When Republicans claim they might use the ‘nuclear option’ to overcome Democratic filibusters launched to stop the confirmation of judges, they do themselves a real disservice. The Republicans are not the one going nuclear- it is the Democrats who already have, and the more dimwitted on their side of the aisle feel brazen enough to chirp publicly about it:
Why would we give lifetime appointments to people who earn up to $200,000 a year, with absolutely a great retirement system, and all the things all Americans wish for, with absolutely no check and balance except that one confirmation vote. So we’re saying we think you ought to get nine votes over the 51 required. That isn’t too much to ask for such a super important position. There ought to be a super vote. Don’t you think so? It’s the only check and balance on these people. They’re in for life. They don’t stand for election like we do, which is scary.
There it is, in one tiny, tidy paragraph. I think we should send Mrs. Boxer some roses.
Again, the use of filibusters against nominees in general and judicial nominees in particular is neither new nor partisan. Bush 43 has enjoyed a 95% confirmation rate. Throw us a fricking bone, and we’ll confirm your judges, we promise.
M. Scott Eiland
Personally, I find it a lot more frightening that California has elected a Senator with the apparent intelligence of a clump of dryer lint to three terms in office–California Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for putting up such limp resistance.
Clint Lovell
The only thing worse than the Democrat’s extra-constitutional charge to use a minority position to govern is the total lack of conviction by our party to get on with this and be done with it.
What do they think we elected them to do? Preen in front of the cameras and the editorial board of the NY Times?
It’s going to be high time to serve notice on these supposedly “stalwart” Republicans that if they think they can continue to use the old Democratic Party trick of style over substance that we will seek to supplant them with people more concerned with actual governance than with the desire to be celebrities on the national stage.
My House Rep. is one of these losers (Kevin “I Don’t Have To Listen to You” Brady). I’m here to tell you that all I have gotten from his staff has been a big fat wad of disrespect and arrogance.
He’s got his. He’s got it in the bank. So it’s going to be time we get ours while there is still something left.
Yes indeed. When election season rolls around for Mr. Brady (and Mr. Cornyn and Mrs. Hutchinson) they are going to find some rude surprises are in store for them as well as the status quo Republicans who have also already sold us out.
If this means a new party – so be it.
If this means we destroy the Republican Party so we can save America and the modern conservative movement – light the fuse.
Got a match?
Ron Phelps
tough talk clint. but I’m afraid I agree with you.
the dems – the gop
have both gone to hell in a hand basket.
What the hell are we going to do.
the idea of spending 10 trillion dollars on war and 5 dollars on the poor doesn’t really set well with me.
I didn’t vote for bush but I really don’t know why I voted for Kerry .. the lesser evil perhaps.
give me that damn match.