Tell me what I am missing.
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Tell me what I am missing.
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[…] It would be Florida, for what it’s worth. Hat tip to one RSA at Balloon Juice. […]
Ryan S.
Apparently the National Science Teachers Association is owned by the oil companies.
America, pre-Bush.
Some freak liberal lady out in Denver apparently thought Peace on Earth was a theme for Christmas.
Well her fellow neighbors were offended by this wreath so much that they decided to complain to the home owners association to have it banned. The association decided to fine her $25 daily for keeping the wreath up, but later dropped the fine.
My dad worked for the oil industry and I can’t tell you how much money our high school racked in from his company and many others that bought the thousands of boxes of band cookies and helped sponsor the track team and contributed to fundraising for the prom.
While I doubt this is any more incideous than any other corporate charity tax write-off, it does have some damning results.
Matthew Yglesias speaks with Northeastern accent, according to this quiz. I speak with a Midland accent, whatever that’s supposed to be.
Wow. So is this… the… War on the Peace on Christmas? I don’t even know what to think.
People are offended by a peace symbol?
Jesus H. Christ in a jumped-up sidecar…I’ve never come closer to giving up entirely on the human race as I am right now.
On a lighter note, that accent quiz IS funny. Here are my results:
Yeah, strangely enough, that happens all the time…
A ridiculously named entertainment device continues to sell.
If George Bush and John Kerry were to race each other again today, Kerry would still lose.
The word “please”, you bossy git.
Well according to that quiz I still have a Southern accent. But my mom says I don’t, though my native born husband (born right near the mouth of the Columbia River) cracks up when I say Coca-Cola and…pie. Nearly 40 years on the Northwest Coast and I still talk (or at least think linguistically) like a hillbilly…heh.
Your pants?
Seems that I speak with a North Eastern accent (e.g. north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island).
Though I was born and raised in the north-west of England, spent 4 years in the English Midlands before moving back to the north west. I did live in Colorado for 2 years though.
I wonder what that means for the relationship between British and American accents…
Ooo! Also, winter is upon us.
As seen on the front page of Daily Kos… Liddy Dole drove the NRSC into the ground, lost horribly, and now… is calling for donations to help pay off their debt! It’s just too funny. Almost funny enough to make me forget that she’s my Senator. Heh, heh. (waah!)
Wow it says I have a Bostonian accent…even though I am born and raised and currently live in TN…heh go figure.
Wow. I’m not going to attempt to calculate my personal contribution to this figure…
I’ve nominated John for DailyKos frontpager. I know he’ll make it this year!
Dole puts the pols on the dole.
Now if they just tweak that puppy a bit maybe they can get reduce that pesky war debt:
“With a donation of a mere $25,000,0000, $50,000,000, $75,000,000 or even $100,000,000, you can help reduce the huge tax burden President Bush had placed on our the next seven generations of Americans!”
I don’t think John will make the cut — he’s quite vocally not “loyal to the movement”, which is one of Kos’ requirements this year. That said…you know, he’d be a great choice. And it’d be funny as hell to see the BJuice trolls acting out on Kos…
If you’re not in Seattle, you’re missing an example of how a few inches of snow becomes an impromptu holiday.
Actually, it’s not the snow so much as it is the ice: streets, highways and freeways throughout the Puget Sound region have a lovely 1-2 inch coating of the stuff, which makes driving oh so interesting. Interesting enough that the State Patrol, Department of Transportation, and other assorted authorities have asked people to stay home if they possibly can.
Some people who went to the game last night were still trying to get home this morning. There are jack-knifed trucks and buses and abandoned cars all over the place.
I live just off Northgate Way, and could see cars skidding backwards, sliding sideways, and getting stuck in the ice literally right outside my condo’s driveway. Add to that the joyous prospect of driving 3 miles to my vanpool (much less the 30 miles to my office), and staying home was a no-brainer.
I’m missing out, being visiting the mother ship in {someplace} right now. FDDD, who’s an extraordinary driver, was forced to leave the van about half a mile from home last night, and walk the last bit home.
I’m not even thinking about what hemidemi must have done to get his car up the hill to our house and into our driveway. I am *so* not thinking about that.
That’s not the kicker. The real doozy is that the president of the HOA board said that some in the community though it was a Sign of Satan!
The last thing John Cole needs is a larger forum on a site with a more liberal audience–if he can get 500 comments in a contentious thread here from time to time, then he could easily crash Daily Kos! It’d be great to watch, though, I’ll make the popcorn…
Well, he’s okay now, and hemidemi’s a pretty sensible kid, so I wouldn’t let those thoughts gnaw on you too much.
I hope that the ghosts of Joseph Rotblat, Bertrand Russell and Ghandi pay them a Dickensian-style visit over Christmas.
The other thing to note about the peace wreath story–when petulant zealot “Bob Kearns, president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs” was overruled by “a five-member neighborhood panel that refused to cite Jensen”, what did he do? He fired them all! Shades of the Saturday night massacre, baby, this Kearns guy has a future in today’s GOP!
“Some in the community” – meaning, apparently, himself:
Funny, of all the stories I’ve heard about the origins of the peace sign – a stylized “ND” for nuclear disarmament, an encircled fighter jet – I’ve never ever heard that it had S*A*T*A*N*I*C origins.
And if Kearns is worried about pagan symbolism, whatever does he think of Christmas trees, Easter bunnies and Easter eggs?
Ah the memories. Austin 1984, we sat on a hill with flash cards and rated the ongoing demolition derby. People in TX are really stupid when it comes to ice.
Or–you know–wreaths…
The best news I’ve seen in a good while: Get Smart is out on DVD. Seeing as that show that practically raised me for three or four years, I know how I’ll be spending my evenings for a couple of months.
(And yes, I was born 13 years after the show ended. Hooray for Nick at Nite.)
Why would the troops be offended by a peace sign? Isn’t peace the eventual goal in Iraq?
I’m so confused…
That’s part of what makes the story interesting, aside from Kearns’s heavy handed firing of people who disagreed with him. It’s not necessarily the peace symbol itself (excepting those who think it’s a sign of Satan worship–those are “exceptional” people in more ways than one) but rather the divisive views of the person who put up the symbol. Thought police, ready your weapons!
Apparently, Miami is a 3rd World Country.
Faux News
Well Thank Goodness Denver doesn’t have any Latinos living there! Heaven to Betsy, it’s an all white Amerian City right out of some Norman Rockwell calendar!
Right, no one would notice if Miami were moved to central Africa, for example; brown people are brown people. Though, come to think of it, if you dropped Montana into the middle of the Sahara Desert, people might not notice that, either.
What are you missing……. Um, John, that is such the loaded question in this venue, are you really, really sure you want the answer?
My thoughts exactly.
I love that every time Tom Tancredo opens his mouth, he manages to cram a little bit more foot in there.
Bush claims he is flexible on Iraq.
Bush then goes on to say he will not consider pulling troops out of Iraq.
To quote: “I do not think this word means what you think it means.”
you want something interesting? someone nominated John to be a dKos frontpager.
Salty Party Snax
Seems the US Embassy in Argentina has asked the Bush twins to leave the country after they were caught running naked through the halls of the Buenos Aires hotel room.
Apparently it was their birthday ..
James F. Elliott
Greg Djerjian is kicking Michael Rubin’s ass all over the place:
And is getting more and more insane by the minute:,_not_keith_ellison,_decides_what_book_a_congressman_takes_his_oath_on
Barack Obama is going to speak at a church.
According to Kevin McLummox, this will signal the start of The Apocalypse. I look forward to being left behind.
Dennis Prager is mad about the Islamofasciation of America, of which a particular Muslim someone wanting to take an oath on the Koran and not the Bible is only the beginning.
heh. yeah, what James F. Elliott said.
Geez, that was a severe ass-kicking Djerjian put on Rubin. I mean, that was of the “put my foot so far up your ass, the water in my knee will quench your thirst” variety.
guyermo said:
fwiffo said:
Marry, where do these cads and whoresons spring come from? I move we re-name Townhall to Clown Hall. I’d suggest a change to the tag line, but that would involve the use of a very offensive word that begins with C.
Now THAT was funny. Thanks for the laugh.
I just ordered a Peace Wreath for my front door for the holidays! Solidarity!
Look up
Bush thinks he deserves a half a billion dollar Presidential Library.
Of course spinning this presidency for the history books is gonna be expensive.
Hastings is out as possible Intelligence Committee chair. Harman is still under consideration.
That’s good news on the anti-corruption front, but not-so-good news on the anti-Bush/pro-Constitution front. Holt’s been mentioned (by bloggers; I don’t know if the House leadership has considered him) and he has a pretty good resume.
I think it’d be a gas if John got the dKos gig, but I don’t think it’ll happen. Even if political viewpoints weren’t an issue, Kos is about supporting and electing Democrats. John isn’t a Dem, and he doesn’t want to be. Too bad, because he’d shake up the kos-commentariat into a fine foam :D
I think I’ll go over to fwiffo’s nomination post and support it.
Greg Djerjian is SHRILL…that was a great post. Rubin should never have picked on his dad, now it’s personal.
Cole at Kos? That would be a riot! I might go back to posting again. I was on Kos’ side during the “Women’s Studies” frappe and the pie fights as well. It would be fun to watch the meltdowns. Then Bob Johnson’s Dog could come back and smooth things out! He is the one I miss the most by not going there much anymore.
Since they upgraded, I can’t see the comments on Netscape and I’m generally too lazy to switch over to IE (yeah, I know I should switch browsers, but I’m lazy, like I said.)
Shorter Dennis Prager: “Pot? Hi, I’m a racist kettle and you’re black.”
I heard Harman is out too – Pelosi isn’t willing to reverse her decision.
Assuming that’s accurate, Reyes will probably be the next House Intelligence Committee chair.
Jeez, Prager is an ass. Did I miss the part where The Bible is listed as America’s holiest book in the DOC or the Constitution?
Personally I think people should swear their oaths on the Constitution if they are elected officials..that is the document they are there to uphold.
Sigh..DOC should read DOI, Declaration of Independence.
Richard 23
I didn’t notice you giving coverage to the new soon to be hit show from Fox. With the help of Joel Surnow, torture fan and co-creator of 24, the Fox News Channel is going to premiere its own answer to the overly liberal “Daily Show.”
Heard about it over at Sadly, No. To get an idea of how successful this format could be, the powerful making fun of the powerless, check out the painfully unfunny America Show highlighting GOP comedienne extrordianaire, Julia Gorin (I think it rhymes with Boring).
As Gavin M put it:
Just try to watch it. I swear, you can feel yourself age as the time drips by…. Yet given the YouTube comments, it’s something really entertaining. Somehow. Somewhere.
Perry Como
Mr. Cole should like this one:
Perry Como
I got 50 seconds in when my brain hopped out of my head, closed the browser tab then smacked me.
Warning: I made it to 1.32 and aged that many years in the process.
I had no idea that bin Laden was American and…um. That shot of Michael Moore with the digitally enhanced man-boobs? Am I the only one thinking that was just Mike’s head air-brushed onto Ms. Gorin’s body?
Kee-rist, can’t Fox afford proper undergarments for its stars? (not to mention a make up and hair artists) or is the bra-less dung hill harlot look supposed to appeal to the target audience?
Oops, answered my own question.
Bob In Pacifica
I just thought I’d take this opportunity to say that I don’t like or trust Noam Chomsky, even when he’s right. But especially when he’s wrong.
Otherwise, it’s a little chilly out here on the Coast this afternoon.
Paul L.
For those outraged by Mark Foley
Outrage: Only 10 Months For Kiddie Porn Producer
No knock raid kills a 88 year old woman and it looks like the police screwed up.
Atlanta Shooting: Based on a lie?
Paul L.
AP story from a stringer may be false.
MSM Falls for Iraqi Stringer Lies?
Burning Six update: The AP responds (to USA Today) update: and now, a new AP account
I made it to 2:40, you lightweights (I’ve also been desensitized, though, because I’ve actually watched those Hot Air things where Malkin and a couple other similar twits sit around and do their conservative version of The View). It felt like 2:40 of blunt-object trauma to the head. They actually do the “Oh, snap! No she di-in’t!” routine. It’s the one time when they acknowledge how painfully unfunny they are. Is Julia Gorin actually a comedian, or is she just being pressed into service as one?
Much better.
Update on the Satanic Peace Sign story:
Kearns and the HOA, after apparently hearing from about 3 billion people (some from as far away as Proxima Centauri), all calling to tell them how full of shit they were, has sent the Jensens a letter apologizing for the “misunderstanding” and saying the peace sign wreath can stay where it is.
The next general meeting of the HOA and the residents it, ahem, represents should be quite interesting.
My condo has an HOA, but it’s a good HOA: it leaves everyone alone. Just collects the dues, pays the bills, and fixes things.
I get the feeling that Paul L so earnestly hates Democrats that he poops copies of Ann Coulter’s Treason.
Perry Como
I always wondered where that crap came from.
blockquote>MSM Falls for Iraqi Stringer Lies? Promises to stay the course in publishing story, regardless.
Said the story’s writer, “To pull out now would do dishonor to the journalistic integrity I’ve already sacrificed.”
I’m baking double chocolate chip cookies. You’re missing out on some extra calories and chocolate goodness.
Can we talk about the latest “kerning” orgy today?
As Paul L. latched onto, a few of the nuttier blogs have been putting out the accusation that a fictitious police officer was the source of the brutal burning of six Sunnis last week. Instead of any mention or concern of the thousand who died last week, they fixate on Capt. Jamail Hussein. “Does the MSM feel any responsiblity towards its readers for accurate reporting anymore?” Sister Toljah asks sorrowfully. Jules Crittenden says the secret’s out that AP stringers are nothing but propagandists. It got worse when Centcom said they’d never heard of the Iraqi police captain cited.
Then AP came blasting back this afternoon, with the precise identity of the police captain and three other witnesses who told the exact same story of the six Sunnis lit on fire. Do we see any mention of this debunking at all in the blogs who accused AP? Nada. No responsibility toward accurate reporting, even from active reporters, such as Crittenden. These people need to stop pretending this is all a big game.
James F. Elliott
“The Rev. Joel Hunter, who was scheduled to take over the socially conservative group in January from Roberta Combs, said he had hoped to focus on issues such as poverty and the environment.”
Like George Carlin says, that’s something Jesus might have done.
i didn’t know that a single copy of ‘super fudge’ could go for that much.
longz, those facts sound really, really gay. Jesus hates you.
The real BDS
Amended for my personal satisfaction. Good Lord, even the pedestrians couldn’t make it up the hill…funniest thing I’ve ever witnessed…
Perry Como
It could be an auction at Sotheby’s for that special copy of ‘My Pet Goat.’
Isn’t the idea that by swearing on a holy book, you’ve “made a pact with your diety” not to lie, cheat, steal, etc.? So why would a Muslim swearing on a Bible have that effect? Shouldn’t we DEMAND he swears in with the Koran?
Seriously, isn’t this like me taking the swearing-in by reciting the Oath of the Alpha Chi Omegas? That applies to me….how?
“The way I look at it, almost every comedy show or satire show I see uses the same talking points against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney,” Surnow said. “The other side hasn’t been skewered in a fair and balanced way.”
Paul L.
Nice link to the debunking. You will notice the word “may be false” in my post.
You will notice this in the second link in my post.
I just watched it sans volume. Which fat, ugly skank was Gorin (rhymes with “more in”, obviously describing her eating habits)?
Newport 9
Took the accent quiz, and it turns out I’ve got a Midland accent. Having grown up in northern Delaware, which is practically part of PA, this comes as no surprise.
What are you missing? Christmas music. There must be Christmas music everywhere you go from Black Friday (at the latest) through New Year’s Day. It’s the law.
Richard 23
Ah, I thought so too.
So Paul L., since nobody reads your little blog o links you just had to come by and track them over here. Nobody’s biting, even still. Although that shooting was pretty horrible, most of your postings are too. Happy holidays!
Oh, and about that so called “peace” symbol. It’s obviously an upside down cross with the arms broken and leaning downwards. Therefore the satanist got what she deserved. Humbug.
Richard 23
Who cares Paul L.? After all, freedom is on the march. A win for your side all around.
Richard 23
Oh, and I have a Western accent. Which means no accent at all. Not surprising since I was born in Warshington.
Centcom’s claims about Iraq tend to be full of merde.
Which is why they have to pay people to spin, deny and when all else fails, project their fabrications on others.
Complete with Presidential “Oh Shit” stains.
just sayin
I could only make it through :52 of the “America Show.” Is that really slated to air on Fox? Ouch.
My accent is “as Philadelphia as cheesesteak.” Plausible, since I was born there, but surprising since I haven’t lived there since ’63 or in PA since ’76. When I go home they tell me I sound Southern.
Paul L.
What are you crapping out?
Fahrenheit 9/11, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH or The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It, How to Get It Back by Andrew Sullivan
I think this is true, no accent (except for one little town on the Oregon coast where people pronounce special as “spatial”). My mom says we don’t have an accent, but we have different speech patterns and talk faster. Use different words, stuff like that.
Great Quote from:Michael Ware on the Situation Room last night.
Shorter Paul L: Poo! Poo!!
Reality has a wellknown liberal bias.
Richard 23
No, just sayin. That’s probably what the Fox News show will look like without the fancy graphics and whooshing sound effects. But boiled down the basics, yeah, that’s probably about it. Gorin’s one of the GOP comic circuit’s rising stars. Can you think of any funny right wing comics?
Dennis Miller, Colin Quinn, Dick Cheney? None of them are particularly funny.
Paul L., I don’t think any of us are crapping out any pathetic propaganda. That’s what makes us different from the likes of you. Enjoy your little website though. Nobody else does.
It’s hard to squeeze out Gore and Moore what with Sullivan trying to push it back in. He’s Catholic, ya know.
Damnit, I lost my list of things that we’ve established have well known liberal biases. Steve, a little help?
Paul L. has a problem, guys — people keep asking him to pay attention to evidence. In this case, we have a claim of “no evidence” by a party which has no motivation to find evidence, and precisely cited evidence by a party which has every motivation to avoid being wrong. Now, which one would I trust?
Paul, of course, would also like you to believe that the press is lying about bodies in Qana — despite the fact that IDF acknolwedged that the strike happened as it has been described. Paul, unlike reality, has a well-known couterfactual bias.
maybe you could try crapping out some proof about qana.
I don’t think you are getting your party back anytime soon:
And the punchline, the awards banquet was sponsored by a group that honors those who stand up for free speech.
Perry Como
Go fuck yourself.
Newt’s ‘Victory or Death’
Sorry Newt, but there is no historical parallel between our Revolutionary War and the Bush’s War (a.k.a., Iraq Fiasco) unless we (the USA) are the British and the Iraqi Insurgents are the Americans.
lard lad
I’m late weighing in, I know, but here’s the explanation, obtained by growing up liberal (with right-wing parental units) in the Deep South during the Vietnam War.
Christianists claim that the peace symbol depicts an upside-down, broken cross.
Because, after all, it was God’s will that the USA kick Cong butt in Vietnam… anyone who disagreed was clearly in league with The Horned One.
Why did we lose in Nam? SATAN! Or peace-loving hippies, like there’s any damn difference.
Ask Paul L… bet he agrees.
t. jasper parnell
Missing is this in which a madenss abounds, and not the good musical kind.
A literal and figurative rimshot.
No wonder Paul is mentally constipated.
The Other Steve
I’m glad Paul L and I finally agree on something.
No Knock warrants are a bad idea.
lard lad
Oops, Richard 23 beat me to the punch. Well done, sir.
Richard 23
That and militarizing civilian police forces, giving them semi automatic weapons they don’t have any idea how to handle.
Ending the drug war, allowing one less reason for them to be barging into people’s homes with semi-automatic weapons with nothing to go on other than some anonymous informant would help too.
But then I guess I’m some kind of conservative for believing that less intrusive government power might just be a good thing.
OK, I’ll admit it: For a while, I thought Dennis Miller was pretty funny. When he was doing Weekend Update, I thought it was pretty good. When he had his show on HBO 10 years ago, I liked the schtick he did where he showed weird pictures and came up with funny captions for them. Beyond that…not so much.
Is Colin Quinn really conservative? He seems pretty apolitical to me.
Richard 23
Webb vs Bush
What a compassionate conservative president we have.
Richard 23
You’re kidding, right? “I am outta here.” Mr smarmy and swaggery was funny to someone? Meh.
Hahaha. OK, I get it. You were pulling my leg.
Miller was pretty funny about 10 years ago, but I don’t think he was a wingnut then. I’m not even sure how “conservative” he was. I remember reading something somewhere that he changed when he got married; apparently, he married a wingnut.
The last time I watched anything of his was – god, I think it was a show he did long before his MNF gig. And I could only watch a few minutes of it, it was so bad.
much better
What a cock.
Not surprising. I’ve heard more than one account of him having a seriously pissy attitude with people.
Richard 23
Oh yeah, Julia Gorin, that really funny up and coming GOP comic has her own blog, or as she calls it, a glob. Hahaha, I’m laughing already! But sadly it doesn’t allow comments.
To bad. I really wanted to tell her how funny she isn’t.
Happily, you can see The America Show, Epidermal, er Episode 2. So prepare your potato peelers for your eyeballs. I haven’t watched this yet. I thought I’d comment about it here before I stuck an icepick into my skull.
Richard 23
Oops. Julia Gorin’s glob is here. Now, I’m off to find my icepick.
Someone get me ma lasso, time to round up them activist judges.
And speaking of things that need to be roped, slaughtered and ground up for dog food, I urge all of you to avoid The America Show like a sack full of hanta virus. Or at least wait to see if Richard 23 survives.
(Good luck and God speed sir!)
Waaait a minute. Julia Gorgin’ has been featured in Penthouse? (Her jokes, just her jokes. Stop pouring bleach in your eyes.)
Does Rupert “Moral Outrage” Murdoch know about this?
Yet I’ve heard people, including people who don’t like or support him, say he’s very magnetic in person.
Maybe he can be compelling when he wants something. Otherwise, he can’t be bothered.
Jesus, what a miserable little shit
of amasquerading as a human being. Ol’ Bar and Poppy sure raised a litter of winners, didn’t they?Richard 23
I barely survived. Here’s Gorin’s solution to the latest dash of reality the GOP has been slapped with:
Uh huh. Where have I heard this before? Republicans create their own reality, and wallow in it. I hope someone gives these losers their big break in show business because they can do neither. Sick sick sick. Ice pick.
Actually I don’t really watch TV anyway so she might be right about whatever shows she’s babbling about. I won’t watch her perfect denial of reality show either. Two episodes of outtakes from her own idea of the ideal show is enough to swear me off of youtube forever.
Back to Japanese anime fansubs. At least those are entertaining.
I wrote an antitroll script for SadlyNo! that brings “I Like Pie!” to a new site. It can be found here.
Ryan S.
More Newt craziness
Have never heard that. I know several people who had to work with him in TX, and many others who heard things 2nd hand. He was universally thought of as a short tempered hot head in the work environment.
Socially, he plays a good-ole-boy schtick. The kind that makes you uncomfortable (as in backrubs for the German Chancellor uncomfortable). Typical low self-esteem, over compensator.
Magnetic – that’s Clinton to a T. When I first met him, I didn’t even know who he was, but it was obvious how good he was with people. Even GW’s daddy agrees, which must have po’d Shrub to no end.
I’ve definitely heard that he can be magnetic in person. One guy I know talked about meeting Bush during the 2004 campaign. He said Bush was an incredibly nice, likeable, personable guy–but then he asked Bush some sort of policy question, and he (Bush) got this look like he had just been busted with his hand in the cookie jar right before his handlers whisked him away.
So you’re probably onto something with the whole “compelling when he wants something, shitty when bothered” summation.
Incidentally, the same guy met the Als Franken and Gore at the 2004 DNC and said they both were complete assholes. I’m not surprised about Franken, but Gore has always struck me as more “eye-gougingly boring” than “complete asshole.”
I’ve definitely heard that he can be magnetic in person. One guy I know talked about meeting Bush during the 2004 campaign. He said Bush was an very nice, likeable, personable guy–but then he asked Bush some sort of policy question, and he (Bush) got this look like he had just been busted with his hand in the cookie jar right before his handlers whisked him away.
So you’re probably onto something with the whole “compelling when he wants something, shitty when bothered” summation.
Incidentally, the same guy met the Als Franken and Gore at the 2004 DNC and said they both were complete assholes. I’m not surprised about Franken, but Gore has always struck me as more “eye-gougingly boring” than “complete asshole.”
Everybody I know who has met Clinton says the exact same thing; they also say that unlike Bush, Clinton is incredibly smart and intellectually engaging. The Force is strong with him.
grumpy realist
One of my friends (sadly, died earlier this year) knew Bush from way back when. Said that Bush was the stupidest person he had ever met.
RE: The American accent quiz.
I’m apparently “Inland Northern”, or was it “Northern Inland”? Oh well, no matter. But nobody has ever asked me if I’m from Wisconsin or Chicago. I’m actually from Nebraska. Lived here all my life. However, I do call carbonated drinks “pop”, so they got that one right.
lard lad
No, Miller is just another “9/11 coward.” Basically, the WTC attack left him with urine-soaked pants and a case of Muslim jitters that drove him whimpering into the arms of Bush. Saw an interview with him not long ago in which he expressed shock that the rest of America hadn’t followed in his tracks.
The 9/11 vapors, I believe, was also what turned the formerly admirable Alan Dershowitz into the pro-torture maven he has now become.
At least Dershowitz still holds on to a few of his principles. Dennis Miller, on the other hand, has become a full-tilt, Kool-Ade guzzling Bushbot. Check out this revolting clip from Hannity and Colmes, where Dennis spews racist invective at illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, and Mexicans in general. Jesus fucking Christ. At least Michael Richards’ vile outburst was the result of the man losing his temper during a high-stress moment. Dennis Miller actually sat down and wrote this shit.
Fuck his sorry, unfunny ass.
Since this ia an open thread – has anybody heard that pop synth song with the females voices playing in the background in the new Ford car commercials with that woman spokesmodel? Anyway, I heard that same song played on an independent radio station and could make out the words a little better, and I swear the chorus is spelling out – m o r ni, morning w o o d. Am I hearing it wrong? Well I knew sex sells, but this is a little silly for a Ford car commerical.
Paul L.
Claims to be a Catholic. Like Andrew Sullivan’s Conservatism, Andrew Sullivan’s Catholicism is just what he says it is. The parts that he disagrees (Gay Marriage) with he just ignores.
Yep, all lefty comedians are hot, fit and funny. i.e. the seacows Margaret Cho and Rosie O’donnell.
However, I have to credit the left with Tina Fey. She is a hottie.
According to RSA’s above-posted quiz my accent is “Philadelphia as a cheesesteak”. And yes, I was born in southern New Jersey, not far from the Philly. And so were both of my parents. Very interesting, thanks!
Goodness, are we suggesting the President is a manipulative schmuck? (We can be friends. So long as you don’t bother me.)
Gosh. The way people are talking, Bush sounds like a big ol’ un-reformed addict.
Oh wait, he did cop to an addiction problem. But he says that was cured by sitting down with the Bible. So, if Bush says he’s no longer suffering from the symptoms of addiction, it must be true. Because addicts are really good at making that sort of call.
I can’t believe you are going to make me defend Sullivan, but you misrepresent and slander the man.
Sullivan does not ignore those aspects of conservatism (the political movement) and Catholicism he disagrees with. He takes them on directly and fashions cogent arguments as to why they are in error. Of course he does not do that with leftists, with whom he has never directly and honestly engaged in debate, preferring to mischaracterize and slander them, just like…
I have serious problems with Sullivan, but on at least these two issues he has been more intellectually honest than 90% of conservatives.
lard lad
Yeah, it’s disgusting that Andrew Sullivan actually breaks at least one biblical law… and how fortunate for Christianity that we have moral arbiters like Paul L. to put vile pieces of filth like Sullivan in their place.
Fight the good fight, Paul, and keep putting that boot of yours into the ribcages of sinners everywhere. Jesus would be proud.
Wow. Making fun of women’s bodies. I hope you guys didn’t hurt yourselves exercising that razor-sharp wit.
Paul L.
Here I’ll give some men the same.
Micheal Moore is Fat.
Have you see how fat Alex Baldwin and Al Gore have got?
Andrew Sullivan’s Catholicism is just what he says it is
OMG, a self-described Christian who doesn’t follow the letter of The (Church’s) Law ! now don’t you go telling us that millions of Christians are lying, cheating, divorced, porn-loving, neighbor’s-stuff-coveting, birth-control-users !
Corrected for accuracy. :)
Dershowitz has been walking back that position, but without an admission that he was a damn fool to stake out the position in the first place. So lets give him 1/2 credit.
Tim F.
James F. Elliott,
Please embed your links. Long links screw up the margins.
What Paul L. said:
What Paul L. was thinking:
Whatever your complaint may be about Andrew Sullivan’s personal brand of Catholicism, it can’t be half as hiliarious as Hugh Hewitt’s very own Evangelical Roman Catholic Presbyterian faith!
My god, this entire interview has me rolling. I don’t always agree with Sullivan, but the man knows his shit. He handles Hewitt amazingly well. I’m impressed.
Newport 9
scs wonders:
Yup, the song is Morningwood’s single “Nth Degree”. I think it’s entirely possible that Ford’s marketing people never even noticed that they were spelling out the band’s name with the backing vocals, since that would have required some literacy skills on the part of the marketing people.
I like me!
Okay thanks Newport9. Glad to know I wasn’t hearing things. Also good to see your link actually connect to what looks like a real blog for once.
And why has this blog streched out the margins? Is this just my computer or has it changed for all? It’s too unwieldy now.
Here’s an interesting looking libertarian Swedish blog I just came across, half in English, with his own blogroll. Maybe you can get BJ listed.
The Other Steve
What a coincidence.
I’m a Evangelical Free Russian Orthodox Presbyterian!