At least the Democrats can quit whining about not having enough money (a lie they have peddled for years):
John Kerry may be only a candidate for president, but he and his entourage travel like kings. A month ago, his campaign began chartering a gleaming 757, packed with first-class seats, fine food, sleeping accommodations – even a stand-up bar. They hardly shy away from fancy hotels, like the Four Seasons in Palm Beach and the St. Regis in Los Angeles.
Late last year, Mr. Kerry’s campaign was so broke that the senator had to mortgage his own home to keep the presidential effort in motion. Now its finances are soaring, the result of a surge of more than $100 million in contributions after the Super Tuesday primaries in March. That has given Mr. Kerry the distinction of being the best-financed challenger in presidential campaign history.
The swelled coffers, spurred by money raised over the Internet, has allowed Mr. Kerry to pour money into the race at a pace that rivals spending by President Bush’s campaign. In fact, he spent more than the president in both April and May.
Again, factor in the unions, the NEA, the NAACP, NOW, the advocacy groups, George Soros.
Of course, you missed this part “However, the president still held a 2-to-1 advantage in money in the bank last month”
You do know that’s normal for an incumbent, right?
Since you make the claim, can you tell me how much “the NEA, the NAACP, NOW” have raised for Kerry? It’s pretty sweet that you can combine political orginazations with fundraising orginazations as though they are the same thing. The only one of those that you’ll see actually gives money is NOW, and it only gives $5k to a candidate! It doesn’t raise money!
John Cole
Don’t be stupid, laddy.
The unions, the NEA, and the NAACP, operting with tax-free status are little more than unoffical arms of the DNC.
Nice try.
Glen England
However Kerry travels to his fundraisers, he doesn’t do it at taxpayer expense. You have heard of Air Force One, haven’t you?
Two points, you’re post is about fundraising not political arms of National committees. Having said that there are as many political arms on the right. Second, these orginazations do not raise funds, the three groups that I mentioned do no fundraising, they are poor orginazations that are issue advocates. So support from the NAACP helps in organizing and reaching out to Black Voters, much like the Pro-Life groups help the Republican party organize. The NEA, helps with people who care about education, just like the Right to work council (though they do help to raise money) helps Republicans with business people who are afraid of unions.
Secondly, the reason Kerry has been so succesfull this year is because of small donor fundraising, partially through the internet. No democratic candidate, save Dean who put together the fundraising model has ever done that.
It’s also not nice to call your readers stupid, considering that they may acutally have more intimate knowledge of specific issues than you do.
That’s “Richard Mellon” Soros to you, bub.
John Cole
Laddy- I will trade you the NRA for the NEa, the NAACP, NOW, NARAL, etc.
And I did not say you were stupid, I said don;t be stupid. Everyone realizes the massive influenceof the political arms of the ‘non-partisan’ groups you mentioned.
No need to go back and forth anymore, there are political groups on both sides, I would venture to say they are 1:1 but again everything in politics is a zero-sum proposition. A lot of these groups aren’t $$ groups, which was the point of your post.
Apparently Kerry also went to only the “finest” boarding schools money could buy. This “poor” democrat is OUT OF TOUCH with reality