And you thought the bickering was out of control when it came to Fahrenheit 9/11. You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet:
The horrific events of 9/11 will be getting the full Hollywood treatment – courtesy of Oliver Stone and Nicolas Cage.
The Paramount project will retell the story of John McLoughlin, who will be played by Cage, and William Jimeno. The two Port Authority police officers were rescued after being trapped in the rubble at Ground Zero.
Jimeno was pulled out after 12 hours; McLoughlin came out after 22 hours.
So now 9/11 is going to get the JFK treatment, with probably the same outcome on the weak-minded and vulnerable. That means in 20 years, I am going to have to argue with my students that planes full of Klansmen, Haitians, and Mormons did not really hijack trains and run them into buildings. And I’m with Mickey– someone stop Oliver Stone.
Does anybody else think it’s funny that the only movie about the War on (Some) Terror is one with a very-graphic sex scene between puppets?
Klansmen, Haitians, and Mormons…
Oh come on! Given the demographics of your blog, you know the coming legend about the 737 hijackers will be creationists and Dobsonian zombots. “We’re coming, Jesus!”
Notheless, the Jooz still knew all about it in advance.
Good point, Veeshir.
Geek, Esq.
While I cringe at hearing Stone’s name as much as anyone, from the description of the film it sounds like it focuses on the human experience of the victims and heroic folks on the ground that day.
the only question is whether Stone will be able to resist showing Bush reading My Pet Goat…..
hopefully, he won’t be able to.
FX is doing a drama called Over There about Iraq. it looks pretty gritty, but I don’t know much more about it. I will have to check it out.
p.lukasiak – Was it you who brought down Dan Rather? Or do you share the same name as the AWOL conspiracy guy? Just curious.
I’m guessing this will be another “Alexander” for Stone. Who wants to hear it from him?
Think of it as an opportunity; you can show the Stone film, then the Timothy Bottoms Bush-as-steely-eyed-warrior-god flick “DC 9/11: Time of Crisis”. America of 2005, presented in a nutshell.
Nice work, p.luk!!!
All the left managed to bag in return was one Jeff Guckert “Gannon.” I’d make that trade over and over again.
H/T Stormy.
You wish. The corruption of this administration has been pretty well exposed. Even the polls are reflecting it.
“You wish. The corruption of this administration has been pretty well exposed. Even the polls are reflecting it.”
Yes but they also reflect that people don’t much like your side either:
Even after the war, the economy, the endless twittering from your liberal allies in the media and Europe, people still barely think Democrats have a clue. Sad really about what has happened to a once great political party taken over by leftwing lunatics.