Remember the Jay Rockefeller memo that explicitly called for Democrats on the Senate Intelligence to use their position for partisan political gain? I think that would be an accurate case of politicizing intelligence, not the vacuous claims made below. And you do remember the response from the Democrats when caught red-handed plotting to politicize national secrets:
“Hey- How did you get that memo?”
Pretty stupid of them, yes. Almost as stupid as lying to Congress and the American people to launch an illegal war.
I agree, Carl. Damn that Lyndon Johnson to hell!
“…lying to Congress….to launch an illegal war.” Pray tell. Carl, what knowledge and facts support this absurd formulation…or have you simply overdosed on the bile and other crap being regularly shoveled out by sites such as “atrios?”
And FDR, too!
Carl’s vitriol sounds like he might have held French oil stock… pisser.
“…plotting to publicize national secrets”??? Get a grip, John.
Hey, you sure it wasn’t masked leftist bandits going through your garbage cans? (hooowwl)
Andrew J. Lazarus
What do you think was on the Republican side of the server?
Robosnark time?
“What do you think was on the Republican side of the server?”
A whole dumptruck full of red herrings, most likely. I can smell them from here.
Terry et al.: Naw, no French oil stocks. Just someone who believes, based on unchallenged reporting, that Bush told Congress that Iraq was close to getting nukes because he knew nukes were the only thing that would get Congress off the dime and give him the resolution he wanted. Now, if you can impeach a man over lying about a blow job that had nothing to do with the ongoing criminal inquiry — and I happen to think you can, even if it’s a politically stupid move — surely you can impeach him over lying to take the country to war? Or have y’all all drunk the Kool-Aid?
I’m going to need a cite in order to even consider the question, Carl. Specifically, you need to back up “that Bush told Congress that Iraq was close to getting nukes”.
I could Google it, but it’s your point, not mine.