I guess Oliver is gunning for the Jesse Jackson Race Pimp award today with this post:
Blacks? Don’t Need ‘Em
Regardless of the NAACP’s endorsements, it is the leading organization for civil rights for black Americans.
That is Oliver’s reaction to Bush turning down a request to speak to a group of people who have compared him to the taliban, told him that he is little more than an apologist for the confederacy, and paid for and produced the odious Byrd dragging commercials. I am shocked, shocked, I say, that Bush won’t speak to them.
Furthermore, the notion that the NAACP is a civil rights organization is for me a topic of debate. I see them as nothing morethan an illegal arm of the DNC, operating under the financial loopholes provided to ‘non-profit’ organizations.
What civil rights advances has the NAACP championed lately? What have they accomplished, other than to entrench themselves into the Democratic party to such an extent that both parties can ignore them.
The notion that the NAACP fights for all blacks is just absurd. The notion that they are fighting for civil rights is also questionable. Go look at the criteria for the ‘civil rights scorecard’ issued by the NAACP.
Wait until the the NAACP voter guides come out- it will look eerily similar to a the Democratic party platform.
*** Update ***
After reading this post by Jesse, in which he makes a total asshole out of himself, I have changed my mind. Bush should send Cheney, who can promptly tell Julian Bond and Kweisi Mfume to go fuck themselves.
Francis W. Porretto
By Oliver’s lights, President Bush can do nothing right. Dubya could singlehandedly cure cancer, capture bin Laden, and locate the G-spot, and Oliver would have something dour and graceless to say.
“Like Kryptonite To Stupid” has acquired a very hollow ring. The self-exalted Mr. Willis needs a major transfusion of humility.
He’s made the transition from amateur agitprop to professional agitprop fairly smoothly, though.
The NAACP scorecard is laughable. “We’re scoring people on whether they agree with our position, but we’re not going to explain our position.”
M. Scott Eiland
Yeah, and if Clinton had gotten an invitation to attend the gathering of a political group headed by Richard Mellon Scaife, he would have gone–rather than give them the finger and go on with his life. Sure, Oliver.
If anything, GWB has been too tolerant towards that nest of vipers.
Perhaps true, Scott, but Bird Dog made an excellent argument over at Tacitus as to why Bush should go.
It wasn’t an excellent argument in the least. Using his logic, Bush should speak to the KKK and International ANSWER, since he should speak to all Americans.
John? Calling me an asshole? That’s…totally backwards! The universe…collapsing in on itself…
It’s a jibe at Bush’s “compassion” area of his website, where compassion is basically defined as being around black people (at least until he got caught, at which point some white folks were thrown into the mix).
It would help in your never-ending quest to prove me wrong if you didn’t seem like a total fucking jackass every time you did it. We aren’t even talking about being correct, which is still seven or eight steps away for you. This is just you not crashing and burning so spectacularly every time you’re wrong. If you think you can handle that, I highly recommend you try it at some point.
Out of curiosity, is this the same “jesse” who a year or so ago demonstrated with his daily posts at atrios just what an immature little fuckwad he was???
How dim-witted do you have to be to realize they are inviting Bush to speak, in order to display their contempt for him, by preventing him from speaking at all. Such an event would go over as well as Tiny Tim, singing “tiptoe through the tulips” at the Apollo.
Scott Chaffin
I’ll say the same thing that was said to me the last time I tried to engage those guys: why waste your time? It’s not like they’re going to change.
I used to think I could get them to at least acknowledge an argument, but nope. It’s all Republican conspiracies and Democrat sweetness & light. You get the cussin’ race-pimp Jesse in the bargain with Pandagon, too.
Of coure, it’s just a “jibe” — no bitterness or demonization intended. And no link to the “compassion” he’s jibing either to help make it clear that he’s jibing…something.
M. Scott Eiland
“Perhaps true, Scott, but Bird Dog made an excellent argument over at Tacitus as to why Bush should go.”
I saw it, and I respectfully disagreed with my fellow guest poster at Tacitus. If some representatives of the NAACP requested a meeting at the White House with GWB, I’d be in favor of him agreeing–that’s a statesmanlike thing to do, and there wouldn’t be any point in them grandstanding in a private meeting. Going to a public meeting of an organization that has treated him with nothing but derision and contempt for over four years is not the right way to go, IMO. My Clinton/Scaife hypothetical is a precise counterpart of what GWB is facing here, and he’s doing well not to give the NAACP the finger that I suspect Clinton would have given Scaife.
John Cole
Excuse me for missing the humor in stating that the President is a racist whose only way to interact with blacks is to hug them.
M. Scott Eiland
Nice bunch of commenters over at Jesse’s place. Looks like the cesspool over at KD’s site has a leak.
This is the same NAACP which ran campaign ads during the 2000 race which implied that the men who committed the pickup truck dragging murder went unpunished because of Bush. The fact is that they were convicted of capital murder, and two received the death penalty from predominantly white juries. Aside from the deceit, I understand this was the same sort of 501C violation which got Gingrich in so much trouble.
Back when businesses could put out signs reading “Help Wanted – No Irish Need Apply” the Sons of Hibernia was an important civil rights organization, and its leaders were big men in the community. Now they help plan a parade once a year and hold the occasional fund raising smoker. The leadership of the NAACP lives in terror of the same fate.
But if Bush addressed the Sons of Hibernia, count on some number of commentators pointing out that he’s pushing an anti-gay agenda, since the Sons, iirc, have protested the inclusion of gay marchers in their sponsored parades.
This is the same NAACP, of course, that turns its back on Justice Thomas, yes? And yet doesn’t say word-one about Ted “House Nigga Condi” Rall? Or did I miss a press release in there?
Ken Hahn
The Black “leadership” have sold out to the Democratic Party. The socialist domestic agenda locks African Americans into the lowest economic classes and provides a secure vote base for Democratic politicians. It does however make conmen like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton very rich. Almost every proposal backed by “civil rights” organizations promotes feel good-do poorly Democratic programs. The Democrats have no incentive to create middle class Blacks or Black innovators. The “civil rights” leaders have no incentive to abandon the gravy train.
So, in other words you’re saying it’s the Democrats who are always keeping the black man down?
Whoever said it was the dhimmicrats who keep the black man down was right on the money.
One sign of intellectual incompetence is trying to achieve meaningful change by repeatedly doing the same thing that’s never worked before.
Now if the NAACP would endorse Bush and tell american blacks to vote republican, that would be a sign of growth, change, and a willingness to get out of a very nonproductive rut.
“Bush ain’t speakin to the NAACP….and Whitey’s on the moon”
Don’t know why that catchy little number just popped into my head, but it’s Friday.
what a sad bunch of phoney conservatives, genuflecting and shilling for absolutely every lie brimming from our court-selected prez’s collective mouth. You racists are just more sad gop cowards.
Well, that was a complete waste of bytes.
To anyone that has GWB’s ear:
Send in Cheney and have him read Bill Cosby’s latest speech… if that doesn’t go over well, then Cheney can tell ’em all to go fuck themselves: big time.
Of course, Oliver likes to see folks call conservative blacks “handkerchief heads”, so no one should be suprised.
Al Maviva
I completely agree with Oliver and Jesse, that Bush should show at the NAACP conference, in order to get shouted down and screamed at. Anybody who wants to be president, has to speak to all Americans.
Which is why I’m anxiously awaiting John Kerry’s visit to a Counsel of Conservative Citizens meeting.
I mean, that’s what civil discourse is about, right? President makes a speech to organization, organization calls him a lynch mob leader. Fair dinkum…
Is Jerry Springer also invited?
Ken Hahn
Bush speaking to the NAACP would not change one vote, why bother?
“Wait until the the NAACP voter guides come out- it will look eerily similar to a the Democratic party platform.”
I would say that it is kind of the other way around — that the Party is extremely attentive to minority interest groups.