To those of you who doubted me yesterday when I said Josh Marshall is nothing more than a two-nbit hack, Paul begala with a degree- check this out.
Marshall links approvingly to a painting claiming Iraq was all about oil and states:
“A painting that rather sums up President Bush and Iraq.”
What a tedious fool.
*** Update ***
A reader notes this Mencken quip:
“It is the classic fallacy of our time that a moron run through a university and decorated with a Ph.D. will thereby cease to be a moron.”
Russell Wardlow
Sums up rather well what a jackass JMM is.
The blog is called “Talking Points,” not “Thinking Points,” for obvious reasons.
If it’s all for oil, where’s my dime-a-gallon gas, huh? Huh?
Al Maviva
This is news, John? Please.
Josh Marshal is basically Joe Conason with slightly better manners; Sid Blumenthal without the lawsuits.
M. Scott Eiland
That shot of JM on his site only shows him from mid-torso up. I strongly suspect that the shot was chosen to conceal the fact that his posterior is the size of a small planetoid–given all of the stuff he pulls out of it to provide material for his blog.
“Josh Marshal is basically Joe Conason with slightly better manners”
I think the problem is, he’s departing the Conason zone and approaching the Corn-itude.