Better start hustling in some more Republican scapegoats, guys. Apparently California is still suffering power shortages:
California lurched into its first electricity emergency of the year today after the state was hit by soaring temperatures in addition to power plant and transmission line outages.
The Stage 1 emergency, which means the state is within 7% of running out of electricity, comes a day after energy officials said California has adequate supplies for the summer but that generation or transmission mishaps could bring blackouts.
Under California’s three-stage emergency alert system, the state is far from declaring blackouts. But the emergency declaration, declared at 3 p.m. today, underscored how fragile the balance is between supply and demand in the state only two years after the energy crisis.
Andrew Lazarus
Every court that has looked into this has agreed that the failure to police deregulation allowed the energy companies to perpetrate a massive fraud.
Why are the low-level “scapegoats” (I don’t think Republicanism had much to do with it) busy plea bargaining?
John Cole
I was talking about the attempts by the Democrats (Molly Ivins in particular) to throw this all on Bush.
Sauce for the goose, John. Bill Clinton got blamed by some of the loonier elements of your party for everything short of the heartbreak of psoriasis. (And I’m not sure there isn’t a tape around somewhere of Jerry Falwell trying to pin that one on the Big Dog too.)
Let Molly have her fun. Y’all will get your turn again someday soon.
Andrew Lazarus
JKC, it’s one of those plagues you get for playing with the Clenis.
Laurence Simon
Can’t blame Enron or Texans this time. Nyah nyah.
David Perron
Hmmm…what’s the common denominator here? Not Enron. What, oh what, could it be?