“WHAT? Is this a joke? What the f…
Flame on. It’s not like he deserved to have a ball that big.
*** Update ***
Olbermann on what states count:
by John Cole| 27 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
“WHAT? Is this a joke? What the f…
Flame on. It’s not like he deserved to have a ball that big.
*** Update ***
Olbermann on what states count:
Comments are closed.
[…] From John Cole, this great commentary on, oh, politics: […]
[…] a focus on the nature of the electoral coalition, made me think of this (noted on Balloon Juice): Sphere: Related Content Previous Posts Tortured Arguments (The Newest Clinton MetricVersion) […]
The most awesome of things…
It starts early.
null pointer exception
hahaaha this needs to be distributed far and wide.
wasabi gasp
Bestest ever seen.
Remember: “It takes a village”
Or THE Village, in this case.
Andrew Durkin
It’s like Peanuts in hell…
Busting balls is the best way to show your testicular fortitude.
Unfortunately, Hillary is probably going to be McCain’s running mate. And if you don’t think that is going to happen, ask yourself: What wouldn’t she do to get a shot at 2012 if Obama wins the nomination? Top that off with:
1. McCain/Clinton would win 2008.
2. He’s gonna die in office so she wins
3. She is already setting up the meme that “it is the serious, responsible thing to do.”
4. They already share the same ideas and slogans.
5. The ultimate triangulation.
Mark my words…..
“I tried standard diversion tactics, complete with cement turtle.”
“Sure there are casualties along the way. And also there’s a real sense of accomplishment.”
Frank Jacobs
Accept second fiddle to Obama.
Sorry, it was too easy ;)
That gives her a shot at 2016. She will be three years younger than McCain is now (69). And you assume that Obama would offer it. He’s not going to. Way easier than your “too easy”, you can’t accept what will never be offered, ’cause Obama isn’t going to have Bill anywhere near the Whitehouse (unless maybe he needs ome uranium from Kazakistan).
It’s a double super secret coded message for the ladies of the Amazon caucus to sharpen their swords for the coming shrinking ball crusade. Tin foil hat please.
I’m sorry, but Arsenic, and anyone else who is boarding the “Clinton will switch parties to be McCain’s VP” is officially a retard. You know who the only people who hate Hillary Clinton more than far-left activists are? Right-wingers. For fuck’s sake, if McCain put her on the Republican ticket, he’d finish behind Nader. He’d finish behind write-ins for Mitt Fucking Romney. Step away from the computer and get a little goddamn air.
Wow — Hillary in a nutshell. Not sure you could pare it down any better than that. BRAVO!!!
Just another typical Obama fanboy…
Hillary went on ET and talked about…you guessed it, Miley Cyrus.
Josh E.
Hillary understands the important issues in a way that Barry never will.
oh man, that clip rocked.. Olbermann one that is. woo!
Watch tonight’s Daily Show. They ripped Hillary a good one for her emerging Republicanism.
Loved the vid about legit voters. Great stuff and seems fair.
Josh B.
I’m sure we’ll hear today ALL about how Olbermann using her own words (and the words of her own campaign staff) against her is proof of his “bias”.
Damned biased facts.
I wish she’d take her ball and go home.
Its true: He totally did NOT deserve to have a ball that big!!
Not only that – its was SEXIST!!! Why do guys always get the big balls, huh?
I’m not taking off the tinfoil yet…..
that olbermann clip sounds eerily like monty python