For the life of me, I do not understand why smart people say stupid things so frequently, but here is a whopper from Matt Yglesias:
Once again it looks like the administration may see the light and get the UN involved in Iraq. I really hope they stop dragging their feet on this, because the longer they wait the harder it’s going to be to get it done.
Sheesh- talk about re-writing history. This administration has ALWAYS wanted the UN involved in Iraq (Despite the objections of many people, including myself). Where we have been at odds was with the UN failing to follow through on their own resolutions, and in the post-War era, the issue is not UN involvement, but how much control we would have to cede to the half-wits. Remember, these are the same people who turned down our offers of security and then blamed us anyway for not guarding their compound.
UN involvement can come in many forms… what I don’t want to see is them ending up running the show. Even when they have competent people on the ground over there, the UN mucketymucks will always find a way to foul everything up.
The Bush Administration wanted the UN to rubber-stamp its decisions, not be “involved.”