This story is sucking all the oxygen out of tonight’s debate, which is pretty much Hillary’s last chance for Obama to stumble. Check out the memeorandum coverage of what blogs are talking about:
And that is only the top half. If you go there right now, it scrolls down so long would have to attach two more screenshots.
It is all McCain, all the time, and the same can be expected for the next few news cycles, in which one of two things will happen. Either they will find some concrete evidence of McCain being in bed with lobbyists (and not in the carnal way) and that will dominate the news, or the whole thing will be debunked, and the next few news cycles will be dedicated to how the NY Times got it so wrong and what impact this will have for McCain’s future.
Either way, this hurts Hillary. Obama could basically go to the debate tonight and drool on himself, and it will be given very little attention, because the McCain story is all that matters right now.
W00T! My prediction from last night turned out to be true. That’s rare enough that I love it when it happens.
It’s especially bad for Clinton because her plan was to go negative and that only works if it’s covered.
Isn’t that a bit like saying “sure, she has terminal cancer, but the bad news is that she just broke her leg?”
Let’s not confuse Memeorandum with actual Media coverage.
But still, you are correct. Between the coverage of this story and Malkin’s new hit single Hillary is screwed.
Gee, how sad. Political machine theater hurts devotee of machine politics.
Dog bites man. Let’s see, what else is on tonight …..
Lost is on tonight! Really, debates can’t compete.
John Cole:
Shit, screwed up the blockquote formatting. I am a doofus.
This would be disturbing, yet somehow still awesome. He should totally do it.
The Grand Panjandrum
As I said in a previous thread nothing can help Clinton now. Obama has steered this campaign to the endgame for the nomination, and this McCain blowup is just a lucky break that the Obama campaign will exploit as a reason to NOT accept public funding for the General Election.
I would think he wants Clinton to go negative as evidence of his point about the Old Politics of Division. The more negative the better, because he is now above the fray. Every time she swings at the Magical Unity Pony she misses because he is already engaged to vanquish the Main Enemy: the Republicans.
The Fat Lady is warming up.
Might just be me but every time I see the phrase “Stray Cock Express” I immediately start hearing “stray cat strut”, as performed by Brian Setzer and the Stray Cocks, err, Cats.
Not to change the subject but according to the Charter of Wingnuttia doesn’t this mean war?:
White Christians on a rampage against the West, brilliant. Awaiting the wingnut calls for massive retaliation.
Incertus (Brian)
I’ll bet the Mittster is in a right rage today. Can’t bring myself to feel sorry for him, though.
You know there’s a whole ‘nother angle to this story. Does this have an effect on the FISA debate? Particularly when it comes to the part about telecom amnesty?
What happens if Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold start shouting on the Senate Floor that the Administration and the Senate Republicans wouldn’t be so adamant about Telecom Amnesty if it weren’t for all those TELECOM LOBBYISTS running around. We sure hope Senators aren’t being unduly swayed by TELECOM LOBBYISTS to vote for Telecom Amnesty…..
(Wonder if talk like that might sway McCain’s vote….)
The Grand Panjandrum:
That does bring a mildly interesting, or at least on topic, point. Why is this story framed as hurting Hillary? Given the dynamic of the Democratic primaries, with Obama getting close to an outright win, is Clinton even that relevant?
If we’re analyzing Democratic strategies, shouldn’t the main focus be on how revelations over McCain being in bed with a lobbyist (whether literally or figuratively) *helps* Obama?
I just checked and http://www.hillaryistoast.com is available if anyone wants to register it.
So very true. Did you also notice she has only been able to win in states with the same kind of typical machine in place? Sort of bad news for her in TX and OH, where the dem parties are just starting to get their shit back together.
PA has the machine but I really don’t think you are gonna see SW Philly or Delco go for Hill. Rendell isn’t going to be able to work those levers for her.
w vincentz
From here on out, Hillary will continue to win the states that share the letters of her initials…”HRC”…
On a planet far, far away, in a land of Clinton…
Honey, the “dream is gone”…pulleezee, surrender prior to further destruction. You wuz. “Nuf said!
I’m not so sure the picture is so deterministically clear cut. In the immediate term, I agree, this hurts Clinton. She needs Obama to stumble big, but with the oxygen sucked out of this news cycle he has no reason not to play the debate safely. I expect a boring performance from him tonight.
Longer term, I’m not so sure. Obama can’t just coast on his momentum. He needs to start closing the sale soon, and pull off an upset in TX and/or OH. If he doesn’t, Hillary will be able to keep sucking in enough funds to drag this out to the convention. If he can pull off an upset, I expect her funds to dry up, which will be the real KO to her campaign.
Oops, meant to add – with all attention on the Stray Cock Express for the next few news cycles, it’s going to be hard for Obama to close the sale. The more eyes are off him, the faster his big mo’ will fade, increasing the chances Hillary can pull Come Back Kid part XXVI.
Obama is still just close. Until he has it, Clinton is at least somewhat relevant, especially if this means her last ditch attempt became less likely.
It’s like trying to win on a hail mary pass when suddenly a 50 mph wind starts blowing in your face.
Around here the Obamaphenomena is fueled by HillaryHate, not BarackLove. They make donations to Barack, not as a reward for something he does, but as a punishment to her.
I don’t think that this hurts Clinton all that much, seriously. Right now, this is still inside politics; it’ll disillusion a few independents who actually pay any attention, but, really, it isn’t going to affect the Dem race much at all. After all, Obama is not winning in either Texas or Ohio, and debating her raises his visibility, which he also needs.
It does hurt the Republicans, and it hurts them a lot. It exacerbates the socon/warcon split, and endangers their carefully choreographed run to the convention, particularly if it forces McCain’s record into discussion any earlier. Worse, for McCain, he’s out of money if the FEC calls his bluff about public financing and won’t let him out of the trap he’s built for himself. Obama and Clinton? Neither one of them is out of money — and each of them can spend their entire warchests on “party building” (don’t vote Republican — look at their ethics records) and “issues advertising” (don’t vote Republican — look at their ethics records) between now and the Dem convention.
there’s a debate tonite? McCane and Huckabee and Paul, right?
Nothing unifies the GOPers like an attack from the librul media, of which the NYT is the Whore-in-Chief.
John S.
Around here?
Try around the whole fucking country. The woman started with nearly 50% disapproval ratings. And for those who actually believe in the Obama campaign slogan about ‘change’, it’s as much about embracing the new as it is about rejecting the old. Which means it’s both Hillary hate and Obama love mixed together in varying amounts.
Get your talking points straight.
People here support Obama because they are terrified of Hillary’s vagina!
Now we may periodically get in a low mood and hate Hillary, but trust me, it’s the vagina that terrifies us.
Tim F.
Who are you talking about? I wanted to like Hillary. Badly. It isn’t my fault that she made it so fucking hard.
That explains John S.
i want to see which of them attacks McCain first in the debate tonight. ignoring the sex-n-lobbiest story, the whole question of his in-n-out-n-in-n-out with the public campaign finance system makes a nice target.
if i was in the debate, i’d be chompin at the bit to make a point about McCain’s sketchy ethics in that situation.
Actually, I started it as a punishment to *you*, ‘member?
I’d actually argue that it’s helping Hillary. The political headlines since Tuesday were all about how the Hillary campaign is disorganized and sinking.
McCain just knocked that off the front page.
The Other Steve
At this point, I don’t think anything will help Hillary.
She just hasn’t realized that yet.
well, people think the story is a smear campaign. obama has been running on a campaign that most americans consider pretty damn clean, so when asked if it helps or hurts obama, i would just shrug. i mean, if it hurts mccain it helps his opponent, but otherwise it doesn’t reflect either way on obama’s campaign.
clinton, however, suffers from this. not because of the quality of her campaign as much as just piss-poor timing. and as much as the ‘everyone’s a clinton hater OMG WTF BBQ’ types don’t want to admit it, these last days before march 4 are her last stand. anything that serves to hurt her chances of scoring some well-placed pot shots at obama causes her campaign to suffer. no matter where it comes from.
John S.
You want to pretend to rise above the fray and not engage in petty attacks and then you do it anyway.
Anyone who has bothered to read any of my concerns with Hillary knows it has ZERO to do with her having a vagina and everything to do with my distaste for the dynastic politics she represents.
So go fuck yourself.
Is this the best political ad ever produced?
Mariaches for Obama!
The Other Steve
The Big McCain story is that the FEC apparently isn’t allowing him to get out of public financing.
Which means he has to go into silent running mode, until September.
Good luck with that!
What happened to the meme that she was the “establishment candidate” and the frontrunner with a huge lead and name recognition?
Now she was hated out the gate? Make up your mind.
If she’s making it hard then that’s not hate, it’s lust.
Here’s hoping Malkin runs across that video.
grumpy realist
Opinion article in FT today stating that Hillary should quit, regroup to being the best senator she can be, and try again in the future.
Ouch. That’s gotta hurt. The Financial Times?
Lighten up, that was a joke.
The Other Steve
George Will has an interesting column.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
John S.
When you made this extremely broad generalization:
I responded with my own broad explanation:
I fail to see where speaking in generalizations magically transmutes into the views of an individual person.
Speak for yourself, son, speak for yourself.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Yeah, but that doesn’t count. Because…
um.. because…
/looks in the Clinton Campaign field manual/
/checks table 37(a) for “disqualifications”/
OH! Because you– ~no, wait, ‘jen’ is a female name~
Umm, Jen, by any chance are you:
a.) Black
b.) From Chicago
c.) From Hawaii, or
d.) A Madrassa Student?
No matter. Since there’s a more than 0.1% chance of any of those 4 conditions being true, the manual instructs me that it’s a “sure thing” that you are.
Your donations to the Pony don’t count.
Billy K
The MUP is like Nightcrawler. Every time you take a swing… [BAMF!] swing [BAMF!] swing [BAMF!]
/nerd dogwhistle
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
But a bad enough one that I cringed a bit.
You’ve gone sour and caustic, myiq. It makes us sad. We like you when you have a biting wit. Not when you’re just biting.
Remember pie? Would pie bring you around?
True, but that’s becoming a diminishing concern in direct proportion to the GOP’s diminishing base.
Billy K
Oh, I see. So when you say something really shitty, it’s a joke. In the future, let us know which comments are to be taken seriously, and which are jokes, please. Getting hard to tell.
Either way, this hurts Hillary. Obama could basically go to the debate tonight and drool on himself, and it will be given very little attention, because the McCain story is all that matters right now.
oh, thank goodness, another Hillary basing thread… I was getting worried there.
John, actually, I think that the McCain story helps Hillary immensely, because in terms of election coverage, its been all Hillary-bashing, all the time. So, instead of the last 24 hours being filled with speculation about how “desperate” Hillary is, and how she “needs to hit a home run tonight”, all the idiots are talking about is McCain.
And despite all the media attention being given to McCain, all those voters in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and RHode Island who planned on watching the debate are still gonna watch it. And the McCain story will help keep the inevitable “she didn’t hit it out of the park like she had to” Hillary-bashing post-debate analysis to a minimum.
There is a reason why Obama refused to debate before Wisconsin — he knows she cleaned his clock in the California debate in terms of the impression that Super-Tuesday voters took away.
Billy K
You know what else bites? Ponies.
myiq will come around. They all come around…eventually…one way or another…
just because you have a high disapproval rating doesn’t mean you don’t have name recognition. and being establishment has nothing to do with whether you’re hated out of the gate or not. and being the frontrunner is contingent on where the rest of the candidates are at in terms of popularity.
you can be all three and still be disliked by half the country.
I don’t know – apparently he gets applause even for blowing his nose. For drooling on himself he might receive a standing ovation :).
Victories don’t count unless Obama debated in that state the night before.
And Obama will still mop the floor with Hillary in Texas and Ohio. You’re not really making much of a point here other than people won’t be staring directly at Hillary as she begins her face plant into the Dem Convension. She’s toast.
I used to just think you are obnoxious, but worth listening to. Lately it’s clear that you are no longer worth listening to. This Hillary-pimping thing that you do all the time is just tedious and makes you look pretty stupid.
But hey, don’t stop doing it. Because, you know, I’m probably wrong.
If I say something rude and insulting without provocation, it’s not intended to be serious. I don’t make a habit of insulting people as a substitute for cogent argument.
I was just playing off what Davebo said – I don’t see you jumping on him for the original statement, just me.
John S.
Well, unfortunately I’m supposed to wait until Jen or one of the trolls condemns myiq’s comments before I can comment on them. Or something. But I appreciate your input.
Anyway, it’s cool. If myiq2xu says he was just joshing, I guess I’ll take him at his word.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
p luk, I’d like you to read that again, and then tell me where the attack on Hillary was in that sentence.
Hint: John said “This story takes the focus off of the Democratic Debate so bad that Obama is going to get a pass”
Where’s the hate, hmm?
We’re cool around here, as long as you make sense. You start accusing our gracious host of shit using bad evidence, and out come the pitchforks.
McCain still needs to rally the stormtroopers, however many are left.
Hm. I hadn’t realized I was the bouncer around here. Or possibly an irregular troll, given Demi’s comments.
Let’s just all agree to agree that the NRO works very, very hard to maintain their reputation as America’s Shittiest Website.
Thanks, S,N!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
OK, I’m a pretty solid Obama supporter, and that was freaking _creepy_, dude.
/seeing Billy with a machete, in front of a picture of myiq, carving “P-O.N,Y” into his arm
Billy K
Duh. That’s because I fear the Clagina!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
No. “Den mom”. You seem to be the only one normal enough to procreate, evidence being that you have, so you get to clean up after us ineffectual children :)
I was. Consider it a sign of affection.
A big strapping guy like you? Of course you will be taken for a bouncer.
Or Steely Mcbeam, one.
Doesn’t everyone?
Will you guys quit saying I’m a guy if I confess to having no clue who Steely McBeam is, or am I gonna have to describe childbirth to you people?
Billy K
he says, as he dashes off to wikipedia…
Methinks he doth protest too much.
You’re on a site where 30-50% of the comments are spoof or persona at any given time. Why should anyone make a gender assumption about you either way? Just because you represent yourself as sugar and spice and everything nice?
For all we know you are three guys doing a class project.
It’s an interesting case, though. In most cases where I have made a gender id of female here, I would say I have been 100% right. The real thing is hard to fake. With you I am just convinced. Something is missing, something is off.
(I am not 100% in id-ing males. Sometimes I misidentify a female as a male, I am not aware of ever making the opposite mistake tho).
With you I am just NOT convinced.
Friggin uneditable posts.
The only question remaining is will Obama choose Vince Young for VP?
I get the same impression. Sometimes there is a distinct “masculine” feel to Jen’s posts.
But that’s not proof.
It’s like shitting a watermelon. And I was just the Dad.
Raising ’em is even worse. It’s like having razor sharp needles plunged into your bank account.
Where’s the hate, hmm?
Well, back before this was a two-person race (and most of the blogosphere hadn’t gone nuts for Obama — or gone nuts over people going nuts over Obama), there was a standard joke, based on the media gasbags interpretation of everything as “bad news for Hillary”. So when I see the classic formulation:
and its based on really crappy reasoning (i.e. that the Hillary-bashing pundits won’t be talking about her as much, ergo: bad for Hillary) it fits by criteria for Hillary-bashing.
We’ve all been down this road twice before… the “Hillary is doomed, Obama has momentum, and is unstoppable” storyline, and in both New Hampshire, and on Super Tuesday, the people saying this crap wound up looking like idiots. So don’t be surprised if she does well on March 4, despite the “bad news” for her that the McCain story represents.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Man, tough crowd.
I, for one, am convinced she’s a woman-with-children, because her ability to spontaneously co-opt the subject and put her children in the center of attention is frightening. I’ve never known men to do that.
Actually the Obamaphenomena is fueled solely by bitter, salty tears. Your post above, for instance, generated approximately 250 watts of clean-burning MUP current.
I’m fairly certain that “Obama has momentum” isn’t exactly a shallow talking point.
It’s a fairly irrefutable fact.
re: Davebo above – hook ’em! The MUP would look just dandy going stride for stride with Bevo across Darrell K. Royal/Memorial stadium
re: everyone else. thanks for settling down. This thread was heated. we’re all on the same side here big picture (except for the odd troll).
PS – The republithugs could never catch Vince.
With the relevations so far, I can’t imagine this story pushing Hillary and Obama off the news for more than a day or two.
Remember – McCain is a media favorite, they’re not gonna bash him, they’re gonna protect him. CNN is already referring to it as a “smear.”
Ha ha haha ha.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
p luk, your cup of paranoia doth runneth over.
This is very simple: There is a non-infinite amount of media coverage to be made, and the people’s memories are short. There is a limited amount of time to get your name put on air. Obama has the headlines on the left, and McCain just took the headlines on the right, and now Hillary has to do something of even more attention-grabbing value (positive or negative) to get airtime.
This does not require Hillary-bashing pundits, available as they may be. Everybody wants camera time to make or break their case. Hillary is a subset of Everyone.
That’s it. Argument closed. Move on from the “Hillary is a perpetual victim” argument. There’s not enough gasoline. At least, not on this site.
You (and she) have better cases to make, somewhere.
Now your gender, OTOH, is much less in doubt.
Something in your posts screams “ditzy blond.”
wasabi gasp
Steely McBeam is the pet name lobbyists lather on McCain when they want their tort reformed.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
You are SO WRONG, jerk-off.
I’m not blond. I’m a brunette.
Snark Based Reality
This video hits me hard:
I think I finally understand who Hillary’s core supporters are. I hate being reminded of how many fucking stupid people there are out there roaming around… breeding… Ugh.
I thought Hillary’s core supporters were past breeding age?
Are we talking about boobs?
See, I thought Steely McBeam was probably a football player.
Actually, it’s kind of like being the watermelon, and the baby is Gallagher, except he has a hammer and chisel instead of a sledgehammer, and it takes 11 hours instead of 3 seconds.
But whatever, y’all can think I’m a guy if you want to. TZ doesn’t sound like the crusty old grump he says he is when he talks about the MUP, either.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Ugh, you had to bring that up? Now we’re about face a torrent of every painfully obsessive video anybody has made for Barack. The Hillary camp will find _every_ one. Considering that there seems to be a bigger group of core supporters, there’s probably going to be A LOT.
/dons hard hat/
Well from what I can tell, that’s about all it is. I’m still trying to figure out what the big deal is.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
There’s another one, this time for Huck, posted. I couldn’t make through this one. I’ll leave it to you to discover why.
TZ’s inner child is a crusty old grump too.
Ummm, so to sum up the Obama fanbois are either gay or just stepped out of a pod? Back away from the MUP dust!
Let set H be the set which contains Hillary Clinton and Set E be the set which contains everyone. H { E. Now, let Em be the set of everyone who matters. Here you will find that Em { E, but E not { Em. However, H { Em. Furthermore, you will find that Em { H.
We have now proven that the set which contains Hillary Clinton is equivalent to the set of everyone who matters. QED.
(Yes, I’m sure there were a multitude of logical flaws in t hat statement.)
All right. I have the one question that will prove once and for all that you are a woman.
Explain the right way to fold a bath towel.
True enough. No proof either way.
Most people use pretty amorphous handles. Why does a person use a handle like “jen?” To convey femininitude?
Do you think that is the poster’s real name?
and …
Say WHAT? The strongest political trend lines we have ever seen in our lifetimes, the biggest stampeded to one candidate and away from another, is going to be reversed in ten days or so … by what mystical force?
The Lukasiak Energy Field?
The mind boggles as to what would make a person write something like that in this situation.
{ head shakes }
Well, it doesn’t matter. But the person writing jen does an awfully weak defense when gender is challenged.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Very cool, now we have proofs on Krista’s identity, too.
He’s one of the gay dudes from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.
What? There’s a correct towel fold?
No way.
Geez, I used to respect p.luk for his work in challenging Joe Klein over at Swampland. Now I realize that lukasiak was just mad that Klein was encroaching on his territory.
TZ is a persona.
Do you have a dictionary handy?
I write the character to fit today’s story arc.
Which attributes are autobiographical, only the author knows.
What’s this “fold” thing?
Now now, don’t count Hillary out just yet. At least, that’s what the media has been telling me. There’s a chance that she could win big! What is that chance? Well, let’s see. Given that Obama’s only won 11 contests in a row… what are the odds of that occuring at random, anyhow? 0.5^11 is about 0.05%. So Hillary might have at least that much of a chance!
With breasts
Krista, you’ve made me nervous. I fold them by folding in one both sides to the center, then in thirds, lengthwise. Similar to T-shirts except an extra fold lengthwise.
Did I get it?
Jen’s a woman.
Woo hoo! I was about to say, if that’s not it, then my mom’s not a woman, either, ’cause that’s how she taught me.
“jen” had plenty of time to get the “answer” from a real woman. If there such a thing as a right answer.
It was a bit of a trick question. You don’t fold them the way I do (half lengthwise, then again, then thirds), but every single woman I know has a very specific way in which she folds towels, which she views as the absolutely “right” way to do it. So I really didn’t care which way you did it, as long as you had your own specific, control-freaky way.
For contrast, look at TZ’s answer and myiq2xu’s. They were both utterly confounded at the very notion that there would be a “right” way to fold a towel.
I fold the towel by tossing it over the towel bar.
I don’t think I have ever folded towels the same way twice.
Isn’t there some kind of law against folding them any certain way?
Yes! It’s called Man Law.
I twist the towel up and smack the poolboys in the behind! In a completely heterosexual manner.
Thanks, guys. :) You’ve done an awesome job proving my point.
Cool. I’m neutral, though, on the issue of whether or not the toilet paper should hang to the back or the front of the roll. I have heard of women who only do it one way or the other.
This is actually really bad news for Huckabee. He was sucking fumes, sure, but his only chance was right wing rejection of McCain. The undisputed part of this story is that McStraightalk was doing massive favors for the wench, i.e., he’s thoroughly corrupt.
Which should seal the deal between McCain & the cons, so they can rally to his side with no worries that he’ll turn on them. As they have.
Who puts toilet paper on the hanger thing?
You grab the roll up off the floor and yank off what you need.
I think my way is also the way they fold them in hotels, come to think of it…or maybe hotels each do it their own way, too.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I freaking hate that. It creeps me out when someone thinks enough of my ass-wiping situation to apply creases to $0.000035 worth of paper.
Yep. The most recent news is that Obama cleaned up in the overseas Democrats Abroad global primary, making it 11 in a row. This is momentum by any reasonable definition (excepting perhaps, that of Mark Penn). According to news reports,
The full story can be found here:
Make That 11 for Obama
And apparently in the Hogwarts Caucus, Obama won every house except Slytherin.
So anal-retentive = woman?
Slytherin votes overwhelmingly Republican.
Say WHAT? The strongest political trend lines we have ever seen in our lifetimes, the biggest stampeded to one candidate and away from another, is going to be reversed in ten days or so … by what mystical force?
With all due respect, Obama’s momentum is based entirely on a really bad decision by the Clinton campaign — win in the Super Tuesday states that will matter in November, and let her momentum carry her over the finish line. The Obama campaign outflanked her by putting a lot of effort into states that won’t matter in November (states that only in a landslide will go Democratic) and the immediate post-ST states.
By the Saturday after ST, the problem was obvious, and Clinton replaced the number 1 and 2 people in the campaign. But it was too late to do anything about the Potomac Primary, and so Clinton decided to focus on the remaining three key states — Texas, Ohio, and PA.
I think that Texas will be a squeaker, because its an open primary…and there are a lot of Clinton haters in Texas. She should win Ohio convincingly — my biggest fear is that the campaign is not putting enough effort into Rhode Island and Vermont — even a close victory in TX, if combined with losses in those two states, would be seen as a “bad sign”, a close loss in Texas and those two states will be really bad. But a good win in Ohio, and wins in those two states, even with a loss in Texas, would show that “Hillary is back”.
That doesn’t surprise me one bit. I bet Cheney would give his back teeth to be able to do a Cruciatus curse.
John S.
I have had a bumper sticker on my car lo these past six years that reads:
Republicans for Voldemort
I have gotten some pretty interesting reactions over the years, although combined with my Jesus Votes Republican sticker, it is mostly bewilderment.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
OMG, p luk acknowledged a failure on the part of the HRC campaign!
Now, p luk:
1.) She’s made a whole LOT more mistakes — than just that one — that keep the Obama momentum up
2.) Her ridiculous, amateurish mistakes are what we talk about here. Hillary screwing up left and right. Sure, some of us get confused between Obama’s ups and Hillary’s downs, but be assured: Hillary is blowing it. It’s not hillaryhate(tm)
Yay for people paying attention.
With all due respect, you are completely full of shit.
One Million donations by March 4, in the bag (953k as of yesterday) …. the biggest populist fundraising success in political history so far as I know. You just no fucking clue what is going on here. The guy is a rock star, and your candidate sucks.
Your posts are now farce. You are embarrassing yourself.
John S.
Only now??
I gave up on p.lukasiak after he dutifully trotted out the “automatic delegates” trope the same day the Hillary campaign issued the memo.
Um, Krista? I don’t know what other answers you got, but the bath towel gets folded in three long ways, then in half once, then layed across the towel bar. Unless it’s wet, in which case the first halving is omitted. The hand towel gets divided in three and then layed directly across the towel bar, unless it’s wet, in which case the first fold is in half.
And, yes, I’m quite comfortably male.
You forgot Wisconsin. However, she forgot Poland, losing that contest 21-4.
Here’s tapping at you, kid.
Huh? So, it is not that Obama has momentum, but that Clinton has anti-momentum?
Clinton can’t campaign for crap sake, but somehow she is still ready to govern from Day One. But I understand this. It’s kinda like people in Boston who insist that the Giants didn’t win the Superbowl, but it was just that the Patriots lost the game, even though the Giants owned their asses.
It must be really interesting to live in a world in which there are really no Obama supporters, only Clinton haters.
Wait a minute. These are small states. How come small states count for Clinton, but not for Obama?
I will bet you good money that the Clinton team would try to spin this result into another version of “these losses don’t matter as long as we have Michigan, Florida and the super delegates.”
OMG, p luk acknowledged a failure on the part of the HRC campaign!
I hate to break it to you, but a year ago I was an “anyone but Hillary” person, and am really still an Edwards supporter at heart. The sole reason I defend her now is that (IMHO) she is the better of two bad choices.
The problem with the Clinton campaign is that it was too focussed on winning in November — her victories in Arizona and Massachusetts are a testament to that (no one knew who the GOP nominee would be until ST, and if it was Romney AZ and MA suddenly both became important in November.)
The problem with the Obama campaign is that it is focussed solely on winning the nomination.
And fainting spells.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
You mean the basement of your cape-cod, designing handmade placards for yourself — and your reluctant friends — by the light of an old 13″ showing VHS Oprah reruns, dimmed only by the haze of airborne fur shed by your 7 cats?
/sexism alert!
Hang? Toilet paper belongs on the counter or the floor.
And towels belong in the laundry basket or hanging somewhere. What’s the point in folding them? When there’s no more towels in the basket, it’s time to do laundry or find the cleanest one in the hamper.
And the toilet seat belongs in the upright position.
And Hillary is going to lose the nom and lots of unhinged Hillary voters are going to skip November or vote McCain, thanks to deep thinkers like Taylor Marsh, a Reagan Democrat who recognizes Obama as a far left empty suit. I didn’t realize the D’s were as fractured as the R’s, but the angry division on the left is rather fun to watch.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
The problem with you is you think Obama would’ve been able to focus on the GE even if he lost the nomination.
I hear someone sent him a memo saying there would be more than a few inconveniences to winning the Presidency if he didn’t get his party’s nomination. I hear his response was to apply resources to winning “nomination” thingy.
Stop talking. You’re trying to win back credibility by explaining where Obama went wrong. Except you’re doing it during a period while Obama is on a hot streak and his competition is out with a severe spinal injury (it’s missing). And now you’re telling us that Obama’s problem is he’s trying too hard to secure the must-win nomination, because it’ll cause him to be open to competition in the general election!
Because if he just forgot all about that pointless nomination crap, he wouldn’t _have_ to face the Republican attacks.
You look ridiculous.
For some strange reason I doubt there will be anymore front row fainters at Obama events.
Call it a hunch.
I hope you have a doctor’s note for whatever you are smoking.
And I hope you brought enough for everyone.
A little too comfortable, apparently. A little more mindless macho posturing and a little less toweligami, my friend.
I mean, I fold the towels a certain way, but that’s because my wife tells me too. She ordains folding according to whatever practices were observed at the last luxury hotel we stayed in.
I tried arguing with her about it, but eventually I folded …
The headline over at TPM says “What Did Iseman Get From McCain?”.
Dunno … an STD maybe?
Really? I can tell you that I did not for one moment think of Hillary when I hit that contribution button.
The Other Steve
I hope luksiak understands just how much damage himself and Taylor Marsh has done to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
When you fuck up, you acknowledge it, and work harder. You don’t lash out at everybody else and call them names.
You DO NOT attack fellow Democrats in coordination with the Republicans. YOU DO NOT DO THIS. Flat out. This is a non-starter.
Don’t come here and whine about how we all hate Hillary, when you and your buddies are sitting over their launching coordinated attacks on Democrats with John McCain and his buddies.
You are upset that Hillary is hated, and yet you do everything in your power to insure that people hate her.
You cannot possibly imagine how incredibly pissed I am. Up until January, I was defending Hillary. I thought the attacks on her were a bit unfair. But I mean come on. Plagarism? Because Deval Patrick gave him a response to use? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!?
I think we’re going through a generational shift here. The adults have stepped up to the table and we’re telling you CHILDREN to go to your ROOM, as obviously politics is WAY TO HARD FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND.
It’s just sad that the adults are 20 years younger than the petulant children.
Hmm call a woman a bitch – and plenty of other names here in the last two days at least – and all of a sudden dumbasses think you hate her? What gives?
Five of those cats just declared for Obama in the Feline Caucus.
This is just nonsense. The Clinton campaign had no focus whatsoever. They began with a deeply rooted sense of their own inevitability, and instead of being able to engage the voters, they are hoist on their own petard of self-deluded arrogance.
Even now, Senator Clinton cannot offer any compelling reason that anyone should vote for her, and instead is simple-mindedly and impotently trying to convince voters that they should just vote against Obama.
And the PC police should note that I used the word “impotently,” usually associated with males, to describe Hillary Clinton.
Tom in Texas
What is this “fold” you speak of? My floor makes a great hamper! And no it’s NOT dirty — I’ve only worn it once.