He should be fired for no other reason than the fact that he now has me aligned with Hesiod, Josh Marshall, the bankrupt black leadership (including Jesse ‘Hymie’ Jackson and Al ‘Tawana’ Sharpton), and EVERY online left-leaning blog, magazine, and journal. I am afraid to check Common Dreams, because if I agree with them I might have to end it all. But check out this gem in the NY Times. He has said it before:
Trent Lott, the Republican Senate leader who faces mounting criticism for his comment last week that the nation would have been better off had Strom Thurmond been elected president in 1948, expressed a nearly identical sentiment two decades ago.
After a fiery speech by Mr. Thurmond at a campaign rally in Mississippi for Ronald Reagan in November 1980, Mr. Lott, then a congressman, told a crowd in Jackson, “You know, if we had elected this man 30 years ago, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are today.”
That is officially a pattern of disgusting behavior. Goodbye, Mr. Lott. I don’t even give a shit if you have to resign and the Democrat governor of your state appoints a Democrat and it goes back to 50/50 in the Senate. You have done more to damage race relations than 50 Jesse Jacksons. Good Riddance- and hey, don’t worry- David Duke found a job when his political career ended.
Also, speaking of the bankrupt black leadership, check out this little bit of internecine racism directed at Harold Ford from members of the Congressional Black Caucus as reported in Time (link via Sullivan):
“Democrats have to come up with some answers. Voters are tired of hearing us just say no, no, no, no all the time,” Ford declares. “Even when we’re right, they don’t want to hear it.”
The quotation also describes the hostility Ford’s bid to lead House Democrats provoked from backward-looking members of the older generation of black activists and politicians, including some of his colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus. The sheer meanness