I have insominia tonight, and a packed schedule tomorrow, so I doubnt I will be blogging until later in the day.
Consider this an open thread to discuss goings on. Food for thought:
Did Vince Foster kill Terri Schiavo?
by John Cole| 65 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
I have insominia tonight, and a packed schedule tomorrow, so I doubnt I will be blogging until later in the day.
Consider this an open thread to discuss goings on. Food for thought:
Did Vince Foster kill Terri Schiavo?
Comments are closed.
Good luck getting to sleep. I used to have trouble with insomnia and it is awful. Hope it isn’t too bad tonight.
I always found eating and drinking and Turner Classic Movies were helpful. Also warm milk or hot chocolate.
Another thing that works for me is to just stay up and not worry about it. Unless I do this several nights in a row, I can just catch up on the sleep tomorrow or the next day and be fine.
If all else fails, register as a Democrat. If that doesn’t work, try the collected speeches of Joe Biden.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
A banana, washed down with milk.
John Cole
TCM is terrible for insomnia- the movies are too good.
This is an easy one–it only takes one false premise and one logical fallacy to irrevocably and undeniably prove!
liberals killed Terri Schiavo.
Vince Foster was a liberal.
:. Vince Foster killed Terri Schiavo.
Perry Como
Like many of the great questions of our time, the answer is a bit complex. Vince Foster drugged Mrs. Schiavo in 1990 which induced the original brain damage leading to her permanently vegetative, yet balloon following, state. After the initial attempt on Mrs. Schiavo’s life failed to produce the desired results, the Clinton administration started a campaign to appoint judges that would rule against the Schindlers after they used mass hypnosis (MKULTRA) to steal the ’92 election. The judges they couldn’t appoint were bought off or brainwashed in a secret bunker in Chappaquiddick.
So did Vince Foster kill Terri Schiavo? No. He would have been a zombie when the feeding tube was removed. And using a zombie-Vince Foster to remove a feeding tube would be silly.
eileen from OH
Herbal insomnia relief – melatonin. But you have to fall asleep in the brief window where it makes you drowsy or all bets are off.
Insomnia is a curse (note the time I’m writing.) But it’s also a weird blessing if, like me, your creative juices get flowing when the world is asleep. I’m a writer and I still do a lot of work at night, not so much out of insomnia anymore but as a carryover from the days when my now-grown children were babies and the only time I could concentrate was late at night. Of course then it was the legal pad and pencil, curled up under a blanket, listening to the lonely sound of nearby trains and waiting for the stirring of a restless babe. The former is still there, but late at night, I find myself still listening for the latter – wishful thinking, I guess!
eileen from OH
A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow – Bronte.
Perry is close to the truth. But his clearance obviously is not high enough. All these things happened within 24 hours:
1) Clinton announced Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy
2) FBI Director William Sessions fired
3) Vince Foster shows up dead
Connect the dots. No magic bullets allowed.
If you really want to stay up all night, ponder this. If our current ruler ends up limping along polling just a littler higher than Richard Nixon during Watergate for the next three years, what impact will that have on his limited mental faculties?
Prediction: As his faithful crumble about him, George will make Tricky Dicks’ paranoias seem quaint.
One word: Ambien.
The Comish (sic)
Or you could just vote for Bush. That means your brain is getting its sleep, even if your eyes aren’t shut.
Hey John, a good laugh might help – check this out.
You f’n wussy.
1:19 is like 6 pm to me.
It’s 2:30 and I’ve just fired up Battlefield Modern Combat on Xbox.
Old People.
Richard Bennett
Benadryl always does it for me, except when it doesn’t; then you need to add a little melatonin. Some people smoke pot for insomnia, but Scalia doesn’t approve of that sort of thing so I can’t endorse it. Presumably, even if you stay awake after some reefer you’re OK with it.
I hope you are asleep by now. :)
Right now I am so busy at work that I crash on the couch while watching TV. Usually during the show I most want to watch. Try turning on the most boring infomercial and zoning out.
james richardson
from reading the comments it sounds like we should take some ambien, melatonin, and smoke a bowl. if that doesn’t put you to sleep, try liquor.
Did Tom DeLay kill his dad?
The question is of course identical with the question “Did Vince Foster kill Terri Schiavo?”
It leads to search such pertinent questions as ‘What Liberal Media?’ and ‘Are ALL Republicans lying criminal sacks of shit or just those amongst them that they choose as their leaders?’
And talking of nonsense –
bizarre fact I learned: On the classic GZA/ Genius w-tang ‘Liquid Swords’ there is a quote that I always assumed was taken, like the others, from some daft Kung-fu/ gangster movie:
It’s from the Clinton Chronicles!!
Paddy O'Shea
How soon before Bush’s handlers figure out that the more he talks about Iraq the worse his numbers get?
Two polls since last Friday’s Iraq tirade, and both show a nosedive for the War President:
Gallup: 37% approval – lowest ever.
Rasmussen: From 46% approval-53% disapproval to 43% approval-56% disapproval.
I don’t know what Bush’s issue is these days, but it sure isn’t the war in Iraq.
Another Jeff
Harkening back to my single days and what I’d do when i couldn’t sleep, I’d suggest either Nyquil or wacking off, not necessarily in that order.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Anything interesting taking place today in the news?
Sominex or others generic sleep aids work just fine. they tend to recommend 2 tablets but you only need a half.
The problem with such things is that you have to predict when you are going to experience insomnia. Their effects last a full twelve hours. If you take a sleep aid at 4am and the meeting you’re worried about starts at 10, you’ve not helped yourself.
They are only therefore really useful for predictable disturbance of sleep patterns. For more immediate problems, I recommend a serious attempt to get to grips with Hegel.
I suspect you have it wrong. Terry Schiavo killed Vince Foster. Then it was necessary to keep her quiet.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Hahaha, Zach. I think you’re onto something there…
Paddy O'Shea
Disenfranchised Voter: What do you think of the current blog rumor that the reason for Bush’s trip to Japan and China is to beg for more loans so that he can float another round of what he hopes will be approval enhancing tax cuts? “Free Trade” in this case meaning the capital providers will be rewarded with unfettered access to the U.S. market without having to endure the indignity of our expecting any such advantages in return.
Why don’t we ever hear any of the *good news* about insomnia?
The Disenfranchised Voter
Hmm interesting take on the trip. Makes sense. I’ve come to believe that Bush wants to bankrupt the US as a backdoor way of cutting domestic spending.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Yea, the doom and gloom liburels are always calling it the “War Against Insomnia”. It isn’t a “War Against Insomnia”, it is really the “Liberation from Sleep”! Them damn liburel bastards! CURSE THEM!
Paddy O'Shea
I’ve heard a lot about the “starve the beast” theory on Bush’s fiscal madness, and I’m not sure I agree. That might be a bit too sophisticated an approach for George W. Bush. I think this is something more along the lines of arbitrage. They’re rendering the United States for profit, and the consequences be damned.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Oh I didn’t mean to imply that Bush really wants to shrink the size of the government as a whole. He’s all for big government. I just think they will use the deficit as an excuse to greatly cut only domestic entitlement spending and such.
what noone can be in any doubt about is that the Clenies are major operatives in the New World Order & the Bilderberg group etc..?
we’re just not thinking.. got to see the bigger picture.
what’s the biggest hoax perpetrated by the NWO as a control mechanism? is it to pretend we are controlled by humans when really we are controlled by lizards? that’s a big one. but not the biggest.
what about ‘evolution’? still not the biggest enchillada.
as Republican Senator James Inhofe has made absolutely clear, it’s Climate Change that’s the ‘greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.’
That hoax involves a lot of people: Vince knew about the giant heaters installed under the Little Rock mud. Terri fell in a hole on a trip to Arkansas.
Just got a great scam letter. I think it may have something to do with the fact I have “goppatriot” in my email. Here’s an excerpt:
When Libby and Miller were embedding each other, who was watching though the keyhole?
1) Dick Morris.
Paddy O'Shea
According to UPI it looks like Georgie brought his dad to China with him. It’s always good to have your best pal along when you have to deal with potentially troublesome adults.
Try reading Krauthammer on Israel. Any column will do. Read it to your Doberman.
If you have one of those channels that just shows real-estate listings, put that on. Lie down on your couch with a warm cup of green tea, and the coziest, warmest blanket you have, and comfy pillows. Turn out all the lights except for that channel. You’ll be mildly interested at first, and then, as the repetitiveness sets in, you’ll soon go into a slack-jawed stupor, followed shortly by sleep.
Weed works too, as does self-abuse. (Not that I’d know, of course.)
Ooh, looming fiscal hurricane caused by the Republicans.
Exactly how do Republicans manage to hold on to that aura of fiscal responsibility again? Under whose watch (uring the last 20 years) did deficits go down & employment go up?
Piece of gossip received last night from friend in Japan: rumor is that Bush and Kozumi will do a quid-pro-quo: in exchange for Japan lifting the ban on US beef imports, US will cut down on number of troops there (always a sore spot in Okinawa.)
..of course, just having Japan lift the ban doesn’t mean Japanese consumers will buy US beef. They are really, really worried about mad cow and are pissed as hell that we’re not testing all our animals.
Not second
Major Major Major Major
When Adam’s post was on the front page: Worked fine on windows Firefox, crashed my iPhone safari.
Win 10, Firefox (current). No locking up, stutters or blorps re: Adam.
WG, there’s a bug I keep forgetting to mention. On my laptop, a lot of the time when I click reply to a comment, I get a comment box with no @name link that (if I remember correctly) is sometimes uneditable. I do a hard refresh of the page, and the next time it works, but it sometimes fails again when the page reloads after that comment and I have to hard refresh again.
I don’t think I’ve seen it in my phone. I can live with it, but I figured you’d want to know.
I was reading on my Android phone, and I had no trouble with Adam’s post. However, I got to it through Feedly, and I never had the front page open.
Major Major Major Major
Btw, WG, you can make a tweet not “embedded” by removing the ‘class=”twitter-tweet’ part. Can remove the script element at the end too although i expect that doesn’t hurt a modern browser. You could try doing that to all the tweets on his post. Might be good to tell the front page crew about this one weird trick, in fact. Easier than a screenshot.
@Redshift: If you hit reply and the box pops up but there’s no @nym in there, just click the x to close the box. Hit reply again and @nym should be in there, and you should be able to comment as usual.
If that doesn’t do it, let me know.
@Major Major Major Major: I could do a number of things to try to see what the issue is, but I don’t edit Adam’s posts. Anyone else’s post, and I would, but not Adam’s.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: my #1 guess would be the TikTok, which are very rarely posted here.
@Major Major Major Major: A likely culprit, for sure.
@Major Major Major Major: Definitely easier than a screen shot! Though less interesting.
Ivan X
So, what happened? Did 3xxDC pony up? Or the attacked site? Was a third party negotiatior involved? I want dirt.
@Ivan X: I would love to know, also. Nobody is saying. The ransom demand didn’t go to 3xx data centers, it went to one of their customers. That’s not to say that 3xx couldn’t have paid it anyway, I suppose.
I subscribe to the theory that the double-secret unnamed customer was either banking related or a government contractor, so I would be surprised if they would have been allowed to pay, at least not if Russia was behind it, or oligarchs.
Maybe the lawsuit encouraged 3xx to hire some competent people to get them back on line. I doubt we will ever know.
But like you, I would LOVE to know.
Seems good now.
I am going back to bed.
Ivan X
‘@WaterGirl you earned it.
I think in that situation if you mash the Text button you will see the “replying to” nym and you’ll be available to compose a comment. But you will be in text mode.
Long night, thanks for all the work!
This is the first I’ve been able to do anything so I may be behind on what, when, why.
For me the site would start to load, load one to to three posts and stop. The thread info block had an x in place of the reload symbol and when clicked stated the site was locked up. Other sites worked fine. I restarted and shut down and back on, same result. iMac, Monterey 12.4 (latest) Safari 15.5 (latest).
I wonder if this is a residual issue or a new attack or just some glitch some where.
I see that others were having the same issues, at least with Apple/Safari. From what I understand Apple takes some different precautions than other browsers/op systems and I wonder if that might be the cause of the issues.
Oh, you mash buttons too? There’s a southernism that seems to be fading away.
Piano solo: “The Song of the Sea,” Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou
Someone should show this video to John: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RK4z_INJkg
Steve in the ATL
@Major Major Major Major: kept crashing on my iPhone as well
And you should feel bad
Ohio Mom
The front page works for me (obviously, I’m leaving a comment) but when I go to the page before weird things start to happen:
I can see the first part of Anne Laurie’s Late Night Edition but can’t get past the fold or comment; Adam’s post shows part of the headline only, then the rest of the page is blank.
if I scroll to the bottom of the front page and pick page 3, everything is fine there.
Ironic because after reading the first part of Adam’s post last night I wanted to comment that I read all his posts religiously, I do not comment because I have nothing to say. Didn’t want him him to think he was posting into the void but this bug means that is exactly where his post went.
ETA: iPhone
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Just saw comments on the Twit about resignations from the Cabinet of Boris Johnson. The first one appeared to be an obvious parody, so I didn’t immediately twig to the next couple being apparently genuine.
It sounds like Lord Flobalob is having a not exactly great day, and I can’t wait to read Tony Jay’s perspective.
Tony Jay
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
I’m about 65% popcorn and sweet Tory tears right now.
@Ohio Mom:
Exactly what happened to me on my iPhone 7 with both Chrome and Safari. On my brand new laptop–Macbook Air M1 running Monterey and latest Safari–I can’t scroll past the Anne Laurie header. All is well with Chrome.
J R in WV
Things are normal for me, using Firefox/Ubuntu, commenting is a little F’ed up, but it’s the same way it’s been F’ed up for a long time. Visual gui comment box is dead, as usual, text edit box is what I’m using and it appears to work ok.