Things that will make the WH cringe:
Bush Braces As Cindy Sheehan's Other Son Drowns In New Orleans
WASHINGTON, DC—According to White House sources, President Bush is bracing for intensified criticism following Monday's report that the body of Tyler Sheehan, son of outspoken anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, was recovered from the receding floodwaters in New Orleans.
Although the White House has not released a statement, a firestorm of controversy is expected to follow the death of the dynamic, well-liked young man, who was working on a levee-upkeep crew while completing the EMT-certification training he needed to become a firefighter.
Geek, Esq.
So wrong it’s right.
That article was way too funny. Folks at Kos were having a hissy ‘coz someone created a diary linking to it.
…it’s Kos.
goonie bird
And bracing for more dumb clucking froma real dumb cluck
If this is your idea of humor then you’re one sick dude.