Big story on Dan Rather here, and you all can discuss it in the comments, but this made me laugh out loud:
Rather’s shock turned to quiet fury. He stalked the offices, barely acknowledging staffers in the hallways. People referred to this mode as “Defcon 4.” “He got progressively, visually angry,” says a former colleague. “You don’t want to be in his eyesight when he’s like that.” His only release was commiserating on the phone late at night with Mary Mapes; he would announce himself as “Dan Rather, plus three”—meaning he’d had three glasses of bourbon.
From now on, when I blog after having a stiff drink, I will change my signature to ‘John Cole, plus three.’ Or four. There is also this:
But the anger was seething just below the surface. The next night, Rather’s last as anchor of the CBS Evening News, he wore a T-shirt under his suit and tie that read F.E.A.—“Fuck ’em all.”
I am starting to like Dan Rather.
*** Update ***
BTW- I saw Katie Couric’s CBS news last week, and she is just terrible. I really don’t know what it is about her that makes her so bad, but it is almost painful to watch. Any one of the female broadcasters at MSNBC would have been better than her.
Just remember ppGaz’s First Rule of Bloggorrheaville:
Never post drunk.
Michellle Mawkish
OMG! Dan Rather is crazy and has a suitcase nuke and wants 2 kill us! Save us Jack Bauer!
Dug Jay
Dug Jay
Here’s the homage to Dan Rather, courtesy of REM.
I am starting to like Dan Rather.
The conversion process is nearly complete!
drunken hausfrau
sillies…. those of us in the cocktailknow always knew… I am never less than hausfrau 3, but prefer to be hausfrau 4 or 5 (quality hooch permitting…)
Paul L.
Redstate begs for the netroot to support Gunga Dan.
O NOES! Get him locked up in a military base quick!
P.S. Man is that not funny (because it’s true)…
Wow. A RedStater calling Libs chickens. There’s something you don’t see every day. [Eyeball 360]
Knees resting on the cushion usually reserved for servicing BushCheney. Butt crack scaring the cat again.
How exactly does one stretch out a keyboard?
The Other Steve
What I always found funny about the whole Dan Rather affair.
The righties never argued that the story wasn’t correct. They knew in their hearts that it was true, but had to go through the motions of denying it anyhow.
But didn’t Rather cover up the JFK conspiracy?
Peter Johnson
The hero of left turns out to be a drunken psycho. What a shock. I wonder if Pelosi wears that say “Fuck ’em all” tee-shirt beneath all that Armani finery.
OT, but on the CNN front page now, one of the “Latest News” headlines is “Ticker: Cheney having heart procedure”.
I do think that it was a set up of the Rovian kind…the INSTANT response has always raised my hackles…like the morons at Free Republic were that smart to figure it out ont heir own. Buckhead is an insider…
Oh the kerning…it’s all anyone remembers. They succeeded…but in the end they have never disproved the documents, only cast a doubt on them and more importantly on the idea that Bush wasn’t fucking the pooch while in the Natl. Guard. Which he was…but the minute you bring it up…”Rathergate! Rathergate!”..and all intelligent discussion ceases.
Somehow, Nancy Pelosi doesn’t strike me as being that cool.
The Other Steve
Whoa, this article is interesting…
How do legal settlements work? If you talk, you have to give the money back?
I’d be more than happy to contribute money to that cause.
is there anything more pathetic than a chair-bound internet wingnut trying to sound like Braveheart ?
No kidding. There was so much dirty pool going on in that “scandal”, it was laughable. This, seven or eight years into FAUX News reporting, when everything that isn’t porn is probably a lie, and half the porn is a lie too.
The fact that Rather failed to vet his source during the height of Swift Boat Veterans For Truthiness is such a laughable charge – who the hell was vetting their sources come the Fall of 2004?! Robert Novak? Judith Miller? Jeff “Gay Sex” Gannon? – that it recked of setup.
The Other Steve
Let us all pray.
The Other Steve
Living in your mothers basement with cheeto stained fingers?
The Other Steve, I wasn’t talking about the story content, just the headline. The question is whether is was accidental or not that it ended up in the Political Ticker.
Bubblegum Tate
And of course, the lasting effect is that Rathergate proved conclusively that Bush was an exemplary military man (meaning any and all charges that he was somehow derelict in his duty are nothing but damn dirty lies), whereas the Swifties were great truth-tellers.
At least that’s the lasting effect in Greater Wingnuttia.
I love the “what are you, chicken?” comments from Red State: The site that is terrified of Ron Paul and anything else that punctures its particular othodoxy.
Wait, of course it was intentional. CNN is an evil liberal corporation, so certainly it would be openly joking about Cheney’s health problems.
Are the Cheeto munchers all hiding under their beds now that news has broken about the gay-married terrorists (via UO)?
Kevin DuBrow (Quiet Riot) dead at 52.
Chuck Butcher
Oh Peter J,
I wear a plain t-shirt, while I’m sitting at the loading press, putting 360 gr SWCs in .45 Colt cartridges with enough powder to go 1250fps, but what I’m thinking while I’m doing it has to do with idjits like yourself. Since I own a good left wing leaning Vaquero it pokes holes in paper and large critters, instead. Your overwrought pussy Prez can’t wire tap that thinking now can he?
If you’re gonna troll a site like this the least you could do is put together a coherent thought or two…
Chuck Butcher
Jeeze, I forgot the other part of your inannitty, I haven’t had a drink or drug for 19 years…unless you count coffee and Camel straights.
I think Katie Couric would do great at Fox “News”…she has nice legs, and that’s the only qualifiction there is for a Fox “News” telebimbo.
Incertus (Brian)
I wonder if Pelosi wears that say “Fuck ‘em all” tee-shirt beneath all that Armani finery.
It would certainly be a whole lot of awesome if she did.
maxbaer (not the original)
Chuck, I believe there has been a theory floated that Peter J may be a winger of the Jesus General variety. Not sure how that’s playing out, tho.
Blue Shark
Dan Rather caved…
…just think if he had actually had the courage of his convictions to stay with it.
…Just another fancy-faced Media Ass.
He (? I’m guessing) is buggering up a quote from Macbeth. I suppose he could be engaging in a little irony since Lady M. was encouraging hubby to stab old Duncan to death.
In the spirit of our discussion about “pre-aggressive”, I will sign off tonight as “jcricket, pre-plus three”
If she did, I’d do her in a NY-minute. And considering her looks, and my general preferences, that’s saying a lot.
Bleargh! I’d not even do Piglosi in a Roman century. Set your sights a little higher, boy! Even Medusa would be better than that pork loving sow.
mere mortal
That’s about right. John’s last vestige of the dark side seems to be his willingness to buy into the two minutes hate against whichever liberal is today’s Enemy.
– mere mortal + 4
Wait, this is newsworthy now?
DAN BLATHER cant get over not being in front of the camera lying to the public 24/7 too bad SQUAWK SQUAWK
BIRDZILLA thinks Dan Rather was on his television 24/7? Well, that certainly explains a lot.
The man never saw a hurricane he couldn’t stand upright in…