‘Moderate’ Democrat Oliver Willis links approvingly to this sign, which states “Nobody Died When Clinton Lied.” Does this mean that Democrats are now admitting that Clinton was a liar and a perjurer? How refreshing.
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President Clinton lied about a private sexual affair he should have never been asked about in the first place. Nobody died, our national security wasn’t endangered.
It’s a damn good thing that no Iraqis died during the 4 day bombing raid Clinton ordered, which Clinton partly attributed to intel suggesting that Hussein was trying to get nukes & was hampering the inspection process.
It’s a damn good thing that no black Africans died during the bombing raid on the aspirin factory, based on false CIA intel.
Finally, it’s a damn good thing that someone doesn’t die every time over-the-top rhetoric is being thrown about. Come on, OW. What’s gotten into you, lately?
M. Scott Eiland
I see that Oliver belongs to the “Clinton never lied before or after Monica came along” club. Obviously, Bob Kerrey was on crack when he described Clinton as “an unusually good liar” years before anyone heard of Monica. Oh, and Clinton’s lies about why he was withdrawing his middle class tax cut pledge and the Lani Guinier nomination? Never happened. That clears up *so* much.
*closed-captioned for the sarcasm impaired*
Barney Gumble
How many died because of a Clinton lie? None. Monica might have gagged, but she didn’t die.
According to the Dems’ logic, Clinton’s relying on faulty intelligence to bomb an aspirin factory constituted a “lie,” and yes, Virginia, that indirectly led to some deaths.
mike the analyst
So apparently from this post we can anticipate a New Democratic Party Slogan:
“Yeah, we lie, but our lies don’t kill anyone… except maybe in Sudan.”
And Kosovo… again going by their definition of “lie.”
scarlet pimpernel
I think the notion of Bush lying about the war can’t help but remind us of the last president’s mendacity. Clinton’s lies, or at least the ones anyone bothered to take him to task on, were limited to his sexual escapades, whereas with Bush… well, we’ve got soldiers dying just about every day. I don’t condone Clinton’s practices, but they didn’t really effect me or the nation as a whole, whereas with Bush it’s like we’re all wearing the blue dress now.
The reality is that American foreign policy has been built on lies since the end of the second world war, designed to line the pockets of the arms industries and the rich. Clinton was just one of a long line of guys who created the conditions that led to 9/11. I suggest you _all_ go and read some Noam Chomsky and see how long the lies have been going on and how many people have been killed by American forces or their clients. If you deny the truth of your own governments documents then you’re all guilty.
Lies? The lying liars are talking about lies? That’s funny. That’s like net gingrinch using and abusing the gov. to impeach someone for lying about a blow job while he is porking a young woman 1/2 his age and cheating on his wife at the same time. Like that Livingston fellow who had to quit the speakership before he even got it after newt fell in shame. He got outed for being a lying cheating two-timer and resigned in disgrace…while Clinton’s poll numbers went over 70%.
There’s only one thing i hate worse than a liar, and that’s a freaking hypocrite.
But even when Clinton lied, no one died. Bush’s lies have killed tens and tens of thousands, and it ain’t even close to being over yet.
>>>now admitting that Clinton was a liar and a perjurer?
Every life lost in this war is one too many.
He doesn’t even care.
He’s never gone to war himself. Kerry has. He knows what it’s like out there.
If we can impeach someone for lying about SEX, what should we do with a man who lied to start a WAR?