Big one tonight, as the Steelers take on the Colts.
I wish I had a better feeling about this, but the Colts are tough, and the Steelers have looked shaky lately.
*** Update ***
I am watching the pre-game on NFL Primetime on ESPN, and I can not be the only person giggling at Michael Irvin’s “That was my friend’s crack pipe they found in my car” defense.
Brad R.
I feel sorry for you, man. You’re about to witness your beloved Steelers get dismantled. Don’t feel so bad, though- they’re just the best team in the game, period.
Bob In Pacifica
Suck it up, man. Yesterday I watched the Niners gets dismantled by the Tennessee Titans. There are years of greatness, years of near greatness, years of mediocrity. But it hasn’t been this bad for the Niners since the years before Bill Walsh arrived.
Crack is whack – Whitney Houston
Michael Irvin is a buffoon.
I actually believe Irvin. I don’t have any particular reason as to why, but I just think he’s being genuine. It is a plausable reason. He did drugs for a long time, it would make sense if he had crack head friends that he is trying to help out. I could be wrong, but I believe him. And go Colts!
John S.
The story does not say Irvin had a crack pipe. It says ‘drug pipe’.
Infer of it what you will.
Brad R.
I am watching the pre-game on NFL Primetime on ESPN, and I can not be the only person giggling at Michael Irvin’s “That was my friend’s crack pipe they found in my car” defense
Now he can spend his life searching for the real crackheads.
Mac Buckets
I was stunned — stunned! — to see MI88 on the pregame. So they 86 Rush for a whack comment about the media, and let MI88 stay on-air after the police bust him for warrants and a crack pipe in his car? Hitting the crack pipe, OK. Stating opinions as if one had been hitting the pipe, not OK.
John, this game will be a real test. Low expectations is the way to go — and a nice box of wine. Colts 31-20.
Innocent until proven guilty. They couldn’t take Irvin off the air for that. They could take Rush off of the air because they didn’t like what he said. And, really, why would anybody be upset if they took that thing off the air, even if it was for a comment that was probably misconstrued a little?
John Cole
Irvin said on ESPN ot was a crack pipe.
Lots of running game.
Gotta keep Manning off the field.
Kick off….
C’mon, Black and Gold.
Well, if the Colts win, my parents will be happy and they’re good people — they deserve some happiness. And I do like a team that uses the tight end effectively.
Still…Go Steelers!
Um, what the fuck, Jeff Reed?
Brad R.
Well, the Steelers are closer than they should be. Manning’s thrown for close to 200 yards in the first half and has 16 points to show for it.
I am no doubt wrong, but whenever I read your site and read you getting, um, angry, I picture your chin protruding like Bill Cowher’s does when he is angry at a lineman for a stupid penalty.
Bob In Pacifica
Irvin’s said it was his friend’s crackpipe?
Yeah, his friend Rush. Or maybe his buddy in the White House. It’s who you hang with that’ll bring you down every time.
By the way, those muscles in Cowher’s jaws are about to pop.
Clarification on the Irvin story — the warrant was for unpaid traffic ticket, which, come to think of it, I have had out on me before.
So, they have to arrest him, and in the process inventory the contents of the car (for instance, if you had cash in the car, the police don’t want to be accused of stealing it), and in the process find the drug parphenalia (sp?).
Don’t know if Irvin’s story is true or not, time will tell, but contra conventional wisdom, being who he is and what he has been through, and being ostensibly clean for about 5 years now, I think he gets the benefit of the doubt.
And, while I have no love for the Steelers, my 14 year old wanted the Colts, minus 14 points (point spread he made up), and being the crafty veteran, I just knew that 14 points was way too much . . . whoops.
I believe every single word of Irvin’s explanation. Of course it was his friend’s like he said tonight, just like it was his brother’s the other night.
Oh, and Clinton did not have sex with that woman.
Wow, the Colts Defense really pushed the Steelers around. I figured it’d be the offense doing the damage. Instead the Colts neutered the Steelers running game and then got to Roethlisburger a few times.