Medium Cool is a weekly series related to popular culture, mostly film, TV, and books, with some music and games thrown in. We hope it’s a welcome break from the anger, hate, and idiocy we see almost daily from the other side in the political sphere.
Arguments welcomed, opinions respected, fools un-suffered. We’re here every Sunday at 7 pm.
Tonight we’ll conclude our 3-part series: The Worst of Everything, the First of Everything, and now the Best of Everything.
Tonight let’s talk about the best of everything.
Best movies your have sent?
The actual top best movie you have ever seen, if you had to pick THE BEST?
What’s the best kids’ TV show you remember?
The best grown-up TV show you remember seeing as a kid?
Best book you remember reading not for school? We might have to do this one by decades.
Best mystery series you read?
Best fireworks?
Best ballet?
Best play?
Best musical?
Best play or musical you were in?
Best book you remember reading in school?
Best teacher?
Best concert you attended?
Best concert you attended with friends?
Best holiday dinner ever?
Best food craze you remember?
Best food craze you got caught up in?
Best record you bought?
Best album you bought?
Best librarian or teacher?
The best of everything! Have at it!
Medium Cool – from Worst to First to Best (of Everything)Post + Comments (138)