Elon has been obsessed with calling everything "X," Space X, Model X, X AE A-12, now just X, ever since the rest of the PayPal owners told him it was a stupid name. He's going to erase a globally recognized, culturally impactful brand because he was told "No" 25yrs ago.
Moron. https://t.co/V8ux1eHKvq
— Patrick S. Tomlinson (@stealthygeek) July 23, 2023
Found a dead Twitter on the street. pic.twitter.com/H7BjhFGFeA
— Jason Hazeley (@JasonHazeley) July 12, 2023
It’s all pretty shoddy, but on the other hand, tickets are cheep, you don’t have to put on (or take off) your pants to participate, and the shows run 24/7…
Just spoke to @mattdorsey, the SF Supervisor in the area, who happened to be near the building at lunch. He said he witnessed several self-driving cars become confused by the crane, which was in the street.
"It was very 2023," he said. https://t.co/HdTczCW6O5
— Ryan Mac 🙃 (@RMac18) July 24, 2023
wait, i’ve got it:
x of all trades, master of none
— Philip Bump (@pbump) July 24, 2023
ELON: "How can we get ad rev up?"
STAFF "We could get rid of the Nazis?
ELON: "What about changing the logo?"
STAFF: "Or stop promoting the alt-right weirdos?"
ELON: "Logo."
STAFF: "Deboost the bluecheck trolls?"
ELON: "LOGO." https://t.co/zHwWGN2ST5
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) July 23, 2023
The only business instinct Elon Musk's ever had in 30 years is "what if we called it… (sly grin, crossing arms)… X." He's done it at his payments company and car company and rocket ship company and social media app and with his own human child. No one has ever liked it. https://t.co/VWHE8m4ncg
— ℳatt (@matttomic) July 24, 2023
imagine getting a calendar invite to have your performance review in a room called “s3Xy”. imagine how absolutely embarassing this is for anyone left at this company who has any pride at all in their work. https://t.co/qyYksaxFvy
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) July 24, 2023
it’s just remarkable, this (x corp) has been his white whale for like, two decades, and it turns out that he set out to sea without a life jacket, a harpoon, a map, a compass or even any sails. just drifting around the harbor, high on research chemicals and cocaine.
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) July 24, 2023
one way you know that yaccarino wasn’t even consulted on the rebrand business is that no one with her experience would green light a rebranding to a name that can’t be trademarked (because it’s owned by a competitor) or a logo that can’t be used (you can’t trademark unicode)
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) July 24, 2023
they can’t use the @ because someone already has it, can’t trademark the business because a direct competitor owns it, can’t use the logo because it’s not a logo, can’t change the signage because they didn’t get a permit and their landlord probably wouldn’t even let them now
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) July 24, 2023
I saw this brain boiling sycophantic dipshittery and now so do you pic.twitter.com/qZVzO9oeA3
— Karl Bode (@KarlBode) July 24, 2023
the really funny thing is that if elon wanted a website called "X" where the only revenue came from shitty scam ads and subscription revenue forked over by his droolingest fans, he could've just started that for like 1/100000th of the cost of buying twitter and ruining it lol
— america's lounge singer (@KrangTNelson) July 23, 2023
His other choices were,… “Edsel”, or “New Coke.” https://t.co/RYDC4h1FfT
— Roshan Rinaldi (@Roshan_Rinaldi) July 24, 2023
The Twitter rebranding as X comparison to New Coke is a good one.
Except Coca-Cola wasn't dumb enough to drop the Coke brand altogether and pretend like their soda was also an ATM machine and iTunes and YouTube and things we can't even imagine yet.
— Zack Hunt (@ZaackHunt) July 24, 2023
…Lord, give me the confidence of a mediocre white man raised in apartheid South Africa….
It would be more appropriate to name it “Y“
I suppose comment are now known as Xcrenements
And this is how you know — KNOW — this is legit, this is all about Elon’s ego and obsession with certain shibboleths, like the “x” thing.
He’s destroying Twitter’s value not because he wants to. He can’t accept there’s other ways to operate than whatever shit idea runs thru his head. For one: Just as he built Telsa to be so racist and sexist it’s getting sued to hell and back, he cannot believe that being good to people not on his level gets you strong, stable companies with powerful growth.
What’s horrific is that too many asshats are buying into that, more and more, these days.
Roger Moore
The current Tesla models are the S, 3, X, and Y. Complete coincidence, I’m sure.
Interesting variable affecting driverless cars.
Ran across this fun video clip. Journalist in a self-driving Waymo car in San Francisco.
It surprised me that during the segment filmed, no one was in the front seat. I have no idea how they would have handled an emergency. Still, in good conditions, even with some pedestrians, performance was flawless.
raised in apartheid South Africa….
Fixteth for thee.
I posted the link downstairs but the police were called because of a possible un-permitted street closure, yes. But the update was that they left without any charges and the old sign was then removed. They said it was not a police matter.
The police being called went viral but the update did not. So now you know, it was a nothingburger.
Moved from downstairs
Hilarious news, Microsoft and Meta have trademarks using X. Musk’s X maybe OK but lawyers are saying if those two want to fight it they could make a lot of trouble.
Roger Moore
Twitter is a great example of what happens to a company where Musk is given free rein. I don’t want to say he’s useless- I think he has been extremely effective at selling his vision of the companies’ to the public- but he clearly isn’t very good at managing the day-to-day decision making. Where his companies have succeeded, it’s because the people around him have kept him in that evangelist role and away from the levers of power. With Twitter, he’s finally gotten rid of anyone who could tell him no, or even distract him with a shiny object, and we’re seeing just how terrible he is at the nuts-and-bolts of running a company.
Rebuilding the HQ with Xcrete, no doubt.
It’s like when the Beatles played the rooftop concert.
@Yutsano: Also too: FYWP.
Tom Levenson
@Roger Moore: Oh dear FSM. I hadn’t put that together. Yet one more reason in an overdetermined decision tree not to buy a Tesla.
Um, yeah, sure. Just like that.
If that was Elon’s last public performance, that would be exactly like it. If only.
Musk will be so pissy when people keep using X’s deadname.
Another Scott
@Roger Moore: Supposedly, long ago, Melon wanted “T” but Ford said NO.
Roger Moore
@Tom Levenson:
I will admit I didn’t put it together myself; someone else pointed it out to me. It made me glad I sold my Tesla stock, even though I could have made an even bigger profit on it if I had held for another 6 months.
Writing from my cave in #BalloonJuiceLurkerLandia, maybe now with the rebranding there could be less
Twittercontent on the blog? It always slows down page renders for me and they rarely, if ever, load correctly. How much less? How about zeroTwitterembeds?Chief Oshkosh
And then there’s Apple’s OS X…
@Another Scott: I though that was the letter “e.”
From 2022 Link
There go two miscreants
“From now on, I’ll be known as Cowboy O! Yippee!”
Rules are only for the little people. The important ones don’t need permits they can do as they please.
@Roger Moore:
Musk is hot to be the CEO, a position that he has failed at or been ousted from a number of times.
His inability to learn from his mistakes is astounding. He could be very happy and very successful if he wasn’t so stubborn.
@Another Scott:
Elmo wanted “E” but Ford already owned it. Hence Model 3. Elmo wanted the letters to spell out SEXY but now it’s S3XY.
Edit: Scout211 beat me to it.
Social media branding is like fast food – keeping the bathrooms clean goes a long way in generating repeat visits.
but on the other hand, tickets are cheep
I see what you did there.
Microsoft owns the trademark for X. This is just too good.
@Kelly: There is also the Xorg Foundation – https://x.org/
Another Scott
@Scout211: I would have bet cash money that he tried to get “T” too, but I can’t find anything. My brain is a mysterious thing.
Thanks for the link, and for saving me cash money!!
X spots the mark.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Brachiator: He could be very happy and very successful if he wasn’t
so stubbornso much of a damaged, insecure manchild with sociopathic levels of toxic narcissism… I could go on…eclare
Just unbelievable. The poop emoji, the “jokes” about 4/20, and now let’s name the car models to spell sex? Elmu truly is Beavis. Or Butthead. I forget which. But because he has money, instead of living in a basement and harassing some people online, we all have to put up with him.
Truly beyond time for confiscatory tax rates.
Note: I have the TV on, and just saw an ad from another company that might object to x: xfinity (previously Comcast) my cable/internet provider. The ad started with an image of “x.”
X marks the [Ex]spot.
I’m of the era when it will forever be the Tappan Zee Bridge and the Pan Am building. X? Well, I guess worked for ole Gordy Sumner.
Maldumb X.
Snarki, child of Loki
Anybody snag the “twitter.xxx” domain yet?
” I Heard It On The X”
I’m looking forward to awkward product placement for X in TV shows and movies.
Also too, the Woolworth Building.
Please, tell me someone has already reworked the Monty Python dead parrot sketch with a little blue corpse. This is an X-Parrot indeed!
This is just sad.
Laughable, since it’s Xelon, but saddddddd.
Bill Gates can watch the cage match between Fuckerberg and Bitchass Mush.
Mr. Bemused Senior
We Will All Go Together When We Go
Alas, the video doesn’t include the introductory patter.
Much better X:
X– The Ti West horror film from 2022.
I just watched the origin story Pearl (it’s a horror trilogy) and it was also really good/fun and surprisingly artsy.
@Kelly: Alphabet has a whole division called X. X.company.
Like Team Orca
I am Team Otter841👊🏾👊🏾
Nukular Biskits
If you haven’t tweeted (“X’d????) that yet, you should.
Before I steal it.
@NotMax: Um, I think it’s still called the Woolworth Building. If it’s not, well, shee-it, I need to get out more.
Another Scott
@Chief Oshkosh:
IIRC, Jobs wanted everyone to call it “OS Ten”. Almost nobody did. It would be kinda funny if everyone did in this case.
“Yeah, I work for Space 10.”
Alison Rose
This was a certain kind of entertainment for anyone nearby, I suppose: Apparently a mama bear and two cubs were spotted in a park in the city I grew up in (couple cities south of where I am now). The park was nearly adjacent to the neighborhood I lived in, and the specific area where officers found bear scat was right by where me and my friends used to get high. Good thing a bear never wandered by back then, that might have been a bit much after getting baked.
Kind of weird though, because this park isn’t right on the edge of town. The bears might have come from the western side which is about a mile or so up a very busy road, but I’m trying to picture them just strolling down the sidewalk as traffic flies by. One of the “tips” the police department put out is that if you encounter a bear, “DO NOT LIE DOWN AND PLAY DEAD. Fight back if attacked” and I’m like…do I have time to make out my will first, because that is not a fight from which I would emerge victorious.
@Nukular Biskits: X-creted ?
Nukular Biskits
You should file for a trademark!
Alison Rose
@mrmoshpotato: Gates should get to referee the match. I mean, as far as I know, Musk and Zuck haven’t been namechecked in a song by one of the world’s biggest pop stars.
@Alison Rose:
I think that only works with black bears.
Alison Rose
@Baud: Which is likely what they were. I think black bears are the only wild ones we have in CA, but I could be wrong.
Miss Bianca
That America’s Lounge Singer tweet sums it all up for me.
(Which leads me to wonder whether the absolute destruction of Twitter as a media platform really was the point of pissing away $44 billion. Because no MOTU could *possibly* be as stupid as Musk looks right now, right? Right??!)
@Baud: yes. Fighting back against a Grizzly you better have a .44 Magnum. Or maybe Cocaine.
Matt McIrvin
@Kelly: Don’t forget Apple! Though I think they haven’t called Mac OS “Mac OS X” for a while, and it’s actually a Roman numeral “ten”.
Matt McIrvin
@There go two miscreants: “And the people of Sniddler’s Gulch lived happily ever after, because they weren’t really very smart.”
Definitely doesn’t work with cocaine bears.
ETA: That movie was a disappointment.
Matt McIrvin
@Craig: I think I’d want a rocket launcher.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
In other news, “Only Fans” is rebranding to “XXX”
patrick II
Maybe just because I am used to it, but the bird logo just seemed to work so well with the nomenclature. Birds twitter (a group of or sequential tweets), and individual twitter is a tweet, you can retweet a tweet. The naming is unique, catchy and original. The idea of a flock of birds twittering is a pleasant sound. Everyone knew what a tweet was and how the context made it different than a post or comment. It was a self-advertising language and a great marketing advantage.
What are Mastadon tweets called? Or other want to be replacements? Anything as catchy as twitter and tweets?
@Alison Rose:
@Scout211: i have no doubt SFPD will have an identical no big whoop response when this occurs in the Mission by a non-billionaire.
@patrick II:
Mastodon has toots, but I don’t think it’ll catch on. I think most people will call everything on every site posts.
Chris T.
@Tom Levenson:
I understand that Musk wanted to call the “model 3” the “model E” but couldn’t get that name from Ford (who still own it) and hence went with the backwards-E. I have no original source for this claim though.
ETA: found some sources, here’s one: https://www.carscoops.com/2022/03/how-ford-killed-teslas-sex-drive-taking-the-model-e-trademark/
ETAA: beaten by several others to the same remarks…
Uncle Cosmo
Zuck Fuckerberg. Muck Fusk. In a deathcage match, surrounded by heavily armed mercs ordered to metal-jacket-ventilate whichever one survives.
@laura: X-cellent point. 😉
I howled
@HumboldtBlue: Microsoft only owns it in relation to video games which is only a small part of Twitter. Meta happens to own it for the social media version which makes it WAAAY funnier.
Musk has Xtinguished Twitter.
@Baud: The toots bit gets me. Are the designers Robert Rankin fans?
I see twitterkcd domains are still available
@BeautifulPlumage: Oh, when Sesame Street is going “Look at this apartheid assclown!”…
Well, Twitter is now shit…
@mrmoshpotato: right?!? I thought it was a parody account at first.
@Alison Rose:
CA has some Grizzlies, but they pretty much stick to the mountains.
Black Bears are one of the few bear species that will have individuals that have learned to prey on humans. They also get habituated to humans from people feeding them or not gleaning suburban yards.
With any bear, make yourself big, talk softly to them, and slowly back away, don’t lose sight of them, unless they take off. 99% of bears do not want any confrontation with humans.
You can’t outrun a bear, and while you can out climb a Grizzly, you can’t outclimb a Black Bear.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Elon has changed Brand X from the shitty comparison product into a popular product…lol
TFG pimps his own ass and Elon pimps Brand X.
Sure Lurkalot
Ha ha!
Tony G
Jesus, what an idiot. I remember, long ago when I was a kid in the sixties, seeing TV commercials in which the latest wonder-product was shown to be far superior to its crummy “Brand X” competitor. “Brand X” stood for a lousy product. So maybe he’s being accurate in renaming Twitter as “X”.
Alison Rose
@Jay: “Make yourself big” doesn’t mean much when you’re five feet tall. But I don’t go outside so I think I’m good.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
@Tony G:
Hey. Brand X were a really good band. I still have some of their albums. Far too good for Apartheid Clyde
Well, Melon already piled up $44 billion and set it on fire.
Chris T.
Hence the old joke about how to tell a black bear from a grizzly: climb a tree, and if the bear climbs up the tree after you and eats you, it’s a black bear. If, on the other hand, the bear casually knocks the tree down and eats you, it’s a grizzly.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Current market cap for Playboy is $132 million. He could have had that, and paired it with a “make us an offer” startup app for $1.5 – 2 bills.
The man is an imbecile.
@Chris T.: Which brings up the old joke about checking the poop to see if it was a black bear or grizzly…
@Jay: Also, if hiking, wear a bear bell or make noise when entering bear habitat.
@TiredOfItAll: Don’t get me started on Sears Tower
@Sure Lurkalot:
That’s brilliant.
Nice one!
Villago Delenda Est
Elno is a lot like the PAB…can’t help but publicly beclown himself.
@Alison Rose:
Arms over your head, stand on your toes. Flare out your jacket.
Most wild animals “puff themselves up” when taking a defensive posture, most minimize themselves when they are preparing to attack.
It lets the bear know that you are not a threat, but will defend yourself.
Most predators/omnivores have to balance a successful attack vs getting injured, (which can kill or cripple them over time).
One of my favorites is a bit of advice based on the fact that not all grizzlies are brown and not all black bears are black.
Grizzles have humped shoulders, black bears do not.
So this book – called “Bear Aware,’ and it’s an absolute masterpiece – says to look for the hump.
To which I say, “So, when the bear is running towards me at 35 mph, am I supposed to ask her to turn sideways so I can see if she has a hump??”
Major Major Major Major
A friend was telling me that part of Musk’s eternal vision is to make an Everything App a la WeChat–yes, we all know this–but what I didn’t know is that Musk sees it as a precursor for the Everything App that will be used ON MARS because of course he does.
Dan B
@UncleEbeneezer: We bought Bear Bells in Glacier National Park. Everybody laughed at us. I understand that bears don’t move away when they hear them. Bear Spray? Air horn??
Dan B
@CaseyL: You have a point.
Bears: Flapping your coat to get big is good. Yelling is good. I also throw rocks but not at the bear. I aim at boulders well to one side of and between me and the bear. Rocks hitting rocks makes a really loud crack.
Villago Delenda Est
@Major Major Major Major: In this sense he’s a lot like Zuckerborg; the Meta app was supposed to be the ultimate in cyber-whatever. Look how well that has turned out.
Still slightly better than the way to tell alligators from crocodiles, by closely examining the teeth.
Major Major Major Major
@Villago Delenda Est: At least Zuck never had delusions of god-emperorhood…
@Dan B: But who will bell the bear?
Old Dan and Little Ann
I hiked with a co-worker-friend I met in Colorado a bunch of times over 2 years. She told me tales of living in Alaska and wearing a bell to ward off bears. I was terrified of ever seeing a bear in the woods.
@Dan B:
Most fatal (for the human) bear interactions are when you surprise the bear at close range.
In “touristy” areas, a bear coming out of hibernation isn’t going to move from trying to put back winter weight by eating sedge grass, just to accommodate the tourists. Same for berry season, or wild rose hips in fall.
Where a bear bell or other noisemaker won’t help you is if you come towards a bears cache, so stick to the trails.
I have fished wild remote salmon rivers in fall, and unlike the Lower Rainland salmon rivers, where people are stacked up like the ticket queue at concert, it was bears. Never had an issue. I could touch the bear on either side of me with my rod tip.
John S.
@Major Major Major Major:
Elmo doesn’t seem to understand that an everything app like WeChat or Alipay only has massive adoption because it has a captive Chinese audience.
Lacuna Synecdoche
GoLikeHellMachine via Anne Laurie 2 Top:
Even porn stars are embarrassed.
Or so I hear. On the Internetz. One hears things like this on the Internetz. It doesn’t mean I, uh …
Major Major Major Major
@John S.: yeah it’s pretty mandatory right?
Splitting Image
It’s a small thing, but discovering that Melon has owned the rights to x.com for over a decade, it occurs to me that he could have used it to build a nice little fan site for the X-Com series of games. Which would give me at least a little reason to think well of the guy. As it is, he’s just been squatting on the property, waiting to re-brand a product.
@Splitting Image: I wonder how much the twitter company paid to the (ahem) previous owner of the x.com domain name, for the right to use it?
And yet the junk is just so fuckin’ pure that the entire post consists of almost nothing but the insane pusher’s product.
twitterX rival Mastodon has a massive child abuse material problem.kalakal
Reminds me of “How to identify a Black Widow Spider & what to do having done so”
1 Turn spider over
2 Look closely. Does it have an hour glass shaped mark on its abdomen?
3 If yes, congratulations! You have successfully identified a Black Widow spider!
4 Be very careful and keep well away from it, Black Widow spiders are very poisonous. Don’t provoke it by doing something silly like turning it over
@kalakal: That sounds like the way to identify poison ivy — rub a few leaves on your skin, and if a day later it’s a mass of painful itchy blisters, it was poison ivy.
“Hey human. You got some real sexy shoulders there!’
Hump hump hump!
Major Major Major Major
@Scout211: good news, then—posts on Jack Dorsey’s latest project, Nostr, cannot be deleted!
Sister Golden Bear
@Alison Rose: Playing dead works with grizzly bears. Black bears say fuck that shit and try to kill you just to be sure.
Sister Golden Bear
@Uncle Cosmo: A death match in a home-built submarine would be better.
As a heads up, “Oppenheimer” is THREE hours long.
Another Scott
Hmm.. they should identify these top 25 sites. Something doesn’t smell right.
A lot of the big sites have very active mods. So I think they need to show their work and have it peer reviewed.
@Another Scott: @Cain:
Okay. So it sounds like this study should be taken with a grain of salt.
@Jay: throw something at them. It’s the only thing they can’t do. Scares them. Aim for nose, or feet if they’re moving.
@Sister Golden Bear:
I fully endorse this.
Major Major Major Major
@Another Scott: eh, I don’t think the journalists are acting out of spite, they’re just not understanding the story, like every other tech journalist ever.
@Splitting Image: Even if you’re just squatting on x.com for a business later, how do you not loan it out to an X-Com fan friend for a game site? There is a pretty big crossover between people with Elon’s 8th-grade sense of humor and gaming nuts. If he had any real friends, you would think one of them has to adore X-Com. He was 23 when the first game came out.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Shalimar: X-Com and its follow-ups don’t give you the option of shouting racist invective at a flesh-and-blood opponent as you’re shooting them on a virtual battlefield. Based on Elmo’s behavior on Twitter, that seems to be about his speed, not the careful tactical and strategic thinking that’s required to survive an X-Com scenario.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: The creator of Mastodon wasn’t aware that “toot” was English language slang for “fart” when he took that suggestion, and later deprecated it in favor of “post”
(which reminds me of the observation going around that French news reports apparently pronounce the name “ChatGPT” so that it sounds exactly like the sentence “Cat, I farted”.)
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
@Matt McIrvin:
You just made my day. (And very likely my cats’ day too.)
No One You Know
@lgerard: Xcrements works with the poop emoji…
Richard Grant
The future? X spots the mark.