The Senate has voted on the Gay Marriage Amendment:
The Senate on Wednesday rejected a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, but supporters said new votes for the measure represent progress that gives conservative Republicans reason to vote on Election Day.
The 49-48 vote fell 11 short of the 60 required to send the matter for an up-or-down tally by the full Senate. The amendment’s failure was no surprise, but supporters said the vote reflected growing support among senators and Americans.
“We’re building votes,” said Sen. David Vitter, R-La., who is among supporters of the ban who were not in the Senate when the amendment was last voted on in 2004. “That’s often what’s required over several years to get there, particularly to a two-thirds vote.”
From what I can see- this is as close as they are ever going to get with this amendment. There is no popular groundswell for this ban, it is not a priority, and I do not see the Republican majority increasing in November. In fact, election-year antics like this might cost them a few seats in the Senate:
Though some Republican candidates may relish the Senate’s current concentration on same-sex marriage and other ideologically charged topics, Senator Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island is not among them.
Senator Wayne Allard, sponsor of an amendment to forbid same-sex marriage, spoke to followers Tuesday.
“It may stir up my primary voters a little bit against me,” said Mr. Chafee, a centrist Republican up for re-election. He opposes the push for a constitutional amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage and is under intense pressure to back a proposed amendment that would forbid flag burning. “I’m collateral damage.”Other Republicans, including some conservatives, say Mr. Chafee may not be the only potential victim of what they see as a misguided effort to appeal to social conservatives by staging votes intended primarily to make a point about the party’s values. They say that voters are more concerned about the economy, health care and immigration, and that replaying the marriage debate in particular could do as much damage as good as Republicans fight to retain control of Congress.
The hardliners in the party seem to be under the impression that someone to the right of Rick Santorum can win in every Senate race- they just have to stand up to the lib’rul media and stick true to their ‘principles,’ as well as throw in a few election year wedge issues like this Gay Marriage nonsense. And when we lose control of the Senate, it will be those same hardliners, not missing a beat, blaming everyone but themselves.
All of this is completely spot-on, except that a lot of these hardliners don’t even realize that gay marriage is nothing but an election-year wedge issue. They’re quite serious about it and resent the implication that it’s just political bullshit. Which, of course, makes them both demented and sad.
He’s right. They just need to go balls-out and introduce a super-sized jumbo amendment bannning gay married illegal immigrants who burn flags and they’ll have a winner.
The political assessment here is fine, John.
But { cough } …
I’d have to say, it must take courage to say “we” in this context, because that makes you look like a member of the team, and nobody in their right mind would want to identify with that team. Yes, I know the history of yor writings on this, and no, I’m not overlooking any of it, but I’m just saying. Is it still “we” losing control of the Senate? You aren’t one of “them.” Your positions are mostly left of mine, and you have no loyalty to the Frists and Santorums of the world, any more than I have to the Bidens and the Clintons.
So I’m just questioning the “we” in this context.
Whom in this forum are you including in this “we”?
John Cole
I am still a Registered Republican. I voted for these guys. I own this mess. Hence the ‘we.’
John S.
If Cole still defines himself as a Republican – which he appears to – then the “we” on this forum would be Cole, Darrell, Brian, MacBuckets and the handful of spoofs that are written by whomever.
Guys….you know, I used to talk about “we” losing the House, back when “we” were the Democrats, and I was fed up with them. In one gubernatorial election, I even talked about working “to defeat my own candidate” (because I was given money, time, and effort to getting the Republican elected.)
Cole is being honest. Back in my home town, we used to value that. Did I miss the memo?
The Other Steve
They actually lost votes on the issue from the last time they did this.
Mass. was going to be this horrific event, and yet here we are several years later and nothing has changed. No armageddon, no rains of fire… it’s actually pretty boring.
Kind of makes you wonder what they are really afraid of.
That drives home the earlier post about certain citizens being terrified of change. Or did I read that some place else?
Well, that’s a stand-up thing to say, I must say.
When Biden and Clinton do their mealy-mouthed posturing, I sure don’t refer to them as “we.” I reject the Dems (or Republicans cough McCain) who sell the country down the river for their own political ambitions. I would rather put up with lunatic GOPers for a couple more years than elevate those self-serving #*^$#&*^ “Dems” to exalted status.
I think Vitter may take the prize here: “I don’t believe there’s any issue that’s more important than this one.” Say, you from Louisiana by any chance, Vittles? Oh, you are? Wow. Remember anything that may have happened there in the last year?
No, you read it here on the “Something to Think About” thread. I wouldn’t go back and re-read it, though. It got a tad heated. ;)
Mr Furious
Not to worry Boehner is getting ready to attack the same windmill in the House next month.
I’m glad priorities are in order.
I refer to democrats as “we,” myself. You know, “we need to grow a spine, we’re going to lose, we’d lose even if we had a spine,” that sort of thing.
Welp, it’s about noon. Time to start drinking again.
Tom in Texas
Krista admit!! You do not want others to read that thread because it deals with the true menace that lies north of our borders. You lax social policies and permissiveness of strange languages/cultures has given rise to our greatest fear: Violent jihadists in Ontario — minutes from our borders. Our failure to protect the Canadian border has allowed millions of potential mass murderers tro just stroll in here. Please PLEASE help us fight this threat. We MUST:
Secure our borders with a WALL (no pansy fences), land mines, and armed guards with orders to cavity search every third person — with refusal resulting in immediate execution.
Prevent any Canadian immigration here. We do not need these infectious viruses creeping up in our culture. No Canucks may marry in the US. All who currently are wed to an American must immediately move back to their TRUE home. As for children, I am inclined to let them stay if they are under 10, as I believe the resulting adolescence under only American influence will erase their previous poisoning. I can see there may be reasonable opposition on this, however.
Immediately begin a thorough search of Canada for any subversives who may attempt an attack. We cannot wait for UN or Congressional approval. The threat is REAL, and it is URGENT! And while we are there, a complete search for WMD’s or fertilizers is in order as well.
If these measures are not successful, further action may be necessary. However, I think we should hold on approving a full scale invasion until we know all the facts.
Tom in Texas
Note: The part from “Please PLEASE” on is a call to arms for others. I would not expect you to support this Krista, although if you do see the light we would love to have you on our side.
The Easter Bunny
Tommy Texas is in the house and speaking the truth! Represent, bitches!
Freedom is on the march in size-14 asskickers, and the bootprints of democracy are going to be stamped in the asses of any Canuckistanis who get in our way.
Yee-haw, mofos!
Tom in Texas
Mr. Bunny;
I do think we should handle this as more of an intelligence than military operation initially. There’s no need to go in guns a ‘blazin yet. We just have to protect our borders and find the evil subversives among the Canucks. There’s gotta be a prison somewhere in the Arctic we can stash them. The beauty is, not only are they terrorists, they’re CANADIAN, so this constitution all these moonies harp about doesn’t even apply!
The Easter Bunny
What are you, some kind of RINO? You’re either with us or against us, pal, so toot the Democracy Horn and hop onboard the Freedom Train and or we’ll throw your ass on the tracks. We’ve got no room for bleeding-heart moose-hugging pansies here.
Tom in Texas
I have to say that I cannot let such slander stand. I am no RINO, and I am certainly no mooselover. I do not support amnesty for Candians here already. I wear headphones whenever I am forced to listen to “O, Canada.” Maple syrup makes me gag. And I am not saying that military options are out of the question — I would be all for one if a cell is found in a major city, or if Canada refuses to immediately acquiesce to a search — what do they have to hide, after all? But we have to go after these cells first. The invasion can wait a few months until we have established a presence on Canucki soil, and operatives in Canada itself (anyone speak French? No gays need apply).
TEB — you talk about your “fly-paper strategy”, but, really, it would be better describe as a “toilet paper strategy”: it stinks after you use it once. But the BTM is firmly in your pocket; whenever we, the peace and freedom loving denizens of the demi-bunker, release another of our facts, the BTM finds another cute lost bunny to concentrate on.
Wait until November, bunny-boi. We’ll get you then.
Take down Canada if you have to, but please don’t interfere with the flow of essential products and resources.
Oil? Hell no, bacon, and whiskey. Those vital products must continue to flow unimpeded into America.
Let’s get our priorities straight here.
Tom in Texas
Canadian Bacon is not bacon. Don’t believe the Canuck loving propoganda or Domino’s (I began a boycott over theie refusal to shut down their Canadian operations, by the way). As for whiskey, I prefer the rebel born Jim Beam or good old Jack to the Queen loving Crown.
Tom in Texas
Another problem with Domino’s: Detroit is WAY too close to Ontario AND has a huge Arab community. I sense some terrorist propaganda infiltrating already.
The Easter Bunny
Way ahead of you there, Tommy-Boy. We’ve got paws on, and under, the ground. We know where their mobile Weapons of Maple Destruction labs are. And we know there’s a smoking crater at the North Pole containing the scattered, and increasingly smelly, remains of Santa Claus.
What the hell else do you need? Snap out of that 5/29 mindset or move into the demi-bunker, get gay-married to him, and move to Canuckistan. This Freedom Train’s leaving the station.
Woot-woot, bitches!
You know what the amazing things about their “weapons labs” is? Not only are they mobile, they change shape! No, really — last week, they were Airstream trailers, then yesterday, they were were 1956 Cadillacs — all painted black.
Oh, and all were available as stock images from Corbis. I liked that touch — you could at least have used pay images from Getty, but, no, you were cheap in your fake…err, I mean *carefully camoflauged”…presentations.
Bring it on, losers.
But here’s a fact for you. When we’re on your side – WWI, WWII, Korea, Gulf War I – you win. When we aren’t – 1812, Vietnam, Gulf War II – you lose. So don’t go rattling your sabres at us, or we’ll hand you your asses on a plate, with syrup and a side of poutine.
M00nbat alert! [klaxon sounding]
What do you mean, we lost 1812? I mean, other than having our capitol burned to the ground, being forced to evacuate our major city, and…losing every important battle…except New Orleans…we didn’t lose 1812.
And what about the Civil War, eh? The side you all backed *lost* then, sucker.
Mmmm….asses on a plate with syrup. It’s a delicacy in Winnipeg, I hear.
Hm. Good point. The question is, do they win BECAUSE of us, or is our presence merely indicative that the war is winnable?
Hey, Canuck, Krista…how does the American Revolution count? Was Canada on our side or not during that?
demi — the Queen of England is still on our currency.
What do you think?
Mind you, my ancestors weren’t all that involved in that particular kerfuffle. We were still trying to make our way back and reunite with our families after having our asses deported to the four points of the compass.
I always found it more than a little ironic that the two successful defenses in the war of 1812 involved people born in Canada, but only one happened in Canada. The other happened in Louisiana.
That is kind of funny, isn’t it?
You do still get little pockets of the country that have a very strong Loyalist heritage. As an example, the southwest part of the province where I was born is very Loyalist in its history. (Whereas the entire eastern part of the province is hardcore Acadian, except for one city which has a strong Irish heritage. And the whole damn province has only 725,000 people. Weird.)
Wonderful material from the guest blogger at WaMo.
Or, a constitutional amendment banning unnecessary war so as to create fewer widows and widowers?
Bruce Moomaw
“We’re building votes”? They got exactly one more vote than they got on this Amendment last time, despite the fact that they have four more GOP Senators. This thing has definitely hit the Cheap Laughs stage.
Otto Man
I guess this is what Bush meant by the ownership society.
Otto Man
That’s Steve Benen from the Carpetbagger Report. His blog is always a great read.
Tom in Texas
We win despite Canada’s “help”. You Canucks will only join a war when its obviously already won. Oooh you helped the entire planet in Gulf War I. Whoopee. How bout helping when it’s not so popular. Or do you need a permission slip from everybody else to help your brothers to the south?
Why isn’t anyone talking about the fact that the Democrats Have No Plan for invading Canada?
That would be WWI amd II, right? Or was it you guys who were late to the party both times?
It’s clear to me. We are the source of moral authority. When we’re there, you know you’re one of the good guys. When we aren’t, guilt starts creeping in, and you do a half-assed job.
Except in Grenada. You guys won that one all by yourselves.
Mac Buckets
Christ, more loons who think Saddam won the war! I’m not surprised that Saddam himself and some leftards are the only ones who still think he’s the leader of Iraq — strange bedfellows, indeed.
You guys might want to let him know he’s the big winner. He’s easy to find. Just look at the end of the chains… at his war crimes trial…at the hands of the new government. I know U.S. lefties don’t have much experience recognizing a winner, but the Canadian ones should know that fetters and being put on trial are usually dead giveaways that you’re looking at the punk.
Tom in Texas
As for your claim that Canada is some “source of moral authority”, Siding with the queen mum in 1812 was hardly the right side to take. You still can’t let that one go (come on guys even India figured that one out).
As for both World Wars, we were a bit late to the WWI “party”, to be sure; that was due to Wilson — thanks for the League of Nations, bub. Now we get the UN. In WWII we didn’t choose a side until one chose to attack us. But in both WE were the reason one side won. It wasn’t the Mounties, it was the Marines. BTW I know the Mounties aren’t your army. It’s just the only semblance of military presence I’ve ever seen Canada exhibit. Seriously, you guys have a military? Is it bigger or smaller than a baby’s arm?
And finally, America has won PLENTY of wars all by ourselves. Ask Native Americans how many we won, or Spain, or France. Ask our other neighbor how wars with us tend to work out — hell, even individual STATES beat Mexico in wars.
What? I am talking serious meat, here
This is what breakfast should be about.
Tom in Texas
ppG — I am outraged they advertise that for Thanksgiving. Christmas I can almost deal with: even though Canada disrespects Christianity almost always, Christmas is a holiday that transcends borders. I will never eat Canuck bacon, no matter how delicous, for Thanksgiving. It would be like drinking Molsen’s while watching the Redskins and Cowboys. Utterly unthinkable.
Agreed. It IS nasty stuff. It’s almost as bad as Bud.
They are all traitors we should vote them all out of office
Bird! Good to see you. Post more often.
Mac Buckets gets into the 5/29 spirit:
The proper term is “kook”, as in “Moose-turd worshipping Canuckoafascist kook”. Please update your talking-points.
Thank you,
demi “I’m in charge here” mondian
Well, we knew who the good guys were there. We declared war on Germany. The fact that you waited until you were attacked, and still waited for Germany to declare war days later shows me how you guys stand up to real danger.
See if we’re still monarchists after Charles III is crowned.
Saddam didn’t win the war, but you aren’t winning either. Iran is winning. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
You left out “gay-marrying dope-smoking socialized-medicine-loving gun-hating communist m00n847”
But you’re getting your revenge. Who would have dreamed the Oilers would let us down so hard?
Truly, no one could have foreseen using hockey sticks on the ice.