If science blogging is you thing, check out the latest at the Seed science blog network. At Kos DarkSyde has a summary of what’s new and while I haven’t read most of the names he mentions, I wholeheartedly concur about Carl Zimmer. Definitely one of the great writers working today.
Chat about whatever.
George Will
George Will throws water on the foolish idea that the Zarqawi killing will dent the insurgency. His piece describes how one might examine history for a clue to the future of Iraq. Something that our government, apparently, has never bothered to do.
In another piece, the lefty moonbat George Will talks about your Republican government and your tax dollars at work.
More Will power
Large stacks of cash, sensual oils, and fat sweaty Congressmen – otherwise known as the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Bob In Pacifica
Speaking of science blogging, I like yogurt mixed with granola.
And with the help of the referees, we may still beat Italy. Or not.
The Other Steve
Come on people.
George Will is a RINO. If he truly believed in the conservative cause, he’d not be attacking the Greatest Conservative President Ever. He’d be embracing him, and working to promote a Permanent Republican Majority for the next 40 years!
Tim F.
Talk about a dated comment… With the help of one syphillitic asshole referee we may go home early.
Good fucking god, I’m so mad right now…Can we invade Uruguay? (Further, how the fuck does a ref who gets suspended for quote “irregularities” EVER get invited to the World Fucking Cup.)
From before the 2002 WC. Wanker.
Wow. You really care about the World Cup?
That’s so ….. charmingly odd.
ppG, not even Specter’s latest spinelessness or Hudson has been able to stop me from making my own place All WC All The Time.
You forgot the science part. Yogurt and granola gives you a complete set of amino acids. Other complete protein combos include rice and beans and cheese and crackers.
What’s the World Cup? Is it that yachting thing? I really don’t see how referees can have that much impact on a sailboat race.
Pooh — I caught Italy versus US on television in a lounge in Logan while I was waiting to catch a plane home to Seattle.
We could only find it in Italian.
Obviously, it’s ‘hockey’. At least, if you ask people over here about ‘The Cup’, that’s what they’d be talking about. It’s almost as if all other sports have been temporarily suspended here.
I can’t imagine where Pb is from, to have the local community so captivated by a Carolina-Edmonton final – the equivalent of seeing Indiana and Utah in the NBA Finals.
Heh! Would you believe… Carolina? Near Raleigh? They really have gone nuts over here, our local rock station even *changed their name* to ‘96.1: The Cup‘…
I’m a little surprised, to tell you the truth. I think it’s because 90% of y’all are actually from the North.
Jim Allen
John and Tim —
In an earlier thread, the Online Integrity Pledge was mentioned. I did a quick check and found that, of the 222 blogs you link to, only 22 of them have signed on as endorsers. When will you be delinking the other 200?
It was quite easy to find out which ones haven’t endorsed. A little cutting and psting into Excel with a quick look up function and, voila. Took me all of 15 minutes. I’ll e-mail the spreadsheet to you both later today.
I’m stunned at the lack of interest in both Cups. Playoff hockey is incredible to watch, and WC is like the Olympics of soccer. Apparently if teams in either sport can’t score ~10 times, nobody thinks it’s interesting.
Looks like steriods in baseball has ruined both hockey and soccer, too.
Jim Allen, the Online Integrity pledge is like the Ten Commandments. Conservative bloggers have a very hard time remembering what about it is such a good idea so they believe that it should be plastered all over any blog that wishes to receive public support.
I would, actually, like to see a bit of followup from Mr. Cole about why he hasn’t held to his blustery pledge. Has the Blog Integrity pledge already become such a laughing-stock?
Who says I’m not actually from the North? Just because I’ve lived in the South for ~85% of my life… :)
Well, from all the way over here in Chapel Hill:
There’s a hockey team in Raleigh? WTF?
But really, I’ve seen people with the silly Hurricanes flags and it’s ridiculous band-wagoneering. I don’t think anyone actually cares one bit about hockey, and I imagine that 100x more people will watch a rerun of CSI tonight instead of the game, even in Raleigh.
Maybe if the Stanley Cup was actually televised, or something. Other than the last few games of the Finals, the playoffs have been carried on the alarmingly obscure Outdoor Life Network, just as the regular season was. As a result, viewership is microscopic.
Back home in Michigan, we were able to watch playoff coverage on Canadian TV, and you could watch virtually every game. It was a blast staying up till 2am to watch some double-overtime game from Vancouver or Calgary.
I can’t imagine what possessed the league to sign a TV contract with such an obscure cable network. I sure hope they have something better worked out for next year, because as much televised hockey as I saw this season, there might as well have been another lockout.
ESPN cornholed them, from what I understand. ESPN correctly realized that last year’s lockout would disenfranchise a number of viewers, and dropped the NHL TV contract. OLN was all the NHL could find; sad as that is/was.
I’m convinced the vitality of the NHL will be soley based on their ability to re-sign with ESPN. Otherwise, their viewership by the casual fan will evaporate.
Filthy McNasty
I came here hoping to see an articulate defense of John Murtha’s bumbling on MTP yesterday, but again it seems the blogger took the weekend off, and so did his commenters. Not much for you guys to crow about lately, I suppose, especially when you have a half-wit like Murtha as your spokesman. Diana Irey’s going to clean his clock at the polls this year, and we’ll mercifully have one less shrill voice like Murtha’s to hear, and one less Democrat to surrender this country.
Filthy McNasty: You’re a horrible, C-grade spoof.
Mr. Cole, or Tim.
Please do a post on THIS
Truly, the most incredibly disturbing thing I’ve seen from a cable news clown in years. Connie Chung MUST be on drugs to do this. NOBODY does this sober. Hell, nobody sings this poorly regardless.
Andrew is right. Get that weak shit outta here.
Punchy; that was seriously disturbing. I don’t have speakers for my work computer, and for once, I’m extremely glad of that fact.
Excrutiatingly cute. She’s always been a class act. Look forward for more media displays of unreality. What was it Tony Snow said yesterday to explain our ‘fatigue’ with the Iraq War?
Indeed, truly frightening.
The “celebrity journalists” gave up on journalism years ago — but celebrities they remain until the end, a legend in their own minds.
They continue to think we care as much about them as they do.
Hey, with all the goodness raining down from YouTube and Crooks&Liars, you’re missing half the fun — get a pair of cheapie $10 headphones, they’re really worth it!
And best part is, once you’re job is terminated you can take the headphones with you…
And for another humongous story falling between the cracks here:
Cindy does Canada
Where are JC and Darrell when they are really needed?
Vida – I had to wear a headset at work for way too many years. (“Thank you for calling [insert name of major financial institution], Krista speaking, how may I help you?”) Wearing headphones at work would just bring back too many bad memories. Besides, I have great speakers on the home computer.
Cindy does Canada, huh? Well, there’s a long history of war deserters coming up here. Plus ça change…
Filthy McNasty
Weak shit, as in John Murtha? The man takin’ your party’s case to the Sunday yak shows? That weak shit?
I said I was hoping to hear a defense of Murtha somewhere in the moonbat blogosphere, but it’s not to be found.
Back to your strong shit…..Connie Chung.
The Other Steve
You’re right. It would be so much better if we had a half-wit bumbling idiot like GW Bush as our spokesperson.
Videosift is a great viral video site. People link to material from YouTube, Google and a few other more obscure sites and vote for their faves.
“Fool me once …. cain’t fool me agin!”
Or, try watching all of this:
Silence is golden, Bush style ….
Ouch! OK, I get your point about the headphones…
So, when we build a fence along the Canadian border — will it be to keep the “illegal aliens” out, or the troops in?
Vida – yeah. The headset. I got so used to wearing it that I’d forget I had the damn thing on and would be walking home with it on.
As far as the fence goes, hard to say. The “illegal alien” traffic is going both ways, you know.
Ah, screw the fence. We make a nice bit off of each other in tourism — why mess with that?
To keep Mike Myers out, Sidney Crosby in, and damn Ricky Williams from so easily hopping back and forth from the NFL to the CFL back to the NFL…
OT I saw a very good talk about the New Orleans levy “problems” on BookTV last night. The book is:
The Storm: What Went Wrong and Why during Hurricane Katrina—The Inside Story from One Louisiana Scientist — Ivor van Heerden and Mike Bryan
Which reminds me of all the “failed vs. overtopped” acrimony here at the time of Katrina. Some folks said “Let’s wait for a careful analysis of the problem.” This has been done now and a consensus reached. So, Mr. Blog Owner, how about a review of what was said then and what is known now?
The tech stuff and the politics continues to be interesting. For example, van Heerden said that the wetlands could be back in operation in around 10 years and mitigating surges in 5 years. He said nice things about Blanco (which surprised me) and bashed the Army Corps of Engineers (which did not). This guy seemed very competent and measured in his remarks.
Sorry, but we went straight from the “plenty of time to play the blame game later” stage to the “this is all old news” stage. Yet another accountability moment appears to have slipped through our fingertips.
Meanwhile, streets in New Orleans are still flooded…
Re: accountability. Once again, 9/11 changed everything.
Didn’t you get the memo?
i started poking around in the b-j archives to try to refresh my memory about the various katrina posts and was brought to an immediate halt by this from Mr. Cole:
i seldom read Goldstein. he seems really dumb. and gross.
Mr. Cole: do you still stand by this? if so, could you explain WHY you think he is “one of the best”?
Dog anuses everywhere would like to know.
Perhaps this was before John’s great awakening.
The Other Steve
Mr. Cole was recovering from a three week drunken bender when he wrote that.