t even remember who it was, just that I went to check it out, and I ordered some peppers and hua jiao. And they came, promptly, today.
And the hua jiao were soooo clean and nice. I took one, just one, and ate it. At first, nothing much happened. then… oooooh holy fuck! Zang! Never tasted such an electric charge, it stuck around for minutes. WHOA.
Next time I make my stirfry, it’s gonna be amazing. Thank you, Balloon Juice jackals :)
@trollhattan: Priorities!
Have also to give a shout out to Sen Ossoff, he’s spoken well. I also believe we should recognize Madame Speaker again, for having these legislative ducks in a row, ready to be addressed.
Well, in all fairness, the toddlers can move of their own volition. It’s right there in the name.
Rochelle Walensky, the new CDC Director. Straight shooter, no nonsense Scientist. She is on TRMS right now.
Psaki is great. She would be great even if we didn’t contrast her to the lying creeps What’s His Name hired. Right now she has the advantage of frequent exposure, whereas others in the administration haven’t had any real time yet to show us what they’ve got.
A favorite? I just read an interview with Senator Mazie Hirono. If only West Virginia or Arizona could elect someone like her. She’s really special.
@cain: Pete Buttegieg could never please left twitter. He put himself on their shit list. First he cheated Bernie Sanders out his rightful victory in Iowa. By winning more votes. Then, he joined fellow Corporate Democrat Klobuchar in endorsing Biden before Super Tuesday. Just when Sanders was about to make his move.
But these people still tweet snake emojis when Senator Warren’s name comes up. They won’t be pleased, and have an axe to grind against the Democratic party. Buttegieg is just a convenient target for them.
I can’t pick a favorite. There are so many good Democrats, and the best thing? They all have great individual strengths. They compliment each other. I’m also glad they have quit acting scared of Republicans (fuck those guys).
Honestly, I just don’t think I could do the job of our Democratic legislators; I have a feeling I’d get arrested for slapping the shit outta one of those assholes when they said stupid stuff. My mantra would be, “Lord, give me patience or an untraceable handgun.” Or, I’d have to take a page out of Senator Klobuchar’s book and start flinging staplers at them…I think Klobuchar wanted to do that to Ted Cruz at a hearing when he was jibber jabbering nonsense.
zhena gogolia
I love Biden, Harris, Psaki, Garland, Blinken, Buttigieg, Haaland, and lots more.
I love my own senators Murphy and Blumenthal, who can now do something every once in a while.
I love my rep Rosa DeLauro.
I love Schiff, Swalwell, lots of other reps.
Secretary Buttigieg (aka Mayor Pete) for the win. Front and center in delivering the Infrastructure Package.
Sheldon Whitehouse. And has been for a while.
Another Scott
@Ruckus: It’s still early.
(Gov. Northam, Sec. Pete, AMTRAK, CSX, Virginia Railway Express “important announcement” at 11 AM on Tuesday.)
I really like Merrick Garland. I’m really ready for him to prosecute TFG.
Ken Howard, known for his role as Coach Reeves of The White Shadow and who played Jefferson in the musical 1776 has passed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Xavier: my fantasy for 2021 was the Whitehouse Commission hearings on the DoJ, 2017-2021
After a brief period of activity, Willard has placed his spine back into cold storage.
@trollhattan: Couldn’t believe my eyes the other day when I got an email from the JFK Library that Romney is this year’s recipient of their Profiles in Courage award.
@stinger: A library doesn’t know the definition of “courage”?
@Baud: I would have liked him even more if he had bit a member of the WH press corpse.
I like all of Bidens personnel picks. Deb Haaland stands out, and I think Biden showed guts when he chose her to be Secretary of the Interior.
But I have to put in a plug for Dr. Cameron Webb, who is an advisor on the White House Covid response team. Webb came up 5 points short in his 5th VA District congressional race against the loathsome Bob Good, but I’m hoping for a rematch next year. Assuming Virginia’s new redistricting commission leaves them in the same district.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It’s really hard to choose to be honest. Biden has impressed me with how damn progressive he’s been. When he campaigned during the primaries I really didn’t want him to be the nominee. He was far too moderate for me. His calling for the $15 minimum wage and for Amazon employees to unionize, along with his nominations have greatly impressed me. He’s the leader we need in this moment
It makes one wonder, if he had decided to campaign in 2016 if his other son hadn’t died and he won the nomination if the last 4 years could’ve been avoided
zhena gogolia
Thanks for this post. We need to do this more often!
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
The former labor leader (screen actors guild) passed 5 years ago.
Her actions post Jan 6 were amazing. Keeping everything together while Pence and McConnell flailed around was – I don’t have words. there have been a lot of times I was glad she was Speaker, but especially during that time.
Jen Psaki is my younger self’s hero.
Schumer is having such a good time it’s hard not to love his enthusiasm.
I hope to see more of Stacy Plaskett and Jamie Raskin working on less unpleasant tasks.
so many great people and it’s so obvious they love what they are doing. so refreshing. This first 100 days seems like it’s lasted a years, but in a much better way than the 100 days before those.
The former does not follow from the latter.
Gin & Tonic
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
On the contrary, I find choosing to be honest to be very easy.
@The Moar You Know: he was my choice from the start. No question
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
I’m especially grateful for one our fantastic Oregon Democrats, Senator Jeff Merkley. He’s been advocating for Filibuster reform from his first day in the Senate, and it’s getting closer and closer to reality!
@The Moar You Know: You and Mr. ?.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think in this case, I can kind of understand – he was talking about taxing people for how much they travel. Which would tax a lot of poor people who depend on cars to get around. That said, the tax rate can change based on income level I think.
I don’t think the poor needs any new taxes.
I am sure they are just announcing funding for the new Long Bridge. Replace and upgrade a major rail crossing over the Potomac.
Great thing about Blinken is that he shows us exactly how worthless Pompeo is and was.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
My sister just pointed out that fact to me on the family text thread/ I caught a tweet rip’ing him and ran with it without doing my background due diligence!
To my severe surprise, it appears that Bernie shows promise as chair of the Senate Budget Committee.
There are still some important sub-cabinet jobs left to be filled: assistant AGs for the criminal and tax divisions; SG; chair of the SEC, and head of the enforcement division; USAs for SDNY and CDCA; and I’m curious whether Joe is going to keep Chuck Rettig, the commissioner of the IRS.
Felanius Kootea
There are so many choices: Kamala Harris, Jen Psaki, Elizabeth Warren, Raphael Warnock, Katy Porter, and of course, Joe Biden. Can I say how much I have been pleasantly surprised by him? He wasn’t one of my picks for the Dem primary, but I am exceedingly happy that he is president.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
I adore Senators Elizabeth Warren, Maisie Hirono, Rafael Warnock, and Chris Murphy is my hero. Schumer has really impressed me, as has Biden and his entire administration. US Reps Nancy Pelosi, Jamie Raskin, Katy Porter, and a couple more I can’t put my finger on just now.
I read somewhere that Schumer was talking about first running for senator, and he discovered all he really had to say was “I’m running against D’Amato”.
@Ken: I guess someone like Officer Eugene Goodman just didn’t qualify.
OT: the consensus among women’s basketball pundits is that UConn benefited from an egregiously bad no-call in the final seconds of its win over Baylor.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Gin & Tonic:
LOL. Phrasing!
He died five years ago.
More than I expected. Haaland, Klain, Becerra, Gupta, Yellen, Lander. All should be very good. Young should be good at OMB, better than Tanden in qualifications and policy orientation, IMHO.
We won’t really know how Pete is doing until the infrastructure bill starts to take shape. That should be roughly 100% of his energy, plus backing any state level plans. Hopefully the announcement tomorrow is speeding up and expanding the plan for bridge replacements and quad-tracking and right of ways for VRE. A lot of that has already been getting done, but IIRC it’s gated behind state revenues so it’s still years off until the states can raise the funds. The feds could simply provide a zero interest loan and get that done now instead.
@Ken: Biden is a corrupt grafty politician in the pocket of Big Amtrak. Drain the swamp of US passenger rail, I’m tired of it running our lives.
@Xavier: Whitehouse is a personal hero because he always is focused on doing the tough and important stuff, all the while never making himself the story’s lead.
@Another Scott:
This is true, and I hope for the best but he didn’t get off to a smashing start, IOW I expected better because he’s shown better already.
Noticed the listing for the house the Kushner couple were renting in D.C. avoids mention by name of them at all as a selling point, only the vaguely worded “recent tenants.” It does, however, include a direct mention that Obama lives nearby (around the corner, actually).
@trollhattan: I think we have to let that one go. That was Hillary’s special promise to us all, and when TFG became Preznit, that dream died.
It’s a rerun.
@trollhattan: This a thousand times over. I’ve followed Joe for a long time & always dug him, but thought he was too old last year. Never been so glad to be wrong.
What a good idea for a post, WaterGirl.
@burnspbesq: I’ve also been pleasantly surprised by the degree to which Bernie’s acting as a team player. I know I’m guilty of becoming cynical about the degree of importance years of personal relationships mean in today’s polarized Washington, but on the Democratic side I think the combination of the urgency of the moment and Biden’s almost completely unique bond all across the Democratic caucus, from Sanders to Manchin and everyone in between, really does seem to be greasing the skids.
Deb Haaland at Interior. What an inspired choice! And of course Jen (No BS accepted!) Psaki.
Mary G
@The Moar You Know: You did indeed tell us so. I hated his hands-on actions, not that I think it was molestation or sexual harassment, but to people like me who even after years of therapy can go into full-blown panic fight or flight reactions when grabbed unexpectedly by the shoulders from behind, it was triggering. Covid has taken care of that. I worried about gaffes. I was wrong. He has done a superb job. I can also watch Kamala swearing in people all day long.
coin operated
Jen Psaki…holding the WHPC accountable. That said…I have to admit that I’m waiting for Kamala to bring the heat on some foolish Rethuglican. They don’t do well when a smart women, regardless of race, calls them on their BS.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@sdhays: like you, I tend to roll my eyes about their personal relationships, but I think it was Lawrence O’Donnell who pointed out earlier tonight that Schumer has named Sanders, Warren and Manchin to a “leadership team” that meets once a week. I do wonder how much contact that three have had over the years, and what sort of effect the face-to-face meetings have.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
This is awful:
Trump, Bush Appeals Court Judges Rule in Favor of Professor of ‘Christian Thought’ Who Refused to Call Students by Their Preferred Gender Pronouns
One of the worst parts of this shitty “ruling” is that the opinion is so vague that university faculty could use open racial and sexist slurs and justify it with the First Amendment and “religious freedom”. I also read it would render most anti-discrimination laws unconstitutional ?
TS (the original)
So TFG can’t tweet – but a WH reporter can do it for him.
It is so nice living in a world where we no longer hear anything about said former guy, that countries outside of the US can go back to concentrating on their own issues and/or problems without wondering if the world will implode because of the US President. (And down under we sure have many of those issues at the minute)
For the topic, like many others Jen Psake is one of the best in the new admin. Every time she asks “who said that” brings a smile to my inner self
His day to day experiential ties with Manchin are less substantial, however, as they never served as senators at the same time.
Agree with everybody praising Joe By God Biden. If there was ever a man prepared to confront this awful, overwhelming moment, it’s him.
I heard some dudes on a podcast last summer (doesn’t matter who, really — they were DC insider types of the sort eager to display their stupid insider-ish takes), and they were so dismissive of Joe Biden.
As in, “I mean, come on, Joe Biden’s gonna be the guy who leads us out of this mess?! Ha ha ha ha, tell me another one.” And the way they said his name, like they were talking about Bozo the Clown, was evidence to me that they and everybody who thinks like them believed he was just a dopey old gaffe machine.
But holy shit, he’s been almost perfect, day after day. Really couldn’t ask for more, and so grateful.
Yes, I’ve now been corrected on three different media platforms by four different people (if any of youse is actually people) and in my defense I was listening to Jaco Pastorius, keeping an eye on the basketball with my left eye and with my other eye and one ear on making sure my newly-9-year-old-homeslice gets to revel in her birthday (not yesterday’s party in the park but actual birthday) so I was slack in background verification.
I see you.
I think “taco trucks” was a warning from a Republican, who seemed to think having tens of thousands of small business owners would be a bad thing. Sort of like the Republican who warned us that Joe Biden was like Mr. Rogers, except this time the dream came true.
Didn’t mean to pile on — sorry about that! (As usual, I commented without first scrolling down, and by the time I saw that others had got there first, the edit window had closed.)
So happy with many of the appointments and new and re-elected people. Warnock is impressive as well as Porter. Mostly I am just happy that I can re-focus on the good or bad legislation coming up and fight accordingly. Not waking up to see what TFG did or said.
On a personal note, the very vocally pro-Trump neighbor has been very nice and very quiet about politics when we run into each other at the pool. Prior to the election she would talk loudly about whatever the “crush the libs” issue of the day was on Fox News.
Not at all, the pile on is expected, I come from a very large family and you get called out however gently and humorously.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Quick test: what was the end result of the court’s ruling?
Senators Warren and Sanders are amazing. I’m so glad, too, that Joe Biden has surpassed my early expectations.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I thought I made it clear. The three judge panel essentially made bad precedent about the First Amendment and trans rights, potentially opening the door for federal anti-discrimination laws to be declared unconstitutional. Any university professor now can claim “first amendment” protections when being a bigot, and it’s not limited to just trans people either.
This is based on the fears of the lawyers for Jane Doe as well as other legal experts weighing in. They can certainly appeal. They said they’re reviewing their options. This seems like very bad precedent to me.
Am I wrong?
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Yes, you are. The appeal was from a motion to dismiss filed by the defense which was granted. The appeals court merely reversed the decision on that motion. This simply means that the case can go forward. In considering a motion to dismiss, a court must accept all of the factual allegations made by the plaintiff as true and resolve any inferences in the plaintiff’s favor. And then, if there is no way even if every fact goes the plaintiff’s way, that the plaintiff could win, the court can grant a motion to dismiss. It’s a really tough standard to meet. All the court really said was that if you assume everything that Meriwether said was 100% true and and you squint at it funny, there is a possibility that he has a valid case. Therefore, he gets his day in court. That’s it; don’t read more into than that.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
For all those whose “a taco truck on every corner” have been their concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.
Mike Field
@The Moar You Know:
I prefer Biden to Obama. Sorry. Hope no one’s head blows up. I wept when Obama was elected and didn’t shed a tear when Joe prevailed. But I have come to conclude that while rock stars are sexy and wonderful but they ultimately can’t help believing (at least some) of their own press. The older I get, the more I value humility above all.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That sounds like a brilliant move.
@Omnes Omnibus: Thank you, Omnes!
I’m really questioning my ability to judge candidates. It wasn’t until I heard Brene Brown’s pre-election podcast with her Joe Biden interview that I felt optimistic about him as a potential president. Before that I felt like we all had settled on a non-progressive. She really assessed him as a collaborative leader who is willing to share power rather than dominate others. He’s clearly unafraid to bring on a crew of really talented experts to govern with him. I want her to help us assess others who aspire to public service. Leadership style matters a lot.