The Democratic race for president has descended to “a level of meanness and acrimony that is damaging to American politics,” the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth said today.
. . .
“We have increasingly heard pundits accusing Clinton and Obama of swift boating each other,” said Swift Boat Veteran Tracy Klugian. “This hurts the reputation of swift boating.”
Mr. Klugian was quick to draw a distinction between what Sens. Clinton and Obama are doing and swift boating, which he called “a noble profession.”
“When you try to destroy a member of another party, that’s swift boating,” said Mr. Klugian. “When you do it to a member of your own party, that’s cannibalism.”
. . .
“Tear each other up if you want to, but don’t take swift boating down with you,” he said. “That’s just unfair.”
I can’t believe that article Zuzu quoted wasn’t from the Onion.
I just read that one of the front pagers over at Riverdaughter is going to be making the case for McCain as the lesser of two evils soon. That’ll be a can’t-miss post, I’m sure.
I can’t believe that article Zuzu quoted wasn’t from the Onion.
Close enough. Guy’s a “humorist” according to his bio.
More people are voting for Sen. Obama and that’s a huge problem in the fall. If we extrapolate this trend, it’s possible that he could, in the general election, have more votes than any other presidential candidate in history! The nomination process will be a mockery of the highest order if Howard Dean and the DNC sit back and allow the person with the most votes and most supporters to walk away with the nomination. This isn’t what we all signed up for.
Yea verily, that is fabtasatic.
I just read that one of the front pagers over at Riverdaughter is going to be making the case for McCain as the lesser of two evils soon.
I just visited the site for the first time. There is a real confluence of teh stupid over there.
John, can you do a post listing the blogs that have totally gone off the reservation over Hillary? Then I think we ought to be able to vote for the nuttiest. Give them some kind of award or something. Maybe a Magical Unity Pony.
As bad as some of the others are, can there really be any competition with Hillaryis44?
Obama wrapped up a low-key event at an Indianapolis factory Wednesday by telling the audience that a victory in Indiana would be decisive. “It starts right here in Indiana,” Obama said. “If we win Indiana, we’ve got this nomination.“
He lost.
can there really be any competition with Hillaryis44?
“It isn’t meant to offend black people. If it does there isn’t anything I can do about it. And I ain’t going to curb my language or allow it to be shaped by anyone else. Hell, many blacks believed that Hillary was being racist by saying that LBJ was responsible for signing the Civil Rights Act.
I know what I mean and thats good enough for me.”
I wonder what we can do to stop this travesty before it’s too late.
Too many votes is a major problem in this election.
When will this madness stop??? The people have no business choosing their leaders. For the good of the nation, it’s high time we stop treating people as corporations!!
The Moar You Know
I find the saddest result of our latest round of primaries is what it’s done to myiq; you can tell his heart is just not in it anymore, poor guy.
I find the saddest result of our latest round of primaries is what it’s done to myiq; you can tell his heart is just not in it anymore, poor guy.
Zombie Terminator Hillary cannot be stopped.
He lost.
Yo myiqey, glad to see you’ve regained your sense of humor, bro.
Maybe now we can get back to the important stuff—-late nite BJ carousing. Asti’s not around anymore, but Krista still has a great attitude and we’ve got a new “hippy chick” named Genine who seems ready for anything.
Or better yet, let’s make some money. Here’s my plan:
We buy a bunch of sharp sticks and eye-patches.
We go over to TalkShit, No Quarter(s), and Hillary(minus)44 and I start posting comments gloating about last night’s primary results.
Once the villagers are properly riled up—you step in and start moving the merchandise.
I tell you, we’ll make a fortune.
Whatta ya say buddy?
Notorious P.A.T.
For the good of the nation, it’s high time we stop treating people as corporations!!
For the good of the nation, it’s high time we stop treating people as corporations!!
I find your ideas interesting, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I am particularly interested in your ideas about corporate ownership of corporate persons.
“I just read that one of the front pagers over at Riverdaughter is going to be making the case for McCain as the lesser of two evils soon.”
That’s not all that surprising. A lot of Hillary’s support has been from centrists. Choosing between Obama and McCain for a centrist is something of a question.
John S.
Whatta ya say buddy?
Honeslty, nobody has to be sicker about reading some of the shit out there than myiq.
He may have preferred voting for Hillary, but he is going to vote for Obama in the fall. And who knows, he may actually like a president Obama, though I suspect he will be one of his tougher critics for a while. Which is fine – as long as he has a point.
I’d like to see myiq with a point again sometime soon. In fact, I look forward to it.
Crusty Dem
I’d love to see a list of the nutjob Clinton blogs (with particular special mention of the dead-enders). I’d like to nominate Corrente, for no other reason than that Lambert has taken to deleting and modifying inoffensive comments (including his own, after the fact).
John D.
Obama wrapped up a low-key event at an Indianapolis factory Wednesday by telling the audience that a victory in Indiana would be decisive. “It starts right here in Indiana,” Obama said. “If we win Indiana, we’ve got this nomination.“
He lost.
Dude, do you not understand predicate logic at all?
Hint: Only the contrapositive follows from a conditional, not the converse or inverse.
Rick Taylor
That’s not all that surprising. A lot of Hillary’s support has been from centrists. Choosing between Obama and McCain for a centrist is something of a question.
It’s a little surprising that a strong backer of Hillary or of Obama would choose McCain as a second choice. Purely on the issues, Hillary and Obama are so close as to be virtually indistinguishable, especially when contrasted with McCain.
Blue Raven
Zombie Terminator Hillary cannot be stopped.
Sure she can. One misstep after giving a speech in an iron smelting facility, and it’s say good night, Hillary. Sheesh, x2, don’t you watch sequels?
John D. Says:
Dude, do you not understand predicate logic at all?
Hint: Only the contrapositive follows from a conditional, not the converse or inverse.
That’s some sexy talk there, John D.
Hillaryisnt44 is a scary damn site. Popped over there to see if they were discussing the possibility of Hills trying to claim VP ( which would be awful ). Instead they are still sure she’s winning!
Although now there is alot of talk of who to vote for if Hills fails which is new, though its mostly a vote for McSame or even better – ‘to write down HRC on the ballot anyway’ which made me laugh hard. Give them a crayon and they can draw a pony next to it.
Zombie Terminator Hillary cannot be stopped.
God—a vision of Hillary stretching out her hand to the MUP: “Come vif me iff you vant to lif. BRAINZ!!!”
Krista still has a great attitude
That may change. I’m in the midst of house construction and as of last night, will be cutting out the beer and wine. And work is getting busier. So Crankypants Krista may be making an appearance over the next little while.
Zombie Terminator Hillary cannot be stopped.
Does she have the cool glowy red eye? If so, she’d be a great sleigh leader for Zombie Santa Claus.
He lost.
“Their infidels are committing suicide by the hundreds on the gates of Baghdad. Be assured, Baghdad is safe, protected.”
Two blog quotes:
I AM ANGRY AS HELL: This country is under assault by the SLEEPING GIANT,BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA,has secretly stirred up and we are letting him steal every that is near and dear to our values.He and Jeramiah have a long engineered plan to use the Whitehouse as the base that will bring BLACK POWER and constant FEAR into our lives.It has begun .Just read the crime news every day and you will see what is takening place.We must resist this threat of riots,mayhem,civil disobedience and yes even murders,fanning the fires of racial hate by the self-styled LEADER OF HIS PEOPLE..Notice that he always uses WE when he lalks about CHANGE. What fearful and disgusting candidate and his SVENGALI MENTOR,THE MAD and DANGEROUS JERAMIAH. Wake up Americans,Black and WHITE alike,or future and our lives are about to be changed forever. We must take with
support for Hillary,The smartest and toughest Woman ever to stand before our country and ask that we make her the 44th PRESIDENT of this great Nation.PLEASE do not let another FARAKAHND come into our lives.
As much as I would like to believe this, if it wasn’t for millions and millions of heavily indoctrinated Whites – Obama wouldn’t be where he is today.
People are so brainwashed with political correctness it’s almost insane. With all of the scandals Obama has already managed to brush aside, you’d really think people would wake up and smell the coffee.
At this point, even if he started praying towards Mecca with a KILL WHITEY t-shirt on live television, masses of delusional fools would still be crazy about him.
Quiz: Which quote came from, and which came from hillaryis44 ?
Quiz: Which quote came from, and which came from hillaryis44 ?
If you didn’t include the reference to being the 44th president, I wouldn’t know.
Richard Bottoms
WTF does it matter. The Republicans are going to get their asses handed to them.
Richard Bottoms
As I posted earlier from No Quarter blog-
“I call a Spade a Spade”
Uh oh. The jig is up.
Asti’s not around anymore, but Krista still has a great attitude and we’ve got a new “hippy chick” named Genine who seems ready for anything.
Aww, thanks cbear! It’s nice to feel welcomed! I’m not exactly new, though. I’ve been lurking for a while. I’ve been commenting because this blog is rapidly becoming one of the few bastions of sanity in the blogsphere.
And Krista’s great! It’s nice talking with another woman who gets what I’m saying- especially about this election. Oy!
Krista’s my new girl-crush!
Richard Bottoms
BTW, may I suggest a campaign issue that Obama can use to help poor folks right now and which the Democratic party ought to make one of its #1 priorities:
End Payday Lending.
In late March, the town council of Kilmarnock, Virginia, voted 4 to 2 to keep in place zoning laws that would effectively block the payday-loan industry from expanding in their town. Fifty citizens — an impressive turnout in a town of just 1,244 — crowded into the council meeting to plead with elected leaders not to change the town’s zoning laws to let Advance America, one of the largest payday lending companies in the country, set up shop at the local Wal-Mart complex.
“I think they practice usury,” said Frank Tomlinson, the council member who led the opposition to the proposed zoning change. “They loan to people who have their backs against the wall, and then they quite frankly stick it to ’em.”
Not to mention:
null pointer exception
heh. Indeedy.
El Cruzado
I can’t believe that article Zuzu quoted wasn’t from the Onion.
I just read that one of the front pagers over at Riverdaughter is going to be making the case for McCain as the lesser of two evils soon. That’ll be a can’t-miss post, I’m sure.
Close enough. Guy’s a “humorist” according to his bio.
Here I been racking my brain to figure out why the HIlbots have gone insane and O.Willis lays it out in one sentence.
Yea verily, that is fabtasatic.
I just visited the site for the first time. There is a real confluence of teh stupid over there.
John, can you do a post listing the blogs that have totally gone off the reservation over Hillary? Then I think we ought to be able to vote for the nuttiest. Give them some kind of award or something. Maybe a Magical Unity Pony.
As bad as some of the others are, can there really be any competition with Hillaryis44?
Oliver Willis:
C’mon, people. We’re Democrats: we can lose this, if we just try hard enough.
He lost.
As I posted earlier from No Quarter blog-
“I call a Spade a Spade”
Bonus Points for this comment from the author:
“It isn’t meant to offend black people. If it does there isn’t anything I can do about it. And I ain’t going to curb my language or allow it to be shaped by anyone else. Hell, many blacks believed that Hillary was being racist by saying that LBJ was responsible for signing the Civil Rights Act.
I know what I mean and thats good enough for me.”
I wonder what we can do to stop this travesty before it’s too late.
Too many votes is a major problem in this election.
er, that should have been:
As I posted earlier.
From No Quarter
When will this madness stop??? The people have no business choosing their leaders. For the good of the nation, it’s high time we stop treating people as corporations!!
The Moar You Know
I find the saddest result of our latest round of primaries is what it’s done to myiq; you can tell his heart is just not in it anymore, poor guy.
Zombie Terminator Hillary cannot be stopped.
Yo myiqey, glad to see you’ve regained your sense of humor, bro.
Maybe now we can get back to the important stuff—-late nite BJ carousing. Asti’s not around anymore, but Krista still has a great attitude and we’ve got a new “hippy chick” named Genine who seems ready for anything.
Or better yet, let’s make some money. Here’s my plan:
We buy a bunch of sharp sticks and eye-patches.
We go over to TalkShit, No Quarter(s), and Hillary(minus)44 and I start posting comments gloating about last night’s primary results.
Once the villagers are properly riled up—you step in and start moving the merchandise.
I tell you, we’ll make a fortune.
Whatta ya say buddy?
Notorious P.A.T.
I find your ideas interesting, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I am particularly interested in your ideas about corporate ownership of corporate persons.
“I just read that one of the front pagers over at Riverdaughter is going to be making the case for McCain as the lesser of two evils soon.”
That’s not all that surprising. A lot of Hillary’s support has been from centrists. Choosing between Obama and McCain for a centrist is something of a question.
John S.
Honeslty, nobody has to be sicker about reading some of the shit out there than myiq.
He may have preferred voting for Hillary, but he is going to vote for Obama in the fall. And who knows, he may actually like a president Obama, though I suspect he will be one of his tougher critics for a while. Which is fine – as long as he has a point.
I’d like to see myiq with a point again sometime soon. In fact, I look forward to it.
Crusty Dem
I’d love to see a list of the nutjob Clinton blogs (with particular special mention of the dead-enders). I’d like to nominate Corrente, for no other reason than that Lambert has taken to deleting and modifying inoffensive comments (including his own, after the fact).
John D.
Dude, do you not understand predicate logic at all?
Hint: Only the contrapositive follows from a conditional, not the converse or inverse.
Rick Taylor
It’s a little surprising that a strong backer of Hillary or of Obama would choose McCain as a second choice. Purely on the issues, Hillary and Obama are so close as to be virtually indistinguishable, especially when contrasted with McCain.
Blue Raven
Sure she can. One misstep after giving a speech in an iron smelting facility, and it’s say good night, Hillary. Sheesh, x2, don’t you watch sequels?
That’s some sexy talk there, John D.
Hillaryisnt44 is a scary damn site. Popped over there to see if they were discussing the possibility of Hills trying to claim VP ( which would be awful ). Instead they are still sure she’s winning!
Although now there is alot of talk of who to vote for if Hills fails which is new, though its mostly a vote for McSame or even better – ‘to write down HRC on the ballot anyway’ which made me laugh hard. Give them a crayon and they can draw a pony next to it.
God—a vision of Hillary stretching out her hand to the MUP: “Come vif me iff you vant to lif. BRAINZ!!!”
That may change. I’m in the midst of house construction and as of last night, will be cutting out the beer and wine. And work is getting busier. So Crankypants Krista may be making an appearance over the next little while.
Does she have the cool glowy red eye? If so, she’d be a great sleigh leader for Zombie Santa Claus.
“Their infidels are committing suicide by the hundreds on the gates of Baghdad. Be assured, Baghdad is safe, protected.”
Two blog quotes:
Quiz: Which quote came from, and which came from hillaryis44 ?
If you didn’t include the reference to being the 44th president, I wouldn’t know.
Richard Bottoms
WTF does it matter. The Republicans are going to get their asses handed to them.
Richard Bottoms
Uh oh. The jig is up.
Aww, thanks cbear! It’s nice to feel welcomed! I’m not exactly new, though. I’ve been lurking for a while. I’ve been commenting because this blog is rapidly becoming one of the few bastions of sanity in the blogsphere.
And Krista’s great! It’s nice talking with another woman who gets what I’m saying- especially about this election. Oy!
Krista’s my new girl-crush!
Richard Bottoms
BTW, may I suggest a campaign issue that Obama can use to help poor folks right now and which the Democratic party ought to make one of its #1 priorities:
End Payday Lending.
That’s hilarious — I said the same thing about you on another thread.
That is funny!
But to get back to topic. I love that Oliver Willis piece. I’ve been reading his blog more and more lately.