Redstate has declared that Bush is the equivalent of Jesus, and the seventeen Republicans who voted against escalation in the House are symbolic of the seventeen pieces of gold Judas was paid to betray Jesus Christ.
By betraying Bush, they have betrayed Jesus.
Republicans who voted against escalation in the House are symbolic of the seventeen pieces of gold Judas was paid to betray Jesus Christ.
That’s thirty pieces of silver you stupid godless leftard. Basically, Red State is saying that not only did Bush get sold out, he got sold out for cheaper than Jesus. That makes him even more holy.
A gold piece is worth 10 silver pieces. With the crazy inflation in fire-proof dwarf armor, it’s not even worth picking up the silver pieces anymore. Get some platinum and then we’re talking.
Forget President Bush. How about the soldiers who will die as a result of less equipment or more emboldened enemies?
Is “emboldening” some sort of new superpower? Can Nancy Pelosi cast an embolden spell upon al qaeda? Does she need to use Christian baby blood as a reagent?
Any of you clowns realize how much 17 pieces of gold are worth? I’d sell out my mom for a handful of those dubloons. Price of gold and all…
With such clear cost analysis, risk assessment, and a knack for selling at the high watermark, I’d make Judas my investment banker. So a decent carpenter went riggy morty thanks to his mapquest-esque betrayal of Jesus’s whereabouts…Catholicism is messy…
“This is President Clinton’s war, and when he falls flat on his face, that’s his problem.”
-Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)
etc., etc.
Catholicism is messy…
You go to crusade with the believers you have, not the believers you wish you had.
Can Nancy Pelosi cast an embolden spell upon al qaeda?
Well it sounds sort of like “Empower”, but maybe you’re looking for “Remove Fear“? Of course, when Bill Maher pointed out that they were pretty emboldened already, he got fired, so go figure:
We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That’s cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it’s not cowardly.
Redstate has declared that Bush is the equivalent of Jesus, and the seventeen Republicans who voted against escalation in the House are symbolic of the seventeen pieces of gold Judas was paid to betray Jesus Christ.
By betraying Bush, they have betrayed Jesus.
This is the spoofiest thing ever.
Spoof is now dead, and in dying, it has achieved both rebirth and immortality. Like the mighty phoenix incinerating itself that its offspring might arise from the ashes, so has Redstate murdered spoof that others might emulate the very spoofiness used as a murder weapon.
The wheel of spoof has come full circle; I am here.
One might go so far as to say that spoof has had its head removed and preserved in a jar, while its zombified body continues to rampage across the northern wastes.
“Indisputable evidence — long hidden but now available to everyone — demonstrates conclusively that so-called ‘secular evolution science’ is the Big-Bang 15-billion-year alternate ‘creation scenario’ of the Pharisee Religion,” the memo says. “This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic ‘holy book’ Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.”
The memo calls on lawmakers to introduce legislation that would end the teaching of evolution in public schools because it is “a deception that is causing incalculable harm to every student and every truth-loving citizen.”
It also directs readers to a Web site, which includes model legislation that calls the Kabbala “a mystic, anti-Christ ‘holy book’ of the Pharisee Sect of Judaism.” The Web site also declares “the earth is not rotating … nor is it going around the sun.”
One might go so far as to say that spoof has had its head removed and preserved in a jar, while its zombified body continues to rampage across the northern wastes.
In this case, it’s as if the body has found the jar and reunited with its head. If only such a fate could befall me, I’d be a happy zombie elf indeed. Maybe next Christmas. Christmas is a time for miracles, especially for the rich kids. And Santa happens to be very, very rich indeed, rich in cheers and smiles and laughs and hundreds of millions of dollars in Krugerrands.
“Global Warming” had a precursor in capturing the hearts and minds of the world. Michael Crichton, in his novel “State of Fear,” brilliantly juxtaposes the world’s current political embrace of “global warming” with the popular embrace of the “science” of eugenics a century ago. For nearly 50 years, from the late 1800s through the first half of the 20th century, there grew a common political acceptance by the world’s thinkers, political leaders and media elite that the “science” of eugenics was settled science. There were a few lonely voices trying to be heard in the wilderness in opposition to this bogus science, but they were ridiculed or ignored.
Furthermore, if the global warming fraud (see also Y2k) is not stomped out soon, here’s what we have to look forward to:
The result was that 60,000 Americans were sterilized with twenty-nine states passing laws allowing sterilization.
I think it’s a logical argument that merits consideration.
The memo calls on lawmakers to introduce legislation that would end the teaching of evolution in public schools because it is “a deception that is causing incalculable harm to every student and every truth-loving citizen.”
If this really is the criteria for what should/shouldn’t be taught, can we dump calculus, English Lit, and Econ 101? Seriously, just how many tears has Sir Isaac and his dammed “conical” shapes caused Joe Highschooler?
richard – I was about to post that article. I think we all can agree that there’s no difference between an opinion held by politicans and scientific research. Eugenics proves that airplanes couldn’t possibly work because if the word “science” was misused once, it must always be wrong.
EugenicsJet Blue proves that airplanes couldn’t possibly work
Furthermore, if the global warming fraud (see also Y2k) is not stomped out soon, here’s what we have to look forward to:
The result was that 60,000 Americans were sterilized with twenty-nine states passing laws allowing sterilization.
I think it’s a logical argument that merits consideration.
So if we don’t stop the GW fraud, someone’s going to chop off my beans and frank?
It’s also worth noting that the Y2K bug wasn’t a problem because we spent millions of man-hours fixing it. In fact, the price tag for Y2K was approximately $300 million. So we didn’t just sit on our laurels while Y2K swept over us, but instead took a very proactive and responsible approach to fixing it.
Whatever may be said of Y2K, it was no fraud. So please get your facts straight.
Richard 23
zzyzx, yes I think it’s an interesting way to think about global warming hysteria, if that’s what you meant.
I know the leftists here like to make fun of red state, but it really is a good compilation of mainstream moderate views.
Richard 23
Zif, what part of “Ill-Informed Banter” don’t you understand?
I know the leftists here like to make fun of red state, but it really is a good compilation of mainstream moderate views.
That’s because the leftists around here are completely unhinged. To them, anyone to the right of Trotsky is no different from Hitler- itself a fatuous comparison, as Hitler was himself a Socialist and pretty much as far left as Trotsky on the political scale.
Zif, what part of “Ill-Informed Banter” don’t you understand?
Richard 23
ZSC, I think you got it about right. Which reminds me, Hitler was a proponent of eugenics so I think Zifnab has more to worry about than his “beans and frank” if the global warming eco-nuts take things to their logical conclusion. :-(
Good news:
Full Disclosure: Leon Wolf is the E-Campaign Coordinator for the Sam Brownback for President Campaign.
Red State at least recognizes who the next president will be.
ZSC, I think you got it about right. Which reminds me, Hitler was a proponent of eugenics so I think Zifnab has more to worry about than his “beans and frank” if the global warming eco-nuts take things to their logical conclusion.
Good point. Anyone who uses science in any way, shape or form is no different from Hitler. (Unless they have no choice because their disembodied head is wired up to a machine, like mine is.)
Leon Wolf is the E-Campaign Coordinator for the Sam Brownback for President Campaign.
Red State at least recognizes who the next president will be.
Amen. God be praised!
Bush = Jesus
Redstate has declared that Bush is the equivalent of Jesus, and the seventeen Republicans who voted against escalation in the House are symbolic of the seventeen pieces of gold Judas was paid to betray Jesus Christ.
By betraying Bush, they have betrayed Jesus.
Meanwhile, up in Heaven, Jesus (not TZ’s yard guy) says, “You have GOT to be freaking kidding me…”
There were a few lonely voices trying to be heard in the wilderness in opposition to this bogus science, but they were ridiculed or ignored.
Because those people were proto-moonbats and tended to oppose things like racism. Filty pre-hippies! However the lonely voices argument can also be applied to such things as anti-biotics, vaccinations, anesthetic, antiseptic, women’s sufferage, desegregation, the current view of the Solar System…I bet they laughed at the first guy who touted the wonders of fire. Clearly all of that stuff is bad and evil so we should get rid of it, starting with Michael “Jurassic Whore” Crichton’s PC and then hand ourselves back to the Brits because who wants to be part of a country founded by a few whackjob deadbeats who didn’t want to pay their taxes?
on a lighter note, despite having a fossil of a dentist who looks like he just came out of retirement, my upper wisdom teeth are out.
of course, the guy screwed up the novocaine on one side so i felt pretty much all of it, which was great cause he really twisted the damn thing to get it out.
now i know why my dad hates the dentist with the red-hot intensity of a thousand suns. hell.
When will Bush unveil his plan to “embolden” the Iraqis to start taking care of their own fucking country?
If nancy Pelosi with her miniscule powers can embolden Ali Baba, I mean Al Qaeda, then sure Bush with his might Decider powers can embolden the good guys?
Redstate has declared that Bush is the equivalent of Jesus
Clever, but off point. What Redstate HAS done is followed the patently anti-democratic Bush-GOP line that we have gotten so used to, we don’t even notice it any more.
Americans weren’t up to understanding the reasons for a war with Iraq, so we had to invent a mushroom cloud.
Americans weren’t up to judging whether WMDs had been hyped to get the war, so we had to invent Syria, or a comedy routine, or outrage against Joe Wilson, to distract them.
Americans weren’t up to judging the effect of the war on their interests, so Bush declared himself immune to polls and above the law.
Americans weren’t up to judging the real threats against them so we produced DHS and its Threat Color Code and made-up “interceptions” of phony terrorist threats in order to scare them.
Americans now are not qualified to elect a new congress with a mandate to do something about the Iraq war, and so we have to declare disloyal congressmen to be betrayers of Jesus NMYM.
The GOP clearly doesn’t trust Americans. Which is fine with me, I don’t trust the GOP, either. I’d as soon send them all to the mountains of Pakistan as look at them, at this point. Get out, leave us alone.
(Redstate) really is a good compilation of mainstream moderate views.
Uh no, it is the constant farting of insane crazy motherfuckers who don’t belong in America.
(Redstate) really is a good compilation of mainstream moderate views.
Uh no, it is the constant farting of insane crazy motherfuckers who don’t belong in America.
TZ, don’t tell me, let me guess — you were the kid that the local opinion leaders always sent off on snipe hunts, right? And you always accepted the blame for not finding any, because “you must have made too much noise”, I’ll bet.
If nancy Pelosi with her miniscule powers can embolden Ali Baba, I mean Al Qaeda, then sure Bush with his might Decider powers can embolden the good guys?
Good point.
Good point.
No way, canukistani.
Pelosi already cast “Protection from Good” on all of al qaeda and so they made their saving throw versus W’s disintegration ray.
Oh, so you were the insecure geek who not only went off on snipe hunts, you laughed at the ones who told you “You know, I went and looked it up, Herb, and there’s no such things as a snipe”, too?
Wow. I haven’t met many people who were such -thorough losers- trusting followers when they were children.
The issue of importance right now is veterans health care.
It is to the Republicans in general what Katrina was to Bush in particular.
The next news conference Harry Reid should hold is out front of Walter Reed hospital to announce congressinal investigations into every facet of care for the wounded.
Perry Como
John Cole Says:
Sigh. All the dwarf priests gquit, too.
WotF ftw!
of course, the guy screwed up the novocaine on one side so i felt pretty much all of it, which was great cause he really twisted the damn thing to get it out.
A friend of mine tried to go Ms. Macho with her impacted ones, so she insisted they localize but did not generalize her pain meds. She apparently forgot to consider the sound of a tooth being grounded down to nothing. She nearly went into shock at the sight and sound of blood, saliva, and toothy bits flailing out of her top hole. Needless to say, she got the general very soon afterwards.
(Anyone else find it ironic that the guy named “chopper” is complaining about a dentist?)
there’s no such things as a snipe
but demi, there is. and i saw one at magnuson park this year during the xmas birdcount. according to wiki:
“A Snipe is any of nearly 20 very similar wading bird species”
(Anyone else find it ironic that the guy named “chopper” is complaining about a dentist?)
well, pulling teeth sans novocaine is something to complain about.
seriously, that hurt like the dickens.
The next news conference Harry Reid should hold is out front of Walter Reed hospital to announce congressinal investigations into every facet of care for the wounded.
Only a person who hates our troops would question their medical coverage.
Hugh Hewitt meets General William Odom. And limps away with his arse in a bucket.
HH: Did you see Cambodia coming, General?
[General William Odom]: And following — let me ask you. Are you enthusiastic enough to put on a uniform and go?
HH: No. I’m a civilian.
WO: Okay, but we can recruit you.
HH: I’m 51, General.
WO: And I don’t see all these war hawks that want to — none of them have been in a war, and they don’t want to go.
Emphasis mine.
WTFF? Where the pox infected hell does Screwitt think soldiers come from? Ranches? Trees? Special camoflage wearing storks?
“My take on the whole thing then and now is that there’s nothing inherently degrading about blow jobs…”
Well…um…there isn’t.
Richard 23
Does Dug Jay feel degraded by blow jobs, when he receives or performs them? Because, while she may be shrill feminazi moonbat, I find nothing to disagree with Marcotte there. I guess that shows how moderate I am.
Richard 23
“may be a shrill feminazi moonbat”
drat drat drat
I find nothing to disagree with Marcotte there. I guess that shows how moderate I am.
This sounds gay. And not in a casual, summer camp late one night in the cabin sort of way. More like a Ted Haggard rimming meth off a make prostitute sort of way.
Perry Como
This sounds gay. And not in a casual, summer camp late one night in the cabin sort of way.
So sayeth Scout Master Andrew.
And not in a casual, summer camp late one night in the cabin sort of way.
You went to a Boy Scout campout with Darrell, didn’t you?
More like a Ted Haggard rimming meth off a male prostitute sort of way.
This isn’t really fair. Haggard is 100% straight now. Even if he’s still rimming meth off male prostitutes, it’s just because he hasn’t been treated for his drug problem yet.
You went to a Boy Scout campout with Darrell, didn’t you?
It was rather sweet, until he started yelling about how we were gonna go to hell because of those three dozen times behind the outhouse.
Cunning linguists get more blow jobs.
Richard 23
“Rimming meth?” Is that a typo or is that some kind of ‘druggie’ lingo? Since drugs are illegal I’d never even dream of trying them. The law is there for a reason.
Hopefully Mr Haggard has been cured of his “rimming meth” habit. I’ve heard it’s as addictive and hard to “kick” as pornography.
“Rimming meth?” Is that a typo or is that some kind of ‘druggie’ lingo?
De Nile is a river in…fuck if I know.
Richard 23
Well, I’ve heard of donkey punch. Is that where you got your name?
Or are you a former (or current) boxer? At Wal*Mart, LOL.
The Other Steve
Bush = Jesus
Redstate has declared that Bush is the equivalent of Jesus, and the seventeen Republicans who voted against escalation in the House are symbolic of the seventeen pieces of gold Judas was paid to betray Jesus Christ.
By betraying Bush, they have betrayed Jesus.
That’s thirty pieces of silver you stupid godless leftard. Basically, Red State is saying that not only did Bush get sold out, he got sold out for cheaper than Jesus. That makes him even more holy.
A gold piece is worth 10 silver pieces. With the crazy inflation in fire-proof dwarf armor, it’s not even worth picking up the silver pieces anymore. Get some platinum and then we’re talking.
Is “emboldening” some sort of new superpower? Can Nancy Pelosi cast an embolden spell upon al qaeda? Does she need to use Christian baby blood as a reagent?
Any of you clowns realize how much 17 pieces of gold are worth? I’d sell out my mom for a handful of those dubloons. Price of gold and all…
With such clear cost analysis, risk assessment, and a knack for selling at the high watermark, I’d make Judas my investment banker. So a decent carpenter went riggy morty thanks to his mapquest-esque betrayal of Jesus’s whereabouts…Catholicism is messy…
The Other Steve,
Yeah, saw it mentioned on Daily Kos–and as I mentioned over there, how soon they forget…
etc., etc.
You go to crusade with the believers you have, not the believers you wish you had.
Well it sounds sort of like “Empower”, but maybe you’re looking for “Remove Fear“? Of course, when Bill Maher pointed out that they were pretty emboldened already, he got fired, so go figure:
Zombie Santa Claus
This is the spoofiest thing ever.
Spoof is now dead, and in dying, it has achieved both rebirth and immortality. Like the mighty phoenix incinerating itself that its offspring might arise from the ashes, so has Redstate murdered spoof that others might emulate the very spoofiness used as a murder weapon.
The wheel of spoof has come full circle; I am here.
One might go so far as to say that spoof has had its head removed and preserved in a jar, while its zombified body continues to rampage across the northern wastes.
John Cole
Sigh. All the dwarf priests gquit, too.
Georgian State Representative issues memo calling evolution a Jewish plot
Zombie Santa Claus
In this case, it’s as if the body has found the jar and reunited with its head. If only such a fate could befall me, I’d be a happy zombie elf indeed. Maybe next Christmas. Christmas is a time for miracles, especially for the rich kids. And Santa happens to be very, very rich indeed, rich in cheers and smiles and laughs and hundreds of millions of dollars in Krugerrands.
Ho ho ho, bitches!
Richard 23
Global warming is like eugenics:
Furthermore, if the global warming fraud (see also Y2k) is not stomped out soon, here’s what we have to look forward to:
I think it’s a logical argument that merits consideration.
If this really is the criteria for what should/shouldn’t be taught, can we dump calculus, English Lit, and Econ 101? Seriously, just how many tears has Sir Isaac and his dammed “conical” shapes caused Joe Highschooler?
richard – I was about to post that article. I think we all can agree that there’s no difference between an opinion held by politicans and scientific research. Eugenics proves that airplanes couldn’t possibly work because if the word “science” was misused once, it must always be wrong.
So if we don’t stop the GW fraud, someone’s going to chop off my beans and frank?
It’s also worth noting that the Y2K bug wasn’t a problem because we spent millions of man-hours fixing it. In fact, the price tag for Y2K was approximately $300 million. So we didn’t just sit on our laurels while Y2K swept over us, but instead took a very proactive and responsible approach to fixing it.
Whatever may be said of Y2K, it was no fraud. So please get your facts straight.
Richard 23
zzyzx, yes I think it’s an interesting way to think about global warming hysteria, if that’s what you meant.
I know the leftists here like to make fun of red state, but it really is a good compilation of mainstream moderate views.
Richard 23
Zif, what part of “Ill-Informed Banter” don’t you understand?
Zombie Santa Claus
That’s because the leftists around here are completely unhinged. To them, anyone to the right of Trotsky is no different from Hitler- itself a fatuous comparison, as Hitler was himself a Socialist and pretty much as far left as Trotsky on the political scale.
Richard 23
ZSC, I think you got it about right. Which reminds me, Hitler was a proponent of eugenics so I think Zifnab has more to worry about than his “beans and frank” if the global warming eco-nuts take things to their logical conclusion. :-(
Good news:
Full Disclosure: Leon Wolf is the E-Campaign Coordinator for the Sam Brownback for President Campaign.
Red State at least recognizes who the next president will be.
Zombie Santa Claus
Good point. Anyone who uses science in any way, shape or form is no different from Hitler. (Unless they have no choice because their disembodied head is wired up to a machine, like mine is.)
Amen. God be praised!
Meanwhile, up in Heaven, Jesus (not TZ’s yard guy) says, “You have GOT to be freaking kidding me…”
Zombie Santa Claus
When do we nominate contest winners, John?
It was like pork for the IT electorate!
Which is the only porking IT geeks ever get.
Because those people were proto-moonbats and tended to oppose things like racism. Filty pre-hippies! However the lonely voices argument can also be applied to such things as anti-biotics, vaccinations, anesthetic, antiseptic, women’s sufferage, desegregation, the current view of the Solar System…I bet they laughed at the first guy who touted the wonders of fire. Clearly all of that stuff is bad and evil so we should get rid of it, starting with Michael “Jurassic Whore” Crichton’s PC and then hand ourselves back to the Brits because who wants to be part of a country founded by a few whackjob deadbeats who didn’t want to pay their taxes?
on a lighter note, despite having a fossil of a dentist who looks like he just came out of retirement, my upper wisdom teeth are out.
of course, the guy screwed up the novocaine on one side so i felt pretty much all of it, which was great cause he really twisted the damn thing to get it out.
now i know why my dad hates the dentist with the red-hot intensity of a thousand suns. hell.
When will Bush unveil his plan to “embolden” the Iraqis to start taking care of their own fucking country?
If nancy Pelosi with her miniscule powers can embolden Ali Baba, I mean Al Qaeda, then sure Bush with his might Decider powers can embolden the good guys?
Clever, but off point. What Redstate HAS done is followed the patently anti-democratic Bush-GOP line that we have gotten so used to, we don’t even notice it any more.
Americans weren’t up to understanding the reasons for a war with Iraq, so we had to invent a mushroom cloud.
Americans weren’t up to judging whether WMDs had been hyped to get the war, so we had to invent Syria, or a comedy routine, or outrage against Joe Wilson, to distract them.
Americans weren’t up to judging the effect of the war on their interests, so Bush declared himself immune to polls and above the law.
Americans weren’t up to judging the real threats against them so we produced DHS and its Threat Color Code and made-up “interceptions” of phony terrorist threats in order to scare them.
Americans now are not qualified to elect a new congress with a mandate to do something about the Iraq war, and so we have to declare disloyal congressmen to be betrayers of Jesus NMYM.
The GOP clearly doesn’t trust Americans. Which is fine with me, I don’t trust the GOP, either. I’d as soon send them all to the mountains of Pakistan as look at them, at this point. Get out, leave us alone.
Uh no, it is the constant farting of insane crazy motherfuckers who don’t belong in America.
TZ, don’t tell me, let me guess — you were the kid that the local opinion leaders always sent off on snipe hunts, right? And you always accepted the blame for not finding any, because “you must have made too much noise”, I’ll bet.
Good point.
No way, canukistani.
Pelosi already cast “Protection from Good” on all of al qaeda and so they made their saving throw versus W’s disintegration ray.
I was the kid with the chemistry set and the darkroom.
I was the kid with the shortwave radio.
I was the kid with the money, because I raised pedigreed dogs, carried papers, and did other jobs for pay.
I was the kid you hated.
Sounds like it.
We do what we can :=)
Right — you were the kid who was so insecure that he ran off on snipe hunts.
Really, your record of making shit up and having no idea what you are talking about remains perfect.
How do you do it? It’s an art.
Your Village Idiot character is on a roll, dude.
Demi? Demi? Where did you go? I was expecting you to tell me more about my childhood.
Speak, speak!
Oh, so you were the insecure geek who not only went off on snipe hunts, you laughed at the ones who told you “You know, I went and looked it up, Herb, and there’s no such things as a snipe”, too?
Wow. I haven’t met many people who were such -thorough losers- trusting followers when they were children.
What conversation do you think you are having, Demi, and who do you think you are having it with?
Write when you find out.
Ta ta.
Richard Bottoms
The issue of importance right now is veterans health care.
It is to the Republicans in general what Katrina was to Bush in particular.
The next news conference Harry Reid should hold is out front of Walter Reed hospital to announce congressinal investigations into every facet of care for the wounded.
Perry Como
John Cole Says:
WotF ftw!
A friend of mine tried to go Ms. Macho with her impacted ones, so she insisted they localize but did not generalize her pain meds. She apparently forgot to consider the sound of a tooth being grounded down to nothing. She nearly went into shock at the sight and sound of blood, saliva, and toothy bits flailing out of her top hole. Needless to say, she got the general very soon afterwards.
(Anyone else find it ironic that the guy named “chopper” is complaining about a dentist?)
but demi, there is. and i saw one at magnuson park this year during the xmas birdcount. according to wiki:
“A Snipe is any of nearly 20 very similar wading bird species”
well, pulling teeth sans novocaine is something to complain about.
seriously, that hurt like the dickens.
Only a person who hates our troops would question their medical coverage.
Hush! No telling!
(But seriously, cool! I didn’t know that there was a bird count at Magnusen Park each year.)
Dug Jay
Here’s a portion of a weekend post on Pandagon by the ever popular gal pal of John Cole, Ms. Amanda Marcotte:
Now, if she can say the same about male stripping, she can finally put her money where her mouth is.
Also, Amanda, you’ve got something on your check. Kleanex?
(tires squealing, heading off to nearest engagement ring store)
Perry Como
I agree. I never feel degraded when I get one.
Hugh Hewitt meets General William Odom. And limps away with his arse in a bucket.
Emphasis mine.
WTFF? Where the pox infected hell does Screwitt think soldiers come from? Ranches? Trees? Special camoflage wearing storks?
Well…um…there isn’t.
Richard 23
Does Dug Jay feel degraded by blow jobs, when he receives or performs them? Because, while she may be shrill feminazi moonbat, I find nothing to disagree with Marcotte there. I guess that shows how moderate I am.
Richard 23
“may be a shrill feminazi moonbat”
drat drat drat
This sounds gay. And not in a casual, summer camp late one night in the cabin sort of way. More like a Ted Haggard rimming meth off a make prostitute sort of way.
Perry Como
So sayeth Scout Master Andrew.
You went to a Boy Scout campout with Darrell, didn’t you?
This isn’t really fair. Haggard is 100% straight now. Even if he’s still rimming meth off male prostitutes, it’s just because he hasn’t been treated for his drug problem yet.
It was rather sweet, until he started yelling about how we were gonna go to hell because of those three dozen times behind the outhouse.
Cunning linguists get more blow jobs.
Richard 23
“Rimming meth?” Is that a typo or is that some kind of ‘druggie’ lingo? Since drugs are illegal I’d never even dream of trying them. The law is there for a reason.
Hopefully Mr Haggard has been cured of his “rimming meth” habit. I’ve heard it’s as addictive and hard to “kick” as pornography.
De Nile is a river in…fuck if I know.
Richard 23
Well, I’ve heard of donkey punch. Is that where you got your name?
Or are you a former (or current) boxer? At Wal*Mart, LOL.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
BTW, when do we get to vote on the quote contest results?