Which staffer got Orin a camera-phone?
It started around the time Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) observed that the “hearings were dignified.” Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) whipped out his camera phone and snapped a photo of Leahy.
Thus began Orrin’s Excellent Adventure yesterday at the Senate Judiciary Committee. As the panel voted to endorse John G. Roberts Jr.’s nomination to be chief justice, the fifth-term senator composed a digital photo album.
Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) complained about Democrats’ “loyalty to their ideological and single-interest groups.” Hatch took a picture.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) asked if Roberts would “lead us on the path of continued equality.” Hatch snapped a photo.
Good grief.
Surreal. Most of them are probably just using their phones to surf for porn.
Patrick Lightbody
I liked that article. I especially liked the contrast between two Republican Senators.
That’s a good link. Sen. Graham is a budding McCain in that he manages to say the bipartisan, moderate thing, and even come across like a maverick at times, but his actual record is hardly moderate.
Hatch must be practicing for a new career as freelance photo journalist. Maybe he can pay for start up costs by selling these uniquely positioned historical photos.
goonie bird
TED KENNEDY will go to New Orleans to see the strippers