Via the Great Orange Satan, this:
Ad Campaign Criticizes Pro-Life Members of Congress for Voting against Children’s Health Insurance
Washington, DC- Catholics United will launch a radio advertising campaign targeting ten members of Congress whose opposition to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) have compromised their pro-life voting records.
The ads, which feature a mother urging her Congressional Representative to support SCHIP, will primarily air on Christian and talk radio stations from Monday Oct. 15 to Wednesday, Oct. 17 as Congress approaches a critical Oct. 18 vote to override President Bush’s veto of bipartisan SCHIP legislation.
“Building a true culture of life requires public policies that promote the welfare of the most vulnerable,” said Chris Korzen, executive director of Catholics United. “At the heart of the Christian faith is a deep and abiding concern for the need of others. Pro-life Christians who serve in Congress should honor this commitment by supporting health care for poor children.”
***The script for the radio commercial reads: “I’m the mother of three children, and I’m pro-life. I believe that protecting the lives our children must be our nation’s number one moral priority. That’s why I’m concerned that Congressman X says he’s pro-life but votes against health care for poor children. That’s not pro-life. That’s not pro-family. Tell Congressman X to vote for health care for children. Call him today at XXXX, that’s XXXXX.”
ATTN: Dan Riehl, Michelle Malkin, NRO, you have your marching orders. When the ad airs, it is your job to find out what you can about the woman reading the message. Some possible questions for you citizen journalists:
Is she really a woman?
What is her address and where can I find her house so I can drive by it?
Does she really have three kids?
Are they her kids?
Did she swap one in the hospital?
Is it possible she swapped one at the hospital?
Is she a good mother?
Is she really Catholic?
Does she go to church?
What was her last confession about?
Is she really pro-life?
Has she ever had an abortion?
Have her neighbors ever had an abortion?
Does she use birth control?
Has she ever done anything that could technically make her not Catholic? Not a good mother? Not pro-life?
And most important of all, what do her kitchen counters look like?
Have at it, you sick SOB’s.
Man, Democrats stoop to a new low, brainwashing a catholic woman (!) and strapping a pack of lies to her and sending her out there like a suicide bomb to blow up in the face of the true god-fearing Christian Americans.
Plus you forgot, what kind of bumper stickers does she have on her car?
Does her kid have a facebook/myspace? If so, does her kid appear to have too much time on their hands? Are they goth?
Does she dye her hair?
what college did she attend?
Does she take communion on a regular basis?
was she ever a member of the communist party?
are their Nazy sympathizers in her family?
Did anyone she know ever have an abortion?
Did she ever drink before 21 or smoke pot?
Forgot, since she is Catholic, do the Dobsonites actually consider her a Christian?
Michelle should save time and get all this info for the FBI and NSA.
As I’ve noted before, most of the christian right may be anti-abortion, but they’re no more pro-life than the average NOW member. This indicates that some of them are breaking with that contradiction. Good.
Bout damn time someone shoved THAT in their face.
Ooo, this could get interesting. Will Michelle and her flying monkeys Swift Boat the Catholic pro-life moms? Will they even be able to help themselves? They really seem to know NO other way to argue their point other than casting aspersions upon the messenger.
Stock up on popcorn for next week, boys and girls.
(The sad thing is this, though: if the Catholic Pro-Life Mamas do get Swift-boated, we’ll probably see a lot more outrage from the right than we saw when this same shit happened to a 12-year old kid.)
Elvis Elvisberg
The Catholic Church is pro-life. Like, actually pro-life: anti-abortion, anti-death penalty, anti-poverty.
That gets garbled in the Red vs. Blue caricature that is our public debate these days, but it’s true.
Oh, and this post is terrific.
Billy K
Not until she is “perfected.”
While I’m not a fan of the message, it certainly is refreshing to see some consistency from at least one group of the messengers.
With reasonableness like this, you could almost have a discourse!
Where did EEEL go?
I am eagerly awaiting his informed opinion on the matter.
Don’t forget generally anti-war as well.
You got that right! They’re a dead giveaway. The stone, tile, or laminate no doubt imported from a godless, socialist haven. Let her prove her sympathies are not in league with her countertops.
My hope is that the Rovian era of Symbolism Politics is turning into farce.
And as luck would have it, the GOP is moving as rapidly as possible in that direction and cooperating beyond our wildest dreams. All we need to do is keep reinforcing the farcical aspects of their “views” and rubbing their noses in it at every opportunity.
Has anyone checked out Malkin’s site to see if she has a reaction to this?
Or maybe posted something in her comments?
I would, but this prior service Marine does not like going to her site…it scares me ;)
Blue Jean
Don’t forget;
Has she ever used birth control in her life?
Was she a virgin when she got married?
Has she ever broken the law in any way, shape or form, like getting a parking ticket?
Has she ever smoked? Drank? Done drugs?
Does her name sound suspiciously WASP?
What’s her family income?
What’s her house worth?
Where do her kids go to school? Can we take pictures of them and put them on the Internet? I’m sure there’s a lot of pedophiles out there who’d love to know what they look like and where to locate them.
C’mon, Michelle, get off the stick! America needs to know!
1. John, verily you are the awesome.
Option 1 – Ignore it all together. Perhaps scream real loud about something else.
Option 2 – Try to ignore it all together and then start with a “calm” discussion of the matter: “While this woman is certainly entitled to her opinion, I can’t help but wonder if a stay-at-home mom understands the full economic implications of the SCHIP program … I don’t think its fair for people to drag religion into political discourse … Why isn’t her husband in the commercial with her? Maybe she isn’t married … Heh, this guy I know says she looks a little bit like a woman in a porno movie he watched … Hey, I heard she’s really a lesbian porn star and those kids of hers have three different fathers … Well if she’s a lesbian porn star there’s no way she’s a Republican … OMG TEH DEMOCRATS HIRED A LESBIAN TO POSE AS A CATHOLIC MOTHER!1! [Froth, rant, slobber]”
Something like that.
This is not the question they’ll ask. This is:
Has she had 3, or 4, abortions?
Is she really that big a whore to get knocked up 3 times?
She’s driven past a Planned Parenthood once, therefore does she fully support or just partially support clothes-hanger abortions?
Just how big a bitch is she to demand healthcare for her kids? What kind of mother does that?
You forgot the question that matters to me the most. Does she wear a flag lapel pin?
It is true. And while I vehemently disagree with them on the issue of reproductive rights, I do admire their stance regarding anti-death penalty, anti-war, and anti-poverty.
You know…I don’t hold out a lot of hope for this happening, but this could be a real opportunity for people from BOTH sides of the aisle to ignore the hyperbole, ignore the screeching from extremists, and sit down to have a real discussion about children’s healthcare in America. I’m glad that Kos was very approving in his posting — I hope that other blogs and media sources will follow in that same manner.
This is an opportunity to climb back out from the bottom of the barrel. I hope it’s not squandered.
Well, the real meme right now is “SCHIP will cost poor people too much money in taxes.” Thus, you’re stealing from poor Peter to pay for rich but lazy Paul.
So the real question to ask the Catholics is “Why do you hate poor people?”
Tax Analyst
Aw…”Blue Jean” beat me to it…I was gonna add, “Has she been ‘Means Tested’? She’s probably got at least a few dollars equity in SOMETHING.”
Oh c’mon, we all know Michelle and her band of shrieking howler monkeys are currently frothing over Gore getting the Nobel Peace Prize.
Did she ever give money to a Democrat or vote for a Democrat?
if so, she is clearly biased… unlike a Republican donor or voter.
Vladi G
Actually, while this is true, there is wiggle room on the death penalty, or at least that’s the argument you’ll get from the hypocrites who call themselves Catholics while supporting the death penalty. They’ll quote this statement from Pope JP2:
And they’ll see “See! The Pope says that we can still kill people in some circumstances! Yay Death Penalty!” Strangely, they always leave out the last part, which says:
Funny how they do that.
Tax Analyst
Krista, that would be sensible and it would be wonderfully heartening to a whole lot of Americans who are just bone-tired of all the shit-throwing…and as you noted I don’t think there’s very much likelihood that this will actually occur. Until someone figures out how to get the Republican Party off of their “No on everything” posturing none of our serious, long-standing issues can even be sanely addressed. I guess the only real solution “A sound and humiliating Electoral thrashing” – and that seems nearly impossible with so many Congressional Districts gerrymandered to the hilt. I suppose there is the slight chance of voter revulsion peaking at just the right time for that to happen, but I’m not gonna hold my breath waiting for that.
More’s the pity.
Well, they manage to handle workign alongside William Donohue’s Catholic League easily enough. They probably don’t consider her a Christian, but it has nothing to do with her Catholicism.
Nim, ham hock of liberty
Nah, the way they’ll get swiftboated is that they’re CINOs – Catholics in Name Only. Malkin will go stirring up whatshisname, Donohue – the one that gets outraged, OUTRAGED I tell you, about every perceived disrespect to the Catholic Church and is therefore its official spokesjerk.
He will inform us that these women do not speak for Catholics, and are misrepresenting the Catholic faith, and using it in a despicable political manner to advance a socialist agenda that has nothing to do with the Church. In short, she ain’t no real Catholic.
The current population of wingnuts, ie.. Malkin, Limbaugh, Coulter , O’Reilly and a whole host of others are unable to climb back out of the bottom of the barrel, for the simple reason they are the bottom of the barrel.
Only when they’re defeated and discredited can things get better, and then only if the republicans [thoughtful ones] build themselves a new barrel. I may be jaded and cynical but I don’t see any other way.
Tax analyst beat me to it and says it better.
I did it so y’all wouldn’t have to. Malkin is STILL trying to make the case for why the Frosts shouldn’t be on the SCHIP program. But, don’t worry, she prefaces the post that it is only ‘for the grown-ups’.
Wow, Malkin, citizen journalist, that’s some ethical journalism – allowing an alleged nosy neighbor to be an unnamed source of smears on the family.
But it’s all about policy, right?
The Frosts should sue her for libel.
Curse you Rex!
You made me go over there to see the jpgs.
I hope she isn’t trying to pass off those pitcures as the actual vehicles the Frost’s own.
I could post a picture of our F-150, our Dodge 1500 and my Saab…I wish they looked as good as the promo pictures. The F=150 currently has blackberry vines growing over it, becuase she died. The Dodge is the boat truck, hence the dent in the tailgate and the power needed to tow a flatbed trailer carrying heavy steel crab pots or shrimp doors …and the Saab wouldn’t have that dict tape holding the side of the front valance on (yeah I need to fix that).
But yes, we do own a Saab, a Ford and a Dodge. We’re RICH!!!! Oh, ueah, we also own a classic 1904 home above the bay..sounds great, huh? It is in constant need of repair (being a wood house in a wet zone) and the property taxes are killer and we got it before anyone gavwe a rat’s ass about this town as a tourist destination..that gentrification thing). But yes, we own a charming 100 year old house with a bay view. We’re RICH!!!!
I am such a bad typist. :(
We also choose to stay in our house because it is very close to the boat and so the need to drive is much lessened. This is a choice we make to save money and be as good to the environment as we can. My car rarely gets driven (which is why I keep forgetting to get the valance fixed).
But because we are self-employed, health insurance for us IS catastrophic.
god help this catholic woman if she’s got a tattoo on her foot…
They are also still complaining about the ad as well.
god, malkin’s still running with the ‘they own 400K in property’ bit? again, completely ignoring mortgages and equity loans etc? and the fact that the commercial property the dude bought has appreciated exactly 500 dollars?
big money there. run with it, michelle.
The Other Steve
capelza – You forgot the picture of your boat, from what your neighbors tell me is a 40′ Carver yacht worth $850,000.
Malkin writes about Frost that “Halsey, an incredibly disorganized lovable goofball, just can’t seem to hold down a proper job or, when he’s tried, to run a proper company.”
Except for the part about being “loveable”, it could describe Bush before he became governor of Texas.
TOC…(slaps head!)…yeah, totally. It was built in Bayou Le Batre…so “French”.
The Other Steve
I didn’t think google did political ads like that.
They’re talking the sponsored links on the side of a search, right? I’ve never seen a political one pop up there. You get some issues groups, but not a political candidate.
The Other Steve
capelza – You should sell your yacht, so you can afford insurance for your kids.
Or we could sell the house and live on our luxurious yacht. Of course, when it is fishing, it would get crowded with two or two other guys (as there are 4 bunks only), but what the heck!
I do love the scent of old shrimp and diesel…I think I’ll market it as a room freshener. I could pay for health insurance that way!
Stalkin’ Malkin is, again, proving once again that she has nothing to do with the finances in her family. Maybe she should break into the IRS and steal the Frost’s tax returns before making such idiotic statements. Never hear of taxes? Credit card debt? Do they have any other loans besides cars & mortgages? What about huge bills from the accident? Don’t you think their car insurance premium went up a tad? How much does heating/water/gas cost at the properties? Weekly food bills? I could go on and on…
But, this is priceless:
Never mind that Golden Rule Insurance Co. is a BIG GOP and health savings account supporter (nice choice, Ms. Stalkin’ – are they giving you a kickback???), but note that Michelle gets a quote for a HEALTHY FAMILY. Problem is, both Graeme and Gemma have what would make them higher risks to insure: a brain stem injury and a cranial fracture. So, that number would probably be considerably higher. And, interestingly enough, if Mr. & Mrs. Frost wanted to try and save money by only insuring the kids through Golden Rule, the company charges a $5 monthly administrative fee if the primary insured is less than 18 years old. How kind of them!
But, this takes the cake:
Michelle, you IDIOT: they didn’t buy insurance BEFORE the accident because (a) they couldn’t get insurance through work, (b) private insurance bought directly would gave cost too $1,200/month (remember when you said COBRA’s $1,200/month was too high?), and (c) they QUALIFIED for SCHIP!!! So, they didn’t have to buy it! Ugh….she is so dense!
LITBMueller Says,
forget just the taxes add in just living these days. Utility bills, food, gas, you name it. It’s damn near impossible to get ahead. According to Malkin I’m a fucking millionaire but still barely make enough to make ends meet living in CA.
I saw this point mentioned somewhere else: Malkin’s old post about COBRA indicates that she went the MSA/HSA route. One receives a tax break for this. So it’s government-subsidized, right? But in a good, conservative kind of way, I guess.
Donohue’s group has something like 350,000 members, a tiny fraction of the Catholic Church in the U.S. And yet that moron is held up again and again as a spokesman for all of us.
I wonder if all the conservatives who claim Sharpton isn’t representative of African Americans ever look at their own outrage whores.
(It’s OK If You’re a Shameless Republican Hack.)
So, according to Malkin, if I buy a $500,000 house and make mortgage payments every month, I “have assets exceeding $500,000”???
WTF? I still owe the bank $499,000 after the first month. That $500K house isn’t my asset! It’s the banks…so what the fuck is she talking about?
Catholics eat death cookies.
The Other Steve
But then you’d be self-employed. you should go get a job with a company that provides health insurance. That’s how you get insured in this country!
don’t confuse her. she’s only just grasped the concept that your house’s value can’t be gleaned by how much a house down the street sold for. trying to get her to wrap her tiny mind around the concept of a ‘mortgage’ would only cause some kind of brain damage.
The Other Steve
Technically it’s worth $420,000. Houses depreciate by 20% the minute you drive it off the lot.
The Other Steve
One of the funny things is Michelle Malkin, citizen journalist, doesn’t understand public records from the county assessors office.
She doesn’t even understand the concept of a mortgage.
You forgot the countertops.
The Rosetta Stone of class signifiers.
Ooh, you DID mention her kitchen counters !!!
Good citizen-journalist !!!!
Everyone. This has been the latest edition of simple answers to grown-up questions.
Do we ask who deserves government-subsidized transportation systems (e.g., federal highways)? How about government-subsidized inspectors of food safety, environmental safety, automobile safety, workplace safety? There’s a picture that emerges, one of a society that thinks an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
HyperIon Says: “This question is for grown-ups only: Who deserves government-subsidized health insurance?
I saw this point mentioned somewhere else: Malkin’s old post about COBRA indicates that she went the MSA/HSA route. One receives a tax break for this. So it’s government-subsidized, right? But in a good, conservative kind of way, I guess.”
Uhh, not to defend Malkin, but I believe that the Frosts bought that house in 1990/91 or so for circa $55K, so I doubt they have a mortgage on it that’s any more than $40K unless they have been taking out home equity loans (which very well could be).
That’s a good point, which I take to be that we just don’t know. Malkin et al. simply assume the worst, as well as trying to put the burden on the Frosts to show that the accusations are wrong. I personally think that President Bush has had a three-way with Condi and Barney; it’s up to him to prove I’m wrong.
Ugh — Bzz!!!
They refinanced the house to pay for upgrades to the house the kids needed after they were injured in the car wreck.
I believe the issue of the mortgage came up on the other property (commercial) that they “own”.
Regardless, getting caught up in the details obscures the larger point. The American public resoundly rejects what the Republicans stand for (especially on healthcare). This is a winning issue for Democrats (and the rest of us, if healthcare reform actually happens the way Dems want it to).
Republicans will wail and moan and furiously gnash their teeth all the way through single-payer, and we should do nothing but keep pressing forward. They will lose more support every time they try a ridiculous stunt like this.
Like I said, I’m not defending Malkin, and as I noted they certainly could have taken out home equity loans (or refinanced as Jeff notes, they apparently did). I just thought it was a bit much when people start talking about $499,000 mortgage on a house with a FMV of $500,000 when it was worth much less when they purchased it (i.e., it’s not like the size of your mortgage grows with the FMV of your house).
Let’s not go overboard the other way (even if she deserves it).
Well, if we are going to split hairs here…
If they bought the house in 1991 and the commercial property in 1995, both at 8.5% interest and the house on a 30-year fixed term and the commercial property loan on a 25-year fixed term, then they have already spent $272,000 and are only slightly over halfway done paying for either of them. That is assuming that they never touched their equity in order to perform any upgrades, which is probably pretty unlikely.
Stalkin’ Malkin has been reduced to inciting class warfare in order to discredit the Frosts. We are living a parody–one that is made painfully obvious by the martyrs posting at her site about how poor they are but wouldn’t dream of expecting anything from their government.
The Populist
Uhh, not to defend Malkin, but I believe that the Frosts bought that house in 1990/91 or so for circa $55K, so I doubt they have a mortgage on it that’s any more than $40K unless they have been taking out home equity loans (which very well could be).
And you know this…how? Ever heard of refinancing using equity? Who’s to know that the dad didn’t use the equity to pay for his business? This means debt.
Who’s to say they didn’t pull equity to help pay some of the medical and private school costs for their kids?
Love how some want to vilify these folks when we all know that just because something is valued at $400K does not mean anybody will PAY that should the time come to sell.
Does Malkin not understand that people tap the equity on their homes for all sorts of expenses?
Argh she is dense.
the house originally cost 55 grand. i dunno what down payment they made, it might have been zero. so they still likely have a good chunk of principal to pay.
the house is now valued at 250 grand, although in today’s buyer’s market it probably wouldn’t sell for that much. and as mentioned above they either refied or took out an equity loan to upgrade the house, so i don’t know how much actual equity they have left and how much they owe.
as for the commercial property, i doubt there’s much equity at all in that. he hooked up with the place pretty recently and its appreciated all of 500 bucks.
that’s the thing i find so funny. all the chumps at malkin’s site talk a big game, but i’ll bet you a hundred bucks that if they lost their job and health insurance and their kids got injured, they’d be first in line to sign up for government benefits. they’d excuse it under some stupid rationalization like ‘well, i’ve paid more than my fair share of taxes so it’s okay’ or something.
it always seems like the people who talk the biggest game against things like social security are always the first in line for it when they get disabled and can’t work and their rent is due. just like those who talk the biggest game about war are always the last to actually sign up.
This David Horsey cartoon makes that point brilliantly.
Great line, that.
Here, let’s have a closer look at that. Hmmm, formica, obviously, from the late Eisenhowerian, I’d wager. Blue collar, see the fossilized grape jelly there, A&P, 3 for a dollar in those days…
Surabaya Stew
Speaking of the Wingnuts, whatever happened to those who used to regularly post here on Baloon Juice? Remember those folks like darryl; what was the moment at which they stopped spewing regularly? I’m kind of sad that John and Tim don’t get Wingnuts to dribble out filth and lies much here anymore; that always made for such entertainment!
Hey, you leave Rushed Limpbags alone!
ummm… I generally support the bill on it’s merits but the argument made by the mother is pretty disconnected. Abortion (pro or con) is a deeply personal and, by and large, moral decision. Support of the bill (pro or con) is an economic and political decision.
Like I said, I support the bill, but there’s really nothing on this earth you can’t try and sell by saying “it’s for the children”.. It’s pretty tiresome.
There are pro-lifers who truly are pro-life. These are the folks who support health care for the kids and oppose the death penalty. Many, however, aren’t really pro-life. They are anti-sex or anti-woman. Once you understand that, you realize why they would threaten a children’s health care program and stalk a 12 year old.
I’ll grant that there appears to be a moralistic disconnect between being against abortion and for the death penalty. But I don’t see how being for or against a piece of extremely complicated legislation automatically brands a person a hypocrite. Such sweeping generalizations are usually not supported buy the broader realities.
Neither party inspires much confidence when it comes to spending money wisely. It always gives me pause when the sleeze factory that is Washington DC suddenly wants to use children to expand their influence. This is not a moral stand to be equated with life and death. It’s good healthy skepticism of government.
Wilfred Says:
You forgot the countertops.
The Rosetta Stone of class signifiers.
Great line, that.
Here, let’s have a closer look at that. Hmmm, formica, obviously, from the late Eisenhowerian, I’d wager. Blue collar, see the fossilized grape jelly there, A&P, 3 for a dollar in those days…
Too funny!
You just know the wingnuts were scratching their heads when they heard the Frost’s countertops were actually concrete instead of granite. Hmmm, could be homemade on the cheap, could be high class design. Arrrgggghhhh, what does it meeeeeeaaaannnn????!!!!
The Stranger
Mrs. Frost: Honey, we need insurance for the kids.
Mr. Frost: What we really need is 3 new gas guzzling vehicles that will cost us about $140,000.00.
Mrs. Frost: But we only make about $45,000.00 a year.
Mr. Frost: You dumbass. You can’t possibly believe that.
Mrs. Frost: But that’s what you told the Dems and the media.
Mr. Frost: All we have to do when asked for our financial records is scream Naziism and the MSM will come to our defense.
Mrs. Frost: Oh, OK. I see how it works now. Screw the little bastards. I want a powder blue Volvo SUV.
Mr. Frost: OK, but the new Suburban and the new Ford F-250 are mine.
Richard Bottoms
I’ve been preaching on this site for four years. I don’t care about Republicans, shove their goddamn votes.
Only independents matter.
Peter Johnson
It would be interesting to know whether or not this woman really qualified for SCHIP under her state’s rules. I’ll bet not.
Hank Essay
Gracious, the trolls are out in number this Saturday morning.
Must be an ambush.
I guess Malkin run this through the Wingnutt-o-Sphere Magic Fact Maker, We only consider something called real evidence here Lambchop, not echo chamber crapola.
Pardon me, I got my trolls mixed though they’re pretty much interchangeable. My previous post was meant for The Stranger
The Stranger
Mrs. Frost: There really aren’t idiots out there that will swallow the BS put out by us, the Dems, and the MSM, are there? There really can’t be people that stupid.
I mean we say we make $45,000.00 per year, yet we send four kids to private school at $20,000 each…and we own three gas-guzzling vehicles that set us back about $140,000.00…but we can’t afford health insurance for the little bastards…er, I mean little darlings.
There can’t be people that abjectly moronic. It’s impossible.
Mr. Frost: Just go read Balloon Juice. You’ll see.
The guy that runs it is still saying that what Beauchamp wrote is not total BS.
Mrs. Frost: Shut up. LOL
Fail. Even Malkin has given up on the private school angle.
I weep for the future of trolling if this is the best you bozos can do.
The Stranger
tBone Says:
Fail. Even Malkin has given up on the private school angle.
Mrs. Frost: Actually the evil Michelle Malkin has NOT given up on the private school angle. She’s just finding new things out about us…like the three gas-guzzling vehicles that set us back about $140,000.00.
Mr. Frost: See what I mean. There people are really, really stupid.
Mrs. Frost: Uh-huh.
What is this, the JV trolling squad? Get the starters back on the field before I fall asleep.
Chad N. Freude
Mrs. Frost: Honey, did you forget to conceal from Ms. Malkin the bills of sale for our three clearly brand-new luxury automobiles? And the scholarship checks we forged to conceal the fact we were paying the kids’ tuition? And did you remember to show her the fake rejection letters from the insurance companies we pretend we tried to buy insurance from?
Mr. Frost: Damn! I turned my back for just one second while she was running her fingers over the faux concrete granite countertops. My bad!
i am the right wing's psychological projection
this is just another example of the (weirdly underexamined) psychological projection of movement conservatives. “the left is stealing elections, so we have to do anything we can to win. they don’t really know what life is like for average Americans, so we have to prove how exceptional this family is, using financing to buy houses or cars and stretching themselves to the limit.”
Like I said, I support the bill, but there’s really nothing on this earth you can’t try and sell by saying “it’s for the children”.. It’s pretty tiresome.
Indeed, what could be more tiresome than the bizarre, incomprehensible claim that government-subsidized insurance for children is “for the children”? A pox on both their houses, those who claim that providing health care coverage for children somehow benefits children, and those who are loudly “pro-family” unless the family actually needs help, whereupon it’s time to beat up on a sick twelve-year-old. Both sides are exactly the same.
Sheesh, somebody needs to ask the EPA to look for dangerous levels of drooling fuckwittery in the water where superduck lives.
(I’m being a bit harsh, since the concern troll touch of “I support the bill” isn’t too bad, though undermined by apparent ignorance of what the “C” in SCHIP stands for.)
You’ve got a great point there. I mean of course if you have a clever anagram then your cause must be just and it would be unthinkable to ask for accountability on the part of our government.
All those offices, agencies and programs are just paragons of virtue and have never strayed from their charters or constitutional restrictions to morph into wasteful and/or bureaucratic black holes.
Good detective work there. You have me utterly. I was sent here by Rove to undermine you. I’m part of a secret cabal of shock troops sent here to lull you into questioning your beliefs and falling into the pit of despair and and self doubt. Damn you sir.
Shorter the Stranger: Dude! I still live with my parents who pay for everything for me!
Scholarships, Car Loans and Mortgages. Things wingnuts have obviously never heard of.
Scholarships, used cars w/loans, and mortgages.
The Stranger
Zuzu Says:
Scholarships, used cars w/loans, and mortgages
Public school, Dodge Caravan, more affordable home.
Translated The Stranger: Seriously, I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying anymore.
Translated the Stranger: Maybe if I type fast enough, nobody will notice I’m trying to peddle bullshit even the Right isn’t trying to anymore.
Translated the Stranger: I blame my parents for not educating me on how mortgages work. I blame my teachers for not explaining how housing markets work. I blame somebody else for how a $55,000 home somehow translates into ‘too rich for them’ just because inflation and a rising housing market raised the neighborhood’s value. Parents shouldn’t work to put their kids in a good home, they should live in a box if that’s what it takes to buy them overpriced insurance even if they couldn’t get any.