Not too often these days that I wake up and check the NY Times and find good news, but today is a rare exception. Cardinal Bernard F. Law, the Catholich church’s Richard Nixon, has resigned in disgrace. Now, maybe he will free to cooperate with authorities and make things right for the hundreds? of lives he and his compatriots have ruined.
I just hope this does not take any heat off of Lott, that unreconstructed redneck needs to have his ass handed to him as well. You hear me, hillbilly boy? I am not gonna stop carping on you until your pillow-case wearing, cross-burning, cofederate flag waving ass is thrown out of office. Because of your unrepentant racism, we now have opportunistic jackals like Krugman trying to paint the entire party as the inbred, backwards-ass haters that you and your Council of Concerned Citizens have shown themselves to be.
If Lott does not step down, that is it for me and the Republican party. I am only a registered Republican so I can vote in the primaries, and that doesn’t really matter here in WV. Time to just go Independent, which is how I have been voting for 8 years or so anyway. I just refuse to be associated with a party that accepts overt racism (let alone latent) from the leader of the Senate. And the Democrats are no better- they manage to bridge the gap of racism in a manner only Democrats can- they somehow accept white racists like Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton while still keeping Robert K.K.K. Byrd and Fritz Hollings mollified. Explain that to me…