Unlike Oliver, I do not think this weird New York Times piece is a right-wing smear job (seriously- stop giggling), but I must admit I thought it was weird when I read it last night.
From what I read, Mrs. Dean (actually Dr. Dean, as she is an accomplished doctor), seems to be quite comfortable at home with the kids and the pets. If we were to pass judgement on that sort of attitude in the Cole household or elsewhere in WV, I think the words used to describe her decision to stay home would be ‘sane,’ or ‘normal.’ In fact, she sounds a helluva lot like many of my neighbors in our hometown.
I wonder if Paul Krugman is going to freak out on Jodi Wilgoren for this puff piece.
One could make an equally (as if that’s hard) that it’s a left-wing piece designed to garner sympathy for the poor, harrassed Mrs. Dean.
I really don’t know what to make of it. Who on earth could possibly find fault with Mrs./Dr. Dean for avoiding the limelight?
Dean’s wife isn’t Hillary, therefore pointing this out is a “hit piece.”
It was weird, seeing about 6-8 details of the article published yesterday on the Drudge Report with the huge-fonted headline “Where Is Ms. Dean?”, as if she’s out in the back yard, using kittens as target practice.
M. Scott Eiland
“Dean’s wife isn’t Hillary”
*Scott makes a check in the ‘plus’ column for Dean, then thinks about it and adds another one to make sure appropriate credit is given*
I don’t think it was a “hit piece”, just a sorry attempt at it.
Misha I
They may think so, but I consider that fact a ringing endorsement.
Heaven forbid we should ever see another Hildebeest.
Nope, not a right-wing smear job, but one has to wonder why no one is asking, “Where is Bob Dole?” or “Where is Dick Blum?”
Why is it that the only time people ask to see a politician’s spouse is when the politician is male?