Watching this made my day. I can barely stand to watch this sanctimonious prick, but he’s only on for 15 seconds, and then he takes a serious beating from none other than President Bartlet.
Whomever made this, bravo!— Majestic (@MajesticResists) November 5, 2023
This was fun, too.
Another great Jasmine Crockett clip. Kamala Harris inspires her; she inspires me.
— Acyn (@Acyn) February 22, 2024
h/t TBone
Full 30-minute interview with Jasmine Crockett.
h/t NotMax
Anything you’ve seen recently that inspired you, that you might want to share?
Or not. Totally open thread.
That’s one of my favorite clips from the WW. There’s another good takedown of religious bigots in the very first show, when Bartlet’s young teenaged granddaughter expresses her opinion on abortion in a teen magazine. And I love Rep. Crockett!
I remember the Bartlett moment from over twenty years ago. Quite possibly it was the single best known moment from The West Wing in the online culture I was discovering. Still great.
For all the ways that show hasn’t aged well and gets dinged these days by later liberals who often have a good point, the way it repeatedly said “fuck you” to the religious right at a time when it was probably at its zenith is something I’ll never not appreciate. All the more so because most of the characters on the show were some form of religious themselves. President Bartlett was the voice of every Christian who was sick to fucking death of these people being treated like they were the only Christians who mattered and were entitled to speak for the entire religion.
(And then the 2000s, when most of the show aired, was also the decade during which any claim the religious right had of being the voice of the American people just completely collapsed. They definitely had their finger on the pulse of much of the nation at least in that way. People were just getting sick of them at this point).
Many comments here about O’Donnell’s segment yesterday. In case you wish to see it, here it is.
@Eunicecycle: @Chris:
I noticed the sound of thunder in the background as President Bartlet was speaking. It reminded me of one of my favorite moments in the show, when it was also storming.
Jed is shouting at god, calling him feckless, while a storm rages. Such a powerful scene.
There’s a reason that they’ve, religious leaders, narrowed down the Commandments from 613 to the 10 that they can live with. Personally, I think all 613 should be hung on the walls of our schools.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Ms Crockett rocks.
That’s a Blinding Flash of the Obvious.
@NotMax: Funny, I thought about including that up top, and then I spaced out. It’s a good addition; I added it now.
@jimmiraybob: I grew up catholic. There were 613 commandments? They only taught us 10.
It’s funny, I keep hearing what I think is thunder, but it’s not raining. I wonder if we’re about to get a storm or if my hearing thunder in the clip and thinking about the other West Wing scene with the storm raging has me hearing a truck somewhere in the distance and thinking it’s thunder.
Hoping for a storm. Love storms. Though it did take me about two years after the huge tree hit my house to love storms again.
So apparently Joe Biden said some mean but true things about Republicans yesterday, and Mike Johnson in particular is whining about it.
I grew up Catholic too. Yes, there are 613. There are a lot of things that aren’t taught.
But didn’t go so far as to call them “wrong” or “false”?
@WaterGirl: yes when Mrs. Landingham died! He was standing in the National Cathedral I think and he was pissed at God.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Yet another reason why Biden is the best president of my lifetime. Also too, I doubt earlier iterations of Biden would have been this plain spoken. I really think he’s benefited by waiting so long to be President.
Being his age is a wonderful example of “No More Fucks Left To Give” and that statement is a poster child for it.
Now waiting for FTFNYT and the rest of the corporate media to decry him for being too abrasive or partisan or wtf phrasing they’ll use to beat on him.
Apologies if anyone has already shared this:
@Eunicecycle: Yep! I couldn’t recall how to spell her name, so I didn’t mention that detail. Righteous anger.
Jasmine Crockett 2036! (She can be inspired by Kamala’s two terms…I can dream)
@Sis: Makes me proud to be a Democrat, too!
@dmsilev: Biden was just telling it like it is. You’d think a MAGAt like Johnson would appreciate that. Oh, well. <shrug>
@jimmiraybob: Only 10 in Exodus perhaps?
Not to be a pedant, but what else are Internets for: doesn’t this actually make them exactly like Strom Thurmond? Thurmond threw a whole third party campaign because he was outraged at the basic democratic principle that white supremacists shouldn’t be allowed to disenfranchise everyone who wasn’t them. The only difference was that he didn’t have the votes to have his way, let alone impose it nationwide. Trump is what Strom Thurmond would’ve been if he had half the population behind him.
@WaterGirl: One of the 613 comes out of Deuteronomy 24:1:
“When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.”
@Sis: That’s a good one.
I like how nearly all of the current democrats they show are people of color. The only two I caught that are not were Sherrod Brown and Nancy Pelosi, and I can’t think of two better people they could have chosen
They also had at least 3 young pups who are Democrats, too.
@EarthWindFire: Give ’em hell, Joe!
@topclimber: Nope, about 130 in Exodus, per search of Ken’s link (#15).
Betty Cracker
The West Wing was great TV, IMO. People complain about it not reflecting reality, and it doesn’t. It often portrayed Republicans as patriots who put country over party. But it’s a TV show, so a fantasy element is okay! ;-)
i’m willing to take Johnson at his word and believe that his thought process is a raggedy-assed assortment of mushy parables and weird admonitions, without a hint of any logic anywhere to be found.
@NotMax: Thanks for supplying. Saw it last night, and it’s a great example of identifying bullshit and shovelling it outta here.
And do like hearing from Rep. Crockett, who I hope can stay sharp.
@topclimber: “Only 10 in Exodus perhaps?”
I’m not a Biblical expert or, FSM forbid, a theologian, but the Old Testament contains 613. I did not know this until I took a class on Spinoza (and one on Maimonides) at a synagogue.
But, if you are a literalist fundamentalist Christian, waves at Mike Johnson, I don’t know why all of them aren’t the Word of God.
I assume that calling for the posting of all 613 would be quite controversial and would bring the wrath of the literalist fundamentalist Christians. And the MAGA know nothings.
@WaterGirl: Ah, Truman. If I remember my history correctly, the “sure thing” Dewey supporters were just as whiny about “getting hell” from Truman as Trump supporters are about it from Biden today. Same as it ever was.
Thanks. I’m never sure if posting links is OK.
Good, more pounding on these traitorous hacks. Every day and twice on Sundays
Harrison Wesley
I dunno. When it comes to MAGAts, I have to agree with Speaker Johnson. I’d much rather they solved their problems by picking up a Bible than by picking up a gun.
That is inspiring af. I hadn’t seen it, so I’m very glad you shared!
@Betty Cracker:
Abigail at LGM has pointed out that the best thing TWW did from a reality point of view was introducing a whole generation to the idea that work in politics could be exciting, inspiring, honorable, and generally just a worthwhile pursuit. This at a time when the view that politics was just inherently dirty and crooked was mainstream and very few people were arguing the opposite.
Which pretty much gels with my experience at American University in the mid to late 2000s where a lot of people were going into politics or public service of some kind. TWW was one of the shows that would reliably be on in the dorm rooms.
remember, if you mix fabrics, like 60/40 cotton/poly blend, you are going to hell
cheeseburgers? hell
I can’t remember — if your brother dies are you required to marry his widow or is it forbidden?
Normally I’d not post a bare link, without adding some context and commentary. But it’s the Jewish list of commandments, so there is plenty of commentary available.
Another Scott
ICYMI, has Jill Biden’s prepared remarks:
Good, good.
More, please.
Since this is a totally open thread: I have a cat problem (yes, again). An intact male, maybe 2 years old, (Wesley) has showed up (appointment to get him fixed on Tuesday) and he’s a total bully to my small colony of cats. Just now, Callie, the sweetest, quietest, never makes a sound cat, let out a blood curdling scream., She was safe inside one of the cat houses, but Wesley was right outside it. He’s intimated all of them. My kittens won’t come out to eat. All this intro is to get to this question: I’ve put him in the large dog crate in my garage where I kept the feral four. Would it be OK to keep him in there until Tuesday? And will getting him fixed solve the bullying problem? He’s very friendly and I’ve asked Indy Humane to take him for adoption but they can’t get to him until May 25!!!
In my earlier life I was not much into fabric blends but, boy o boy, after my first cheeseburger I was dedicated to a life dooming me to hell.
Also too, does mixing meats on pizza also doom one to hell?
hahahahah perfect
Another Scott
Meanwhile, …
Tish James: “Victory WILL be mine.”
@jimmiraybob: no, it’s the ham and pineapple 🍍
Uh oh.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
We went thru this way too many times back in rurl Misery.
Obviously getting him fixed will help…in the long run. The various permutations of our 20-year colony showed that bullying doesn’t stop overnight and it can often take years for such behavior to subside…if it ever does.
Keep the big guy in the crate until he’s fixed, then turn him loose and see what happens over a week or so. 90% of the time we did that, they’d simply vanish upon release.
If he doesn’t and it’s not too much of a pain, you can always keep him crated with litter and water while waiting on Indy Humane or something else to appear.
Good luck and thank you for doing this.
@Another Scott: I know nothing about that, what’s the backstory?
@dmsilev: this is a good thing .. making those GOP people squawk will force the media to pay attention to the attacks and cover it.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
He should do it even more at that point as pure defiance and when he wins he can thumb his nose at them
@Another Scott: Obviously Trump already has someone working in the RNC mailroom, intercepting the checks.
@cain: Since the media mostly doesn’t promote the good things our side does, the best we can hope for is that the other side squawks, and the media covers the story because of that.
The Streisand Effect? One can only hope.
For instance, the llth commandment forbids swimming for a half hour after eating. Also, never sniff a gift fish.
@Ken: In what world would a sane union be writing a check to Trump? He would destroy them in a heartbeat.
Honestly, more left-wing Christians need to fucken expose and lay into right-wing Christians. Make it fucken uncomfortable. Call them out as hypocrites and bad Christians. Lay down some markers.
I am only moderately sympathetic to the protests I see on this blog (usually when our resident PITA goes on one of his boring anti-Christian screeds) about how #notallChristians. Yeah, we all know that not all Christians are right-wing assholes. But Christianity is still in command of a huge amount of social power and influence in this country in a way that other religions and atheism are not. Afflict the comfortable/empowered here. Stop demanding deference and nuance and pulled punches from others. Punch up, not down or sideways. Right-wing evangelical Christianity has power over all of our lives and those people need to get called out on their shit. And they need to get called out as Christians because they are building a fascist, discriminatory society in the name of Christianity.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Thanks. I doubt he’ll disappear. He tries to come in every time I open the door. I think he was a pet and got thrown away due to his behavior.
@jimmiraybob: Paul said that most of those 613 don’t apply to gentiles, which ultimately got extended to all converts to Christianity. But which ones don’t apply seems to have been controversial, and of course Christianists like Pastor Mike are highly selective about which they think are applicable.
Also lobster, scallops and shrimp.
Ned F
Actually there were 15, Moses accidentally broke one of the tablets, then there were 10.
Another Scott
It was mentioned here yesterday or so.
Warning TheHill (has autoplay video of acordion hands man):
(Supposedly they’ve given $30k to Democrats at the same time, IIRC.)
@Ken: Actually I think this could be a great strategy for the Union.
Report a donation to the RNC but never send the check.
West of the Rockies
Conor Friesdorf has a craptacular essay in The Atlantic about why we should vote for Nicki because Trump brings out the worst in everyone, Republicans and Democrats.
Hmmm… isn’t that why people should vote for Biden?
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Poor guy.
Sounds like neuter than crating for a while. I’ve seen some pretty amazing turnarounds but then I’ve seen plenty of no-change in terms of the cat-on-cat dynamics. We simply managed them, sometimes with okay results but most of the time managing the conflicts that never went away.
Investment in treatments for conditions affecting more than half the population is too risky? Especially given that it’s the half more likely to seek medical care in the first place? Misogyny in action — women’s lives just are worth less, so obviously less worth investing in.
@M31: Only if your brother died without children, which really meant without a son. The actual sin of Onan was that he refused to impregnate his brother’s widow.
coin operated
Just chiming in to say that O’Donnell’s A-block last night was on fire
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@West of the Rockies:
Does he write any other kind? That publication is another one that’s gone down the toilet since Jobs’s widow’s group bought it in 2017.
Another Scott
@indycat32: Once he’s been fixed, maybe look into Feliway. I believe that Blogmeister and others here have sung its praises.
Good luck!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Mrs Linn is one of the few non-children featured in the Oscar-nominated documentary short “The ABCs of Book Banning”.
I posted this yesterday. She was at a recent screening of the film:
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: ❤️🤩
That’s what happened according to various outlets: give first donation to RNC in years
That’s… pretty much what The West Wing did, yes, and at a time when “fuck the religious right” was a much less mainstream opinion, even if it was becoming so.
I saw this the other day and thought it was pretty good 👍
@Another Scott: Oh, he’s not coming inside. Would never trust him with my cats.
One of my pet news peeves is when an anchor says something like “Johnson, who doesn’t have a bank account…” Correct phrasing would be “who SAYS he doesn’t have a bank account…”. Because – yeah, no, I don’t believe him. The guy owns significant real estate. Did he buy it with cash, actual stacks of paper bills? What company would give a mortgage to a guy with no bank accounts? How does he get paid? How does he pay his bills? Does he go home every month to run around to the electric company office and the insurance office and all the various businesses that bill once a month to pay his bills in cash?
The guy has bank accounts. He just doesn’t want to report them. Someone should investigate that. Ronan Farrow?
Author be damned but the poem is a thing of beauty.
Do not show me a young rebel,
whose eyes are bright
and whose tail is bushy.
Young rebels are fine and good,
but they are merely doing
what the young are meant to do.
Show me an old rebel.
One who keeps punching
when his hands are arthritic,
when her hair is white,
when his friends are all dead,
when her knees are shot,
when it hurts him to pee,
when her shoulders are so bad
that it would be much easier to punch down
than to punch up.
Show me an old rebel
who keeps standing up after being knocked down
over and over again,
year after year,
decade after decade,
who after the thousandth blow
merely spits out a tooth
and says “Son, you have no idea what you’re dealing with, do you?”
Are you a young rebel?
Are you Sticking It to The Man?
Are you upsetting the gray brainiacs and knocking over their word castles?
That is fine.
Youth will youth.
But show me a young rebel
who became an old rebel,
who stuck with it through the setbacks and the beatings and betrayals,
who watched the hippies become yuppies
and the protesters become pundits and still kept a fire lit
amid the monsoons of infiltration
and the hurricanes of heartbreak.
Who will close their tired eyes for a final time
without ever once having cast them to the ground
or peered up in imploring subordination.
That, my friends,
that is a true spirit.
If you are still a fiery rebel
even as everything is ripped away from you,
I will be humbled and awed by you,
because I will know that you will carry that with you to the grave.
And I will know that whatever you find on the other side
will be met
with that same defiant glare.
And I will sing your song when you are gone.
by Caitlin Johnstone
So, Paul defies the Word of God in Holy Scripture? Everyone to the gates and don’t forget your stones!!! Bring out the stones!!
@Chris: No, I agree with you…. WW did it. We need to do it more.
Right-wing Christians don’t get to have Christianity. They don’t speak for it. They’re bad at it.
@jimmiraybob: you rang?
Dorothy A. Winsor
Whoever. It’s the subject of the verb “made.”
Apologies for the pedantry.
@TBone: TBone, could you please give a heads up on what your links are about? I don’t like to click w/o knowing the subject first. TY
Yeah, I think of that Truman quote often these days. We don’t have to make up anything about the Rethugs.
The truth about them is hard enough for many people to believe, on account of the MSM rarely thinking it’s newsworthy enough to cover, I guess.
@Wategirl So glad you posted the Lawrence video. I watched last night after someone mentioned it on the hell-hole formally known as twitter and was going to try and find a time to make a post on it today. It was great.
You shouldn’t omit the author’s name—Caitlin Johnstone—while quoting her work, just because you don’t like her.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I mean, that commenter was literally calling for the genocide (or at least the “destruction” of Christianity) of Christians as I recall and eventually went pro-GOP last year out of spite because people, including several self-described atheists, were calling him out. Oh, and accused several commenters of being pro-rape for insane, nonsensical reasons
ETA: They didn’t seem to make distinctions between left leaning Christians or right-wing fundamentalists
@Steeplejack: 🎶
Levitican code.
Covers everything from loan forgiveness to marriage to remarriage to how long women are supposed to remain isolated on the edge of town during their menstrual cycle.
O’Donnell was en fuego last night. I watched it live and got more and more amazed and impressed as he broke it all down in great detail—the horse-race press, the Klein fantasy nominating convention, the erasure of Kamala Harris—everything. And ending with the crushing observation that not one of the pundits’ dream candidates has rised a single cent for a presidential campaign.
Apologies if this has already been posted, but What the actual Fuck?
Doing a quick scan of the comments, bless all of you who work with, rescue, care for and do the TNR for these feral colonies. You are true angels.
Prerogative? It’s blatant misappropriation. If she bugs you so much, don’t quote her work.
@jimmiraybob: The argument was/is that they were covenants with the Jewish people so did not apply to Gentiles. One might question whether that means the “10” commandments (there are multiple versions) apply but Jesus may have mentioned them so they’re still in force. Back when there was a movement, mostly in the Confederate states, to set up government-sponsored monuments with some Protestant version of the commandments, I was greatly amused by the pictures of the Christianists bowing down to and worshipping the sculptures containing a commandment against worshipping graven images.
Okay, I have got to get back to work and stop doomscrolling the hellscape (I have a super limited curated list I checkout each a.m, but still hellscape). This was interesting (for a poll, which JFC, who knows anymore)
this is a much better insurrection game:
@West of the Rockies: I see young Conor is still at it. He didn’t get a great reception here when he was invited to be a front pager.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: that wasn’t me that was in the original tweet! Didn’t seem right to me but you can’t change the tweet!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It looks like utter shit. Very poor design imo. You can tell it wasn’t made by good artists
Beyond that, it’s just incredibly sad
Mike in Pasadena
Need a cigarette after watching those clips. I don’t smoke. Ok, maybe a joint.
Dont miss on yahoo dot com the article from the LATimes, “I attended a trump rally so you don’t have to. . .” Author quotes what trumpty dumpty says instead of translating trump’s gibberish into coherent English. Reveals much.
@indycat32: I’ve always found that projected aggression is a sign of wanting more attention from their human. You might also playing with him more often.
My two black cats, one is super sweet and the other is also sweet but has an asshole streak in him where he goes after his brother at a particular time of day. I call them Lav and Kush, but they are more like Cain and Abel.
I also keep feliway around.
Speaking of cat issues – my one cat has been peeing all over the place. The vet found crystals in her urine, and we have her and the other 3 on medicated food. But after 2 weeks she was still peeing. So, over teh long weekend, I did a massive soak carpet with enzyme cleaner and let it sit for a few hours and then ran a carpet cleaner, and then a dry powder cleaner every where and then completely cleaned with bleach and enzyme all the cat litter boxes, got rid of the old stuff and it’s been 4 days now or so and there hasn’t been any peeing so far!
I also replaced door handles with handles with locks. The smartest of the cats frequently goes and opens ALL THE DOORS she can and then she and her gang of sycophants go around and fuck things up. I never know what the day brings. :D
@Steeplejack: is this a book report, a bibliography, or a comments section? Leaving off her name is my comment.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@WaterGirl: I know it wasn’t you. I couldn’t stand it anyway.
Wollman Reality Test: problem or inconvenience?
Author: Robert Fulghum
@dmsilev: He’s not even calling them racists. He’s saying that even the really racist fuckwads tried to actually govern and at least adhered to election results, even as they tried to take rights away from brown people.
And he’s right.
So, an update on hubby. He’s in the ICU because his kidney problem is pretty severe. I did what Yarrow suggested and went home after he was admitted around 11:30 last night. He’s probably going to be in here a couple more days at least. They think his stent may be clogged from all the kidney stone debris. That’s probably because he wasn’t drinking enough water after the procedure to remove the stones. So it kept getting worse, but he kept telling me he was “fine”. He already seems better, although he didn’t eat much this morning. Wish I had called several days ago, but of course hindsight is 20-20.
@Eyeroller: This never made sense to me. Especially by those that tout a never changing Bible as God’s Holy Word. An endless game of picking and choosing what fits your message.
The Christians that I hang out with are considered the greatest of sinners by the right-wing of the faith – primarily for choosing so many of the Words of Jesus that come off as woke in support of diversity, equity and inclusion. It’s ever been so, those that frame a literalist, fundamentalist orthodoxy declaring all others to be the unorthodox betrayers (heretics). Bring out the stones! Light the pyres! Kill for the faith in God’s name!
I’ve said that a few times. In fact, if they don’t do that they are contributing to the drop off of people who longer are Christians because the right wing Christian wing is more interested in being modern day pharisees than actual Christians. Everyone loses.
Well, the crate experiment was an unmitigated disaster. Litter everywhere, food and water dishes overturned. Anybody interested in adopting a cat? He’s very pretty, gray on top with white underneath and extremely friendly. But probably best if he’s an only cat. :)
@Steeplejack: furthermore, may I refer you back to comment #33?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Soprano2: Yeah, deciding when to call is one of those things you only learn to do by doing it, ie when it’s probably too late.
@Soprano2: I would forgive yourself here, you can only go with what your hubby says. In the end, you acted decisively despite him and he’s getting the help he needs.
@Soprano2: beaming good intentions your way. 💙 Hang on.
@NotMax: Klein’s comment about how the Presidency is Performance.
I’m still shaking my damn head.
@cain: That is too funny about the doors. I’ll try spending more time with him. Maybe I can wear him out so he won’t harass the other cats.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Soprano2: I send you my best wishes. I think of Bemused Senior’s medical care (very different situation, cancer) and I wish I had acted sooner on occasion but there’s no going back.
@Another Scott: you win this thread IMO.
@Steeplejack: The discussion about the money was key. Biden’s raised a lot. If Ds lacked confidence in him, he wouldn’t be pulling in the $$.
Paul in KY
I think if Pastor Johnson ever loses his job or zest for it, he should take up acting. He’d be a shoe-in for any ‘nebbish serial killer’ part. If I was auditioning for that and he walked in the door, I’d just sigh and leave.
Mike in Pasadena
@Mike in Pasadena: sorry for the bad tip. Article, opinion piece, from LA Times was not as good as I had been told. Good, but not for the reasons I’d been told. Glad I made the suggestion on a nearly dead thread.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): There are a number of “kill the left” games all over the place, usually very loosely hidden. There are several on Steam that are basically “play as Kyle Rittenhouse as he murders a bunch of people in ‘self defence'”, for example.
And they’re all terrible quality. People don’t buy these games for fun – they buy them to get liberals angry, and for a small amount of wish fulfillment.
@TaMara: oh, yay!
Paul in KY
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: He could have mentioned 4 or 5 more, at least!
@Subsole: Gee, sorry I never learned any of those. //
Paul in KY
@WaterGirl: Pres. Biden should use that line again. ‘As Harry Truman said all these years ago:…’
@TaMara: I’m almost afraid to ask how it works. If you do something to earn a bonus, does Pence get hung or AOC get found?
Paul in KY
@jimmiraybob: They have a hard enough time with 10. 613 freaking commandments would have them returning to Animism.
although, is text an image?
Paul in KY
@Chris: Then Batshit McChimpy and Darth Snarley came along and shit all over that.
Paul in KY
@M31: Is she menustrating at the time or not? Used to have a flowchart…
@cain: I don’t think he was ever a front pager here. What did I miss?
Paul in KY
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Probably a Williams product. All their pinball machines are cheap crap.
Paul in KY
@Soprano2: Best of luck. With my mother, it’s an all-day chore to get her to drink enough liquids. She grew up in poor Northern England during 20s – 30s, so water was generally a nogo & that has persisted. We get her to drink juice & Pedialyte. She drinks tea alot, but that only helps some.
Paul in KY
@indycat32: Can you segregate him in a room by himself?
Sister Golden Bear
Paul in KY
@WaterGirl: I think you have to knock down all the ‘Commie Police’ targets twice and then the ‘Hang Pence’ ball catcher will open up…
@Paul in KY: He’s not in the house and I have no place inside to put him. Also my indoor cats would go nuts.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Understood. :-)
And you aren’t just going to hell. You’re getting beat to death with rocks by the rest of the community.
@Paul in KY:
Batshit McChimpy and Darth Snarly are precisely when TWW viewership especially among young people considering a public service career went through the roof. It was key to the wish fulfillment that kept it running for seven seasons, in fact; real life politics was such a dumpster fire that watching a relatively sane and law-abiding president in fiction was a breath of fresh air.
@Paul in KY: Agree!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
That commenter is an idiot and a clown.
But every time he says something dumbassed, a few people chime in to basically say, “not all Christians are like that”. And yes, we know. But the ones who aren’t like that should, IMHO, remember if it isn’t about you, then it isn’t about you. We need to be able to talk about where power lies and the groups of people who have it — and use it unfairly — in order to destroy it. (Many) Christians explicitly claim Christianity as the reason that they would return us to the white patriarchal Dark Ages. So, if you are a left-wing Christian who disagrees with that, don’t get up in your feelings about it. Be secure that people aren’t criticizing you personally. And — quite frankly — I want to see left-wing Christians be more vehement about how right-wing Christians ARE DOIN IT RONG. I think there’s an impulse to be polite and that’s not helpful.
I call out straight white men all the time. Guess what? I’m married to one. He’s totally fucking on board with that. Sometimes, he does it too. And it isn’t because he’s self-hating or a beta or whatever else the right wing would say. He understands that I’m calling out a social system, not him as a person. That’s what I want to see from people.
He also curses at him in Latin. pretty ballsy.
Paul in KY
@Indycat32: I would probably just take him to the animal shelter.
Paul in KY
@Chris: I never watched the show myself.
Paul in KY
@Suzanne: Rock on, Suzanne!
@Paul in KY:
<narrows eyes>
One of many leaders in sounding the alarm within Evangelical world about the dangers of right-wing Christian Nationalism is Tim Alberta. All should check out his book, “The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism.” Or check out his reporting at the Atlantic.
There are those within the ranks that are currently, and have been for some time, calling out the dangers of right-wing Christian Nationalist extremism. It’s a destructive force to both the Church as well as secular government. They need a bigger audience. Please help.
For the record I get no commission.
@indycat32: He needs a big dog.
@Paul in KY: Indy Humane is the shelter and they won’t take him until May 25. Animal Control is full and they tell you right up front any animal you take to them will undoubtedly be euthanized.
Maybe there is someone who could foster him (as a solo cat) until the shelter can take him. (And maybe failed foster becomes adoption?)
@Eyeroller: Yep..that’s why the Catholic version of the Ten does NOT have the phrasing about graven images…while the Protestant and Jewish versions do. Also there are THREE versions of the “ten” in Exodus and they don’t really match up. See this for a really good explanation:
Paul in KY
@Subsole: I didn’t get the double entendre till after I had released it. I swear…
Paul in KY
@indycat32: Surely there’s a no-kill type of shelter up there in the mighty metropolis of Indianapolis!
Captain C
IIRC you have to try and get her pregnant. Also IIRC, that was Onan’s sin: he pulled out rather than father a child that would be seen as his brother’s, legally.
Captain C
@Ned F: Oy!