WV Blogger Don Surber has learned that the RNSC will begin carpet-bombing the state with anti-Byrd ommercials starting tommorow. Looks like they decided it would be wise to soften up the landscape for Shelley Moore Capito’s run.
Personally, I am excited, because this will be the first real Senate race in WV in, well, over two decades.
BTW- What do you all think of this for a WV Blogger icon?
*** Update ***
The ad is here. Don Surber reacts. My reaction- it will cause a s***-storm.
Meanwhile, Byrd is running rightward now that he’s facing a tough reelection bid. He signed on as the 60th sponsor of the gun bill, and approves of Roberts for the Supreme Court.
The icon looks like Sprees candies, the colors are so pretty.
Tim F
I think that the icon should look like a VW logo but downside-up. Then say something like, “in the highway of life there are bloggers and there are commenters.”
M. Scott Eiland
Hopefully, one of the ads will set Byrd off on one of his senile rants while a camera is running, providing the ammuntion to deliver the coup de grace to the Grand Cyclops of Pork.
The Grand Cyclops of Pork…let’s not forget Sen. Stevens of the great state of Alaska as well…but his little idea of extending FCC indecency standards to cable was the last straw for me.
Both of these gentlemen have served their states very, very well ($$$$$), but I am embarrassed for both of them anymore.
I think this is a more appropriate logo. Harkens to the Mountaineers’ fate in whatever post-season NCAA play they manage to earn.
Tim F
Another Jeff
Good link, Tim. It’s nice to see that the guy at America Blog has gotten over his infatuation with Jeff Gannon’s cock and moved on to more important things.
I guess Capito is running leftward since she voted against CAFTA last night. Wait, I forgot, only Democrats position themselves, Republicans are principled!
Tim F
That’s right, it’s all about Americablog. Yep.
Re: Bush’s finger.
Eh, looks like his index finger. I’m more inclined to believe that kid who said Bush flipped him off from inside a campaign bus last year, and he doesn’t have any photographic evidence. Maybe the video is more convincing, but I don’t have Quicktime at work so I can’t comment on that.
Don Surber
Dude the WV icon rocks!
Rick, I think that foto was shot by Senta Goudy of the Parkersburg Sentinel in 1983. Made the wire as we said back then. Worldwide.
yet another jeff
I don’t know about that logo, shouldn’t that be for West Virginia Online Magaziners instead of Bloggers? After all, it is a campaign issue.
I know the photo’s as old as the WV hills. I just hope the critter’s been picked up by now.
JOHN: Nice tinkering, etc., etc. But are you going to get some archives going in this thought-ghetto? I’ve got some notion of responses I want to pursue, but can’t always remember the post titles, and have to click&scroll, click&scroll forever. You had a good archive menu in the old arrangement. Can it be resurrected here?
Bernard Yomtov
Grand Cyclops of Pork
Somehow I doubt that criticizing Byrd for bringing lots of pork barrel spending to WV would be an effective campaign tactic for the Republicans.
“Somehow I doubt that criticizing Byrd for bringing lots of pork barrel spending to WV would be an effective campaign tactic for the Republicans”
Actually, you might be somewhat surprised if you asked anyone that lives south of Beckley. They’d tell you that Byrd must not know that part exists. Maybe it’s because not enough tourists will come by and see his name on things.
First thought about the logo – “Wolksvagen?”
Somehow I doubt that criticizing Byrd for bringing lots of pork barrel spending to WV would be an effective campaign tactic for the Republicans.
I dunno; you don’t think his proposal for homeporting the Atlantic Fleet at Wheeling (to be closer to the Robert Byrd Drydocks) was a bit over the top?
These commercials rock. Byrd, along with Kennedy, is the last of the old school liberals. To paraphrase the president, we’re goint to smoke ’em out, get ’em on the run, and catch ’em.
Don Surber
“I know the photo’s as old as the WV hills. I just hope the critter’s been picked up by now.”
Sorry for the long delay in replying. First I had to clean the coffee from the monitor ….