Not by choice, but by accident. In the current Planet Fitness I’m using, the bikes are in front of the ABC screen, so I’ve seen a couple of episodes. It’s interesting how all-in they are on hating Trump and electing Biden. This includes the token Republican, Alyssa Farah Griffin, who was a former member of the Trump press staff. She sorta-kinda disowned Trump at the end of his term but in the chickenshit way that every Republican who wants to stay a Republican does. (The insurrection was bad, but he should have been censured, not impeached, we need to move on, blah blah blah.) Still, from the little I’ve seen, she isn’t pushing back on the danger of electing Trump at the moment.
VP Harris was on the show last week and I caught most of it. She did well, as usual, but I was more interested in the talking points. First, immigration — she pushed the important point that the Republicans don’t want to make a deal. I thought she could have shit on Johnson harder, but you can’t have everything. On abortion, again, a good message focusing on the danger to the health of women who need an abortion to save their lives or because they have a non-viable baby. I don’t remember if she said “Donald Trump ended the right to abortion” but the Biden ad that is now airing (which I saw but on a different screen, can’t remember the network) says that, and it’s a good, direct and fundamentally true message.
I don’t know who watches The View but I’m guessing that most of them aren’t the average political junkie. I was frankly surprised at the lack of punch-pulling and both-siderism there — if only the supposedly professional political press could do as well.
“Beating you with a View to a Kill”
Most important of all, the message was at Planet Fitness and The View targets suburban Moms.
J. Arthur Crank
I ditched the TV 25 years ago, so thanks for the dispatch. The slow death of both-siderism it promising.
Also too, how does one “censure” a sitting President? What practical consequence would that have? Has anyone ever asked Ms Griffith these questions?
zhena gogolia
Good to hear. I think a lot of people watch it.
$8 blue check mistermix
@RevRick: The average PF has about 25 screens tuned to everything, so Fox is there, too, but I avoid watching it if I can….
It does feel as though there is shift underway in the media coverage. More directly addressing TFG’s danger to democracy, lack of mental fitness, patterns of misbehavior, GOP divisions. Not as much as I’d like, but noticeable.
I actually think it’s harder to “both sides” abortion.
The GOP can lie about it, but it’s hard to spin it.
KH is good at this, attacking her as not articulate and bumbling is very Rovian first started by the DSA cohort in the primaries.
============ ==================== =================
News flash from India
The progression of Indian democracy since independence courtesy RSS.
Hey Ram —> Jai Shri Ram ——> Ram Nam Satya Hai
Hint: Each invocation of Ram (hero of the epic Mahabharat) means something very specific.
Ohio Mom
My periodontist used to have TVs hanging over the chairs and the hygienist was a fan of The View. Watching it was excruciating. Such simplistic views (no pun attended) delivered agressively.
@RevRick: Exactly. If Farah is going along with the anti-Trump consensus, it’s because the producers know that’s the message that will keep eyeballs on the ads they want to sell. The GOp may be in worse trouble than I thought.
Censure must be something, since Jed Bartlett was censored in the 3rd season of the West Wing.
Speaking of god help us television, I caught the beginning of a Full Measure program on Seattle’s ABC affiliate. The intro looked like Anti-Covid vax and anti government vaccine research propaganda. I didn’t stick around, but I looked up Full Measure, and was reminded about its history. The local station was part of Sinclair’s purchases a year or so ago.
From Full Measure about page:
I remember some reporting about the lead reporter being fairly reputable until something drove her around the bend.
Now that you’re watching The View, you’re on your way to making Butt Bread like Cole.
@$8 blue check mistermix: I went to a local urgent care for a minor infection and they had Fox News on the TV. I sent far enough away that I could not make out what they were saying, but I did get the hostile body language and the shouting.
I’m sure the average suburban woman would find Fox as repulsive as I did. Meanwhile, the View reinforced the message that Trump owns Dobbs.
Your line broke the blog.
ETA: Lots of Indians on reddit today talking about the temple stuff.
@Ohio Mom: When I used to be a temporary dental hygienist I once worked at an office that had these TV’s over the patient chair, all tuned to FOX News. It was one of the most excruciating days I’d ever had, and I refused to go back to that office, ever.
@Ohio Mom: Have you ever watched Fox and Friends? They seem to relish making each other outraged. And they agree with each other!
I remember some reporting about the lead reporter being fairly reputable until something drove her around the bend.
A regular check to cash?
@azlib: Andrew Jackson was the only real president successfully censured according to this:
I thought they had managed to Censure Clinton.
ETA they tried and failed.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: 😂😂😂
ETA: except the buttcrack disappeared last night.
@Princess: The Democratic reelection strategy is to hammer Trump with Trump. He will drive record turnout for the Democrats.
@zhena gogolia: John’s such a tease.
@Ruckus: I just looked at the Wikipedia article about her, she left CBS in a dispute claiming they were too liberal in coverage of Obama, including Benghazi. She made allegations of government spying on her and retaliation for her reporting.
One of the Many Jens
I don’t think it has anything to do with the producers – she denounced Trump’s response to the 2020 election, and even criticized him prior to January 6th, and is a big part of the reason that Cassidy Hutchinson dumped her Trumpworld attorney and testified truthfully about January 6th. She may have her moral red lines way further out than those I/we find moral – but she does at least actually appear to have some. Not suggesting anyone should crown her as a saint, or give her cookies, or whatever, but I don’t see why her stance on Trump 2024 should be attributed to her bosses instead of herself.
IIRC, such accusations were in vogue at the time.
@RevRick: I saw a blurb that TIFG doesn’t like Faux and friends Steve Doocy anymore and wants him removed lol
I recall Doocy pushing back against his couch coworkers by fact checking 😳 their defense and support for TIFG.
I’ve caught snippets of Doocy going against his co-buddies now and again, and the awkward silence when he refutes their “facts” and corrects them.
I think he’s going to be demoted soon.
zhena gogolia
@One of the Many Jens: Yes.
Isn’t Alyssa Farah Griffin the person who got Cassidy Hutchison to contact Liz Cheney and get her own independent lawyer
ETA One of Many Jens beat me to it.
@RevRick: I am somewhat worried about this strategy, mainly because it puts all our eggs in one basket. There is a non-zero chance that Trump won’t be the nominee for one reason or another. Hopefully somebody is working on a Plan B.
I record The View and sometimes, but not regularly watch. You’re right; their audience is targeted to normies who think they’re politically savvy. Those five women really hold a lot of sway with (predominantly) women voters, but their audience isn’t GQP.
@japa21: There are a lot of baskets with these rotten eggs in them, I posted a link in the previous thread that notes that conservative republicans are doing a lot of stuff with Trump’s approval that makes life miserable around the country
Quote from link in previous post:
@Jackie: They tend to lean left. There is usually only one Republican, and the one Republican is usually dumb. Who can forget, nepo-baby Megan McCain holding down the job as the Republican? Everyone wondered if her hairstylist hated her because she always had the strangest hairdos.
@Baud: I am mourning India’s descent into theocracy. It makes me mad more than sad
Hey Ram is what M.K.Gandhi’s last words when Sangh swayamsevak gunned him down.
Jai Shri Ram is what Sangh swayamsevaks said when they brought down the mosque which was supposedly Ram’s ( a mythological figure)’s birthplace in Dec 1991.
Ram Nam Satya Hai is what pall bearers say in a funeral procession. That happened when the Supreme Court ruled that a temple could be built at the site of the destruction.
Today was the wake of the ideals of the Constitution of India.
@japa21: I don’t share your fear. The whole GOP owns Dobbs. And the only thing that stop Trump’s nomination is for him to drop dead before the Republican Convention
I watched the clip of Harris on YouTube, and while I am all for team D campaigning on abortion rights, I am a bit worried about the focus on non-viable pregnancies and difficult miscarriages. This ignores all the many reasons a person might seek an abortion, and seems to me to cede too much to anti-abortionists who, until Dobbs, picked away at abortion access through trap laws and other “legal” restrictions. Abortion should be legal and accessible to any person who wants one for any reason. Also feel really icky about Harris invoking religious leaders as people to be consulted about healthcare.
@anitamargarita: That is a really good catch. I take it for a divide and conquer strategy by the top of the ticket, and others can make a more full-throated defense of the right to an abortion, period.
@Elizabelle: I hope you’re right
@anitamargarita: For what it’s worth, I think they likely figure that giving “norm” women a reason to fear Trump / Rs because THEY could caught caught up by this, too, will lead the normies to vote D.
When we have all 3 branches, we can legislate the right to abortion. And the support of the majority of the American people.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
But which one…?
One of Harris’s main issues has always been differences in maternal mortality. The current abortion laws are going to kill women, especially women of color.
Mississippi forced a seventh grader to carry a child of rape to term. That is dangerous and is going to kill people.
The Republicans want make Plan B illegal too /s
@Starfish: do you think I don’t realize this? It’s why I think the case for abortion rights and access should be as broad as possible, and not limited to the outlier cases. Is abortion just for rape, incest, life of the mother? No, it is reproductive health care, and should be available for any one who wants, without having to justify it to anyone.
@schrodingers_cat: awful. What a tragic loss of potential.
Warren Senders
@schrodingers_cat: When the tea-partiers first showed up it was depressing to see how many people I knew from high school were actually ignorant racist fucks. Now it’s depressing to see how many people I knew from India have completely swallowed the Ayodhya story. Disappointment with my fellow humans appears to be the order of the day.
@anitamargarita: I believe in what you are saying, but I don’t believe that phrasing it that way will get broad support from the people who are morally uncomfortable with the issue.
Having women understand that, “if you are of childbearing age, the Republican Party doesn’t believe in YOUR freedom and is actively trying to get you killed” may motivate more people to show up than “Hey, we need to take this all the way to repealing the bullshit Hyde amendment.”
@Starfish: ok, I get that, and I also believe that bit by bit , we need to normalize abortion as part of reproductive health care. And defaulting to discussing abortion only in worst case scenarios doesn’t get us there. And leaves us open to accepting the anti-abortionists terms for regulating health care.
@anitamargarita: I haven’t watched Harris’ remarks, but personally I think Democrats should be leaning heavily on the fact that a ban on a abortion is a ban on healthcare for women. Abortion rights advocates have been saying forever that “abortion is healthcare”, and they’ve been laughed and sneered at.
No one’s laughing now. The proof is in news every day. Once that concept is firmly established as fact for everyone, even those who still support bans, broadening the argument will be easier because it just logically follows.
@sdhays: we’ll, you’ve said it much better in one sentence than I did in a dozen. Thank you!
My Dad who is 91 watches The View. At least that is what is on when I’m over around that time.
Over 60,000 Rapes Resulted in Pregnancy in States With Total Abortion Bans Since Roe Was Overturned
people are already having thousands of secret abortions, or carrying rapist babies to term.