Much ado has been made about a possible realignment of Jewish voters into the Republican party, and most of it is cynical in nature and makes no attempt to understand that some things are simply not politically motivated. I am a registered Republican who has a tendency to vote libertarian, but to me, there has never been an issue regarding the defense of Israel. My support for Israel and Israelis has nothing to do with the fact that Jews may vote one way or another. The reason I support Israelis and the state of Israel is simply because it is the right thing to do. I see through the equivocation, relativism, anti-Semitism, and the other bullshit, and I simply have put my foot down on the issue in a way that previously have been hard to predict. Republicans are in support of Israel in spite of the traditionally Democrat Jewish vote, not because they are trying to swing a few votes here and there.
I am supporting Israel because it is the right thing to do. Period.