Another story on the backlash from the Kelo v. New London SCOTUS decision, this time in Missouri.
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[…] In the comments to the ‘Kelo’ story, IOCASTE writes: […]
by John Cole| 8 Comments
This post is in: Politics
Another story on the backlash from the Kelo v. New London SCOTUS decision, this time in Missouri.
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[…] In the comments to the ‘Kelo’ story, IOCASTE writes: […]
I wish people would stop calling this a “backlash.” The Kelo decision was premised on the notion that these are decisions for the legislature to make — not the courts. Every time a local legislature acts to limit the power of eminent domain, it is doing exactly what the Kelo majority envisioned.
goonie bird
Looks like our imperial judges have opened up a hornets nest and have gotten stung and some could be feeling the backlash against their unconstitutuional ruling and its proven to be what happens to imperial liberal judges
The Institute for Justice, which represented Kelo et al, has plussed-up their ‘Castle Coalition’ in the past few months, and they’ve had a pretty good round-up of eminent domain issues as a result. You can find them here.
Their “Current Controversies” page has an interesting rundown of eminent domain issues and is depressingly long.
pmm, Interesting. For a — I don’t know, human? — look at what’s happening to people whose property is being taken, check out the video here. Scary. You get an idea why these people are look for help from anywhere. If this ain’t a backlash, it should be.
This is a backlash, and it is wonderful! People have finally woken up (at least on this issue) and decided that their individual rights are worth fighting for. It seems so hard to get the idea into peoples’ heads that, hey, it could be your property, your freedom that is taken away next. But once they figure it out, you can stand back and watch the fireworks. Yay democracy in action!
iocaste said it perfectly, this is exactly what Kelo supports, local legislation working towards fair and just decisions when eminent domain cases arise.
Maybe, we can use emminent domain to replace walmarts with buisinesses that generate more and better jobs on the premise that these jobs generate more taxes for the government? Wow, looks like the govenment is everybodies massa now, workin for the tax collector.