I don’t have much to say about this story (I have not followed it too closely), but I do have to say that I would be a complete failure as a blogger if I passed up the opportunity to use this headline.
Consider this an open thread.
*** Update ***
One serious question, though. Is this guy still in the Marines, and how is this going to work ouy under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?”
Otto Man
Well done, good sir.
I don’t have much to add to “Gannon 2: Latin Boogaloo,” but I do find it funny that he’s all huffy about people pointing to his past as a gay porn star, claiming it’s an invasion of his private life.
“Look, all I did was have sex with men, and let them film me, in exchange for money! That part of my life is between me, my many sex partners, the camera crews, the directors, the marketing people, the video stores, and the thousands, if not millions, of customers who rented and bought my films! It’s nobody else’s business!”
Haha. Yeah, I was waiting for an Open Thread to drop a link. The picture of him possing with Ann “FAG!” Coulter is the best, though.
But you get more of the down and dirty over here.
*snickers* Darrell? Thoughts?
I wonder if he went to the same de-gayification camp as Haggard.
Mr Furious
John started it, and Otto finished it. Nicely done sirs. That is all this non-story (from both sides, IMO) deserves.
Otto Man
Agreed. This guy’s gone from man whore to attention whore. His fifteen minutes are up, and the money’s on the dresser.
I just threw up a little.
Marcus Wellby
You sir, simply expose your BDS by not pointing out all the gay pornstar/hookers in the GOP that have not been exposed.
Rome Again
Michelle Malkin takes the “we are all fallible creatures… Jesus says so” line and then gets upset that lefties point out the nasty behavior of this Sanchez guy… well, doesn’t Jesus love ALL the little children?
You’re leaving out his (at least) 2 years as an escort in New York–at least, he had his own personal escort website (“excellent-top.com”, NSFW, in the web archive) up for 2 years, until 2002. Then again, he left that part out too.
But I have to say, I’m heartened by all the conservative blogs embracing (and/or reflexively ‘defending’) Matt Sanchez. Maybe this is the start of a new era, where gay (or freshly closeted) “velvet mafia” GOP stalwarts can breathe a little easier. Maybe they’ll lose the deep South again, but it could be the start of a principled stand–now let’s see them support a repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”.
Too…damn…funny. I wonder if his WATB act and the photos of him with his “perfect hair” will qualify him for being categorized by Ann as…well…another sissy boy “fag”.
Then to see Mother Superior Malkin acting like the left is so full of hate and vitriol. Sorry hypocrisy, no matter whose, deserves to be shown for what it is, mocked, and beaten mercilessly (I am sure sanchez knows a lot about “beating” things).
This guy gets up and accepts an award from a group of people dedicated to making sure he is nothing more than a second class citizen the rest of his life, he deserves it. Fuck him (not literally).
Um…if you see here he’s not going to be a second class citizen the rest of his life.
That poor clueless bastard. As soon as the right gets tired of holding him up as a shining example of “hating the sin, loving the sinner”, they’ll kick him out on his ass. He talks about how welcomed he felt by that crowd. Um dude…this is the same crowd that laughed and applauded when their guest speaker used an epithet against gays. This is the same crowd that is led by a man who does not feel that gays should be at all protected by hate-crime legislation. As a soldier, this guy is fighting for your country and its rights, and he’s embracing (literally) a woman who has advocated taking away the first Amendment rights of people with whom she disagrees.
That’s okay. He’s already used to getting fucked by huge dicks.
And if you believe that… Well, I don’t:
Good to see Sanchez got a freedom award at the CPAC. I bet a few organizers may have been thinking/wishing dirty sanchez when posing with Matt. Now we see the Pub’s secret weapon; they’ve had the gay hooker contingent firmly in their big tent to pump them up.
I love the R’s trying to NOW claim it’s “none of our buisnes” what he does in his private life…
….as they still scream about Texas vs. Sodomy, or whatever that court case was years ago that got them all hot n’ bothered cuz it was win for the private lives of gay people.
Even if he is gay it doesn’t matter as long as he leads a “normal lifestyle.” They’ve made it perfectly clear that as long as you at least love your wife in the mutual caregiver way and don’t act on your impulses you’re A-OK. If that is the case, he’s no more of a second-class citizen than the many heterosexual asian and indian pairings that have a similar idea about the nature of marriage.
You know the “our marriage laws don’t descriminate against gays because they’re allowed to get married — to the opposite sex” bullshit.
Best. Blog Title. Ever.
Not before they grope said ass a few times.
I don’t know or care if he is or isn’t “gay.” I know people in the porn industry who will do anything to anything because…that’s their job. I also have a hard (sorry) time believing he’s clueless. This smells like Free Publicity to me. And a picture of him with AC on his website would be sure to bring the submissive wingies running.
However, it does expose (sorry) the Radical Right’s confusion regarding what is an is not acceptable. I was pretty certain they were all down on porn (sorry!) and extra-maritial sex and I know they were down on sex between folks with matching genitals. But now it seems they’re only down on porn/sex if the people involved are moonbats.
Or maybe they all want a piece of that.
Baby Jane
According to Riehl, a gay-porn-hooker past is a positive; it makes the man.
It’s like a truckstop on the road to enlightenment.
I am guessing you don’t agree with this and are merely stating how the mouth breathers see things.
However in one word…Horseshit.
If these dipshits had their way we’d have the inquisition part 2 targeting all gays (even the one’s with “beards”) as well as non-christians, etc.
Because its not gay if you’re pitching.
Oh, definitely. Apparently he’s working on a book as well, but for some reason he doesn’t want to talk about that yet…
Repubs should go with a Passionate Conservative ticket.
Gannon/Sanchez ’08
Rome Again
Gannon/Sanchez ‘08
Rome Again
At least we would expect to be screwed by them.
Richard Bottoms
IRR probably.
He’s in the Reserves, and… don’t ask. But seriously–and as I mentioned previously–it’ll be interesting to see what the conservative bloggers say regarding “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”.
Taking a quick scan of righty blogs, amazingly they all have the same opinion. Once again, the Sisters and Brothers of Perpetual Victimhood are under attack by the intolerant left machine.
I’ll say it again, they never fail to deliver on the comedy.
Speaking of which, Newt is supposedly going to be on Dobson’s radio show today or tomorrow to have a planned Jimmy Swaggart moment. He’ll let the audience know he’s gotten down on his knees to seek God’s forgiveness for his past indiscretions. Umm, wasn’t Dobson the guy who said the words “tolerance” and “diversity” were code words of the militant gay agenda seeking to destroy marriage in America?
28 Percent
I can’t decide what I like best about this story –
that he went on national television, but believes that the mention of his porn star past is a result of people “digging up dirt” (what, did he think everybody was staring so hard at his winkle that they wouldn’t have recognized his face?)
that he describes something he did on film, for money, with the backing of a distribution company his “private life,” which ought therefore to be off limits
that he conveniently has a book coming out (cha-ching!)
or that, after he raised up enough of a ruckus about student radicals (and how is the existence of radicalism on campus news? Student radicalism, like student rampant partying, have been a constant feature of western society since at least the foundation of the University of Paris. Treating radicalism on campuses as a revelation has got to be the ne plus ultra of Cpt. Renault absurdities) to get noticed by CNN in the first place and voluntarily appeared on national attention, he has the gall to complain that the noteriety is an unwelcome distraction while he’s studying for midterms.
What an incredibly classic case of someone who thinks that he’s entitled to both criticize and to be immune from criticism. He can dish it out, but he can’t take it – excellent top, indeed.
Hear, hear. This will surely go down in the annals of blogitude.
Richard 23
All these homophobic quips just serves to expose the hypocrisy of the left. They pretend to have tolerance for gays, but then slam “Dirty” Sanchez for his gay past.
They claim their tolerance of transsexuals then call Ann Coulter “Tranny Annie” or “mAnn Coulter.”
They claim to be accepting of fat people, but photoshop a sub sandwich into the hands of a heavy right winger.
Black Republicans are called crazy, race traitors, Uncle Toms, etc. Gay Republicans are called hypocrites, pitchers, catchers, perverts, etc.
The only thing the left tolerates is conformity to their ideology and inclusion in its hive mind. But step outside that angry little clique and anything’s fair game. No slur is too low. No insult is off limits. Collateral damage to their own side is no problem once someone dares step off the liberal plantation.
The cognitive dissonance must be painful. But they can’t see it. They can’t help themselves. It’s who they are. Just beneath the surface. Stories like this one unmask the unhinged hatred that lies within.
The more these crazy stupid people talk and stir up shit, the better off we are.
The best spoof on earth isn’t as good as the real thing that comes from these onionheads.
Otto Man
So Richard 23 is a spoof, right?
Rome Again
Classic neoconservative nutcase behavior, isn’t it?
Richard Two Three, step back, bro.
I already professed my love for you. Can’t you see that you are just hurting me now? Why? WHY?
Ah, but Newtie seeks forgivness. If you ask for Forgiveness (TM) and maybe cry a few tears of Contrition (TM) everything is OK and you can pass Go and head on up to Redemption (TM). At least if you’re a Republican. Moonbats are barred from Redemption (TM) by the Firewall of Holy Wrath 6.0 (C).
Rome Again
So Jesus doesn’t love ALL the little children?
Fixed for the immature viewer.
I didn’t understand the reference, so I looked it up. I hate you all.
I wonder how Sanchez would respond if asked, “So what do you like better about the Republican party, the general social conservatism or the specifically Christian fundamentalism?” It’s funny: imagine saying to a Republican, “I know this guy I think you have a lot in common with, politically speaking; he’s a gay, ex-porn-star student at Columbia University. . .” I don’t think the response would be, “Really? Tell me more.”
Jesus My Yard Man is not impressed.
This pandering to the crazies has now turned into farce.
Do these people have any idea how pathetically ridiculous they are looking now?
Rome Again
Apparently not, should we buy them a clue, or expect them to fork over the dough for it and wait eternally for that thing that will never be? I say we let them fork over the dough, they’ve taken enough of ours already.
Exactly. Can’t they just as Jesus (Not My Yard Man) for more if they run short?
The History of Blogging:
1897: Blogging is invented in Terra Haute, Indiana.
2007: The editable post is still not in general use.
Umm, but if he’s also pretty bad at being heterosexual, does that make Matt a HINO?
28 Percent
Classic neoconservative nutcase behavior, isn’t it?
Conservative!??!!!? This “Sanchez” character is clearly a liberal plant, placed to make real conservatives look bad. Notice, please, his FRENCH pseudonym Pierre LaBranche.
REAL CONSERVATIVES know that it’s harder to change your stripes than to just take down your escort site and hope no one noticed. REAL CONSERVATIVES – the kind who know that JOHN MY-ANCESTORS-SLAVES-DID-MY-HAIR EDWARDS is just trying to PANDER TO CHRISTIANS because he PRAYS WRONG – do not “tolerate” sudden changes of heart for personal benefit. REAL CONSERVATIVES would never be fooled by a GAY PORN STAR who is JUST TRYING TO SELL BOOKS. Only RINOS and LIBERALS are stupid enough to fall for this act.
Okay, that just tied the record here for distance of spit coffee (about twelve feet).
Thank you very much, sir.
But he’s a Marine–they support the troops, you see.
Richard 23,
I like the way you paint all the left with the same brush. Not all of us make mAnn Coulter jokes or laugh at gay republicants.
In your mind, your stereoytping of lefties is not a perceptual bias in any way, is it bigot? You spoke of cognitive dissonance- perhaps you were projecting?
Get a clue.
You might get that impression if you read a regular Bible. But Dobson et al have a SPECIAL Bible that includes the Gospel of Joe (C). Joe was a regular guy and Jesus’ (NTZYM) best friend. They hung out a lot and Joe got the inside scoop on what Jesus really thought. All of that talk about loving thy neighbor, not making a complete ass of oneself in public and plucking the plank out of your eye was just to fool the Romans. (The Big J was crafty like that.)
What he really wanted to do was frag all of the sinners meaning people who weren’t straight blond caucasian men like himself (and women if they knew their place) especially Middle Easterners. Jesus hated those dudes. I won’t trouble you with what J did to Mary Magdalene but I beleive the phrase “Smack my bitch up,” is appropriate.
Anyway, bleeding heart Moon Goddess worshipping Catholics took out the Gospel of Joe (C) because it offended them. However, after an adventure that made Indiana Jones look like John Edwards, Jimmy Swaggart found this missing gospel and put in Bibles for his followers.
From the rear. As it were.
[rim shot]
Ergo the term, “Watch your six.”
Rome Again
Or in Mr. Sanchez’ case: Eleven.
Gads, I’ve had the phrase Monstro 11 inch uncut whatever stuck in my head since Tom in Texas posted about this yesterday. Mind bleach, my kingdom for some mind bleach!
Richard 23
You hurt the ones you love. Or is it love the ones you hurt?
Yes he is, I am damn near positive of that. He gives himself away a few times too many.
Rome Again
I wasn’t talking about REAL CONSERVATIVES, I was talking about those newfangled “NEOCONSERVATIVE NUTCASES”.
You’ve got an 11-inch uncut stuck in your head?
Dude, call 911. Please.
That’s in AOL inches.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Why don’t we ever hear about the conservative Republicans who aren’t gay porn stars?
Well, good luck naming one.
Tom in Texas
All I’m saying is that if Sanchez isn’t gay, the Academy needs to remove Forrest Whitaker’s Oscar and award it to Matt pronto. His acting is incredible. I truly believed he was enjoying having another man suck his cock in Jawbreaker.
You doing research for the RNC, or just trying to get an in on the Whitehouse press corps?
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
True dat. Even Bushco has rumors about his years at Yale, a-cheerleadin’.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Don’t ask, don’t tell, dude.
Rome Again
OMFG, that’s hilarious!
I’m starting to believe a majority of the right loves the cock (Victory Cock-us?). I think their whole campaign against teh gay is about removing temptation rather than a reaction to a decadent lifestyle.
If James Cameron and Dan Brown are right shouldn’t that be “Knock my bitch up”?
John Cole
Did you mean anals?
Ah, thank you. 911 changed everything.
He was thinking of Ann Coulter the entire time, so it doesn’t count. Seriously, perhaps I just need to improve my circle of friends but if you offered most of the guys I know a BJ AND cash to receive said service there’d be a fight to determine who went first.
That’s entertainment.
That actually makes it significantly more gay.
True. Thinking of her would be an excellent way to delay ejaculation by at least another couple of
I got your back, dude.
28 Percent
RomeAgain, you don’t fool me. There are no, so called “neo-conservatives”. They are all part of the MSM brainwashing, to make people believe that conservatives would support foreign policies based on theories of historical inevitability.
The Other Steve
It’s ok. See, he’s not gay.
The gay porn thing was just a job he did to help pay for college.
Rome Again
I belief if you were to ask John Cole if he agrees with the lot of these idiots, he would indeed tell you that his kind of conservatism and theirs don’t mix. That indeed sounds to me like a “new kind of conservatism”.
Richard 23
“Neo-conservative” is liberal PC-speak for “teh evil Joooos.”
28 Percent
Silly Rome, you just don’t get it? Neoconservatives don’t exist. Even the people who you might talk to who SAY they’re neoconservatives and who TALK like neoconservatives and who DRESS like neoconservatives aren’t really neoconservatives. They are either dead-ender communists who are using new rhetoric to fool willing dupes, or the willing dupes who are fooled by them. Now I ask you which are you?
Thanks for playing!
Zombie Santa Claus
Iraq is really the liberals’ fault! You got that, you fuckers? Vote Brownback in ’08!
Ho ho ho, bitches!
Maybe it was business before pleasure?
Devil's Advocate
This guy is a whiner. He abandonned all rights to privacy the moment he made pornographic movies. What a pathetic jerk!
Does Cpl Sanchez’s gay porn past somehow to require him to follow a pre-defined ideological line on the military and anti-war protestors?
I can understand calling out Republican personalities for being hypocritical if they do indeed throw him under the bus in the wake of this revelation, but I don’t see any hypocrisy on the part of Sanchez. Wrong, perhaps, but not hypocritical.
I don’t care if Cpl. Sanchez makes some money on the side as a gay porn star, but if he is an active Marine, there’s a terrible double-standard at work. An Air Force officer was recently forced to leave the service after posing for photos for Playboy magazine. She did not participate in any sexually explicit acts. She just took off her shirt. Why would he be allowed to remain a jarhead and she be tossed?
I didn’t either, directly–Blumenthal’s argument was a bit more complex. But based on Sanchez’s later statements, I’ve now watched him spinning and outright lying to try to minimize his past, so I’m no longer inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt–five years of making gay porn movies and (at least) two years of escorting is not a “summer job”; going out on a few dates with a guy is not “boyfriends: 0”; and I’ll be interested to see the subject of his forthcoming book–the whole thing stinks.
Wow… and then there’s this–from twelve days ago. At this point, I don’t know why anyone should believe anything ‘Matt Sanchez’ says–that is, unless they’re overly partisan, credulous, and ignorant.
28 Percent
I read Cpl Sanchez Salon piece and I have to say it is all too true! Conservatives love and support him for who he is, but liberals who say they like gays are attacking him for his politics anyway. They do not care whether or not he is gay or straight or a war hero or anything else, the only admission to their party is that he should not be exercising his free speech and criticizing them. The conservatives support his right to stop the disrespect shown to him as a soldier but the LIBERALS WON’T STOP PEOPLE FROM HATING OUR SOLDIERS, how true that is!
Anyway, he says that he feels freer to have his gay life out in the open now instead of hidden away like it was, so it has all backfired. Ha Ha, LIBERALS I guess you should have thought of that before!
But I thought fundies were against “playing god” with the unborn?