Happy Presidents’ Day! Here’s a reminder that 96.75% of American jobs created since 1989 occurred under Democratic presidents and 10 of the last 11 recessions started under Republican presidents. pic.twitter.com/m89wkZ7PJr
— MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) February 21, 2022
Biden has started interviews for Supreme Court pick – source https://t.co/bxBzxfMA9l pic.twitter.com/hz5JwtbkBb
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 22, 2022
Lawmakers are looking into the role that fake slates of electors played in then-President Donald Trump’s effort to cling to power after his 2020 defeat.
Here’s a look at who was involved in the scheme, and why it's being investigated now. https://t.co/quX9UGTePI
— The Associated Press (@AP) February 21, 2022
I have signed an Executive Order to deny Russia the chance to profit from its blatant violations of international law. We are continuing to closely consult with Allies and partners, including Ukraine, on next steps. pic.twitter.com/ZS81ivAPgs
— President Biden (@POTUS) February 22, 2022
Russian President Putin received no support from members of the U.N. Security Council at an emergency meeting for his actions to bring separatists in eastern Ukraine under Moscow’s control. https://t.co/Pkom0RBm5y
— The Associated Press (@AP) February 22, 2022
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy accused Russia of wrecking peace efforts and ruled out making any territorial concessions in an address to the nation in the early hours of Tuesday https://t.co/KtOLIfvyIT pic.twitter.com/QkDHinQiKr
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 22, 2022
this but in flaming 500-foot letters visible from the international space station https://t.co/1nwlsnY3Ds
— Gerry Doyle (@mgerrydoyle) February 22, 2022
Repeating myself:
Gun culture is a sickness in America, right? According to the sheriff that had nothing to do with it:
Yeah, that’s right. Telling cops they can’t shoot random unarmed black people and holding them responsible when they do is the reason for this.
Thanks for the first tweet. We need more of that message.
Oh fudge. Fix.
2/22/22 calls for a random selection of duets, n’est-ce pas?
Something relaxing to kick it off.
Ethel & Bert
Elton & Leon
Babs & Neil
The Two Js
Xylophone & … Plumbing
Doc & Joots
(May want to plop into a comfy chair. There’s more of these queued up in this morning’s pipeline.)
Gin & Tonic
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Apparently, some GOP pols haven’t figured out what Blair Erskine does.
Gin & Tonic
Of the sanctions I have seen announced so far, only Germany’s actually have teeth. The US and UK gave pablum. The WaPo even has a story about how the White House can’t decide if yesterday’s invasion was actually an invasion. “Opinions differ.” And no, the byline on the story is *not* DougJBalloon.
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic: He’s totally nuts.
Le sigh. Palm Beach Pravda.
*Those last five are mature services, so using fresh downloads of those apps as a metric of comparison is, to say the least, misleading.
@Gin & Tonic: That’s such a pathetic response. Putin’s “sending peacekeepers” was such transparent nonsense I can’t believe anyone fell for it.
Apparently there really are idiots in the White House who fell for it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Right out of the Mars Attacks playbook.
Now all the virologists and epidemiologists on Twitter and blogs have become foreign policy experts.
@Gin & Tonic: Would the German sanctions have happened if the the Orange One was in office?
@Gin & Tonic: And the Germans are actually making sanctions at some cost to themselves.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: I have no idea, and never engage in alternate history speculation. It is irrelevant, as TFG is not, in fact, in office.
What matters is the “sanctions” announced yesterday by TCG are meaningless.
Betty Cracker
Even the liberal WSJ opinion page…
Gin & Tonic
@Cameron: Correct. Far more than BoJo can muster.
Patricia Kayden
@NotMax: I’m sure this will work as well as all other Trump enterprises.
2sday random duets, part dos.
@NotMax: I thought this was some nice shade thrown, though:
…whether intentional or not.
Betty Cracker
@Patricia Kayden: It is a remarkable turnaround from all the speculation we heard going into redistricting! Unfortunately, it’s not all bourbon and roses — in many states, districts are so damned gerrymandered in favor of Republicans already that local GOP crooks devoted resources to shoring existing badly drawn districts up rather than poaching new ones. But it seems we won’t be as sandbagged going into the elections as we thought, and that’s a good thing.
@Betty Cracker:
Now we just have to turn out.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So Putin is going to invade, what he already stole, declare victory, end up eating a pile of sanctions, likely be bitching about the sorry ass state of the Russian economy next year. Suppose it beats WWIII.
@Betty Cracker:
I think this is your birthday? If I’m remembering correctly, happy birthday! And if I’m wrong on the date, I hope it was, or will be, great.
Drop in, tune in, turn out.
Or a series of themed crimes culminating in the destruction of the Dynamic Duo!!! — Harvey Dent
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne: It is, thank you! Since it’s also a Tuesday, the traditional debauchery starts Friday — a concession to age!
I like the John Deering cartoon in the OP. It seems appropriate that VVP is standing on a box labeled “vodka”.
@Betty Cracker:
Happy birthday!
@NotMax: Today is also a palindrome day if you write dates in European format: 22-02-2022.
@Gin & Tonic: It is not alternate history to compare and contrast the current administration policies vs. the last one’s actions and draw inferences.
Trump wanted to get the US out of NATO and had he been reelected he would most certainly not be leading any diplomatic effort against his best buddy. We have all seen how he behaved in the presence of Putin.
What would be sanctions with teeth according to you? Do you share Adam’ opinion that sanctions never work. I remember you mentioning something about SWIFT transfers.
Since this is an open thread, I wanted to give a shout out to the “Venice” exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of American Art in DC for those looking for something to do in the area. It was fun and illuminating if a little contrived at times. And had some really great art.
@Betty Cracker
Felicitousnatal day!
@NotMax: The good news re the apples-to-oranges measure of Trump’s initial traffic is that it will make the inevitable crash seem even more severe.
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
Happy birthday!
@Betty Cracker: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
@NotMax: It’s 2’s-day, 2/22/22.
@schrodingers_cat: I’ve seen G&T’s list of actions and they seem legit and not Dr Strangelove-ish. I think Biden is saving those for the next round but G&T (and probably Adam) scoff at that. They know more than I do though my layman’s read is that they’re nearing the point of becoming invested in the idea of Biden failing us (and, of course, Ukraine).
For the wannabe optimists, I think both of them are probably mildly and pleasantly surprised at Germany’s reported intent to take real action.
Sanctions are like holding a royal flush in poker.
You don’t reveal the hand in one go, you deliberately lay the cards one at a time upon the table.
Another Scott
@Gin & Tonic: The actions of governments take time.
Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990.
GHWB’s “this will not stand” comments to the press on August 5, 1990.
US and western responses are actually moving lightning fast, IMHO.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: The sanctions that were announced yesterday by the US prohibit foreign investment in the “DNR” and “LNR” – which is non-existent. Even if there were any such economic activity, sanctions would be affecting the occupied territories, not the occupier.
Cut off currency transfers. Revoke all visas. PNG the oligarchs and their families. Halt air traffic. Plenty can be done if there’s the stomach for it.
Tony Jay
@Betty Cracker:
Well Happy Fucking Birthday, To You!
Sloane Ranger
To be fair to Boris Johnson (hard I know, but I’m trying), he did say that the sanctions he’s just imposed are only the start and more are in the pipeline. We’ll have to wait and see if that’s true, and what any further sanctions consist of.
Though, if he’d announced that the Tories would refuse any further donations from Russian Oligarchs, I might be more inclined to believe him.
Start the popcorn a-poppin’.
@Sloane Ranger: Psaki said the same thing yesterday about the U.S. sanctions. We’ll see what happens.
@Betty Cracker: You have my sympathies.
@hueyplong: I am a realist. And I know what I don’t know. I trust the Biden administration over the last one. Are they perfect? Of course not.
LOL. Pretty much the whole country will be “reopened” in March.
Miss Bianca
@Betty Cracker: Happy birthday, Betty!
@hueyplong: I pity the person who, around Thursday, has to tell Trump that he’s once again being outsold by “Talking Ben the Dog”.
Well, I’d pity them if they hadn’t decided to work for Trump.
@Betty Cracker: Happy birthday, Betty C! Have all the cake! ?
@Spanky: WATBs.
@Betty Cracker: The Trump campaign shambles along in Wisconsin like some zombie: “Brains…I want Republican brains….”
@Patricia Kayden:
Have they tried crying harder?
@Baud: And the truckers will take credit for it.
@Gin & Tonic: It’s probably impossible to know, but do you suspect that the requisite level of pressure on the oligarchs would cause them to move on Putin? Obviously, such hopes didn’t come to fruition wrt some prior supervillains (Hitler, Stalin, etc.).
This dude has no idea that if he does this, he’ll be begging the police to come for him.
@OzarkHillbilly: Not if I take credit for it first.
@Sloane Ranger: Or he’s giving his Russian pals plenty of time to move their money.
@NotMax: Yep. BC and other BJers and many on the left were upset when Biden was polite to Turtle and praised him a bit and concluded that he was naïve.
As if one gets elected President by being naïve. Don’t forget the same crew (leftie Twitter and the MSM )had written him off in favor of their favorites (EW and BS)
Random duets, part drei.
Pete & Itz
Duet for 3
Twin Tooters
Stringing Along
Pipes Times Two
Going For Baroque
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This is a couple of points short of even an Underpants Gnome theory of protest
Edmund Dantes
@OzarkHillbilly: until I see the dash cam and body cam footage, I don’t believe a single word out of the cops mouths.
@Baud: What are you waiting for? Start taking credit for it now, it will make for a hell of an ad in your presidential campaign.
“I’m Baud, and I ended Covid.”
Roger Moore
Truth Social, or any social media that’s designed for people of only one political persuasion, is an incredibly dumb idea. What’s the fun of a social media platform if there aren’t any libs to own? More broadly, unless everyone you know is a Trump bot, you’re going to have to be on at least one other social media platform to interact with everyone. Network effects are going to push users toward the platform with more people, so deliberately limiting your platform is an insane place to start.
I looked Covid in the eye and said “you feeling lucky, virus.”
@Baud: “Well, do ya funk?”
@Roger Moore:
But it’s a great way to keep a blog from crossing the magic top 10,000 mark and attracting a bunch of riff raff.
@Betty Cracker: Happy Birthday!
@Gin & Tonic:
I googled TCG sanctions but nothing relevant came up. What is TCG?
@thalarctosMaritimus: The Current Guy ?
The Current Guy. GEEZ
ETA Did nobody do Analogies in SAT or whatever? :-)
I get emails…
Is 7:30 AM too early to start drinking? Because being sloshed out of my mind is the only way that this would make even a tiny bit of sense.
Won’t be holding my breath for the British to impose significant sanctions.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
“How to lose your CDL in one short step.”
@dmsilev: Ridiculous. Everyone knows that the hydrogen atom has 255 types of sub-atomic particles.
@dmsilev: Looks like a faux academic One Weird Trick to me.
This is not said to discourage your planned AM drinking.
Sloane Ranger
@Gin & Tonic: I’ve also been thinking of other things that might make life difficult for the Russians in the separatist regions and their “governments”.
I think you or someone else once said that these regions are economically devastated and that the Ukrainian government was still paying pensions and other State allowances to residents there, who were dependant on them for survival. What if the the Ukrainian government was to announce that there was some reason why the physical presence of Russian troops there made that impossible. I’m sure that someone could gin up a reason that sounds vaguely believable. They could add that the people there shouldn’t worry, the money they’re owed will be kept in the bank and paid out just as soon as they’ve found a work around. If that went on for long enough, the “authorities” there and/or the Russians would find themselves under pressure to financially support those who had lost out.
If the US and/or NATO wanted to be more aggressive without kicking off a war, they could set up a front organisation of Ukrainian expats, which could be used to hire ex-SEALS, SAS or similar as mercenaries to cause mayhem. This would give the necessary deniability. I have no training in military matters, but the the CIA has previous for doing this kind of thing.
FWIW, we should know more by the end of the day.
@hueyplong: It’s crankery. I get a fair number of such things, usually just ignore/delete, but this one was at least amusing. Another small excerpt:
“The inner most core of the hydrogen atom, in being split from the rest of the sub-atomic particle structure, is the only place in the Universe which is a self-contained process of matter absorbing and emitting photons. Other than the Universe itself.”
@dmsilev: Yeah, when I was a post-doc letters like that got passed down the seniority chain until they got to me. Was it single-spaced?
@thalarctosMaritimus: googled TCG sanctions but nothing relevant came up. What is TCG?
The Current Guy, I presume. Somebody fancies they are being clever.
@dmsilev: That is fractally not even wrong.
Patricia Kayden
Betty Cracker
@schrodingers_cat: Since you called me out by (fake) initials, I’ll stand by what I said then — it was stupid and counterproductive of Biden to publicly praise McConnell as a truth-teller and honorable man. I heard the eleventy-dimensional-chess justifications, and they all sound like horse shit to me.
Naive people can’t get elected president? LOL! Let’s roll the tape. GWB anybody? Donald Fucking Trump? Please. But even presidents who are good and smart and strategic overall can be naive in certain areas.
Your point seems to be that Biden is a better president than Trump. Duh. We all know that. But he’s not almighty God, and it’s not blasphemy to voice criticism where warranted.
@tam1MI: Trying to be cleverly dismissive.
@Patricia Kayden: Hopefully they will tack the federal sentence onto the end of their state sentences so that they have to do their time in state facilities first. I can’t say for sure but I suspect Georgia prisons are a lot less comfortable than federal prisons.
@Patricia Kayden:
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: What, you didn’t study numerology in grad school?!
You mean they’re not peachy keen?
Jerzy Russian
@MattF: Same here. Most of the letters were such that simply being wrong would have been an improvement. Those were the days…
Mike in NC
The local rag had an op-ed entitled, “Conservatives, Don’t Give Up On College” by some AEI pinhead. Apparently more and more right-wingers don’t want heir kids to go to college because something something. Better to have them spend their careers pumping gas at a filling station in Hooterville.
@Betty Cracker: Fake initials? Betty Cracker == BC for short, if that offends you I will stop.
I don’t think Trump is naïve.
You will get no disagreement from me. Its not blasphemy to criticize Biden. I just didn’t agree with that particular criticism
To get elected President you need to have good political instincts and both GWB and Biden have it. There are plenty of intelligent people who could not get themselves elected as their Town selectman.
@Taken4Granite: Pretty much, yeah.
@guachi: Oh please; their response was and is more sensible. Sanctions – ones with teeth – should be reserved for a real invasion of Ukraine. The Ukraine State ceded that region long ago to the ‘rebels’. These professional regular Russian solders … I mean rebels, have occupied that region for well over a decade. That is no more an invasion then acknowledgment of reality of the situation. Biden, for once, is playing it very smart.
@Miss Bianca: Number theory is the same as numerology, right?
@Mike in NC: Ignorance is a value many on the right embrace, hence the bans on books they don’t like and theories that make them uncomfortable.
Sure Lurkalot
@Betty Cracker: I like the sound of traditional debauchery…I think I’ll join you this weekend remotely for a bit of that. Happy birthday!
@Spanky: Real truck drivers can’t afford to take a week off for a protest, that’s for sure. It made me wonder about the thing in Canada from the beginning. Were those real truck drivers, or people with rigs who used to be drivers?
@Sloane Ranger: The russians are beyond brutal when it comes to insurgency (just ask Chechens that tried that and there aren’t many still alive. Nor their family members – that isn’t something any sane person should desire) and frankly, the CIA records in that area has been bad to disastrous (Bay of Pigs).
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: Looking at this letter, I would say for the writer’s purpose they are one and the same.//
@Spanky: They’re white, they think the police are on their side.
@Betty Cracker: Happy Birthday. You are one of my favorite BJ FPers. Even though we don’t always agree.
Vote Forward is starting up a new round of get out the vote work, if anyone here is into the postcard and letter-writing forms of encouragement.
J R in WV
I will cut Mr. Ismani a tiny break as it appears he isn’t from here, but Truckers DO have a union, and it’s called the Teamsters.
I hear from Wife’s union pals the Teamsters actually do a pretty good job of representing Truckers more recently, as well as lots of other sorts of workers.
A shame Ismani doesn’t see Teamster literature at every truck stop!
And of course the RWNJs fomenting these convoys have no more interest in helping workers and truckers than I have in helping Trump’s newest scam succeed. I think the unit of measurement would be piconanometers?
Gin & Tonic
@Cermet: Shit, I’m so old I can remember when you were arguing that Putin’s actions were somehow to do with NATO expansion – a subject he mentioned exactly zero times in his speech yesterday.
@Betty Cracker: Happy birthday to a fellow February birthday holder! Mine is Thursday, hubby’s is tomorrow, so we’re having our birthday on Wednesday unless the storm currently heading this way drops a lot of ice and snow. I’m not willing to cancel until something actually happens, because the last forecast of a “monster storm” was a nothingburger.
I believe he means TCG as the The Current Guy. You know, as opposed to TFG, The Former Guy.
@Cermet: LOL.
There’s some nice Russian apologia. I’m actually honored I was a target of your propaganda.
Russian troops are in sovereign Ukraine territory against the will of Ukraine. It’s an invasion and an escalation.
Jerzy Russian
@Soprano2: People with February birthdays are the best.
@Betty Cracker: May you have a very happy birthday, and many many more !
@Spanky: As if DC has never seen blocked traffic. There was a snowstorm recently thereabouts.
So old can remember when these same yahoos were all excited about going around “rolling coal” because something something.
@Mike in NC:
Because, apparently, their kids get liberal/progressive/Democrat cooties and tell their parents what assholes they are for being anti-vaxx, racist, idiotic MAGAs. Sad.
@Mike in NC: Yea, but have you seen the conservatives that do go to college? Tell me that isn’t wasted money when they come out just as idiotic as the gas station guy.
In other natal days, today marks a hundred years of radio broadcasting on WOR
From the WaPo:
I don’t see a reason why the U.S. should dither on sanctions. Whatever sanctions we would in response to a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, we should go ahead and do, now. Just because Russia’s already had troops operating undercover in those provinces doesn’t mean nothing’s changed. This is the open assertion of the right to move as many troops there as they want to, and they’re going to be there in force in the next few days. This is a Big Fucking Deal, as our President might say.
And the sanctions should start with the oligarchs. Any wealth they have in U.S. real estate or in U.S. banks or stocks, should be frozen. If they’re in the U.S., they shouldn’t be allowed on an airplane or ship, or to cross a land border. Hit ’em where it hurts.
Betty Cracker
Thanks for the birthday greetings, all!
@schrodingers_cat: Didn’t mean to imply I’m offended by the use of my fake initials — not at all! We’ll have to agree to disagree on whether sound political instincts / low cunning, etc., preclude naivety. I think they can and do frequently coexist. Also, thanks for the birthday wishes! :)
@Soprano2: My hubby’s birthday is also in February. Pisces rule! :)
J R in WV
My dad started the first FM radio station in W — he made it a mostly Classical music station, with some jazz and big band music, had actual big studios with acoustic walls. Then there was a strike at the family business, just as it started to break even.
Happy birthday to Betty Cracker, also one of my favorites here at the B-J community!! Also all the other February natal day folks. I know about shitty weather on your birthday, mine is V close to New Year’s, tho I will confess February has more universally shitty weather.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@geg6: @Mike in NC:
Yep. Plus, once some of them leave, they never come back (except holidays and funerals). They often become less religious. They would rather hold their children back than let them evolve.
@Betty Cracker:
Have a great birthday, Betty! My John celebrates his on Friday. He’ll be 75. Only a dozen years older than me. And of course I don’t tease him about that! Heh.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
Exactly. I see this dynamic all the time.
Jerzy Russian
@Betty Cracker: Wait, your name isn’t really “Betty Cracker”? I don’t know what is real anymore!
@Baud: @OzarkHillbilly: The virus, having neither eyes nor mouth, couldn’t stare back and reply; but if it could it would say “I throw off trillions of mutants every second, and only have to be lucky once.”
It sometimes comes up with results that make me think so. Even the mathematicians recognize this, and use names like “Monstrous Moonshine”, which was proved using the “No-Ghost Theorem”.
@NotMax: They liked to do it because it “triggered” the environmentalists. They’re all about pissing other people off.
There go two miscreants
@dmsilev: I am so glad I’m not the only one!
@geg6: OK this is weird, because my husband is also John and he’s also going to be 75 just on Wednesday, and there’s 14 years difference between us (I’m younger LOL). I still wonder how many people who don’t know us think I’m his daughter, because I look a lot younger than my age.
@Soprano2: For the first time in forever I noticed what appeared to be one of those spouts for rolling coal on a pickup last Saturday. Couldn’t help but wonder how much the rube had spent installing it. I haven’t actually seen the black blast of whatever in years.
Transistor tuned to WOR (710 on the AM dial) on weeknights for years and years to listen to Jean Shepherd.
Then twirled that dial at 11 p.m. to WMCA to hear Barry Gray.
Matt McIrvin
@Mike in NC: In 2017 when the Republicans were hashing out their big tax bill, I got into a Facebook argument about a provision that would tax the tuition waivers provided to many grad students on teaching or research assistantships as regular income. I pointed out that this would effectively destroy graduate education as we know it, since that tuition waver is often nominally much more valuable than the stipends actually being paid out to the grad students.
Someone else replied, more or less “Good. The colleges have gotten so liberal I don’t know where I would send my kid, and I’m tired of the students doing nothing but riot all the time.”
@Betty Cracker: Happy Birthday! And enjoy the traditional debauchery, even if postponed slightly.
Just One More Canuck
@Jerzy Russian: There was a punk band in Vancouver in the 80’s called DOA whose lead singer/guitarist was named Joey Shithead. Disappointingly, not his real name.
Miss Bianca
@hueyplong: Come on out to my county, baby, I’ll show you some rolling coal troglodytes…*grimace*.
@Matt McIrvin: when was the last time there was a college riot? Lol!
@Betty Cracker: Happy Betterday! You’re getting better and better every day!
Citizen Alan
@Eunicecycle: Actually, they have with some regularity, usually caused by white frat boys either happy or angry over some sports-related event. The most destructive college riot I can recall in recent years was at Penn State when the students took umbrage over the head football coach getting fired for not reporting a pedophile on his staff.
blink blink
Huh? Waaaaaah?
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
Evolution looks forward to the possibilities.
DeEvolution keeps things from changing, which happens anyway but takes longer, but change would require actually paying attention rather than walking around with their heads up their asses. And some seem to be rather comfortable in the dark with a smell they recognize…..
Dan B
@Betty Cracker: Happy Birthday! Will you be entertaining the pups and birbs?