Update: Saturday at noon
I can see that 21 people donated to the Ukraine thermometer AFTER I announced the upcoming Ukraine quilt raffle in a post last Sunday. I talked with Quiltingfool, and we think it would be only fair for any of those 21 people to get quilt raffle tickets if they are interested in the quilts.
So please send me email if you donated to the Ukraine thermometer AFTER I mentioned the upcoming raffle last Sunday, and you are interested in either or both of the quilts.
I can’t believe I forgot this part! If you buy raffle tickets for one or both of the quilts, you also have a chance at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes. So even if you’re not interested in a bigger quilt, you could win one of these!
The quilts are ready to go, but not the blocks. So if you win one of the blocks, Quiltingfool will make those as soon as she can.
Quiltingfool has generously offered two quilts to raise money for Ukraine! (Amazing, as always!)
Raffle tickets are $25 each.
You can enter both raffles, or just one.
Tickets are specific to a particular quilt.
To purchase raffle tickets, send email to WaterGirl, with your ActBlue donation confirmation – from our Balloon Juice Ukraine thermometer.
Please include your nym in the emails!
Winners will be announced on Valentine’s Day.
Star Path (lap quilt)
56 x 68
Alley Cat (lap quilt)
56 x 75
Raffle tickets for sale immediately.
Questions? Chime in below and I will answer them.
I kind of have a crush on the cat with flowers in his mouth.
As we are starting the raffle, I see that the Balloon Juice Ukraine thermometer is at $101,000.
Email sent! Both quilts are fabulous, and thanks to Quiltingfool for donating them.
And we’re off!
Wow! The talent!! Quiltingfool you are amazing. Thank you! Also thanks to WaterGirl and Balloon Juice for creating effective spaces to donate. And I just appreciate the jackal energy! I’m in!
@knittingbull: OMG I love your ‘nym.
Alison Rose
Man, being poor sucks, LOL. Those are beautiful, QF!! You have incredible skills.
la caterina
@WaterGirl: Are they both lap size
eta- I see that they are both lap size.
15 raffle tickets sold so far!
More or less, how big is lap size?
Alison Rose
@dc: There are measurements above each one :) I presume these are in inches.
@dc: from up top – hidden in plain sight! :-)
Star Path (lap quilt)
56 x 68
Alley Cat (lap quilt)
56 x 75
@Alison Rose: It never occurred to me to add “inches”.
These are beautiful and fun! Quiltingfool, you are so talented!
I chipped in to the Ukraine fund last week to the top of my ability (wanted to see it hit the big round number), so I’ll just watch the bidding on the these!
Just saw his face on a news article (did not read).
A reminder (citing “open thread” authority).
Possible trigger alert.
Ted Nugent was a mediocre guitar player that probably did his best, most interesting playing with the Amboy Dukes (“Journey to the Center of Your Mind”) way back when the dinosaurs roamed.
He is now a hero in the Trump/MAGA Fuck-Your-Feelings Movement, often appearing on Fox News to pontificate about the evil liberal hordes and to heap praise on Trump. In 1981 he wrote and published the pedophile anthem “Jailbait” that included the following lyrics (speaking of statutory rape, possible pregnancy and today’s movement to eliminate all medical options for women and girls).
Jailbait you look so good to me
Jailbait won’t you set me free
Jailbait you look fine fine fine
Well I don’t care if you’re just thirteen
You look too good to be true
I just know that you’re probably clean
There’s one lil’ thing I got do to you
I never win anything, have my fingers crossed!
Thank you for organizing and quilting!
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: I realized after I commented that I probably didn’t need to, LOL. What else would they be, centimeters? :P
Alison Rose
@jimmiraybob: Yeah, he’s always been a slimy piece of trash.
@Alison Rose:
Heaven forbid! What is this? Europe, Asia, Africa, the Antarctic, Mars????
Rileys Enabler
Both quilts are stunning, Quiltingfool. Thank you for donating.
it’s at $101k already???
Absolutely gorgeous quilts, thank you Quiltingfool!
I am donating for a chance at Alley Cat.
Alison Rose
@PaulWartenberg: It got there a few days ago :)
@eclare: 💜 my bio dad gave me a Walt Disney illustrated story book to read AND took me to the movie when I was a kitten.
@Elizabelle: Husband named me when we started dating
Alison Rose
@TBone: My fave Disney movie :)
ETA I have this on the wall in my living room.
“I’m shocked — shocked — to find that gambling is going on in here.”
Update added up top: Saturday at noon
I can see that 21 people donated to the Ukraine thermometer AFTER I announced the upcoming Ukraine quilt raffle in a post last Sunday. I talked with Quiltingfool, and we think it would be only fair for any of those 21 people to get quilt raffle tickets if they are interested in the quilts.
So please send me email if you donated to the Ukraine thermometer AFTER I mentioned the upcoming raffle last Sunday, and you are interested in either or both of the quilts.
I can’t believe I forgot this part! If you buy raffle tickets for one or both of the quilts, you also have a chance at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes. So even if you’re not interested in a bigger quilt, you could win one of these!
@knittingbull: that’s true love! An ex used to tell me he loved me “Big! Big like sky!” He’d spent a lot of time with old Granny Jumper down in Fla. Seminole. Had to marry a granddaughter 😆 I’ve sadly forgotten the Seminole language words he taught me damnit
@Alison Rose: 🌹 sista love
@NotMax: ❤️
Just wanted to add that the Star Path quilt has a name plate on the back, too. I didn’t take a photo of it, my bad!
I really wish I had an embroidery machine card that has the Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet; my machine has the Russian alphabet, but it doesn’t have some of the letters I need. Dang it.
Slava Ukraini!
@Quiltingfool: Please check out my additions up top, and let me know if I forgot anything.
I didn’t add the note for Elizabelle up top, so you may want to mention that in a comment.
Alison Rose
@Quiltingfool: May I ask, how long roughly does it take to make one of these?
BTW, has the keep the blog free of ads funding reached its goal?
@PaulWartenberg: yes, that was the total when i put the post up.
@Quiltingfool: I’d sing Starry, Starry Night to you but it’s too melancholy for today.
@NotMax: About 10 people were sending checks, so I don’t think we’ll have the answer to that until all the checks arrive.
@Alison Rose: One of our BJ peeps who donated after the announcement last Sunday would like one of those raffle tickets to go to you.
Which quilt would you like the ticket for?
I will let him out himself because I forgot to ask if I could share his nym.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: OMG!!! That is so incredibly sweet!! If they don’t reveal themselves, please tell them I am so thankful!
Definitely the kitties :)
@Alison Rose: The cat quilt would have been my guess! :-)
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Haha I am predictable. And that’s okay!
If anyone needs a good belly laugh today, the photo shops! 😆👀
Hey, Elizabelle! I will be glad to make you a couple of Patron blocks for donations to Ukraine, like the last block donation. I’m kind of booked up right now, but I won’t forget, I promise! (Gotta go write that down, you know, Dems and their “memory” problems, lol!)
Hahaha…no way TIFG’s lips in the “compare” photo weren’t photoshopped.
At least we are “well-meaning!”
Matt Lipton xit on Fucker Snarlson:
“Sorry, I wasn’t listening during that half hour on Russian history. Is the reason you invaded Ukraine because they wouldn’t sleep with you?” 😆
I’m in for both although I’m really hoping for the cats. They are so cute!
Beautiful work Quiltingfool! You are so talented!
@eclare: I always think of Kurt Vonnegut’s sign for “asshole” when he purses.
Also, cat anus.
Via Reddit, no comment
@Baud: it musta been Florida Man.
@Alison Rose: The quilts or blocks timeframe? Hmmm…
The time a quilt takes depends on the pattern. Star Path was quicker than the appliqué quilts, but only because I have some fabulous quilting rulers that really simplifies many block units (Studio 180 rulers for any quilters out there, I’m a huge fan of that company). So, a simple quilt might take me a few days, if I don’t have too many interruptions, like the cat wanting my attention or I have to fix supper or things like that, lol!
The quilt I’m working on right now (for a very patient client) is taking up more time because I chose to do a pattern with multiple colors. I drafted a scale pattern with colored blocks as a guide. Plus I’m going to add in some detailed appliqué cats. I’ve been working on it (as well as other stuff) for a week or so.
Making quilts really scratches my creative itch, so I kinda ignore the time factor. If I had to make the same quilt all the time, bleh, not gonna do it! Right now I have other people’s quilt tops to quilt, and that is my least favorite thing. I just want to do my own stuff, dammit! Oh, well, it’s a bit of money!
What the hell, this is nice even if melancholy. Ode to Vincent.
Alison Rose
@Baud: This is the future liberals want.
@TBone: Okay, I just read your comment and now that song just started in my head! Oy vey!
BTW, love your comments!
Why can’t all you people live in my neck of the woods so we could go do lunch or something? My husband is worried that I don’t socialize enough, lol!
@Soderbee: Did you send me an email message?
edit: I see that you did, thank you.
@Alison Rose:
Haha. Perfect.
Alison Rose
@Quiltingfool: See, wow, I would have guessed the ones above would take at least a few weeks if not a month or more! But then…I have never sewn a single thing in my life. My mom was not a sewing-type mom at all. Typical Jewish “What, I should spend the time on it myself when I could just bring it to Nachum the tailor?” kind of thing.
@Quiltingfool: I would SO love that!!!
West of the Rockies
Oh my gosh, our quilting jackal is talented!! Those are gorgeous panels!
@Quiltingfool: PS my mom married bio dad when he was an exec at Singer in the early 60s. I’m a Singer baby and was taught on a vintage machine. Mom and me made matching sundresses once. I used to sew little backpacks and make parachutes for my brother’s G.I. Joes 😆
@Alison Rose: My Mom sewed clothes for herself and me. She did a beautiful job, but she really didn’t like to sew. Back in the “old” days, sewing your own clothes was a money saver. Especially for girl clothes, simple dresses are easy and fast. Not so much now. Also, I would love to have the skills tailors have! Your Mom chose well!
When I was 5, we drove from Missouri to California and Oregon; my dad had family living there. I have photos of my mother and I wearing identical shorts and sleeveless blouses that she made. Those outfits weren’t the best when we went to Crater Lake; snow on the ground in June!
Listen, you haven’t lived until you’ve driven to California (in June) in a 1964 Chevy Impala with no AC and plastic seat covers! We drove through the desert at night. My dad was nobody’s fool, lol!
@Quiltingfool: I love hearing stories like yours and Alison Rose’s, and I wish we could be ladies who lunch. This’ll have to do, it’s wonderful to hear from you albeit from afar. Bringing back so many old times I haven’t thought of in years…💜
@TBone: Ooh, my first sewing machine was a Singer! My dad bought it for me because my mom thought I messed hers up!
I used it so much I wore the feed dogs smooth.
For non-sewers, feed dogs have teeth, and their function is to move the fabric under the needle. Smooth feed dogs just don’t hunt, lol!
@Quiltingfool: thank you!!!!
Is there a way to get into the quilt raffle outside the paypal …rest of that
@Parfigliano: I don’t use PayPal for ActBlue – I just enter a debit card number. Is that what you mean?
Do you want to send me an email message so you can clarify and we can get something figured out off-line?
Click on Contact Us in the menu bar at the top to find the syntax or just send email to my nym at balloon-juice.com
Email sent! Both quilts are lovely — Quiltingfool, I am in awe of your talent! Thank you so much for donating your work.