Many times I am accused of hastily writing posts- saying things like “It is pointless to argue with Democrats.” Every time I do, someone states that I am going overboard- that not all Democrats are the same, etc. Recently, Gary Farber has rightly made similar claims. I say rightly, because most of the time I do not mean ALL Democrats, even though I think it is rather clear who I am talking about- the fringe elements within the party, so Gary’s crtitiques are often pedantic arguments about semantics and rhetoric.
At any rate, so as to clear up any past confusion and avoid any future problems, when I make sweeping statemtns about ‘the left’ or ‘Democrats,’ recognize I am not talking about everyone, but those represented by total ASSHATS like Atrios.
Today’s entry from everyone’s favorite ignorant phys. ed. teacher is just a gem:
Election in Spain
So far, going against Aznar’s party, PP.
…looks like George’s only friends are Blair and Islam Karimov.
In other words, terrorist have changed the outcome of an election in Spain, using the deaths of 200 innocents to bully a population into submission- and this is a victory for Atrios.
Human debris like Atrios are not a reasonable, ‘moderate,’ political opposition. They are swine, incapable of viewing anything in the world through anything other than an irratiuonal hatred of George Bush.
Andrew J. Lazarus
I don’t suppose it’s possible that the Spaniards think the PSOE will do BETTER at squelching Al Qaeda? Isn’t the assumption that Aznar’s support for the Iraq War (whether sincere or simply to align with Washington) was useful in the war on Al Qaeda entirely circular? After all, the evidence is that Aznar DIDN’T defend the homeland successfully.
By your logic, the fact the American people voted for Republicans in the elections after 9/11 shows that Al Qaeda wanted the Republicans to win.
Emperor Misha I
That was an interesting non sequitur, Andrew. May I have another?
How ’bout this one: The elections of ’02 showed that Americans are made of a different stuff than EUnuchs. When we’re hit, we don’t get down on our knees and beg the thug not to hurt us anymore.
But I guess we’ll see just how “effective” the socialists will be in defending Spain. As long as they keep giving al-Qa’eda everything they want and as long as they keep having something that al-Qa’eda wants, I suppose it’ll work.
John Cole
Andrew- I have not staked a position at all on this- I am just disgusted by Atrios’s position.
Atrios is the one who is politicizing the MAdrid attacks, not me.
Jeez, I could swear that from the looks of his post, Atrios is politicizing sunday’s election, but that’s just me. How dare he!
Atrios is a jackass, there is no doubt.
DO what I did and stop reading his lame blog. You’ll find that your IQ will go up, and your blood pressure will go down.
Not reading Atrios also cures cancer and prevents retardation.
Andrew J. Lazarus
Hey, Misha, that’s just begging the question. Although referring to EUnuchs is just asking for the reply support of invading Iraq is a Viagra substitute. (Not, incidentally, my belief, as there are so many other reasons it was stupid.)
M. Scott Eiland
“By your logic, the fact the American people voted for Republicans in the elections after 9/11 shows that Al Qaeda wanted the Republicans to win.”
Only if you think that a situation where a vote takes place three days after a terrorist attack is the same as one where an election takes place *fourteen* months after a terrorist attack, with multiple signficant events happening after the attack in the latter case (including the Afghanistan campaign).
Nice try, Andrew.
Michael. I don’t know, you still believe what Cole blathers about. Sounds like you’re still a retard.
Cole –
I know you still have your panties in a bunch over the whole being totally wrong over the Iraq war and all, but before you accuse anyone of being swind due to their irrational hatred of George W. Bush, you had better consider your own irrational support for his irrational and failing policies.
Emperor Misha I
LOL Andrew.
Seriously, though. M. Scott Eiland brings up another couple of major differences.
Of course, if you INSIST that the timing of the attacks were coincidental and that they weren’t meant in the least bit to put pressure on the Spanish population days before an election, not to mention that Aznar going from being a sure win to a loss in that same couple of days having nothing to do with the attack and overall strategy of our enemies, then go right ahead.
I just ain’t buying, ‘s all.
As to the future of Spain? Well, it IS the future, so the best I can do is to go with my gut feeling. Time will tell if it’s right.
However, there’s no doubt that the election results in Spain will serve as a big “you go, al-Qaeda” and that it’ll lead to more of the same.
I almost chuckle whenever I see some liberal assailing GWB’s “irrational and failing” policies.
I give credit to GWB for at least having a “policy,” unlike his faint-hearted predecessor.
I just wonder if the new Spanish PM will become one of the world leaders who Kerry says wants him to win, but won’t say so.
The history of Islamic terror in France is well-documented… Somehow I don’t think they’ve scrapped plans for France since 1998, when they first made clear their attempts to keep Hussein in power.
As long as it hurts Bush, screw the lives of people in this country and elsewhere. The hatred is just that deep now.
CadillacJaq- Is GWB’s policy to waste American lives, money, and goodwill on useless invasions?
I’d be chuckling at the fact that cons still support GWB’s policy if it weren’t for the fact that it is my country his policy is f’ing up.
wallster: you call it a waste. I call what we experienced as a sitting president for eight previous years a waste… a total waste of opportunity.
Your guy had more talent and brains then about anyone that held the office and could have accomplished some great things, but look at his dismal performance. At least GWB is doing something besides posturing and making noise.
Yes, I chuckle, that some of the folks like you on your side of the fence are so blind. It’s pitiful.
Hatred of George W. Bush is only irrational insofar as a love of liberty is irrational.
Kimmitt, hatred is eroding,and that ain’t good.
Ah, so you guys have the “good” hatred, Kimmitt.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Is it just me or you engaging in some world-class fringebaiting? (Assuming, of course, that Atrios qualifies as “fringe.”)
Jeebus, if I wrote “When I say ‘Republican’ I mean microencephalic fools like Misha or Cole” you’d rightly be all over me like flies on shit.
I’m not Muslim and still I have an irrational hatred of Bush. I also hate Kerry. I hate anyone who would allow DUI laws as is in this country. Making so many more criminals of the state, therefore enemies of the state. They lost all my respect with the ramming morallity through legislation down our throats. If someone wants to sin and go to hell that’s their buisness. It ain’t the governments.
Sounds like somebody got nicked for DUI…
Andrew J. Lazarus
HE DID SAY SO. (Owned!),13918,1166063,00.html
Getting wasted may be a sin, but driving while intoxicated on a public highway puts everyone you come across in danger.
Pay your f’n fine, wait your time out until you get your license back, stop getting plastered & then driving and then stop whining.
Andrew J.
Please, if possible, post a link showing the times and places that Kerry “met” with any foreign leaders when the alleged conversations took place that he’s avoiding discussing now… otherwise is it fair to conclude that Kerry is just another liar running for high office?
“Please, if possible, post a link showing the times and places that Kerry “met” with any foreign leaders…”
“More leaders;” that’s the ticket!
M. Scott Eiland
“Please, if possible, post a link showing the times and places that Kerry “met” with any foreign leaders…”
Maybe he met with Jerry Lewis–he’s kind of a French leader, isn’t he? And Rosie O’Donnell has to be some kind of royalty in Dimwittia.
Except Jerry Lewis is supporting Bush… And at the time of the original claim by Kerry, the Spanish PM would hardly be considered a “leader”.
M. Scott Eiland
“Except Jerry Lewis is supporting Bush…”
*Scott pictures legions of rude waiters wailing and tearing their hair when that news reached France*
I thought Lewis was a diehard Democrat, who hated Republicans?
I know there’s a congressman named “Jerry Lewis” who supports Bush….