Enjoy your car and boat ride, Karen:
Last week, a police officer responded to an Alaska Airlines terminal in Juneau as state Sen. Lora Reinbold clashed with staffers over mask rules. It was a familiar battle for the Republican lawmaker, a vaccine skeptic who has blasted flight attendants as “mask bullies” and accused the airline of “mask tyranny.”
Now, she isn’t welcome on their flights at all. Alaska Airlines this weekend banned Reinbold “for her continued refusal to comply with employee instruction regarding the current mask policy,” the airline said in a statement to The Washington Post.
That’s a serious problem for the lawmaker, because Alaska Airlines operates the only regular flights to the state capital from her home in the Anchorage area, the Anchorage Daily News reported. Reinbold scrambled on Sunday to get to Juneau via an arduous 14-plus-hour car ride, including a jaunt through Canada, to reach a ferry to the capital.
“Alaska I went to new heights to serve you & have a new appreciation for the marine ferry system,” Reinbold posted on Sunday night.
Reinbold also lashed out at the airline, claiming that her latest fight over mask rules was caused by “uptight employees at the counter” and arguing that Alaska Airlines was wrong to publicly confirm that she had been banned.
“Alaska Airlines sent information, including my name, to the media without my knowledge nor permission. I do believe constitutional rights are at risk under corporate covid policies,” she wrote on Facebook.
Here we are, swimming in fucking vaccine while people in India are dying for lack of oxygen and medical care, and anti-vaxxer idiots like this woman flap their ignorant gums, oblivious of the fucking medical miracle that we enjoy because of our wealth and privilege.
In a similar vein, this weekend I heard a story from a young woman who had just returned from a family trip in Utah. Unknown to them, the mask mandate in that state had expired during her trip. She and her parents walked into a gas station with their masks on and were angrily refused service unless they took them off. What are the odds that the clerk refusing service was vaccinated? I put them somewhere between zero and none.
ETA: I just checked Google Maps, and they say it takes 19 hours (not 14) to go from Anchorage to Juneau. That includes an 8 hour ferry ride from Haines to Juneau. There is a fast ferry, but it’s currently closed due to COVID. Also, entry to Canada is possible but not guaranteed — you have to follow rules, including masking and social distancing.
I am continually shocked at the levels of angry, selfish stupidity we are seeing in this country right now. I just don’t understand their motivation in acting this way.
I don’t expect things to get that bad here in upstate NY (then again, who knows? It’s upstate NY) but I expect dirty looks and harassment in a few months when I persist in wearing a mask in public.
And NYT isn’t helping.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@germy: In the cities, at least, I’ll bet mask wearing will be A-OK for a long time. In places like the Southern Tier, probably not so much
@MattF: More of what the writers at LGM call “Vaccine Eeyore-ism”. Even just the first shot is pretty good protection.
Ever see a two year old throw a tantrum when you take something away from them? Same thing with conservatives and their sense of privilege and entitlement.
I will happily continue wearing a mask whenever indoors, or when I’m talking with someone outside, or if I happen to be walking along somewhere particularly crowded. But I’m really looking forward to not having to wear a mask when I’m just out for a walk. Like…I do it, I’m not gonna be that asshole, but it’s uncomfortable and will be more so as the weather warms up. Plus the science seems to be that it’s not really necessary. BUT I’m not gonna stop doing it until the rules change, because again, not gonna be that guy.
hells littlest angel
Um … no.
@germy: I think what you are seeing with Covid, as well as with measles, is a calculation by many that THEY are unlikely to be badly hurt by those diseases. They thus provide a “low risk” way for some people to tout their “I’m not a mindless sheeple” mentality in a way that their mediocre attainments make impossible in other areas of their life. Polio is big and scary and they have zero ways to make it less consequential to themselves and their children.
Attaching extreme importance to small decisions — e.g., consumer choices — is rarely a sign of a great mind, but mostly it’s harmless. Normally, I shy away from being so disdainful, but this is one area where a small decision can hurt other people and those who think this is the place to wield power should be treated with all the opprobrium they deserve.
Welcome to being a public figure, Senator. Just wait until you try to sue someone for libel.
I saw the news of her Alaska airline ban on Twitter this morning and it’s a reminder to me of how petty the Trump years made me, because I loved reading about it.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: I live in Elmira and I’m still seeing lots of masks (even worn properly!) though it may slack off as summer approaches.
We really should consider giving the panhandle to Canada, if it’s only accessible from Canada. Though my lengthy, reasoned letters urging the same for Angle Township have gotten no traction over the years.
I am giving too much credit, but do RWNJs associate mask-wearing with communism because China? I don’t know if Japan does it, but I know I have seen many news clips over the years of people in China wearing masks as they move through the city. I figure some of this is maybe because of pollution, maybe during flu season. Has it been controversial there?
People here might wear a mask to mow the lawn, or to deal with spring pollen allergies, right? Aside from needing/wanting some ID from someone, how do you deny someone with a mask? That’s rhetorical.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@Ruviana: Glad to hear it. Haven’t been down that way since this nightmare started.
2d shot tomorrow, whoo hoo. Team Pfitzer! (not that I had a choice and didn’t really care WHICH, so long as I got one.)
Since this is an open thread, does anyone else simply not care about the Oscars? To me it’s like caring about the standing in a sports league in a different country for a sport I don’t follow.
B.1.1.7 may change their minds.
Mike J
@Ken: Point Roberts, WA too.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: NYT is such a mixed bag of good stuff and crappy stuff. Here’s a good one about the business of destroying people’s reputations.
Society itself is changing. They are getting more and more pushback against being assholes. It’s infuriating them, and they specifically are demanding their right to be assholes.
Throw on top of that a lot of them are feeling this to incredible extremes, because a black man was elected president and they’re being told it’s unacceptable to make fun of ‘men in dresses’. They look around at America, and don’t recognize it. It is not the world they thought they were living in thirteen years ago.
Some people describe it as a loss of privilege, and it is. The privilege to be an asshole, to hurt others at your whim, is the most powerful and intoxicating privilege. Losing even a little of it seems like the end of the world to bad people.
I plan to keep wearing a mask in public until at least the end of summer and more likely until the end of the year. There is a growing number of people in this neighborhood who have stopped wearing masks (or maybe never started), but I’ve only seen one person who appeared to be hostile about it.
I really don’t get this anger at people who choose to wear masks even if it’s not mandated. Once the rules change I’ll quit wearing them because I’m vaccinated, but if others choose to continue wearing them I don’t care. I swear, we’re way too nosy about the personal choices others make. It’s as if people are insulted that someone makes a choice that they disagree with (I’m not talking about people who flaunt the rules, but about things like people being angry that people are wearing masks outside even when there isn’t a rule). Yesterday I went with three other women to a high school musical (one of them is a paraprofessional at the high school). Even though the town has never had a mask rule, the school is following the CDC guidelines and so everyone wore masks. We had a meeting at a nearby restaurant afterward (we decided to meet in person because we’re all fully vaccinated), but it was obvious that the restaurant had no rules. We wore our masks when we left the table, and no one said anything about it. I’ll say, it was really good to see them in person – we’ve been having Zoom meetings. This was the first time we’ve met in person since February 2020. One of my friends said she had to hide getting vaccinated from her husband because he doesn’t believe he needs it! Sheesh….
As for the subject of the post, I think it’s hilarious that people who say they worship the free market and the right of businesses to control their policies get pretty angry when that policy is something they don’t like. It works both ways, assholes.
She phucked around.
Now, she’s gonna find out.
Let her make that 19 hour journey.
I wish a muthaphucka would.
Huh. Actions have consequences. Who knew?
Clearly not members of the “party of personal responsibility(tm)”.
I will be double-masked until September at the earliest.
It’s a muddled stew of ‘I heard the disease came from China’, ‘communism is bad’, ‘liberals are communists’, ‘liberals want me to wear a mask so wearing a mask must be an evil plot to oppress me’, ‘making me do anything to help others is oppression’, and ‘communism is when a government tells its citizens what to do’. Probably a few of them have seen photos of Asians wearing masks, but not many. It’s sad to say, but basic human thought is a mass of emotions expressed through poorly reasoned out buzzwords.
EDIT – @Soprano2:
It’s a micro-aggression. You wearing a mask expresses that wearing a mask is the right thing to do. They hate being told that.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I generally wear masks indoors, and put them on when expected. I don’t like it and am chafing at the length of it, so I remove the damned thing frequently when I’m around vaccinated folks or outdoors.
I’m also never going to be an asshole about it if I’m somewhere maskless and someone says “hey, mind putting on a mask?”
Steve in the ATL
Wife was at Target yesterday in Atlanta and a women removed her mask in the checkout area, declared that COVID was a hoax, and started trying to breathe on everyone around her. Cashier had lost her brother and nephew to COVID and was not amused. Store security took the woman to the back; not sure if she was given a stern talking to, banned from the store, or “disappeared” as they used to say.
Life is hard when you get out of your RWNJ bubble and interact with real people!
Chief Oshkosh
So, belligerent AND stupid. Perfect Republican representative. Sadly, she’ll probably start a GoFundMe page and end up buying her own jet
Also, too…I did not know that Canadians were letting Americans in and vice versa. Did she get special treatment at the border(s)?
Boy, this is true. I see this a lot on Facebook. I think this has always happened; it’s hard for some people to see the world changing in ways they find unfamiliar and even hostile. We know more about it now because of the internet.
Rand Careaga
That is very well said indeed.
Steve in the ATL
@Frankensteinbeck: imagine what will happen if they find out there wasn’t really a General Tso!
@Frankensteinbeck: You know, I don’t really think that’s it, at least not totally. Society is changing, and has been for a long time, but what is changing most about society is the immediacy of information about all kinds of people in a way that makes it seem as if it’s happening in your neighborhood — even when it’s clearly not. Now, of course, sometimes it is. Some people who live in places like Iowa find it disorienting to confront the reality that more and more young workers with families are Hispanic. But people in rural locations that have basically had zero net population in flow who feel “threatened” by gay culture in California (for instance) are homing in on cultural trends that don’t have much significance in their day to day life. But they clearly feel — or want to feel — as if they do.
In North Carolina, school and club sports resumed this spring, but under the condition that players, referees, and bench personnel wear masks at all times. I referee soccer, one of the most aerobically and physically demanding sports, both for competitive-level club soccer and high school soccer. Going into the initial game of the season back in late February, this requirement seemed an imposingly burdensome handicap, but you know what Karen? The masks proved to have surprisingly minimal impact on both the players’ ability to play at full-tilt, full-speed, and my ability to run and move around the field, without causing any shortness of breath. While of course it will be nice when we can return to doing without the minor inconvenience wearing the masks (and we refs can cease having to be mask police out on the field) – but at the same time it’s annoying and aggravating that Karens like rep. Reinhold can’t put up with such a minor inconvenience for the safety of others. Fuck off, Karen er, Reinhold.
@hells littlest angel: Yeah – she probably stayed pretty close to sea level
OT since this on my mind.
I am seeing a lot of ignorant takes about what is happening in India. People miss the nuances of what is happening.
Also PSA: Please my dear friends DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT donate to PM Cares Fund.
Scary PM is behaving like the Orange One when it comes to non-BJP ruled states.
@Steve in the ATL:
You lie!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
As a soccer referee, what was the greatest soccer flop you ever witnessed, and did you openly laugh?
@schrodingers_cat: One thing that I have noticed is the idea that India is depending on other countries for vaccine supply. Although it might need to import raw materials, many don’t seem to understand that India is one of the biggest pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world and has been for some time — contract manufacturing for others as well as major domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Chief Oshkosh
@Melville: I was wondering if the boorish Senator meant the statement to be ironical — probably not — but am cheered to see that other Juicers pondered the possibility. :)
Fixed. I’m so goddamn tired of these assholes.
Edmund Dantes
@Mike J: people have been trying for awhile. It’s been a split the community thing for people for and against.
Idaho…was it a one gas station town? I’d have gone across the street and bought gas.
@Barbara: Yes and even the medical oxygen crisis is Modi-made. India has a tremendous oxygen making capacity, less than 2% is used for making oxygen for medical purposes according to a leading industrial oxygen manufacturer.
They could easily scale up the production of medical oxygen. What is lacking is a coordinated national response.
randy khan
I’m not sure about China, but people wear masks in Japan when they are ill or think they might be ill. It’s a pretty well established cultural norm, and if in normal times you go to, say, Tokyo, you will regularly see people with masks on the street. It’s a pretty small minority (maybe 1% or less) but it’s definitely common enough that you’ll see it.
Just One More Canuck
@Steve in the ATL: Target has their own desaparecidos? I wish more retailers would do that
@germy: So much for the I’ll do me, you do you line conservatives insist is their true motivation on Book of Faces and Twitter.
She also was dethroned from her chair at the Alaska state Senate Judiciary Committee because of her continuing antics (not only refusing to abide by covid precautions but also calling in irrelevant witnesses to testify about covid conspiracies and in the senate introducing time wasting covid conspiracy inspired bills). The vote was 17-1 with the one being her. Meaning every state senator Democrat or Republican was fed up with her. She’s a nutcase. Which, unfortunately, isn’t unusual but the national senate doesn’t deal with it similarly.
What’s amazing is how little effort it takes to actually comply:
1) Stop being a giant asshole
2) Put a mask on your face
That’s it. It’s really goddamn easy, and now she wants to pretend that she’s the victim here.
Almost Retired
I about to do some field research on mask practices in red and purple states, as I set out by automobile from Los Angeles to the purplish city in a very red state where my mother currently lives – she’s 88 and I haven’t seen her for almost two years (thank you Moderna). I will hit my two week post-second shot mark tomorrow afternoon, so — cue Glen Campbell here – by the time I get to Phoenix, I’ll be fully vaxxed. Texas and Oklahoma should be interesting….
Steve in the ATL
@MisterForkbeard: yeah, 1) is really hard for conservatives
Betty Cracker
@Cameron: Lord, I am SO NOT looking forward to another summer of wearing a mask in the 100-degree heat! I wear mine inside stores but take it off outside unless I have to walk through a crowd, which is thankfully rare.
I don’t know what the protocol is for restaurants since I haven’t been to one except for take-out in a year, but I am looking forward to eating out again in mid-May (getting my second shot this week).
What’s the sensible thing to do in that situation? Wear a mask to your table and then take it off? I have no idea. I suspect people around here just aren’t wearing them in restaurants at all. Compliance is low out here in the country. Much better in the cities.
@Betty Cracker: I think in your state, it’s legal to open-carry a sawed-off shotgun into the restaurant, and tell everyone “I’m taking off my mask to eat, please observe a ten-foot spacing around my castle until I’m done.”
Raoul Paste
In 19 hours I could drive from southern Ohio to Maine
Also, a good comment about how selling the polio vaccine might go today . But of course, if Trump had contracted polio there would be no miracle cure for him .The Republicans probably would’ve glorified him as another FDR
@Almost Retired: Sounds like you’re making a Route 66 trip!
There is a strong racist component to aggressive anti-mask behavior, because – as you both point out – mask-wearing in the USA, prior to the pandemic, was often considered to be “something that ‘Asian’ people wear”.
Many anti-Asian racists took courage from the anti-Asian comments by The Former Guy, hence the rise in attacks on people who “look Asian”.
Consider the similarity to the racist attacks on people who wear articles of clothing that “look Muslim” (including attacks on Muslim women in hijab, and Sikh men in turbans).
Misogyny also plays a big part (see: hostility to mask-wearing nurses, grocery store cashiers, etc.), but that’s a whole other doctoral dissertation….
Almost Retired
@Soprano2: It is indeed partially a route 66 trip, although had I been the lyricist of that song, I wouldn’t have rhymed “Oklahoma City” with “pretty.” I have another rhyme in mind, but it would have violated the standards of the day.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@Betty Cracker:
Up here in socialist New York, you wear it whenever you’re not seated at your table. I don’t eat indoors, but I do eat outdoors when the restaurant has outdoor seating.
Humanities Prof
@Betty Cracker: My wife and I went out for dinner to celebrate us both being fully vaxxed (she’s a health-care provider, and thus was part of the first cohort to get it, but I didn’t get my second shot until early April).
For us, it was “wear the mask until at the table, then take it off.” All servers and staff were masked, customers in the waiting area were, as well. But the general practice seemed to be that those at tables weren’t.
My wife was both happy and sad to see how busy the place was. It’s a local business that we both want to see survive and thrive, but we live in rural western Ohio, so it’s guaran-damn-teed that a lot of the patrons weren’t vaccinated.
@Almost Retired: I hope you enjoy it. Route 66 is big here in Springfield; it’s believed that the name was decided on here in the old Colonial Hotel down on the square. It’s a big tourist draw for us.
@Betty Cracker:
I think that’s the best option. We’ve had to spend some time in Atlanta recently and that’s what the restaurants have been asking patrons to do.
I mean, I don’t know how much actual good it does, since you still have to have the mask off at the table if you’re going to eat, and I guess the concern is that if ventilation is not good, the virus can hang out for awhile, but as the success rate of the vaccines at preventing infection looks to be very, very good, you’ll likely be fine. And I think it’s a nice gesture of respect.
@Humanities Prof: I have a friend whose grandfather resisted getting his children vaccinated against polio in the early 50s, when it was new and after there had been some very adverse side effects from the first wave of vaccinations. The results for her mother were lifelong paralysis in her legs and increasing dependence on those around her for completing daily tasks. It didn’t take too much to demonstrate that in a trade off between the vaccine and the disease, the vaccine was the way better option. Even with missteps along the way regarding the vaccine. Most of the resistance we are seeing regarding measles or Covid is performative or signaling. They really don’t believe that they are putting themselves at risk.
Betty Cracker
@Ken: LOL! Good idea. Might as well lean into The Florida Way when it’s to my advantage.*
*On a more somber note, we don’t have open carry in FL, but maybe we will soon — nationwide! Looks like SCOTUS is taking up an NRA “but muh gunz” case next term.
This is the sort of shit that really makes me angry. OK, they’re fragile snowflakes who might wilt if forced to wear a mask. I get that.
But the fact that so many of these prima donnas insist on taking it out on frontline workers like store clerks and flight attendants who aren’t responsible for the policies, are just ordinary folks trying to do their job and get through their day – that genuinely pisses me off.
The anti-maskers don’t give a damn about that. They don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves. They’re getting their rocks off by being assholes to the people unfortunate enough to be working in the place and time when they decide to make a scene.
Fuck ’em all.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Which strikes us as very weird when we see people sitting at tables that are just inches apart, totally unmasked, as if there’s a magic bubble separating their parties just because their chairs are facing in opposite directions.
We’re not in a hurry to go back to sit-down restaurants, though I am beginning to think wistfully of cafes. When I go back to those, I think I’ll keep my mask on except when actually ingesting something.
I’m going to be 2 weeks post-vaccine on May 22, and we’ve scheduled a weekend trip for early in June. I expect we’ll be mostly wearing masks. It’s going to be a very cautious vacation.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: “Smoking or non-smoking?”
“If you have smoking, you don’t have non-smoking…”
@Nicole: We keep our masks on unless we are actively eating, but when there is a lull we put them back on. We also try to sit outside whenever possible. We have not actually dined in at a restaurant over the last year on many occasions — maybe half a dozen — but that’s been our practice. Eating outside is strongly preferred.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Betty Cracker:
Looking for the approving citation of Dred Scott as the central thesis in Clarence Thomas’ majority opinion approving the notion that New York has to honor the concealed carry permits of other states…..
Steve in the ATL
@Soprano2: damn–I saw the garage apartment in Joplin where Bonnie and Clyde lived, but I missed the hotel where the name for Route 66 was decided. Must plan another trip soon!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Talk to someone who works in retail, abusing retail workers has been going on long before the pandemic. Retail workers were the ones that came up with the character of Karen the asshole customer.
Watching my mother who in the process of losing her mind to dementia or something, these people see retail workers as captive audience since they aren’t allowed to fight back. My mom just talks their ears off until the other customers yell at her to move it.
So basically, Virus Denier = Look at me!
@Barbara: Us too. I’ve eaten indoors at a restaurant 3 times since March 13, 2020. Once in October, in upstate NY when infection rates were low, once in March because they had no outdoor seating available, and while the place was big and well ventilated (and I’d had Covid in January and had proof of antibodies), I was still nervous, and once this weekend, when our outdoor table got caught in a big rainstorm and we were moved indoors. But, post-vaccination, I wasn’t as frightened. Like you, I put my mask on when I wasn’t eating, but I wasn’t anxious about it. Good feeling. Heck, the place had live music and I just about cried getting to hear it, even though in pre-pandemic days I HATED live music while I was eating because loud.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: It’s not exactly abuse, but I sometimes see a person in line who is chatting with the checkout clerk at length. It’s often an older person, and I speculate (with absolutely no evidence except my irritation at being behind them) that it’s a significant part of their social interactions.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Speaking of asshole customers in retail –
How in the hell can service be refused if someone is *wearing* a mask?
J R in WV
I have always thought of myself as a warm and caring individual, peaceful, etc.
But people refusing to be vaccinated, refusing to wear a mask, giving mask-wearers a hard time of any sort… I hope those people all get a good dose of the Trumpian Plague and spend time on a ventilator, just to learn how horrible that situation really is.
If that makes me a horrible person, I’m OK with that. Screw those people, they’re cold fascists.
@Nicole: Hey, these mask-holes earn this shit.
karen marie
@Soprano2: It makes me laugh to wear a mask inside a bank. Am I a robber or not? Hahaha.
Mask-wearers aren’t a protected class?
Delta still serves seasonal flights from Anchorage to Juneau.
Barring that it would have been faster and cheaper to fly Anchorage to Seattle and then Seattle to Juneau, if Delta would allow them to board which I am betting they would not.
I thought the rules already had changed for that. Generally when I’ve been hiking or biking in remote areas most people will put their masks on when they see another person approaching, but then take them off when they are on their own. I’m not sure what the CDC has decided yet, but it certainly seems to be a Fauci-approved policy.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@karen marie: Wearing a mask when going into a liquor store is nostalgic for me.
@Nicole: I used to be a nice person but now I really don’t care if Republicans just die off from their own stupidity. We either have societal compact or we don’t.
@JanieM: Oh snap!
also /s :-)
Sandia Blanca
As someone with lots of experience with the ferries between Haines and Juneau, I will just point out that the “slow” ferry takes four hours, not eight. However, the ferry only makes the trip once a day (if that), as the current Republican governor has done his best to disrupt the system and make it more difficult to travel in the state. (Why? Who knows?)
@Baud: **GASP
@Steve in the ATL: Don’t come because of that; they tore down the Colonial Hotel over a decade ago. It was too far gone for anyone to renovate it. We do have a Route 66 festival here every year in August. I’m not sure if they’ll be doing it this year or now.
@mrmoshpotato: OMG I almost killed myself laughing at that!! Thanks!
Chris T.
Dead thread, but: for anyone who is someplace where the store clerks demand that you take off a mask, do it and then say: “Okay, I have. But you should know: I was wearing this mask because I carry a deadly airborne plague that’s not Covid-19, and is incurable. You all have it now. You have three weeks left to live. Enjoy!”
@Sandia Blanca: As someone with lots of experience with the ferries between Haines and Juneau, I will just point out that the “slow” ferry takes four hours, not eight. However, the ferry only makes the trip once a day (if that), as the current Republican governor has done his best to disrupt the system and make it more difficult to travel in the state. (Why? Who knows?)
To drive business the airlines, of course!