The White House lies to hit a political opponent.
Some day we will have a government where this sort of crap surprises me again.
by Tim F| 47 Comments
This post is in: Republican Stupidity
The White House lies to hit a political opponent.
Some day we will have a government where this sort of crap surprises me again.
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[…] Balloon Juice. […]
Kathleen Sebelius rocks. And I hope she goes ballistic.
She never requested additional equipment.
She never requested additional equipment in writing.
She requested additional equipment in writing, but didn’t use Times Roman 12 point font…..
We fired them for performance reasons.. Err… oops..
Wait, before we get all judgemental on this I want to hear Pat Robertson’s take. Who does he believe is to blame for this natural disaster?
Zombie Santa Claus
I blame Clinton for this.
Why does she hate America and wish defeat on our troops?
Bubblegum Tate
Well, Kansas did recently overturn its extra-dumbass “We’re gonna teach creationism and call it science!” schoolboard ruling, thereby “kicking Jesus, Daddy, and the Spook” (tm Strangers With Candy) out of Kansas, right? And this is what happens when you kick out God–he is one spiteful-ass deity.
OK, so I’m being completely facetious here, but watch…some wingnut will say it with a straight face.
Also, can’t wait for the GOP smear campaign against Sebelius.
Rusty Shackleford
Wow – it looks like we may gain yet another “Blue” state.
You’re doin’ a heckuva job, Bushy!
Sebelius is a just a typical moonbat, hoping for defeat in Iraq. Hard to believe that Kansas, a state that has rejected secularfascist theories like evolution, would elect such a raving Leftard as governor.
Bonus points for the SWC reference.
Heard in the White House staff offices today ….
Anyone who could write Valse Triste would have my vote.
Rome Again
Careful, this is not MY keyboard.
If only Kansas would have had the sense to have suffered from a hurricane. The Administration has learned from it’s mistakes how to respond to that situation.
But a devastating tornado? One does one even do? How could FEMA possibly know what to do when a tornado wipes an entire town off the map?
Perhaps someone in the Federal government could have called the Governor and simply asked what the hell she needed if they were unable to figure out what they should be doing.
If the NSA were wiretapping the phones in Greensberg, there would be no paperwork to fill out – but if they need help in the face of tragedy, be sure the proper forms are filled out in triplicate.
Rome Again
Nobody could have foreseen the possibility that a tornado might touch down in Kansas and rip a bunch of real estate apart? You’re kidding, right?
You go into tornado season with the resources we decide to give you, not the ones you asked us to give you.
Am I allowed to call Snow a callous, lying, twisted son-of-a-bitch or is he still protected by his cancer patient status?
Kevin Drum accurately sums up the exciting details of the latest “Terror Threat Averted” nonstory (Fort Dix: The Horror).
I had a feeling this “threat” might turn out to be, shall we say, bogus.
They’re not even trying to make their lies credible anymore. It’s all about serving up red meat for true believers.
God recently spoke to me and told me that Tony Snow is a lying cocksucker, so yeah, go ahead. God is on your side.
So Baghdad Tony throws another lying tantrum thinking someone had questioned Decider/Commander Guy’s competence. Surprise factor: 0.
I think the surprise meter is pretty much pegged there for the duration of this admin.
No….”It’s my bag, baby!”
Fuck Tony Snow.
Jay C
Don’t these assholes in this Administration EVER learn ANYTHING?
Do these clowns REALLY think they can get away with the “it’s-the-Governor’s-fault-for-not-filling-out-the-right-forms” defense for fumbling yet another disaster-relief effort?
Does Tony Snow not remember, or think no one else will remember New Orleans and Katrina?
And does NO ONE in the White House even think it important to at least LOOK like they care about natural disasters in the heartland?
This has been another edition of “Rhetorical Questions for the Bush Administration”. Thank you for playing.
Dug Jay
As with so many of Tim’s posts, the reality is far different:
The Other Steve
I don’t think you understand.
This is about the Bush Administration excuses, not the Sebelius comments.
Dug Jay
Excuses??? The reality is that there was no problem of the sort alleged in the post to which Tim linked, and the Kansas governor acknowledges that fact. End of non-story.
The Other Steve
If there was no story, why did the Bush administration feel they needed to respond with an excuse?
Clinton never bitched about his National Guard.
Zombie Santa Claus
You make excuses for the mistakes you don’t make so that you don’t have to make excuses for the mistakes you do make. You bicker with moonbats when you’re not wrong, so you don’t have to bicker with moonbats when you’re not right.
I thought it was – you go to the press briefing with the excuses you have, not the excuses you wish you had.
Zombie Santa Claus
You mock the blood of dead Americans with the lies you have, not the lies you wish you had.
Dug Jay – yeah, because blaming the victims worked so well for you guys post-Katrina.
How could that strategy possibly misfire this time?
Well, let’s take a look. The Kansas City Star asked Col. Eric Peck of the Kansas National Guard for his assessment…
Which is pretty much what Sebelius had said. That their state NG has less equipment for emergencies due to it being used in Iraq. Something all 50 governors know is true in their states as well, but she said it. Which is what prompted Tony’s tantrum.
Why does Baghdad Tony hate the Kansas National Guard? They’re troops too.
grandpa john
I wonder if Tony has intentionally overlooked the irony of the situation in that if the equipment was in state where it belonged, then The governor would not have to request the equipment from anyone, she, as the commander in chief of the state guard could just order it in to action the same kind of deal that bush pulled when he nationalized the guard.
Paul L.
10,000 dead in Kansas? Say it ain’t so, Toto
Let’s see how the Barack Obama defenders to spin this. Let after he gave a speech decrying SUV’s and then drove away in a SUV. His people claimed the SUV ran on ethanol.
Tim F.
Frankly, I’m not terribly concerned about what a guy with a history of making things up thinks about my story.
So? He still wasn’t as far off as you usually are.
Obama’s explanation.
Is America ready for a President who admits mistakes?
“Turns out that the National Guard in Kansas only had 40 percent of its equipment and they are having to slow down the recovery process in Kansas,” Obama said, his shirt sleeves rolled up and his head glistening with sweat.
Wow. I guess if Obama makes a factual error in an impromptu speach this gives a blogger the right to make an outright lie in a researched article.
Define “plenty of people and equipment” because Obama’s 40% number looks pretty much on the ball and that doesn’t sound like “plenty” to me.
The Other Steve
He misspoke. He admitted to it.
To quote Senator McCain… “Get a Life”
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
No. That only emboldens our enemies, the terrorists.
Maybe in a happier, simpler time, America could afford Presidents capable of error. But 9/11 changed everything. Thank God Bush is our Commander-in-Chief. He understands the dynamics at work here.
Rome Again
I totally concur!
Rome Again
I supposed the dynamic you speak of is to make a gazillion mistakes and just not admit to any of them? Oh, yes, Thank God for that… NOT!
Rome Again
What goes up… must come down
What goes round… must come round
What’s been lost… must be found.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
At least Bush didn’t forget Poland!
Next thing you know, Obama will be suggesting that the Queen of England is 280 years old.
Rome Again
Sorry, little Georgie Bush already did that. Next?
Isn’t she?
Paul L.