The NZ Bear and others are following Red State’s lead and are supporting the candidacy of John Shadegg for House Majority Leader.
While I am happy that the Shadegg candidacy is gaining momentum, I find it a little disheartening that the House Republicans need outside interference to make them notice that they maybe shouldn’t elect a Blunt/Boehner to succeed DeLay, but at least they are listening.
Curious, really, how you view him.
John Cole
Why? He doesn;t seem certifiably insane and he at first glance isn;t corrupt. With this group, that is saying something.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Heh, short and to the point John.
As for Shadegg’s chances, I think they are relatively slim.
He comes from old-line Republican stock. His father was Barry Goldwater’s campaign manager.
During his nut years or his libertarian/liberal years?
Going back to 1952, which I think was his first Senate campaign.
Thought I read some negative stuff about Shaddegg – probably in the comments here.
Ancient Purple
You did. From me and db. We both live in his district.
I mentioned that I would not support Shaddeg for ML because he refused to come clean about his vote on the DeLay Rule which would have allowed DeLay to remain ML even if indicted.
When I called his Phoenix office to ask how he voted, I was told that it was a “private vote.” I then called his Washington office and was told that his vote was “none of my business.”
In other words, he voted for the DeLay Rule.
Is that a Republican Caucus vote? If so, the “private” part is probably pretty standard. I don’t really know the House rules now that I think of it. Other than the fact that the body makes its own rules, which of course means the majority party makes its own rules.
Steve S
The main piece of legislation I’ve found his name on was something called the Health Care Choice Act of 2005.
Effectively what the Act says is that companies can sell insurance to anybody, and are only regulated by the State in which the company resides… not where the consumer resides.
That is, a company in Arizona could sell insurance to a family in Michigan, and only be responsible for insurance regulations of Arizona.
So that means, the family in Michigan would have no say over the company in Arizona. That is, the Attorney General and Secretary of Health who would enforce the regulations would elected officials, but not subservient to the opinions of the voting consumers.
In other words. Shadegg is not the heir of Barry Goldwater, but rather a Federal Govt Statist who doesn’t care a lick about state’s rights, or the rights of voters.
I’m not surprised the reds over at redstate like him.
Steve S
Exit polls on the DeLay rule.
There were a great many who said they voted Yay or Nay. So the refusal to answer is a sign that they supported DeLay but also knew they were not doing the right thing.
That’s not a sign of leadership, if you ask me.
I’m more disturbed by the health insurance vote than the DeLay thing. The GOP appears to be owned lock stock and barrel by BigHMO-BigPharma.
Shadeggellic. I nominate Ron Paul — he talks the talk *and* walks the walk, unlike the rest of that crooked bunch.
Where are Meshak and Abednigo–of is this the tattooed dude from Moby Dick?