I think the hardest job in sports is coaching the Ohio State University Football team. You could go 10-1 every year, win the Rose Bowl, but if you lose to Michigan, you get fired. Clearly, the second hardest job in sports is serving as Serena William’s sports bra.
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Kevin Holtsberry
I don’t think that is true anymore (the OSU part). I mean look how long it took them to ditch Cooper and then it was mostly discipline problems not losing to Michigan. Now that Tressle has cemented his legend he can probably retire at OSU. The days of lose to Michigan and get fired are over.
Actually, I doesn’t even look like Serena is wearing a sports bra.
Pala Hou Anikava
I am a full-time die-hard fan of you Serena Williams, and I love you in all your entirety.If the second hardest thing in sports (as they say) is serving as your sports bra, I would be the happiest man to serve that duty.After all, you are my star anyway.Whoelse can do a better job of serving you as your sports bra than a thirdworld child!
Laikim yu nating tru!
Solomon Kimutai, Cornelius Kosgei
We would like to attend one of your tournaments but we are unable financially.We live in Kenya.Please Serena kindly assist.
Solomon and Cornelius.