Just watched the Comedians of Comedy on Showtime, and while Patton Oswalt may infuriate some of you to the right, he makes me laugh hysterically.
There is one scene (late in the show) at the cabin, a scene I will call the ‘nice balls’ scene, that had me laughing so hard I cried and my cheeks hurt.
Otto Man
Hear, hear. Patton Oswalt is a genius.
And even if you disagree with his politics, I dare you not to laugh at his routines about the gay pride parade, TiVo, or 80s metal music. I’ll never look at the Nuge in the same way again.
John Cole
His routine about open mic nights always has me in hysterics.
Otto Man
I’m with you. The extended bit about that guy named “Dr. Pepper” in Toronto is hysterical.
Otto Man
One more post — sorry, but my wife and I were driving cross country for the holidays, and listened to the whole album again. The routine about the Martini and Rossi ad — that may be the funniest thing ever recorded.
“Did you hear Oswalt’s latest bon mot?”
I saw the show when they were screening the movie at SxSW (the four principals + Eugene Mirman, he of the anti-gay phone company calls). All of them were great, but special thanks to Patton Oswalt, who gave me the line “Your twat smells like a baby’s coffin!” as a terrific argument-ender.
Fascinating! What kind of toothpaste do you prefer?
Vladi G
Another movie for which Michael Penn did the music. He’s good friends with Patton Oswalt, as they both often perform at Largo in LA.
And Zach Galifianakis is hilarious.
The show on Comedy Central is a good addition to the movie. It follows them a little longer.