Today was the deadline for Trump to appeal to the Supreme Court. Otherwise, the D.C. trial would start up again immediately. No surprise that he appealed, or that he waited until the last possible day. Delay, delay, delay.
Since it seems that SCOTUS is most likely to interfere with the 14th amendment case, you’d think they might let the clear ruling from last week stand.
Now we wait up to another 7 days to hear from the Supreme Court. If they are smart, they will stay out of this one and let the D.C. trial proceed.
Breaking: As expected, Trump has filed a request to stay the DC appellate court ruling until he can appeal it.
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) February 12, 2024
This was expected and anticipated.
This is his final attempt at escape before he has to face the music.
The appellate ruling will NOT be overturned.
The question is how much time can he drain with his latest gambit.
The SCOTUS response to his request for a stay will be…
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) February 12, 2024
If SCOTUS grants a stay, they won’t just be putting a thumb on the scale. Oh what I would give to have a SCOTUS that could be trusted to do the right thing.
Open thread!
This is getting tiresome. More filet-o-fish, stat!
@BretH: At first I thought you meant my posts about this were getting tiresome!
Alison Rose
Welp. We’re only 3/9 on that one, so…
Gosh, you’d think the most innocent man in the history of innocentitude would want his name cleared and achieve TOTAL VINDICATION before he stood in a presidential election.
You’d also think that at least one person who makes six and seven figures keeping Americans apprised of national politics would point that out. But I guess that would be biased.
Heh! I was just going to write a comment about how tiresome this all is. Yes, that very word.
I am SO FUCKING BORED of TIFG. (Here’s where I wish ordinary civilian BJ commenters could embed images, because I have a gorgeous photo of a sleepy bat giving off the biggest yawn you’ve ever seen, and it would be perfect.)
@waspuppet: I know! It’s inexplicable, really! He must be desperately trying to move all these cases forward at light speed, but somehow something always gets in his way.
Reposted from downstairs:
So it sounds like Trump’s lawyers are making the case that as long as we run for the presidency, we can avoid facing charges in a court of law. Sweet. I’m filing my papers soon.
Never mind the criminal charges, won’t the Supreme Court justices think of the voters?! Tens of millions of them?!
@SiubhanDuinne: I am right here at the moment, so if you send it to me now, it will appear right away.
@SiubhanDuinne: Tiresome as in you don’t want to hear about it? Or tiresome as in it sucks the life out of you to be in this timeline?
Perhaps this photo of NotoriousJRT will perk you guys up?
Or perhaps this will lift your spirits?
@Scout211: What, exactly, is stopping him and his surrogates from blathering nonstop even during a trial?
Except for gag orders related to the trial, of course.
@Alison Rose: 😂
You beat me with the exact same snippet and with the same retort! Several decisions they’ve handed down suggest five or six of them are decidedly lacking in smartness.
I’m forced to hope indignation prevails – thanks to Habba and TIFG implying three of the six owe TIFG proper gratitude for their for-life elevation to greatness.
Villago Delenda Est
If you look up “vexatious litigant” in your Funk and Wagnals, there’s a picture of the orange traitor who calls Merde-A-Loser his home.
Immunity? This isn’t about immunity. It’s about whether the President of the United States is royalty and above the law in perpetuity; untouchable no matter what (s)he does as long as (s)he claims the crime was committed in the best interests of the nation. And the question of what is in the best interests of the nation is, naturally, left entirely up to the
Emperorpresident. Unless, of course, the president happens to be a Democrat. In that case, the president is not only not immune from prosecution, (s)he is presumed guilty and actual evidence of a crime is irrelevant.Scout211
Liz Dye with a great summary of the documents case updates in her best caustic wit.
@WaterGirl: doggo!
@TriassicSands: Pretty much.
I like it already!
@WaterGirl: This is where I wish BJ had a ‘like’ option.
I’m always wrong about everything but… I don’t see how they don’t vote for a stay. Leonard Leo’s court doesn’t care about Trump but they do care about one day having a president king in the Franco/Salazar mode. I don’t see them doing anything to mess that up.
Villago Delenda Est
@TriassicSands: The Gym Jordan/James Comer doctrine!
Alison Rose
Just vacuumed the apartment (which takes about five minutes in this palatial home of mine) and the cat was up on my bed while I was in the living room, then took off like a shot into the living room when I went into the bedroom. I always feel like I have to apologize to her afterward.
Villago Delenda Est
@WaterGirl: MASSIVE thumbs up for that one (and the one above, for cute overload).
@Scout211: Well, not quite “literally”. There is that totally out of control whackjob in Texass.
@Alison Rose: Prudent if you wish to survive the night!
I timed this wrong. I had just talked to Cole and I knew he wasn’t home yet and that he had a lasagna in the oven, so I thought he would post later. Wrong again!
Silly question. You have to remember, free speech means, “I get to do whatever the hell I want to do with no consequences” in the US Constitution, Donald J. Trump annotated edition.
@Scout211: I don’t know. I think once the trial starts in D.C. – whenever that is – there will be no tolerance to public misbehavior by Trump in the courtroom.
Eric S.
@Alison Rose: I’m going to be in the “dog” house for a while. I was out of town last week for work. Today, my cleaning lady came. Tomorrow I leave for 3 days in WI for work.
Newton 😺 and Kepler 😺 will be mad. I’m likely to be grounded when I return Thursday.
@Eric S.: And you will deserve it. I am on team Newton + Kepler.
@Princess: Even the Dirty Six are smart enough to realize that a president who can with impunity send Seal Team Six to assassinate anybody he pleased could do it to them as well. If he had absolute presidential immunity, the Supremes would lose all their power and be reduced to mere serfs like the rest of us. Certainly his stooges have been telling them explicitly that they owe him bigly, so they better step in line, which indicates exactly that mindset. I don’t believe they will have missed it.
Eric S.
@WaterGirl: Truth!
ETA: My dad lives in the building with me. He cares for them. Newton & Kepler tell me he doesn’t understand second lunch.
Alison Rose
@Eric S.: You will need to do some penance. I suggest treats.
@smith: I don’t think they’re that smart, actually. They think they’re gods. They think they are immune, all of them. All nine.
Eric S.
@Alison Rose: and ear scritches.
patrick II
If the Supreme finds that Trump is immune that will no avenue at all to curb his behavior if he is reelected. He will be an absolute madman.
Eric S.
@patrick II: If the Supreme finds that Trump is immune…
Biden should lock him up at a black site until December. And put Clarence in the cell next door. Now I disagree with this but if they want to play hardball, throw at their heads.
I hope you are right. My biggest hope, though, is that Biden beats the pants off of Trump in November so that there is no question of magical total presidential immunity ever again.
@WaterGirl: thanks for posting my Patron doppelgänger.
The “REAL” House Speaker is squeezing Johnson’s balls:
And, from The Hill:
Sigh… IF the bill gets through the Senate, I hope Jeffries can borrow some Pelosi magic.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
These people had a bill that had those provisions in it and they shit all over it
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Yes they did, and they did.